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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)



Bağlaçlar cümleler arasında bağlantı kurduklarından dolayı yapıda en az iki cümle vardır. Bağlaçlar cümlenin başında, ortasında veya sonunda olabilirler.



·        Coordinating conjunctions

·        Correlative conjunctions

·        Sentences connector

·        Adverbial clauses

·        Prepositional Phrases

·        Conditional

Bağlaçlarda özne ve konu bütünlüğü çok önemlidir. Soru şıklarında önce özne benzerliği aranmalıdır. Konu bütünlüğünde olumlu, olumsuz koşullar bağlaç türüne göre anlamlandırılmalıdır.


Boşluktan sonraki yapılar:

·        Cümle

·        Verb : fiilin yalın hali bu durumda 4 adet bağlaç vardır; to, as, so as to, in order to

·        Ving

·        N /NP


Noktalama işaretleri:

·     “So that, whereby, when, whenever, while, so long as” bağlaçlarından önce virgül gelmez.

·     Zaman bağlaçları virgülden sonra gelmez.

·     Birden fazla cümle arasındaki bağlantıyı sağlayan “Coordinating Conjunction” bağlaçlarından önce mutlaka bir virgül (,) vardır. [ FANBOYS: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So ].


Prepositional Phrase:

·     “Because of” parellellik ister.

·     As a result of, due to, in case of birbirlerinin yerine kullanılır.

·     Despite/ regardless of + Noun/noun phase

·     Because of /after+ Noun/vVing

·     “In case of” type-1 ana cümlede will ya da modal görülmesi gerekir.



·     Unless:olmadıkça, ana cümle olumsuz, ya cümle olumlu olduğunda.

·     “as if” kendinden önce bir takım davranış ve benzetme fiilleri ister.

·     “Even if” bir zıtlık bağlacıdır. İçerisinde “if” olduğu için “if” li yapılar ile çalışmak ister.

·     Unless: if tip1 yapısında kullanılır. Unless tarafı olumsuz olduğu için diğer cümleninde olumsuz olması gerekir.

Correlative conjunctions:

·     Neither nor, iki ayrı cümle bağlar

·     İki cümlenin her iki tafaında parellellik var ise (Söz gelimi … to …, … to …) ; not only but also, either or, and kalıpları kullanılır.


Zaman zarfı:

·     “Until” ve “before” aynı anlama gelmektedir. Zaman uyumu şarttır.

·     Zaman zarfı ile zaman bağlacı bir arada bulunmaktan hoşlanmazlar. “Until” zaman zarfıdır.

·     “Still”  zaman  bağlacıdır. “Still” görüldüğünde zıtlık bağlacına öncelik verilmelidir. “Still” olumsuzu işaret eder.


Adverbial zaman bağlacı:

·     Aynı anlamda aynı yapıda olan şıklar elenmelidir. However, even so, on the other hand

·     “Because” iki olumlu cümleyi, ya da iki olumsuz bir cümleyi bir araya getirir.

·     That is + Noun/adj

·     As’den sonra cümle geldiğinde “gibi” anlamına gelir. As’den sonra isim geldiğinde “olarak” anlamına gelir.

·       “But for” type-2 yapısındadır.

·     As well as: and. I like tea as well as coffee.

·       Whenever yapısında iki tarafta simple present tense olmak zorundadır.

·       “So that” cümle ortasında yer alır. Yan cümlesinde Modal yapıya ihtiyaç vardır.

·     Whereas: İki tarafta zıtlık bildirir.

·     Since then + Clause

·       “While” cümleciği iki cümleyi hem zaman hemde zıtlık yönünden bağlar.


The two independent clauses are joined together with a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

-    She didn’t press the bell, but I did.

-    I want to work as an interpreter in the future, so I am studying English at university.

-    I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.

-    The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, but it’s better in the heat of summer.


A compound sentence can be created by joining the two independent clauses with a semicolon.

-    The road runs through a beautiful wooded valley; the railway line is parallel to it.

-    Terry always slept with the light on; he was afraid of the dark.

Terry always slept with the light on because he was afraid of the dark. Terry always slept with the light on, as he was afraid of the dark.

-    The night was extremely cold; frost covered the windowpanes.

-    There is no need to be frightened; he is a very friendly dog.


Birden fazla cümle arasındaki bağlantıyı sağlayan bu bağlaçlar mutlaka iki cümle arasında bulunurlar. Cümlenin başında bulunmazlar. “Coordinating Conjunction” bağlaçlarından önce mutlaka bir virgül (,) vardır. [ FANBOYS: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So ].


However, if the independent clauses are short and well-balanced, a comma is not really essential:

-    She is kind so she helps people.



And: ve            (Paralellik, sıralama bağlacı)

“And” is used to join two words, phrases etc. referring to things that are related in some way. Take two independent clauses and join them together with the conjunction and: "The door opened.", "The man walked in.": The door opened, and the man walked in.

-    It was snowing heavily, and there was a storm.

It was snowing heavily and there was a storm. (Nadiren virgülsüz)

-    David gave away his stamp collection, and he got rid of his coins.

-    Residents were reported trapped in their homes and cars, and strong winds and icy roads caused motorway accidents and forced school closures in parts of the US.

-    The astronomical unit is the average distance of the earth from the Sun, and it is the standard of distances in the Solar System.

-    A group of space aliens are invading the earth and kidnapping sexy, good looking and highly intelligent older man for various experiments.


When "and" is used with the last word of a list, a comma is optional:

-    He drinks beer, whisky, wine, and rum. He drinks beer, whisky, wine and rum.


For: için, zira (edat olarak, “için”; bağlaç olarak iki cümlecik arasında “zira” anlamındadır.)

“For” is used to introduce the reason for something. “For” means the exact same thing as “because”. The only difference is that when you use “for” to join two sentences together into one compound sentence, you need to use a comma before it. When you use “because” to join to sentences, you don’t use a comma before it.

-    The day broke, for the birds were beginning to sing.

-    The pond was stocked with trout in April, for the supply of fish was down last year.

-    I can not tell whether she is old or young, for I have never seen her. Note: Bu yapı “for + noun” kullanımı ile karıştırılmamalıdır.



Or: veya, yahut, ya da (eşdeğerlik bağlacı alternatifleri gösterir)

“Or” is used between two words or phrases to show that either of two things is possible.

-    We must hurry, or we will be late.

-    You would better have a friendly relationship with your boss, or you will lose your job.

-    The grain shipment had to be sent, or there would be much starving in the provinces.

“Or” bağlacı “eğer yapmazsak” anlamında “if” anlamı da verir. “Or” is used to introduce another choice or possibility:

-    Would you like tea or coffee?


“Or” is used in negative statements to introduce something else that is also not true.

-    We couldn’t stop or get out of the taxi.


“Or” is used to say what will happen if a specified thing is not done.

-    You have to go to the job interview or you won’t get a job.


“Or” is used to introduce the reason why something said previously is true.

-    He must have passed the exam or he would be upset.


“Or” is used to introduce a word or phrase that defines or explains what another word or phrase means.

-    Adiós, or in English goodbye, is what we say to each other when we’re leaving.



-    Be careful, or you’ll make grammatical mistakes.


But: ama, ancak, fakat (zıtlık ifade eder)

-    Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

-    We may not know very much about butterflies, but they are certainly very beautiful.

-    The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot, dry winds of the Mojave Desert, but they also prevent the circulation of air.

-    The car is beautiful, but it is so expensive.

-    I sent an e-mail to him last month, but I haven't had a reply from him yet.

-    I gave him my address, but he didn't contact me.

-    Oxygen, sugars and amino acids are allowed into brain, but most other substances are kept out.

-    It's an old car, but it's very reliable.

-    They rushed to the hospital, but they were too late.

-    We've invited the boss, but she may decide not to come.

-    According to the legend, she was approached by Apollo, but she refused to respond to his love.

-    Our oceans fell from the sky, but not as rain.

-    Enthusiasts in some countries had been building small rockets and thinking about space travel for many years, but it was a team of scientists and engineers in Germany that finally made the dream a reality.

-    Several species of birds in Vietnam vanished during the war, but they began to reappear in the 1980s and their gradual return has been encouraged by Vietnamese villagers.

-    Compared to its Balkan neighbours, Greece is an wealthy country, but it remains one of the poorer members of the European Union.

-    An ideal anticancer drug would destroy cancer cells without harming normal cells, but no such drug exists.

-    The island groups in the Pacific are often called “Oceania,” but this name does not imply that they are the remains of a continent.

-    In Egypt, a number of oil deposits have been discovered in recent years, but it is unlikely that oil will play a major role in the country’s economy in the near future.

Son yıllarda Mısır’da birçok petrol yatakları keşfedilmiştir, ancak petrolün, yakın gelecekte ülke ekonomisinde önemli bir rol oynaması muhtemel değildir.


Positive Sentence, but + negative auxiliary:

-    Jack is rich, but John isn’t.

-    They are good, but those aren’t.

-    I was at home, but Sue wasn’t.

-    Mary studies hard, but Sam doesn’t.


Negative Sentence, but + positive auxiliary:

-    I didn’t watch the film, but she did.

-    I can’t speak English, but he can.

-    Jim will not be there, but Morris will.


Nor: ne de (or’un olumsuzu olup iki alternatiften hiç biri anlamındadır.)

“Nor” means “also not”. “Nor” requires unusual grammar. The first sentence will contain a negative verb. The second sentence will contain what looks like an interrogative affirmative verb form. An auxiliary verb (do /does /did, is /am /are /was /were), modal verb (can /could /will /would

/may /might /must /should), or be main verb (is/am/are/was/were) comes after “nor” and before the subject, and then the main verb comes after the subject.

-    I don’t want to visit anybody, nor do I want anybody to come to me.

-    She doesn’t drink milk, nor does she eat butter.

-    I can’t whistle, nor can I sing.

-    He didn’t study last night, nor did he read his book.

-    They were not wearing jackets, nor were they carrying umbrellas.



So: bundan dolayı, böylece (sonuca götüren bağlaçtır)

-    These newcomers often end up not finding the opportunities they are looking for, so they become part of the urban poor.

-    The temperature was five degrees below normal in February, so home heating bills rose by fifteen percent.

-    I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich.

-    It was snowing heavily, so we cancelled the match. Çok kar yağıyordu, bu nedenle (bundan dolayı) maçı iptall ettik.

Note: Sonuç gösterdiği için asla cümle “So” ile başlamaz.




Yet: halbuki

-    Kelly was a convicted criminal, yet many people admired him.

-    I was expecting him to be a great man, yet he amounted to nothing.

-    There are hundreds of mental or cognitive ability tests available worldwide, yet the number of people who value their results remains very low.


Note: “Yet” Cümle sonunda ve Present Perfect Tense ile henüz anlamında kullanılır.

-    I have not finished my work yet.


When you use correlative conjunctions, be careful about verb, subject agreement and parallel structure.



·        Aralarında karşılıklı ilişki ya da bağlantı olan aynı cins iki gramer yapısını birbirine bağlar.

·        İlkinde hangi yapı kullanılmışsa ikincisinde de aynı yapı kullanılır; Sözgelimi ilkinde sıfat var ise ikincisinde de sıfat; ilkinde zarf gelmişse ikincisinde de zarf, ilkinde fiil var ise ikincisinde de fiil gelmelidir.


İkili olarak kullanılırlar:

Both ... and,

not only ... but also, either ... or,

neither ... nor, whether ... nor, as ... as,

such ... that, scarcely ... when, as many ...  as, no sooner ... than,

Hardly ... when/before: tam _mıştı ki … oldu Scarcely ... when/before: tam _mıştı ki … oldu rather ... than.

Rather ... then: …dan ziyade …. Oldu Prefer … to …: … yı … ya tercih ederim.

Prefer + to + V1: … yapmaktansa … yapmayı tercih ederim. Prefer + Ving : … yapmaktansa … yapmayı tercih ederim.



Both … and: hem... hem de, (eşit mesafede durur)


-    Both your friends and your family should support you.

-    He is both intelligent and good-natured.

-    You should enter both the date and the time.

-    Both the man who is at the corner and the man who is in that shop are from Japan.

-    Generally, social media platforms can be thought of as virtual meeting places which function to encourage the exchange of media content among users who are both producers and consumers.

Not only … but also: sadece ... değil ... aynı zamanda


-    Not only my daughter but also my wife is in the kitchen. Both my daughter and my wife are in the kitchen

-    He is not only running, but also trying to talk on the phone.

-    This car is not only fast but also comfortable.

-    She is not only clever, but also hard-working.

-    She not only speaks English but also Italian.

-    If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization.

-    It is important not only to know the law but also to follow it.

-    He not only discovered the law of floating objects, or specific gravity, but also formulated with scientific exactness the principles of the lever, the pulley, and the screw.

-    Countries are interested not only in their absolute economic welfare, but also in how well they are performing compared to other countries.

-    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was not only a poet and an author but also the chairman of the modern language department at Harvard university for more than eighteen years.

-    She used her artistic capacity not only to support her family but also to represent human suffering


“Not only … but also” yapısı iki cümleyi de birbirine bağlayabilir. İki cümleyi bağlarken “also” ya cümlenin sonunda ya da fiilden önce kullanılır ya da hiç kukullanılmaz. Cümle sonunda kullanıldığında “also” yerine “as well” de kullanılabilir.

-    Poluton not only does harm to environment but it (also) endangers the life on the earth (as well). Kirlilik sadece çevreye zarar vermez. Aynı zamanda yeryüzündeki hayatı da tehlikeye atar.


“Not only” iki cümleyi birbirine bağlarken cümlenin başına gelirse “not only” yapısının olduğu taraf devrik olur.

-    Not only can he make people laugh, but he can also make the cry. O sadece insanları güldürmüyor aynı zamanda ağlatabiliyor da.


“Not only … but also” yapısında “only” yerine “just, merely, solely, simply” zarfarı da kullanılabilir.

-    He not just works but he goes for walk every morning as well. O sadece çalışmıyor, aynı zamanda her yabah yürüyüşe de gidiyor.



Either … or: ya ... ya da


-    They will send it either today or tomorrow. (Ya bugün ya da yarın gönderecekler.)

-    Either you leave now or I call the police!

-    I will either go for a walk or read a book.

-    You must register either by phone or by email.

-    When modern coastal fish-farming began 30 years ago, no one was doing things right, either

for the environment or the industry’s long-term sustainability.

Neither ... nor: ne ... ne de (neither /nor)


“Neither … nor” olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır, ancak kendisi olumsuz olduğundan cümlenin anlamı da olumsuz olur.

-    A vacuum will neither conduct heat nor transmit sound waves.

-    I love neither flowers nor roses. (Ne çiçekleri ne de gülleri severim.)

-    He is neither rich nor famous.

-    Neither doctors nor scientists can accurately predict who will become schizophrenic.

-    In the current financial crisis, Italy is alone among the big European countries in having neither a bank rescue fund nor a stated figure for the sum it is ready to make available.



Whether … or …: ister o ister öbürü / ya o ya da öbürü Whether … or (ikisinden hangisi / …mi yoksa ...mi)

Whether yapısında bir tarafında cümle diğer tarafına ise isim gelir.

-    He is trying to decide whether to be a teacher or a historian.

-    Have you decided whether you will come or not?

-    He doesn't know whether to apologize or walk away.

-    Someone's got to tell her, whether it's you or me.

-    Let's face it - you're going to be late whether you go by bus or train.

-    He seemed undecided whether to go or stay

-    Whether it is a stone or rock



If ... then: eğer ... ise, sonrası ...

-    If that is true, then what happened is not surprising. Eğer bu doğruysa, olan şey şaşırtıcı değil.



What with ... and: ... ile birlikte


-    What with all her aunts, uncles and cousins, she has many relatives. Tüm teyzeleri, amcanları ve kuzenleriyle birlikte, çok akrabası var.



No sooner … than … : _mesiyle _mesi bir oldu, (as soon as)

No sooner had + Clause (V3) + than …+ Past simple: _mesiyle _mesi bir oldu. Subject + had + no sooner + V3 + than …+ Past simple: _mesiyle _mesi bir oldu.


No sooner is used to show that one thing happens immediately after another thing. It is often used with the past perfect, and usually followed by than:

-    They had no sooner arrived than they were arguing.

-    We had no sooner started cooking than there was a power cut and we had no electricity.

-    I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked. Kapıyı tam kapatmıştım ki biri kapıyı çaldı.

-    We no sooner sat down in the train than I felt sick. Trende tam oturmuştuk ki midem bulandı.

When no sooner is used in front position, we invert the order of the auxiliary verb and subject. This is common in more formal and literary styles:

-    No sooner had they started their walk than it started to rain.

-    No sooner did Israel declare its independence in May 1948 than its five neighbouring states invaded it.

-    No sooner had he reached the corner, than the bus came.

-    No sooner had I entered through the door than the phone rang. Kapıdan girmemle telefonun çalması bir oldu.

-    No sooner had we arrived at the cinema than the film started. Sinemaya gelmemizle filmin başlaması bir oldu.



Hardly ... when/before: tam … olmuştu ki … oldu Scarcely ... when/before: tam … olmuştu ki … oldu

Heriki tarafta da cümle var. Cümleler genelde past tense olur. (Simple past, past perfect, past perfect continuous, past continuous)

-    Scarcely had we left home, when it started to rain.

-    Scarcely had we started watching the movie when they came. (Filmi izlemeye henüz başlamıştık ki onlar geldi.)

-    I had hardly/scarcely closed my eyes when the phone rang. Gözlerimi kapatmamla telefonun çalması bir oldu./Tam gözlerimi kapatmıştım ki telefon çaldı.

-    She was hardly/scarcely inside the house before the kids started screaming. Tam eve girmişti ki çocuklar çığlık atmaya başladı.

-    I had hardly begun to work, when I was interrupted.



Rather ... then: …dan ziyade …. Oldu

-    I would rather go swimming than go to the library.



Prefer … to …: … yı … ya tercih ederim.

İki isim arasında tercih ederken kullanılır. Iki isim arasına “to” eki alr.

-    I prefer tea to coffee. Çayı kahveye tercih ederim.


Prefer + to + V1: … yapmaktansa … yapmayı tercih ederim.



Prefer + Ving                          : … yapmaktansa … yapmayı tercih ederim.

-    He prefers to drink a cup of tea rather than to eat a sandwich.

-    I prefer drinking a cup of tea to eating a sandwich.

Q1. The inhabitants of our village claim that pedestrians have no choice but to risk their lives crossing the dangerous road as there is — a pedestrian bridge — a crosswalk.

A.  not only / but also

B.  both / and

C.  neither / nor

D.  no sooner / than

E.  hardly / when


Heriki boşluğun hemen yaında isim yani parelellik var. D ve E şıkları olmaz, çünkü:

-    I had hardly begun to work, when I was interrupted.

-    No sooner had we arrived at the cinema than the film started. Sinemaya gelmemizle filmin başlaması bir oldu.

Not only /but also ve both /and yapıları cümleyi olumlu yaparlar. Neither /nor ise cümleyi olumsuz yapar. “But” olumsuzluk eki göz önüne alındığında doğru şık: C



Q2. Due to — a lack of production — increasing housing prices, Liverpool is now ranked as one of the least affordable cities countrywide.

A.  neither / nor

B.  no sooner / than

C.  scarcely / before

D.  both / and

E.  hardly / when


Due to + NP/OP/Ving: olmasından dolayı, olduğu için

“no sooner / than, scarcely / before, hardly / when” yapıları adverbial time clause olduğundan her iki boşluğa da cümle gelmeliydi. Bu nedenle B, C ve E şıkları elenir. Cümlede olumsuz bir anlatım olmadığından A. şıkkıda elenir. Doğru yanıt: D



Adverbial Conjunctions:

Ana cümleyi niteleyen ve zarf görevi yüklenen yan cümleciklere İngilizce'de "adverbial clauses" denir. Zarf cümlecikleri cümlenin başına ya da sonuna gelebilir. Yan cümlecik başa yerleştirildiğinde ana cümleden virgülle ayrılmalıdır.


Here are some common adverbial conjunctions:

Although, after, before, because, how, if, once, since, so that, until, unless, when, while, where, whether.


Introductory adverb clauses are set off from the main sentence by a comma. Adverbial conjunction + independent clause + , + independent clause.

-    Because it is rainy today, the trip is canceled.

-    Although Billy couldn’t swim, he jumped off the pier.

-    Even if you pay for my ticket, I will not go.

-    Though he had the right qualifications, he did not land the job.


Adverb clauses that follow the main idea are usually not set off with commas. Independent clause + adverbial conjunction + independent clause.

-      I will be coming straight home after I go to the store.

-      She is in terrific condition because she exercises regularly.

-    He did not land the job though he had the qualifications.

-    He waved when he saw his girlfriend.

-    Billy jumped off the pier although he couldn’t swim.


A subordinate clause usually gives essential information for the main clause. Therefore, it should not be separated from it with a comma. However, when a subordinate clause is at the start of a sentence, a comma is used because it helps readers by letting them know where the main clause starts.


Here are some common subordinating conjunctions: After, although, as, as if, as long as, as soon as, as though, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order that, once, provided that, since, so that, though, unless, until, when/whenever, where/wherever, whether, while


Subordinate clauses are dependent on the main clause in some way and do not normally stand alone. Note the way in which subordinating conjunctions also give meaning to the sentence:

       if suggests a condition

       when / whenever indicate time

       while suggests time or contrast of surprising facts

       because points to reason

       since suggests reason or time

       as suggests reason or time

       although / though / even though all indicate a contrast of surprising facts

Subordinating clauses of this kind can normally go first or last in the sentence, depending on what you want to emphasize:

-    Whenever I babysit at their house, I am always very well looked after.

-    I am always very well looked after whenever I babysit at their house.

-    When I babysat for the Robinsons last month, I was given nothing to eat or drink.

-    I was given nothing to eat or drink when I babysat for the Robinsons last month.

-    While I am fond of their children, I think the parents are very mean. (BUT NOT: I think the parents are very mean while I am fond of their children.)


Word order in subordinate clauses is first the subject, then the verb.

-    I bought a book on history.I bought the book that you asked for.

-    I know the way to his house.

-    I know where he lives.

-    He went home after work.

-    He went home after he had finished work.


No future tense is used in subordinate clauses of time referring to the future (after the conjunctions "when, till, until, after, before, as soon as, as long as, by the time", and some others). The present tense, usually the Simple Present, is used instead of the future in clauses of time.

-    He will call you when he returns.

-    I'll help you after I have dinner.

-    I will wait until he finishes his work.

-    I said that I would wait until he finished his work.


No future tense is used in subordinate clauses of condition referring to the future (after the conjunctions "if, unless, in case, on condition that", and some others).

-    If he calls, tell him the truth.

-    I will talk to him if I see him.

-    I won't be able to go with you unless I finish this work soon enough.


A comma is generally not used between the main clause and the adverbial subordinate clause if the subordinate clause stands after the main clause. But a comma is used between them if the subordinate clause stands at the beginning of the sentence before the main clause. Compare:

-    She went for a walk in the park after she had finished her work on the report.

-    After she had finished her work on the report, she went for a walk in the park.


A comma is used before the adverbial subordinate clause if the subordinate clause refers to the whole main clause (not only to the verb in it). Such situations often occur in the case of the clauses beginning with "though, although, whatever, no matter what" and "because". Compare:

-    She was absent because she was ill.

-    They must have been sleeping, because there was no light in their windows.


Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence.

-    Oliver Ellsworth, the third chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, was the author of the bill established the federal court system.

-    Total color blindness, a rare condition, is the result of a defect in the retina.

-    Parsley, an inexpensive herb, is often used in soups and sauces. Maydanoz, pahalı olmayan bir bitki, genellikle çorbalar ve soslarda kullanılır.

-    Jupiter, the closest of the giant planets to Earth, has no solid surface and is surrounded by zoones of intense radiation.

-    Tornados, powerful, destructive wind storms, occur most pften in the spring when hot winds rising over flat land encounter heavy cold air.

-    Willa Cather considered her novel of life in nineteenth-century Nebraska, My Antonia, her best work.




Subordinators are linking words that  are  used  to  join  clauses  together.  They  are  used  at  the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.  A clause is  a group  of  words  that must contain a subjectand predicate. There are two types of clauses:

·        independent clauses - these can stand alone as a sentence by themselves

·        dependent clauses - these make no sense by themselves.

Two sentences with  linking words in the beginning or the middle of the sentence.


Common subordinators

Below are some examples of commonly used subordinators.

Comparison                           & Contrast

Cause / effect


·        Although

·        Though

·        Even though

·        While

·        Whereas

·        Since

·        So that

·        Because

·        After

·        When

·        Until

·        Whenever

·        Before


Place & manner


·        if

·        as if

·        whether

·        unless

·        Wherever

·        Where

·        How

Adverbial clauses function as adverbial modifiers. Adverbial clauses include several types of clauses that indicate time, place, purpose, cause, result, condition, concession, manner, comparison.


Adverbial clauses usually come after the main clause:

-    Her father died when she was very young.

-    She had a difficult childhood because her father died when she was very young.


Some subordinate clauses can come in front of the main clause:

-    Although a few snakes are dangerous, most of them are quite harmless.

-    Although she has always lived in France, she speaks fluent English because her mother was American and her father was Nigerian.


The adverbial clause of time:

-    He hasn't called me since he arrived.

-    Call me as soon as you receive the report.


After the time referring conjunction (when, till, until, after, before, as soon as, as long as, by the time, and some others) is not used future tense. The present tense, usually the Simple Present, is used instead of the future in clauses of time.

-    I will wait until he finishes his work.

-    I said that I would wait until he finished his work.


The adverbial clause of place:

-    This cat sleeps wherever it wants.

-    Go down this street and stop where the road turns right.


The adverbial clause of purpose:

-    He works hard so that he can buy a house for his family.

-    He gave her detailed directions so that she could find his house easily.

-    We left early in order that we might get there before the beginning of the wedding ceremony.


The adverbial clause of result:

-    My car was repaired on Thursday so that on Friday I was able to leave.

-    I have so much work this week that I won't be able to go to the concert.


The adverbial clause of reason:

-    I can't come to the party because I have a cold.

-    I called you because I needed money.

-    Since she didn't know anyone there, she stayed in her room most of the time.

-    As there are several possible answers to this question, let's discuss all of them.


The adverbial clause of comparison:

-    He works as quickly as he can.

-    Tom is older than I am.

-    It looks as if it is going to snow.

-    You sound as if you have a sore throat.

Note that after "as if; as though", the subjunctive mood is used in cases expressing unreality.

-    He looks as if he were old and sick.

-    She described it as if she had seen it all with her own eyes.

-    She loves them as though they were her children.


The adverbial clause of concession:

-    Though he was tired, he kept working.

-    Although it was already dark, he could still see the shapes of the trees.

-    He didn't convince them, although he tried very hard.

-    No matter what she says, call me at nine o'clock.

-    Whatever happens, you must help each other.

-    Find him, whatever happens.


The adverbial clause of condition:

-    We will go to the lake on Saturday if the weather is good.

-    If the plane left on time, they should be in New York now.

-    If he has already seen the report, he knows about our plans.


Aafter the condition referring conjunction (if, unless, in case, on condition that, and some others) is not used future tense.

-    If he calls, tell him the truth.

-    I will talk to him if I see him.

-    I won't be able to go with you unless I finish this work soon enough.


İp uçları:

Conjunctions that answer the question "when?"; Since then + Clause

Because of /after+ Noun/Ving

Present future tense + until /when/as soon as + present simple tense


Time clauses are used to say when something happens by referring to a period of time or to another event.


Conjunctions: when, before, after, since, while, as, as long as Time adverbial: until, till, still, always

hardly, scarcely, no sooner,




As : gibi

-    It was not money as we know and understand it today.


As : … iken, (when, while≈ just as ≈much as)

-    I nabbed him as he was going out the door. Tam kapıdan çıkarken onu yakaladım.

-    As the prision warders were eating their lunch, the prioners escaped.

-    She sprained her ankle as she was playing tennis.

-    As I was walking down street, I met old friend.

-    I saw Tom as he was getting off the bus. Tom’u otobüsten inerken gördüm.

-    As the children were singing in the garden, it began to rain. Çocuklar bahçede şarkı söylerken yağmur başladı.

-    As I was finishing my homework, she began cooking.

-    He was working as we were playing.

-    I was there as she was telling that story.

-    You don’t talk much as you are eating.

-    As she was walking down the road, she was hit by a lorry.


Just as: Tıpkı … gibi, tam olurken

We may use “as” as an alternative to “when” when we are comparing two short actions or events that happened or happen at the same period of time. We often combine it with just. Just as’in diğer bir kullanım yeri ise zaman bağlacı olduğu yerdir. While anlamına gelen as’in başına sadece just ekleyerek vurgulu bir anlatım elde edilir. “Just as” bağlacı sınavın cümle tamamlama kısmında benzerlik ve paralellik için kullanılmaktadır. Tıpkı bilim adamlarının tahmin ettiği gibi

-    Just as I was getting off a bus, …

-    Just as it was planned, ….: tıpkı planlandığı gibi

-    It swims on the seafloor just as it is ancestors did.

-    The nests birds leave behind provide clues about their lives and environment just as archaeological sites supply glimpses of human history

-    Just as I was leaving, the phone rang. Tam çıkarken telefon çaldı.

-    We got to the bank just as they were about to close. Bankaya, tam kapatmak üzerelerken yetiştik.

-    Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen.


-    The telephone rang (just) as I was climbing into my bath.

-    We got to the bank just as they were about to close. Bankaya, tam kapatmak üzerelerken yetiştik.

-    Just as I feel pessimistic, so does my mom (Ben tam kendimi kötümser hissettim, anemde. Çoğunlukla ikinci cümle so ile başlar ve cümle devrik olur. Agree – Disagree)

-    In mythology, Apollo, who was the twin brother of Artemis, known also as Diana, was considered to represent masculine physical perfection, just as his sister represented female excellence.

Mitolojide, Diana olarak da bilinen Artemis'in ikiz kardeşi olan Apollo, tıpkı kız kardeşinin kadın mükemmeliğini temsil ettiği gibi erkeksi fiziksel mükemmelliği temsil ettiği düşünülür.




Zaman bağlacı olarak “olurken, olduğunda, olunca” anlamı verir.

-    You have to get up when the bugle blows.

-    The Princess of Wales was killed in a car crash in 1997, when he was just 12.


Zaman bağlacı olarak “olması gerekirken, olması gerektiği halde” anlamı verir.

-    When you should have gotten at least three million, you only got one million. En az üç milyon alman gerekirken sadece bir milyon aldın.


Zaman bağlacı olarak “ olduğuna göre” anlamı verir.

-    How can you buy a home when you earn two thousand liras per month.

-    It was snowing when we arrived. Vardığımızda kar yağıyordu.

-    He waved when he saw his girlfriend. Kız arkadaşını görünce el salladı.



-    It was snowing when we arrived. Vardığımızda kar yağıyordu. (Past continuous, Past simple)

-    He waved when he saw his girlfriend. Kız arkadaşını görünce el salladı. (Past simple, Past simple)

-    When she called, I had already eaten lunch. (Past simple, Past perfect)

-    I always leave home when the postman comes.(Present simple, Present simple)

-    When she was ill, the doctor came home every day.

-    When I fought back, one of them took out a gun and told me to stop resisting. I did.

-    The earliest recorded use of an unmanned aerial vehicle for warfighting occurred on August 22, 1849, when the Austrians attacked the Italian city of Venice with unmanned balloons loaded with explosives.

-    With few exceptions, most totalitarian governments have become more liberal since 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell.

-    In general, when credit demand is low, interest rates are correspondingly low.

-    Workloads seem lighter when countered by antistress measures such as exercising, enjoying time with friends and cultivating a hobby.

-    The United Nations officially recognized the greenhouse effect in 1995, when its International Panel on Climate noted that human activity had a discernible influence on global temperatures.

-    One of the world’s worst space flight disasters occurred on 28 January 1986, when the shuttle Challenger exploded soon after take-off, killing the crew of seven.


Öncesinde verilen bir zaman ifadesini niteleyerek “adjective Clause” yapısı oluşturur.

-    1960 is the year when I was born.

-    I can clearly remember the day when I saw you for the first time.


“Ne zaman” anlamında Noun Clause yapısı oluşturulur.

-    I don’t know when she will come.

-    Professor has asked me when I will hand the project.

-    When they will arrive depends on the traffic.


When it comes to …: gelince, söz konusu olduğunda

-    When it comes to renting or buying, you'll spend about the same amount.




Whenever: her ne zaman

-    Whenever you need my car you can take it.

-    Whenever he comes home; he acts like a hungry dog.

-    Whenever I go to sleep early, I have extraordinary dreams.

-    This is especially true whenever its price increases sharply, and experts immediately get to work to diagnose the cause and consequences of the price increase.

-    Whenever I get angry and upset, I try to take ten deep breaths.


Every time: her ne zaman

-    We can’t keep calling the doctor every time you get a headache.

-    Peter gets drunk every time he drinks. Peter ne zaman içse sarhoş oluyor.


Conjunction in Time Clauses; since: den beri

When “since” is used as a preposition to introduce a date or a specific time in the past, it is normally used with present perfect and past perfect tenses. It refers to a period of time starting at a particular point in the past and continuing up till now (present perfect) or up until another point in the past (past perfect).


Genelde yan cümlecik V2, ana cümlecik V3 yapısındadır.

The tense in the since-clause can be past or perfect, depending on whether it refers to a point in the past or to a period of time leading up to the present or, in the case of the past perfect, leading up to a point in the past.


-    It was only a week since we have known each other, but we are very much in love.

-    They are a lot happier since they have been living apart.

-    Since he left on Saturday, I haven’t seen him again.

-    Since joining the company, Mike has been promoted twice.

-    They have been quarrelling since they’ve been married. They’ve been happy since they’ve lived here.


Conjunction in Reason Clauses; since: diği için, den dolayı, made ki (because, as)

-    Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.

-    Since you are so wealthy, why don’t you just buy the whole building?

-    She was late since there was heavy traffic.


Preposition; since + noun/time/date: den beri

“Since” + the start of a period:

since 1993, since the party, since he was 8 years old, Since this morning, since last week, since yesterday, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock.

(For + a period of time; for about seven years, for an hour, for 27 years, for a log time)

I haven’t seen him since this morning.

-    I have worked here since 1990.

-    I haven’t seen my younger brother since 14 July 1998.

-    She has lived here since 1980.

-    Alice has been married since March 2nd.

-    They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.

-    I have been here since the accident.

-    They’ve been on strike since the beginning of April and there’s no sign of it ending.

-    I hadn’t visited the area since my childhood days and I noticed last summer how everything had changed.

Ever since: ta o zamandan beri

Since as a conjunction sometimes combines with ever to make ever since. Note also in these examples that present and past tenses are possible in the main clause as well as the present perfect:

-    The company started losing money in 2002 and has been in serious decline ever since.

-    I took my final exams five years ago and have been working as a doctor ever since.

-    My father has not smiled ever since my mother died.



Since then: o zamanlardan beri (adverb)


“Since” zarf olarak kullandığında, mutlaka öncesi cümle yapısı V2 olmalıdır. Since yapısının kullanıldığı cümle ise “have/has + V3” yapısında olmak zorundadır.

“Since” can also be used as an adverb. “Since then” refers to a particular point in time and ever since to a period of time. Which one we use depends on whether we want to focus attention on the point in time or on the continuing period of time.

-    I saw her las week. I haven’t heard from her since. Onu geçen hafta gördüm. O zamandan beri ondan haber almadım.

-    She left home in 1992 and he hasn’t contacted us since then.

-    The company started losing money in 2002 and has been in serious decline since then.

-    He left this morning and we haven’t seen him since.

-    He was sent to prison, but has since been released.

-    Since, no one has lived here.

-    Since then, I haven’t been able to sleep well.

-    We have had no gas since the strike began.

-    I have earned my own living since I left school.


Since when: Ne zamandan beri

-    Since when do I need your permission?

-    When did you start working here? A: Last August.

Since when have you been working here? A: Since August.

-    I've been working for my present employer since 1998.

How long have you been working for your present employer? Since when have you been working for your present employer?


Zaman bağlacı olarak kullanıldığında iki eylem ya da durumun eş zamanlı olduğunu gösterir. Simple present tense/future tense + while + simple present continuous

-    Every morning while running in the park I see one particular deer.


While: _iken

Zaman bağlacı olarak kullanıldığında iki eylem ya da durumun eş zamanlı olduğunu gösterir. Structure: Simple present tense/future tense + while + simple present continuous.

-    Every morning while running in the park I see one particular deer.

-    Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed to create one tonne of polyol, which is an alcoholic substance used in a number of plastics, while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the same result.

Bir dizi plastikte kullanılan bir alkollü madde olan bir ton poliol oluşturmak için şu anda sekiz ton ham petrole ihtiyaç duyulurken sadece 1.7 ton mısır aynı sonucu vermektedir.


While: irken (when, while, as , ≈ just as)

We can connect the past continuous and Past simple together by using the words “when, while, and as.”

-    While I was walking down the street, I saw an old friend of mine.

-    While I was studying, he came in. (Ben ders çalışırken o geldi.)

-    While you were in class, I was studying chemistry.

-    He fell asleep while he was doing his English exercises. İngilizce alıştırmalarını yaparken uyuya kaldı.

-    She sprained her ankle while she was playing tennis. Tenis oynarken ayak bileğini burktu.

-    While she was washing the dishes, the children played games. (O bulaşıkları yıkarken çocuklar oyun oynadılar.)

-    The pragmatic origins and uses of IQ tests have recently been emphasized, while the early pioneers of intelligence testing were mostly interested in theoretical questions about the nature of intelligence.



At the same time: aynı zamanda, bununla birlikte

"At the same time" is used to refer to two or more events taking place simultaneously. "At the same time "- refers to a specific moment.”In the same time "refers to duration.

-    No one likes conflict. While, we have to deal with this problem.

-    We listen at the same time the teacher talks.


Reduction of adverb clauses, time: while (during the same time)

-    While I was watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door. While watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door.

Watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door. [While can be omitted.]


Note: After the conjunctions "when" and "while" the present participle is used. Be very attentive when reading the terms of the contract.

-    We discussed those questions while preparing for the meeting.

As soon as” is very similar to “when” it emphasizes that the event will occur immediately after the other. We usually use the simple present for future events. Although present perfect can also be used. ASAP: as soon as possible.


-    As soon as she saw me, she began to laugh. Beni görür görmez gülmeye başladı.

-    I’ll tell him the news as soon as I see him. Onu görür görmez haberi vereceğim.

-    I would like to go for a walk as soon as the rain has stopped.



On+ specific date

-    On he had found somewhere to live he started looking for work.

-    On signing this contract, you will have to obey the rules. =Once you sign this contract ...

Once” sabısızlık gösterir. Once = (when, after, as soon as). “Once” can be used as a conjunction

meaning ‘after’, ‘as soon as’. It is most often used with a perfect tense.

Bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında “Hemen, olur olmaz, -ir –mez” anlamı verir. (Upon, on, as soon as,when, just after).

-    Once you push this button, the door will open.

-    Once agricultural land, the Turkish authorities had turned it into a vast minefield in the 1950s to prevent smuggling.

-    We all stood up once he entered.

-    Once we have acknowledged the painful memories of the past, we can begin to come to terms with them.

-    Once individuals lose status, either through separation from a partner or loss of “resource earning potential” like job, money oor home, they become vulnerable to aggression and displacement from high-ranking types within their social group.

-    Once you are able to see yourself interacting with others you can work on extinguishing any undesirable behaviours.


Bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında “bir … olursa” anlamı verir.

-    Once he starts he will be obliged to continue. Bir başlarsa devam etmek zorunda kalacaktır.

-    Once I make up my mind, nothing can stop me. Bir kez kararımı verdim mi beni hiçbirşey durduramaz.


Once (adv): bir kere, bir defa

-    She visits me once a month. O bizi ayda bir defa ziyaret eder.

-    Evans, who once served on the John Kerry presidential campaign in the US, never left.

Once (adv): bir zamanlar, eskiden; (to be + once)

-    It was once thought that infants could neither learn nor remember. Bir zamanlar yeni doğan çocukların ne öğrendikleri ne de hatırladıkları düşünülürdü.

-    There was once a theatre here. Burada bir zamanlar tiyatro vardı.

-    Smallpox was once a dreaded human disease, but it was eradicated worldwide in the 1970s by widespread vaccination.

Bir zamanlar çiçek hastalığı korkunç bir insan hastalığıydı, 1970 yılında yaygın olarak kullanılan aşı ile dünya çapında kökü kurutuldu.


Only once: Sadece bir kez

-    You can play with my new toy only once.

-    Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power are renewable sources.


At once: immediately or without delay, o anda, derhal

-    He realized his mistake at once.

Once + Verb in past form: in the past, at a time that is not stated

Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” once sold for 39.9 million, three the previous record.



Upon: olur olmaz, olduğu anda, olduğunda (= as soon as you arrive),

-    Upon your arrival, please report to the reception desk. Varışta lütfen resepsiyona rapor verin.

-    Upon you get there, you’ll love it. Oraya varır varmaz orayı seveceksin.

-    Upon arrival to the city, they often encounter lack of housing and infrastructure services. Şehre vardıklarında, genellikle konut ve altyapı hizmetlerinin eksikliği ile karşılaşırlar.


It can be used instead of on after several common verbs, such as “happen, depend, insist and congratulate.”

-    He insisted upon seeing you even though I told him you were busy.

-    A police patrol happened upon the robbers as they were running out of the bank.

-    My whole future depended upon the decision of one manager.


Upon is also used to mean “immediately after”, as in

-    Upon his release from prison, Davis went immediately to his mother’s house.


“Upon” can also mean “happening soon” and in this case it is not normally replaceable with “on”, as “in”

-    Christmas is almost upon us again.

-    It’s June already and the exams will soon be upon us.


When used between two nouns that are the same, upon emphasizes the large number or amount of the thing that has been mentioned, as in

-    I’ve written to you year upon year but I have never received a reply.

-    They drove for days across mile upon mile of open desert.


“Upon” is also used in a small number of phrasal verbs, notably “set, put and chance”. Set upon is often passive and means ‘attack’, as in

-    He was walking through the park when he was set upon by a gang of youths.

-    If you feel put upon, you feel exploited because you are doing all the work while others relax.


Upon: … göre belirlenecektir.

-    Contractor will be determined upon international tender results. Yüklenici, uluslararası ihale sonuçlarına göre belirlenecektir.



In the meantime,

Meanwhile: bu arada, aklıma gelmişken


-    The hurricane will reach the island this evening; in the meantime, residents are being evacuated.

-    They'll be here soon; meanwhile, let's have coffee.

-    The party is Saturday; in the meantime, we have to shop and prepare the food.

-    Meanwhile a soccer game between Galatasaray and Fenerbahce on Sunday night has been postponed.


Before: _meden önce

Before: earlier than a particular event or action.

-    Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to guess the proportion of the population that will vote for each candidate.

-    We were ready to go before they came.

-    I had done my work before you began.

-    Before he goes out, it will begin raining.

-    NASA is planning to send robots before it sends astronauts.

-    There is much work to be done before grapes can be transformed into fine wine.


After: _dikten sonra

-    She (had) left after I telephoned.

-    He watched TV after he had finished his work. İşini bitirdikten sonra televizyon seyretti.

-    You can go out after you finish your homework. (Ödevini bitirince dışarı çıkabilirsin.)

-    We all go out after the bell rings.

-    After she came, everbody really enjoyed at the party.

-    The ship was seized by authorities in Panama after military cargo was found hidden in a shipment of sugar.

Afterwards, Later, Then,


Subsequently: daha sonra, ardından

-    I watched a film on TV. Afterwards, I went out to meet my friends.

-    First cook the onions. Later add the mushrooms. (Önce soğanları pişirin, sonra mantarları ekleyin.)

-    In early times natural plant products were used. Then/Next, a great variety of synthetic substances became available.

-    The epidemic broke out in a small village. Subsequently, it spread to the whole area.


Eventually, At least, After all,

At long last: sonunda, sonuçta, nihayet

-    Imagine an industry that runs out of raw materials. Companies go bankrupt, workers are laid off, families suffer and associated organizations are thrown into turmoil. Eventually, governments are forced to take drastic action.

-    They worked on the experiment for a long time. At last, they were able to obtain significant results.

-    The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Monday. At long last, the royal baby has arrived.

-    I don't think he should be punished for breaking the window. After all, he's only five years old.


In the nick of time: son anda, tam zamanında, ucu ucuna

-    In the nick of time, governments released reserves in order to start cash circulating again.


Since: _den beri

We use the present perfect (continuous) with since. “Since” can also be used with a specific point in time.

-    They have worked here since 1987.

-    I’ve had several different jobs since I graduated from school.

-    Since she left her husband, she has been too happy. (Kocasından ayrıldığından beri çok mutlu.)

-    I’ve been living here since I was born. (Doğduğumdan beri burada yaşıyorum.)



Till: oluncaya kadar

“Until and till” express up to that time. We use either the simple present or Past simple with 'until' and 'till'. “Till” is usually only used in spoken English.

Structure: Future present tense until + simple present tense

She will wait for me until/till I finish my work.

-    We shall study until we learn the answers of all questions.

-    I stayed there until my girlfriend arrived.

-    Tom lived with his parents till he was 30. (Tom, 30 yaşına kadar anne babasıyla yaşadı.)

-    I have to keep writing until the end of next year.

-    Until China becomes the most powerful nation in the world, with Chinese spoken universally, English will remain the primary language of science and diplomacy.

Çin, dünyada en güçlü ulus haline gelinceye kadar, Çince ile birlikte evrensel olarak konuşulan, İngilzce bilim ve diplomasinin ana dili olmaya devam edecek


By the time: _inceye kadar

By the time expresses the idea that one event has been completed before another. It is important to notice the use of the past perfect for past events and future perfect for future events in the main clause.

-    We will have finished our homework by the time they arrive.

-    By the time she was 13, she had already achieved worlwide fame.

-    By the time the guards realized what was happening, the gangs were already inside the bank. Korumalar ne olduğunu anlayıncaya kadar çete çoktan bankaya girmişti.

Zaman cümleciği “by the time” ile verilmiş ise, ana cümlede ya “will have V3” ya da “had V3” kullanılır.

"By: _e kadar" belirli bir zamanda ya da o zamandan önce oluşan bir olay için kullanılır.

-    The book will be finished by the end of next year.


The first time: ilk defa

The second time                          : kinci defa

-    The second time I played tennis, I began to have fun.

-    The first time I went to New York, I was intimidated by the city.


At first : ilk başta

-    At first, I didn’t believe a word of your story. Later, I understood that you are telling the truth.

-    At first, I had great difficulty with grammar. Later, I was able to overcome these difficulties by studying hard.


The last time: son defa, en son

We can use these forms to be more specific about which time of a number of times something happened.

-    I saw Jack the last time I went to San Francisco.



Directly, Immediately, The minute, The instant,

The moment: _ir _irmez, _diği an

-    The moment you drop the bomb it will explode.

-    The baby started to cry the moment she saw me. Beni görür görmez ağlamaya başladı.

-    She woke up the instant the phone rang. Telefon çalar çalmaz uyandı.

-    Please call me the minute you get home. Eve varır varmaz/vardığın an lütfen beni ara.

-    I came directly I heard what had happened. Ne olduğunu duyar duymaz geldim.

-    She smiled immediately she heard the news. Haberi duyar duymaz gülümsedi.

-    I’ll phone you immediately I hear any news. Haber alır almaz seni ararım.

V + to + V: … olmaya

Uzunca bir süreye bağlı bir sonucu ifade eder.

-    She lived to be 100. (= and she became 100.)

-    The show went on to become a great success.


(Only) to V + ... : _meye, _mek için (Only) to be + V3 + …: _diği için

Geçici bir durumu göstermek ve durumun ortaya çıkardığı sonucu ifade etmek için kullanılır.

-    I rushed to the door to check it was locked. Kapının kilitli olduğunu kontrol için kapıya koştum.

-    She turned the corner, (only) to find the car has gone. Köşeyi döndü, arabanın gitmiş olduğunu gördü.

-    The curtain parted, (only) to reveal a scene. Perde açıldı ve ortaya bir dekor çıktı.

-    He had a few lines about the eyes, but at forty-seven that was only to be expected


No sooner … than … : _mesiyle _mesi bir oldu, (as soon as)

No sooner had + Clause (V3) + than …+ Past simple: _mesiyle _mesi bir oldu. Subject + had + no sooner + V3 + than …+ Past simple: _mesiyle _mesi bir oldu.


No sooner is used to show that one thing happens immediately after another thing. It is often used with the past perfect, and usually followed by than:

-    They had no sooner arrived than they were arguing.

-    We had no sooner started cooking than there was a power cut and we had no electricity.

-    I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked. Kapıyı tam kapatmıştım ki biri kapıyı çaldı.

-    We no sooner sat down in the train than I felt sick. Trende tam oturmuştuk ki midem bulandı.


When no sooner is used in front position, we invert the order of the auxiliary verb and subject. This is common in more formal and literary styles:

-    No sooner had they started their walk than it started to rain.

-    No sooner did Israel declare its independence in May 1948 than its five neighbouring states invaded it.

-    No sooner had he reached the corner, than the bus came.

-    No sooner had I entered through the door than the phone rang. Kapıdan girmemle telefonun çalması bir oldu.

-    No sooner had we arrived at the cinema than the film started. Sinemaya gelmemizle filmin başlaması bir oldu.


Place clauses are used to talk about the location or position of something. Indicate the place of the action and answer the question where; they are introduced by "where, wherever, everywhere, as near as, as far as".

Where               : olduğu yer(d)e

Wherever : (her) nereye Everywhere : her yere, her yerde Anywhere : herhangi bir yerde


Wherever: (her) nereye

-    He cannot go wherever he wants. (O istediği her yere gidemez.)

-    My parents find me wherever I go. (Nereye gidersem gideyim ebeveynlerim beni bulur.)

-    She was followed by photographers wherever she went. Nereye gittiyse fotoğrafçılar tarafından takip edildi.


Where: _diği yer(d)e

-    We would like to live in a place where it never rains. Hiç yağmur yağmayan bir yerde yaşamak istiyoruz.

-    I found my umbrella where I had left it. Şemsiyemi, bıraktığım yerde buldum.

-    They didn't find him where they expected. (Onu umdukları yerde bulamadılar.)

-    The accident took place where the Bosphorus meets the Black Sea.

-    Crocodiles are found near swamps, lakes, and rivers in Asia, Africa, Australia, and Central America, where they are often seen floating in the water like logs, with only their nostrils, eyes, and ears above the surface.

-    He has focused on moving the complexity of computing from the desktop to the network, where it can be managed more easily.

-    Management must learn to determine market conditions in the countries where it is doing business.

-    Road and rail connections in Italy are generally better in the north, where Milan, Bologna and Verona are the key transport centres.

-    Crocodiles are found near swamps, lakes, and rivers in Asia, Africa, Australia, and Central America, where they are often seen floating in the water like logs, with only their nostrils, eyes, and ears above the surface.

-    Various fossils have recently been found in an Ethiopian valley where bones that span six million years of human evolution have been dug up over the last 25 years.

Everywhere : her yere, her yerde


-    Everywhere I turned, a dense forest of enormous trees reached dizzying heights of 34m, their branches engulfing their surroundings with palm fronds 10m long and 4m wide.



He went to China so that / in order that he could learn Chinese. He went to China in order to learn Chinese.

He went to China to learn Chinese.

He went to China in order not to forget Chinese. He went to China so as to learn Chinese.

He went to China so as not to forget Chinese. He went to China not to forget Chinese.



So that ,in order that: olsun diye, olmak için, olmak amacıyla For this purpose: bu amaçla


In case, In the event that: Olur diye, olursa, olması halinde Lest, For fear that: Olmaz ise, olmaz diye, olmaması halinde



Prepositional Phrase + V:

to + V1 /infinitive: individual purpose

So as to + V, In order to + V: olmak için, olmak amacıyla




Prepositional Phrase + Ving:

For + Ving: …den dolayı

With a view to Ving: olmak amacıyla with the aim of + Ving: amacıyla


Prepositional Phrase + Noun

In the event of + noun, In case of + noun: Olması halinde, olması durumunda For + noun


So that ,in order that: olsun diye, olmak için, olmak amacıyla For this purpose: bu amaçla


In case, In the event that: Olur diye, olursa, olması halinde Lest, For fear that: Olmaz ise, olmaz diye, olmaması halinde



So that ,

in order that: olsun diye, olmak için, olmak amacıyla

“so that” ve “in order that” yapısından sonra gelen cümlelerde genellikle “can, may, will, could, would, might” modallar öncelikli kullanılır. So that: in order to make something happen, make something possible

-    You  must  speak   clearly      they   can  understand  what  you are  saying. Ne dediğini anlayabilsinler diye tane tane konuşmalısın.

-    I turned off the radio the baby could sleep. Bebek uyuyabilsin diye radyoyu kapattım.

-    She wears the glasses she will see beter.

-    She is going by bus she can get there earlier.

-    I will buy some food I can cook for the guests.

-    I turned the music down in order that it shouldn’t disturb you. Seni rahatsız etmesin diye müziği kıstım.

-    They worked very hard in order that the building might be finished in time. Bina zamanında bitirilebilsin diye çok çalıştılar.

-    The bus stoped in order that some people could get on.

-    I stood up, in order that I could see beter.

-    I bought a story book in order that I might read in the train.

-    I send my daughter abroud in order that she could learn English.

-    They calls us in order that they hear the news. Haberleri ögrenebilmek için bizi ararlar.


For this purpose: bu amaçla

-    The antique table needs refinishing. For this purpose, we are stripping away the old varnish and sanding the wood.



For fear that: Olmaz ise, olmaz diye, olmaması halinde

Az kullanılan bir bağlaçtır. Üst düzey İngilizce’de kullanılır. Genelde should ile kullanılır.

-    I wore thick clothes lest I should not catch cold. Üşütmeyim diye kalın giysiler giydim.

-    The technician checks everything carefully lest no problem arises during the operation. Teknisyen, operasyon sırasında hiç sorun çıkmasın diye herşeyi dikatlice kontrol etti.

-    He studied hard lest he might fail. Kalırım diye korkusuyla çok çalıştı.

-    She left her husband for fear that he should give her a beating. Onu döver korkusuyla kocasını terketti.

-    The colonel forbids the soldiers to light fires for fear that the enemy might locate them. Albay düşman yerlerini tespit eder korkusuyla askerlerin ateş yakmasını yasakladı.

-    He reminded me for fear that I would forget the file. Dosyayı unuturum korkusuyla bana hatırlattı.


In case,

In the event that: Olur diye, olursa, olması halinde

“So that”, “olsun diye” anlamını verirken, “in case” “olur diye” anlamını verir. Diğer bir ifadeyle, “in case” birşeyin olma ihtimaline karşı nasıl önlem alacağımızı ifade ederken kullandığımız bir yapıdır. Tedbir, tehlike, önlem durumunda bu “if clause” ların önceliği vardır. Bu bağlaçlar ile simple present, Past simple, should, may, might önceliklidir. (In case = If should.)

-    I will take my umbrella in the event that it should rain. Yağmur yağar diye şemsiye alacağım.

-    I will go to my mother in the event that she needs help. Yardıma ihtiyacı olursa diye anneme gideceğim.

-    I bought another concert ticket in case you wanted to come with me.

-    We will close all the windows in case it rains while we are out.

-    I will be home all night in case you need me. Bana ihtiyacın olur diye bütün gece evde olacağım.

-    Bring a map in case you get lost. Kaybolursun diye bir harita getir.

-    You should wear your coat in case it is cold. Soğuk olma ihtimaline karşılık ceketini giymelisin.

-    You shouldn’t forget to take your credit card in case you may need money.

-    Take some cash in case they don't accept credit cards.

-    Give this to her in case she cries

-    I will punish you in case you disobey the rules. Kurallara itaat etmemen halinde seni cezalandıracağım.




to + V1 /infinitive: individual purpose

So as to + V, In order to + V                          : olmak için, olmak amacıyla



to + V1 /infinitive: individual purpose

If we want to express individual purpose with a verb pattern, we are obliged to use “to + infinitive”:

-    I decided to buy a new computer.

-    I stopped by at the supermarket to buy some apples on the way home.


Note that when the subject of the sentence is a person rather than the thing described, the “to + infinitive” pattern is also possible:

-    I use this small knife to slice vegetables with.

-    I use this gadget to open shellfish with.


So as to + V,

In order to + V : olmak için, olmak amacıyla

We might use “in order to”, or “so as to”, to express individual purpose when we want to be more formal or explicit about the reason for doing something. All of these structures answer the question: Why…?.

-    I went to bed early in order to get enough sleep before the exam.

-    After four weeks of exams, I went to the seaside to rest.

-    After twenty days of exams, I went to the seaside for a rest.

-    After all those exams, I went to the seaside so as to have a good rest.


The “in order to” and “so as to” structures are particularly useful with stative verbs such as “be, have, know, appear, and before negative inifinitives”:

-    So as not to appear foolish, I learnt all I could about the company before going for the interview.

-    I'm going to move to the city centre in order to be near where I work.

-    In order not to have to commute, she bought a flat in the town centre.

-    In order to know more about him, she studied his movements carefully.

-    We need to find out what is causing your pain. In order to understand this, we need to do a series of tests.

-    She wakes up early in order to be on time to work.

-    They visited him so as to offer their condolences for the death of his wife.

-    We have art in order not to die of the truth. (Friedrich Nietzsche)



For + Ving: …den dolayı

With a view to Ving: olmak amacıyla with the aim of + Ving: amacıyla


With a view to Ving: olmak amacıyla

-    These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's profits.


For + Ving: …den dolayı

For doing sth: used to say what the purpose of an object, action etc is

-      In order to write on a blackboard, we use what? We use chalk to write on a blackboard.

What is chalk used for? It is used for writing stuff on a blackboard. Since you can answer a question with your statement, it is correct usage.

What do we write with on a blackboard? We write on a blackboard with chalk.

-    This book is useful for learning Asian cultures. (what) This book is useful to learn Asian cultures. (why)

-    They were furious with me for not inviting them to my party.

-    Music educators give us many good reasons for playing.


with the aim of + Ving: amacıyla

-    She studied English with the aim of becoming a bilingual accountant. İki dilli muhasebecilik yapmak amacıyla İngilizce eğitimi aldı.


In the event of + noun, In case of + noun: Olması halinde, olması durumunda For + noun


For + noun:

“For + noun” is commonly used with nouns to express individual purpose:

-    I decided I would save up for a new computer.



In the event of + noun,

In case of + noun: Olması halinde, olması durumunda

“In case of” Türkçe karşılığı “in case” ile aynıdır, ancak kullanım farkı vardır. Devamında isim getirilir. "in case + noun"

-    Call me in case of any emergency.

-    Take your umbrella in case of rain.

-    The fire alarm will ring in case of fire.

-    In case of first aid, don’t stir injured person. İlk yardım halinde yaralıyı kıpırdatmayın.

-    In the event of rain, the parade is canceled.


·        Zıtlık bağlacı (but, however, although, yet, whereas vb.) sorularında “but-may/can” şeklindeki zıtlık olasılık, “most/many-but” şeklindeki çokluk-zıtlık ilişkisi ile “although-still” ilişkisine dikkat edilmelidir.

·        “Although” ile başlayan bu cümlenin fiilinin may veya can’li olması söz konusudur.

·        However: Olumsuzluk ifade eder. Kendisinden sonra bir adverb veya adjectives alması gerekir.



However, Yet, Still                          : bununla birlikte, ancak, yine de

But                          : yinede, bununla birlikte

Nevertheless / Nonetheless : yine de All the same : yinede

Even so : Buna rağmen, öyle bile olsa Anyway /anyhow /in any case : her neyse


However, Yet, Still: bununla birlikte, ancak, yine de

-    A dolphin is a mammal. However, it lives in the sea.

-    Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. However, that kind of best friend is very expensive.

-    Some teachers believe in memorizing dialogues. Still, others think that memorization is not as good as engaging in natural conversations with native speakers.

-    The first part of the play was rather boring. However, the second part was a really stimulating.

-    The novel is 720 pages long. However, it reads more quickly than many shorter ones.

-    Zambia's people have a literacy rate of 78%, which is high compared with many poor African countries. Yet, it has only one library, one university and no television stations.

-    I hadn’t seen her for 20 years. Still, I recognized her immediately when I saw her. Onu 20 yıl görmemiştim. bununla birlikte onu görünce hemen tanıdım.


When two sentences show opposite situations, “however”, “in contrast”, and “on the other hand” may all be used:

-    Jill is wonderful at math; in contrast /however /(on the other hand), her brother is terrible at it.

-    In most plays, however unreal may be the world presented to us, we are expected to regard it temporarily as the real world.

Çoğu oyunda, bize sunulan dünya ne denli gerçek dışı olursa olsun, bizden onu geçici olarak gerçek dünya gibi görmemiz beklenir.


When two sentences show weak contrasts “however” can be used, but “in contrast” and “on the other hand” can't. For example, when one sentence is affirmative and the other is negative, or when the sentences show ideas that contrast but are not opposite.

-    He really wanted to stay in bed; however, he got up and went to work.

-    Jill is wonderful at math, but/yet it's not her favorite subject in school.

-    While /Altough / Though /Even though Jill is wonderful at math, it's not her favorite subject in school.

“However” can also be used to introduce an unexpected result:

-    Bob had a flat tire and traffic was very heavy; however, he made it to work on time.


Unexpected results can also be introduced by “but” or “yet”, but the punctuation is different:

-    Lidia didn't study and had poor notes from the class lectures, but / yet she got a high mark on the test.

Important Note: In formal writing, sentences do not begin with “but” or “yet”; also, do not write a comma after “but” or “yet”.


However: bununla birlikte, ancak, yine de

-    However little respect the British people may feel for the monarchy, they are still not likely to change to a republic.

-    However hazy their grasp of astronomy may be, most adults hold several beliefs with some certainty.

-    In the end, however, it was the Egyptians who had the last laugh.

-    However, the Spanish one hears in South America does not always conform to what one has learned in the classroom or heard on a cassette, and even competent Spanish-speakers find it takes a bit of getting used to.

-    However, prior to the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959, several countries had made claims to parts of Antarctica, some of which overlapped.

-    However, with the coming of the inkjet printer it was soon possible to print really highquality images.

-    What he really seeks, however, are the most meaningful ones, and these vary from one context to another.

-    Chávez’s growing influence, however, means that a collapse in Venezuela could take much of the continent down with it.

-    However, as soon as tourism activity takes place, the environment is inevitably changed or modified, either to facilitate tourism or through the tourism production process.

-    According to a recent report, however, the muscles controlling the device have been deteriorating, limiting him to as little as one word per minute.

-    However, for artists and intellectuals, the period proved to be one of the most creative epochs in the history of Europe.

-    However, the Iranians have not come across with this state coincidentally.

-    Spain had always tried hard to reclaim Gibraltar from Britain; however, in a referendum held in 1967, the people of Gibraltar decided by a great majority to stay with Britain.

-    However effective a drug may be, its functions have to be several.

-    Senegal is a small African country with no strategic importance; however, ever since it gained independence, it has always been in the forefront of African politics.

-    The changing climate will have negative effects on all parts of the world; depending on people’s location and lifestyles, however, there will be great differences in the subsequent health hazards that human populations face.

-    Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design.

-    However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex.

-    However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy.

-    However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.

-    The transformation of industry came more gradually. By the 1830s or 1840s, however, writers and social thinkers in Europe were increasingly aware of unexpected and extraordinary changes in their economic world.

-    Germany and the US, however, dominated the rest of the steel industry.

-    Recently, however, a new contender has emerged, and surprisingly it is from the cold outer solar system: it is Jupiter’s moon Europa.

-    Starting around 1270, however, Italian merchants began to sail through the Strait of Gibraltar and on to the woolproducing regions of England and the Netherlands.

-    Nothing in Rome’s earlier experience had prepared it, however, for the huge increase in slave numbers that resulted from its western and eastern conquests.

-    However, in spite of their extraordinary abilities, no hero is perfect.

-    However, when interactions are anonymous or infrequent, behavioural cues cannot be read against a background of known behaviour, so more general attributes must be used.

-    The public is concerned when a well-known species like the tiger, whale, or mountain gorilla becomes endangered; however, the majority of other cases are hardly ever noticed by the public.

-    However, the widespread international presence of the humble history textbook should not disguise its ideological and cultural potency.

-    However, it soon became clear that the Morgenthau Plan was causing serious economic problems in Germany: deindustrialization caused agricultural productivity to plummet.

-    However, with 9 billion people expected around 2050, moving on is not an option.


But: yinede, bununla birlikte

-    Latin American countries on average export only about 10 per cent of their products to other Latin American countries but almost 20 per cent of them to the US.

-    Several species of birds in Vietnam vanished during the war, but they began to reappear in the 1980s and their gradual return has been encouraged by Vietnamese villagers.

-    Oxygen, sugars and amino acids are allowed into the brain but most other substances are kept out.

-    Tuscany attracts more than 12 per cent of all visitors to Italy, but just over 1 per cent of them spend the night in Umbria, in the south of Tuscany.

-    Gang violence is deplorable and cannot be tolerated, but simply “cracking down” on it is not the solution.

-    However little respect the British people may feel for the monarchy, they are still not likely to change to a republic.

-    Hybrid cars are certainly a step in the right direction, yet it is not possible to go much further without any breakthroughs in battery technology.


Nevertheless / Nonetheless: yine de

-    She appreciated the flowers; nevertheless, a Corvette would be a finer gift.

-    That movie was extremely funny; nevertheless, it was a bit too tasteless for me.

-    It is a difficult race. Nevertheless, about 500 runners/athletes participate every year. Zor bir yarış. Bununla birlikte/yine de/buna rağmen her yıl yaklaşık 500 atlet (bu yarışa) katılır.

-    I can't say I'm convinced that he is right. Nevertheless, his book is well worth reading.

-    Winning an Olympic Gold Medal requires years of often painful physical training and little time for a social life. Nevertheless, many athletes are willing to go through the struggle in order to win.

-    My sister studied diligently for several months. Nonetheless, she failed. Kızkardeşim aylarca çok çalıştı. Bununla birlikte / yine de / buna rağmen sınıfta kaldı.

-    Crashes are rare, but even so, there should be stricker safety regulations. Kazalar nadiren oluyor ama, yine de / buna rağmen daha sıkı güvenlik kurallarının olması lazım.

-    I realize that skydiving is dangerous and expensive. Nonetheless, I want to try it.


All the same: yinede

-    I like him. All the same, I don't trust him.


Even so: Buna rağmen, öyle bile olsa

-    It is very old car. Even so, it still works very well.

-    Accidents are rare in this part of the plant. Even so, there should be stricter safety regulations.


Anyway /anyhow /in any case: her neyse

-    I don't have time to go. Anyway, it's too expensive.

-    I don't want to go. In any case, I haven't been invited.


However, yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so: buna rağmen (Unexpected result)

-    She studied diligently for several months. Nevertheless / However / Yet / Nonetheless, she failed.

-    George is very handsome. Yet, he is not popular with girls.

-    My uncle is 70 years old now. Nonetheless, he maintains his interest in legal matters.

-    It's raining. Even so, we must go out.



On the contrary /conversely /however: aksine, tersine By contrast: buna karşılık

In contrast: bunun aksine

On the other hand: diğer taraftan

On the one hand ...on the other hand: Bir yandan … ama diğer taraftan


Preposition phrase:

Unlike + noun /NP /OP /Ving: … den farklı olarak, … nın aksine Contrary to+ NP /OP /Ving: bilakis, (tam) tersine

In contrast to sbd/sth



On the contrary /conversely /however: aksine, tersine

Söylenen bir ifadenin doğru olmadığını, tersi bir durumun sözkonusu olduğunu ifade eder. We use "on the contrary" only when dealing with opinions. We use it when we've presented an opinion to the reader but wish to oppose it.

-    She is not ugly. On the contrary, she is a good-looking girl.

-    I don't hate classical music. On the contrary, I'm very fond of it.

-    The risk of infection hasn’t diminished at all. On the contrary, it has increased.

-    Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.

-    I didn't ask Mary to leave. On the contrary, I asked her to stay.

-    You say she is very beautiful. I, on the contrary, find her rather ugly.

-    I'm not tired at all. On the contrary, I'm feeling full of energy.

-    Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. On the contrary, it makes crops and forests grow faster.

-    A planned economy does not produce new jobs. On the contrary, all of the existing empirical data strongly argues that the exact opposite occurs.

-    George is an optimist. In contrast/However/, Bill is a pessimist.

-    Extroverts love crowds. In contrast, introverts prefer solitude.

-    Six is more than five; conversely, five is less than six.


By contrast: buna karşılık

-    The cats will often sleep the day away. The dogs, by contrast, never settle down.


In contrast: bunun aksine

"In contrast" can be used very generally, and is more useful for descriptions.

-    Extroverts like crowds. In contrast, introverts prefer solitude. Dışadönükler kalabalık severler. Buna mukabil/buna karşın, içedönükler yalnızlığı tercih ederler.)

-    At room temperature, unsaturated fats are usually liquid. In contrast, saturated fats are solid.


Note: When a distinction is being made that does not involve opposition of this sort, “in contrast” is appropriate.

-    “In New York, you don’t need a car. In Los Angeles, in contrast, you can’t really get along without one, though you won’t need a snow shovel.”

In contrast to sbd/sth: a difference between people, ideas, situations, things etc that are being compared

-    In contrast to a lot of other people, we managed to survive the recession.



On the other hand: diğer taraftan

-    The job wasn’t very interesting. On the other hand, it was well-paid. İş pek ilginç değildi ama diğer taraftan/öte yandan parası iyiydi.

-    Australia has much land relative to its population. On the other hand, Japan has little land relative to its population.

-    Some people say that older people are wiser. On the contrary, I've met many foolish grandparents, and a number of very sensible young adults

-    I may go dancing this weekend with my friends. On the other hand, I may stay in and finish my paper.


On the one hand ...on the other hand: Bir yandan … ama diğer taraftan

Something that you say when you are speaking about two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation.

-    On the one hand, I'd like more money, but on the other hand, I'm not prepared to work the extra hours in order to get it. Bir yandan, daha fazla para istiyorum, ama diğer taraftan, onu elde etmek için ekstra saatler çalışmaya hazır değilim.

-    On the one hand, you complain that you're lonely, and on the other hand you won't come to parties with me.

-    Efficient and reliable strategies for flood protection and prevention on the one hand, and irrigation and fair water distribution on the other hand, will have to be developed.


Unlike + noun /NP /OP /Ving: … den farklı olarak, … nın aksine

-    Unlike his father, he is a famous surgeon.


Contrary to+ NP /OP /Ving: bilakis, (tam) tersine

“on the contrary” ile aynı anlamı verir. 'contrary to' bir preposition olarak kullanılır.

-    Contrary to widespread belief, the Buddhist religion does not require practitioners to be vegetarian.


In contrast to + NP /OP /Ving,

In contrast with + NP /OP /Ving: _nın aksine [NP: noun phrase, OP: object pronoun]



Although: … olmasına rağmen, buna ragmen Though: … olmasına rağmen, buna rağmen While /whilst: _e rağmen, _dığı halde, _e karşın Even though: … olmasına rağmen, olsa bile Much as + Clause: olsa bile

In spite of the fact that, Despite the fact that, Nothwithstanding the fact that: olmasına ragmen


Preposition phrase:

Despite + Noun/noun pharse

In spite of + Noun/noun pharse Despite (of) + NP /OP /Ving ,

In spite of + NP /OP /Ving,

Notwithstanding + NP /OP /Ving: _e rağmen, yine de, fakat


However how + adj / adv, No matter how + adj / adv: ne kadar … olursa olsun Try as he may/might: çok uğraşmasına ragmen

Adv / Adj + as,Adv / Adj + though: _e rağmen, _dığı halde, _e karşın



A clause which begins with "although" or "even though" and which expresses an idea that suggests the opposite of the main part of the sentence. Cümlenin ana parçası tersini öneriyor ise bir fikir ifade eder. Önem verilme derecesi düşük olan cümle “although” ile başlar.

Although (conjunction) + clause: used to introduce a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising or unlikely.


Although: … olmasına rağmen, buna rağmen

-    Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal.

-    We like to live in the south of Turkey although it is very hot in summer.

-    Although she’s only three her mother dresses her in grown-up clothes. Daha üç yaşında olmasına rağmen annesi onu yetişkin gibi giydiriyor.

-    He decided to go although I begged him not to. Gitmemesi için yalvarmama rağmen gitmeye karar verdi.

-    Although it was raining, they went on playing football. Yağmur yağmasına rağmen futbol oynamaya devam ettiler.

-    She lives like a poor woman although she has a lot of money.

-    Although some of the balloons worked, others were caught in a change of wind and blown back over Austrian lines.

-    They can move inland away from the dangers of storm surges, although this solution has high economic costs.

-    Although their responses may not be as obvious as those of animals, plants have the capacity to respond to light, gravity, water, touch, and other stimuli.

-    Although she can’t smile properly yet, the recipient of the world’s first face transplant is doing well, according to the first scientific report of the operation.

-    Although the causes of alcoholism are various; alcohol use is a major factor.

-    Although there are dozens of indigenous languages spoken throughout South America, this is, with the exception of Portuguese-speaking Brazil, a Spanishspeaking continent.

-    Although some educators think so, many are doubtful.

-    Although there were plenty of sceptics when Mauritius tried a decade ago to become an offshore financial centre, it has partly attained its goal, since it now hosts 19 national and international banks.

-    Although famines became less common and less widespread in Europe in the eighteenth century, infectious disease continued to kill half of all Europeans before they reached the age of twenty.

-    Although young children are certainly sensitive to other people’s facial expressions, their brains are not capable of fully understanding the emotions that cause them.

-    Although Shakespeare focused all his creative energy primarily on the stage, he was as well the foremost lyric poet of his age.

-    Although Plato loves Homer and regularly cites from his epics, he insists on the censorship of those passages that represent morally controversial behaviour.

-    Although engineers also must write and speak well, this alone is insufficient to convey complex engineering information.

-    Although the physiology of the blush is not fully understood, we are getting nearer to a better understanding of it.

-    Although smiling occurs during embarrassment, it has a different appearance from that of amusement.

-    Although situated on the plains of Central Europe, Poland has an extremely varied landscape

-    By the middle of the century, although still one of the “Big Three”, Britain was clearly weaker than both the United States and the Soviet Union.

-    The African Union is well aware that, although Africa has enormous agricultural potential, it still remains a major food importer.

-    Although he promised you to return it soon, he hasn’t done so, and you need the book urgently.

-    Although the Richter Scale has no upper limit, the largest known shocks have had magnitudes in the 8.8 to 8.9 range.

-    Although Spain’s aim had always been to annex Gibraltar, it was made clear in a referendum in 1967 that the people preferred British rule.

-    Although Azerbaijan’s economy is largely dependent on oil, in recent years it has entered a period of recession.

-    Although Senegal is neither a large nor a strategically-located country, it has nonetheless played a prominent role in African politics since its independence.

-    Although former colonies have gained their independence, it is true that, as the term “postcolonial” itself indicates, they still feel the impact of colonialism.

-    Although it was Bruegel alone among the Dutch painters in the sixteenth century that was primarily interested in the representation of rural scenes, his contemporaries continued to deal in their works with various aspects of urban life.

-    Although Ptolemy made few original discoveries, he systematized the works of others.

-    Although long considered the most prosperous of the Soviet satellite countries, East Germany suffered from severe economic stagnation and environmental degradation.

-    Although iron did not disappear overnight, it was soon eclipsed by soaring steel production. So, steel began to be used for various purposes.

-    Although he has been considered the greatest technical genius of antiquity, in fact he preferred to devote himself to pure scientific research.

-    They can move inland away from the dangers of storm surges, although this solution has high economic costs.

-    Although many community newspapers are justifiably proud of their hard-hitting local editorials, perhaps half of all community papers carry no editorials at all.

-    Although even the proper use of antibiotics can inadvertently lead to the spread of drug resistant bacteria, the habit of using a low dose is a formula for disaster: the treatment provides just enough antibiotic to kill some but not all bacteria.

-    Although Plato loves Homer and regularly cites from his epics, he insists on the censorship of those passages that represent morally controversial behaviour. Platon, Homeros’u  sevmesine ve onun destanlarından düzenli olarak alıntılar yapmasına rağmen, ahlâkî bakımdan tartışmalı davranışları yansıtan bölümlerin sansür edilmesinde ısrar eder.


Though: … olmasına rağmen, buna rağmen

“Though” is used to introduce a statement that makes the main statement coming after it seem surprising, unlikely, or unexpected.

-    Though it is rising sharply, street crime in major Asian cities is still less common than in most European cities.

-    I like to live in this city through it is very crowded.

-    Through they are both at the ends of the earth; the Artic and the Antarctic differ in many ways.

-    We performed badly at the conference. We were honored by the chairman, through. Note: “Though” cümlenin sonunda kullanılırsa şaşkınlık ifade eder!

-    Strange through it may seem the new camera provides the best in image quality.

-    Though the smell of fumes in an aircraft cockpit may not always spell danger, it is guaranteed to alarm the pilot.

-    Though many migratory birds are immune to the effects of the avian flu virus, they operate as effective carriers and may pass it on to other birds which are more susceptible.

-    Though it is rising sharply , street crime in major Asian cities is still less common than in most European cities.


While /whilst: _e rağmen, _dığı halde, _e karşın

“While” ve “whilst”, “iken” anlamında zaman bağlacı olarak kullanılırken, burada zıtlık yapısında kullanılır. “While/Whilst” it has prowed to be useful, this method is not without pitfalls. Yararlı olmasına ragmen bu metod kusursuz değil.

-    While the US and the European Union have enacted legislation designed to prevent the importation of products obtained from endangered plants and animals, this legislation has had little impact in the Third World Countries that are home to many of these species.

ABD ve Avrupa Birliği, soyu tükenmekte olan bitki ve hayvanlardan elde edilen ürünlerin ithalatını önlemek için tasarlanan yasayı yürürlüğe koymasına rağmen, bu türlerin çoğunun ana vatanı olan Üçüncü Dünya ülkelerinde bu yasanın etkisi az olmuştur.

Even though: … olmasına rağmen, olsa bile

Even though is used to express a fact, something that is real or true,

-    As one of the four satellites of Jupiter, discovered by Galileo in 1610, Europa is now believed to have water in a liquid state, even though it is so far from the Sun.

-    He wanted to go with them even though he was ill. Hasta olmasına rağmen onlarla gitmek istiyordu.

-    Even though he earned a little money, he was generous. Az para kazanmasına rağmen cömertti.

-    Even though she had a bad cold, she went to the school.

-    Even though John is rich, he lives in a small house. (John is rich, but in spite of that, he lives in a small house.)

-    Even though she likes animals, Mary doesn't want a dog. (In spite of the fact that she likes animals, Mary doesn't want a dog.)

-    A lot of people have forgiven her even though she’s still not prepared to forgive herself.

-    Leonardo da Vinci is one of the very few artists whose reputation has from his own time onwards always remained at the highest level, even though the number of paintings he produced wasn’t large.


Even if: … olsa bile

Even if is used in a supposition or hypothesis. This is “if clause.”

-    Even if Caroline earned a big salary, she would not buy a fast car. (Caroline doesn't like fast cars. It is not because of the price that she won't buy one.)

-    Even if I had time and money, I wouldn't go on a cruise. (It's not because I have no time or no money that I won't go on a cruise. I have other reasons for not going.)

-    Even if we had been invited, we couldn’t have come.

-    We have decided to go on a picnic even if it rains. (Yağmur yağsa bile, biz pikniğe gitmeye karar verdik.)

-    Even if you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your train. Taksiye binsen bile trenini kaçıracaksın.


Much as + Clause: olsa bile

“Kadar” anlamına gelen “as … as “ bağlacının kısaltılmış olarak “ although” anlamındadır.

-    Much as I like him, I don’t trust him.

-    Much as he wasn’t a member of the club, he was allowed to go in. Kulubün üyesi olmamasına rağmen içeri girilmesine izin verildi.


However how + adj / adv,

No matter how + adj / adv: ne kadar … olursa olsun

-    However fast we drive, we’re not going to get there in time. Ne kadar hızlı gidersek gidelim, oraya zamanında yetişemeyeceğiz.

-    However hard he may study, he can’t be successful. O ne kadar sıkı çalışırsa çalışsın, başarılı olamaz.

-    However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza. Ne kadar aç olursam olayım, bütün bir pizzayı asla bitiremezmişim gibi geliyor.

-    No matter far away you are, you are always in your drearest friends’ minds.

-    Most scientists did not seem to realize how important the new break through was.

Try as he may/might: çok uğraşmasına ragmen

-    Try as I may, I couldn’t keep up with them. Çok uğraşmama rağmen onlara ayak uyduramadım.


In spite of the fact that, Despite the fact that,

Nothwithstanding the fact that: … olmasına ragmen


“Despite ve in spite of” edat olup “the fact that” eklenmesi ile bağlaca dönüşür.

-    In spite of the fact that they are very rich, they are very unhappy. Çok zengin olmalarına rağmen çok mutsuzlar.

-    He got a promotion nothwithstanding the fact that he doesn’t work hard. Çok çalışmamasına rağmen terfi etti.

-    Despite the fact that that London is very expensive, it is also very exciting.

-    Nothwithstanding the fact that all the work was finished on time, my boss didn’t appreciate it.


Despite + Noun/noun pharse

In spite of + Noun/noun pharse

Preposition phrase: despite, in site of, notwithstanding

-    Despite snow or rain there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.


Despite (of) + NP /OP /Ving , In spite of + NP /OP /Ving,

Notwithstanding + NP /OP /Ving: _e rağmen, yine de, fakat

Preposition phrase: despite + in site of, notwithstanding


-    In spite of many difficulties, the climbers were able to reach the top.

-    Despite the political upheavals in the Arab world, the Middle East is gaining ground to become one of the world’s popular tourist destinations.

-    He kept running despite his pain.

-    My grandfather is 80 years old. In spite of this, he leads an active life.

-    Mary had the worst headache of her life. In spite of this, she went to her daughter's graduation.

-    Nothwithstanding the side effects, I will go on to use the drug.

-    All the work was finished on time; nothwithstanding, my boss didn’t appreciate it.

-    Some wrong answers were marked right and, conversely, some right answers had been rejected. (Bazı yanlış cevaplar doğru olarak işaretlenmişti, buna mukabil/diğer taraftan, bazı doğru cevaplar da yanlış kabul edilmişti.)

-    In spite of the growth in e-mail and fax transmissions, many communications are still best handled by face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact.

Adv / Adj + as,

Adv / Adj + though: _e rağmen, _dığı halde, _e karşın

-    Difficult as the exam was, I was able to pass it by studyşng hard enough. Sınav zor olsa da yeterince çok çalışarak geçmeyi başardım.

-    Hard as he tried, he couldn’t persuade me to let go out at night. Çok uğraşmasına rağmen gece dışarı çıkmaya beni ikna edemedi.

-    Comprehensive though this book, I didn’t find what I looked for in it. Bu kitap çok kapsamlı olmasına ragmen aradığımı bulamadım.

-    Carefully though the project was planned, there were still some drawbacks. Proje dikkatlice planlanmış olmasına rağmen halen bazı eksiklikler vardı.



Whereas,while: oysa, halbuki

Whilst /On the other hand, While /However



while: Oysa, halbuki

“Whereas” is the same mean with “although” or “while”. It’s preceded by a comma because it introduces a separate dependent clause. İkinci cümlede kullanıldığında “whereas, while” dan sonra virgule kullanılmaz.

While is used to emphasize the difference between two situations, activities.

-    Some couples now both have to work. Whereas only one person did before.

-    Dogs like to play. Whereas cats like to sleep.

-    The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.

-    Whereas there are undoubted social benefits to increasing home ownership, there are some economic problems associated with it.

-    A 10% increase in the cost of hospital services would cause poorer households to cut back their hospital care by 4.7%, whereas the wealthy would have to do the same by only 2.9%.

-    Germans always shake hands when they are introduced to strangers, whereas the Japanese give a little bow. Americans, on the other hand, nod their heads and say “Hi”.

-    Gold is a good conductor, whereas /while aluminium isn’t. Note: Buradaki boşluğa “however” gelemez çünkü “however” sonrasında virgule ister.

-    The typical prediction was 6500. Whereas the index is currently trading at about 5400.

-    While I accept that he’s not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man. Pek çok bakımdan onun mükemmel olmadığını kabul etmekle birlikte yine de onu çok seviyorum.

-    While I fully understand your point of view, I do also have some sympathy with Tom’s. Bakış açını tamamen anlamakla birlikte Tom’un dediğine de katılıyorum.

-    While I understand why he refused to help her, I can’t agree that he was right.

-    While I like all types of fish, my girlfriend always chooses meat dishes when we go out to eat.

-    We would always choose somewhere in the mountains for a holiday, while our children always want the seaside.

-    The suspicious mother thought I was talking about her daughter, while, in fact, I was talking mine.

Whilst /On the other hand, While /However

Note that “whilst” we would use “while” or “whereas” within sentences to contrast two ideas, across sentences we would need to use ‘however’ or ‘on the other hand’. Compare the following:

-    In the UK the hottest month of the year is usually July. Whilst /(On the other hand), in southern Europe the hottest period is usually in August.

-    Britain secured only one gold medal in Atlanta four years ago. While /However, at Sydney 2000 we ended up with eleven.



Otherwise /Instead : Aksi halde, yoksa, bunun dışında Or /Or else : Yoksa


Otherwise /Instead                          : Aksi halde, yoksa, bunun dışında

-    My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn’t have afforded the trip. Parayı bana ebeveynlerim verdi. Yoksa/Aksi takdirde geziyi karşılayamazdım.

-    I hope the weather improves. Otherwise, we’ll have to cancel the match.

-    The law does not permit drinking and driving anytime; otherwise there would be many more accidents.

-    You need to hurry; otherwise we'll be late for work.

-    Bob isn't having problems; otherwise he would've called us. Notice that there is no comma after otherwise.


Special Note: Sentences such as those above may also be joined with if not and unless, but the punctuation is different:

-    If you don't hurry, we'll be late for work.

-    Unless you're ready in five minutes, I'll leave without you.


Notice that “unless” and “if not” use commas, not semicolons or periods (full stops). Notice also that there is no comma when “unless” and “if not” are in the middle of a sentence.



Or /Or else       : Yoksa

-    I must leave now. Or else, I will be late for the meeting. Şimdi çıkmam lazım, yoksa toplantıya geç kalacağım.

-    You have to attend the class. Or else, you will fail in the exam. (Derslere katılmak  zorundasın. Yoksa, sınavlardan kalacaksın.)


Reason clauses are used to indicate the reason for something. Paralellik aranır. Olumlu sebebin olumlu sonucu, olumsuz sebebin ise olumsuz sonucu vardır.

    Reason for sth

    Reason why + clause



Because : olmasından dolayı, olduğu için

-    Because she was young, she was inexperienced. Çok genç olduğu için deneyimsizdi.

-    Many urban areas are growing because their rural hinterlands are depressed, which forces impoverished rural people to move to the cities in search of work.

-    She didn’t go to school because she was ill

-    I failed beacuse I hadn’t studied at all.

-    Because oil is such an important and visible part of our daily lives, and because it is exceptionally open to political manipulations, it often receives an enormous amount of attention.

-    Salmon farms are prohibited in Alaska because fishermen blame the farms for undercutting their price.

-    Because energy production expends resources and causes pollution, scientists and engineers must work to develop energy-efficient processes.

-    Because children enjoy the process of play, they are not primarily focused on achieving a product or achieving a goal.

-    Milosevic, the ex-president of Serbia, was protested nationwide and then removed from power because he had led the country into four wars which he had lost, and brought economic ruin to his people.

-    Politics and economics were primary concerns of writers and intellectuals in America during the 1930s, because the stock market crash in October 1929 had precipitated a total collapse in the economy. (Siyaset ve iktisat, 1930’larda Amerika’da yazarların ve aydınların öncelikli konuları idi, çünkü borsanın Ekim 1929’da yere çakılması, ekonomide tam bir çöküşe yol açmıştı.)


Since: olmasından dolayı, olduğu için

“As” and “Since” are used when the reason is already known and they often come at the beginning of the sentence. “Since” is used to give the reason for something.

-    We camped there as it was too dark to go on.

-    We had to give up the project since it began to be expensive.

-    I did it because they asked me to do it. Benden yapmamı istedikleri için yaptım.

-    As it is raining, you’d better take a taxi. Yağmur yağdığından dolayı taksi tutsan iyi olur.

-    As he wasn’t ready in time, we went without him. Zamanında hazır olmadığı için onu almadan gittik.

-    As she was too young, she wasn’t given a job in the firm.

-    Since we have no money, we can’t buy the car. Paramız olmadığı için arabayı alamıyoruz.

-    Since there was a thick fog, we lost our way. Yoğun sis olduğu için yolumuzu kaybettik.

-    Since she was too late, she missed the train.

-    In child development, play and exploration are similar since they are both intrinsically motivated behaviours and not directed by external goals.

-    Environmentalists are criticizing the patent office for delaying its decision on some new measuring instruments since they believe that these are urgently needed to detect certain problems.


For: olmasından dolayı, olduğu için

For + Sentence, Sentence. Sentence; for + sentence. Sentence, for + sentence.

“For” genelde bir ara bağlaç olarak iki cümle arasına virgülden sonra girer. “For” does not tell us why a certain action was performed, but presents additional information which helps to explain it. “For” is used to introduce the reason for something [= because]

“For” is not often used in informal English and it never comes at the beginning of the sentence.

-    I must sleep, for it is too late. Çok geç olduğu için uyumam gerekiyor.

-    He rushed to get work, for he was late. He rushed to get work because he was late. Her iki cümlede anlam aynıdır.

-    He became a poor man, for he wasted all his money.

-    The days were short, for it was now December.

-    The day broke, for the birds were beginning to sing.


“So” ve “for” zıt anlamdadır.

-    I was late, so I took a taxi. I took a taxi, for I was late.



For + noun /NP /Ving:

-    The Renaissance originated in Italy for several reasons.

Because of the fact that, Due to the fact that, Owing to the fact that, In view of the fact that,

On account of the fact that: olduğu için

By virtue of the fact that              :olması gerekçesiyle

-    Because of the fact that the child was afraid of the dog, he hid behind his mother’s skirt. Çocuk köpekten korktuğu için annesinin eteğinin arkasına saklandı.

-    Due to the fact that I live on my own, I have to cook my own food. Yalnız yaşadığım için yemeğimi kendim yapmak zorundayım.

-    Owing to the fact that it had rained, the match was cancelled. Yağmur yağdığı için maç iptal edildi.

-    On account of the fact that final exams are over, we can relax. Final sınavları bittiği için artık dinlenebiliriz.

-    In view of the fact that the general manager was ill, they had to postpone the meeting. Genel müdür hasta olduğu için toplantıyı ertelemek zorunda kaldılar.


Because of + NP/OP/Ving, Due to + NP/OP/Ving,

Owing to + NP/OP/Ving                          ,

In view of + NP/OP/Ving , On account of + NP/OP/Ving, Thanks to + NP/OP/Ving , As a result of + NP/OP/Ving,

As a consequence of + NP/OP/Ving: olmasından dolayı, olduğu için, olması sayesinde Because of somebody/something used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something.

-    In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur because of a misunderstanding.

-    Because of the gas explosion, several homes burned down. Because of an exploding gas line, several homes burned down

-    Due to the free flow of gas, water could not put out the fire. Due to free-flowing gas, water could not put out the fire.

-    On account of the age of the pipeline, it broke. On account of being so old, the pipeline broke.

-    Owing to the delay in replacing the pipeline, the accident was likely to occur.


Just because: sırf olsun diye

-    Just because I don’t complain, you mustn’t suppose that I’m satisfied. Sırf şikâyet etmiyorum diye memnun olduğumu sanmayın.


Inasmuch as    : mademki (because)

-    In asmuch as they couldn’t reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote. Bir anlaşmaya varamadıkları için barış olasılığı hâlâ uzak.

Seeing (that), Seeing as,

Inasmuch as: olduğuna göre, olduğundan dolayı, olduğu için (because)

-    Seeing that you're coming anyhow, I decided not to take notes for you.

-    Seeing as they liked her first book, they were sure to make a good offer for the second one.

-    Seeing that we are all here, we might as well sing. Hepimiz burada olduğumuza göre artık şarkı söyleyebiliriz.

-    Seeing that the weather was bad, we decided to stay at home. Hava kötü olduğu için evde oturmaya karar verdik.


given that,

given (that): göz önüne alındığında, bakılırsa, (because of)

-    Given that the lack of vitamins, you should include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.


Now that: madem ki, artık … olduğuna göre, (because)

-    Now that you have grown up, you must stop the childish behaviour. Artık büyüdüğüne göre çocukça davranışı bırakmalısın.

-    Now that the exams are over, I can enjoy. Sınavlar bittiğine göre artık eğlenebilirim.

-    Now that everybody is here, we can start the meeting. Herkes burada olduğuna göre, toplantıya başlayabiliriz.

-    Now that the news is out about tomatoes being found for their cancer-fighting properties, the question is how to get sufficient amounts every day.

-    Now that the winter has gone, the flowers will start to bloom.

-    Now that the group has been released, will it change Ankara's stance?

-    Now that the news is out about tomatoes being found for their cancer-fighting properties, the question is how to get sufficient amounts every day.


By virtue of:… den doayı, (because of, as a result of)

By virtue of + Noun/Ving + Main Clause

-    She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.


On the grounds that: olması gerekçesiyle, olması nedeniyle

-    They oppose the bill on the grounds that it is too restrictive. Kanun tasarına çok kısıtlayıcı olduğu gerekçesiyle karşı çıkıyorlar.


In terms of + NP : olması bakımından

In as far as, In so far as: olması bakımından, olduğu ölçüde, olduğu kadarıyla


Therefore /thus /hence: böylece

-    Someone had removed all the evidence. Thus, it was now impossible for the police to continue their investigation. (Birisi bütün delilleri yok etmiş. Bu yüzden polisin soruşturmasına devam etmesi artık olanaksızdı.)

-    No two volcanoes are alike. Thus, each needs to be studied separately so that its warning signals can be recognized.

-    We are in the middle of a severe draught. Thus, the city government has asked us to conserve water whenever possible.

-    Mr. Taylor is an outstanding teacher. Hence, he is highly respected. Bay Taylor seçkin bir öğretmendir. Bu yüzden son derece saygı görür.

-    Science is now largely dominated by the interests of the industrial world. Hence, it hardly deserves the name ‘science’.

-    Cats have flexible spines. Hence, they can do many physical maneuvers that people cannot do.



-    Columbus was not the first European to set foot on the American continents. Viking sailors had reached and briefly settled present-day Newfoundland and perhaps New England around the year 1000. But knowledge of these Viking landings had been forgotten throughout  Europe for hundreds of years. It would not be right  therefore, to deny Columbus credit for  his accomplishments.


“Therefore”, cümlede çeşitli yerlerde bulunabilir, anlamı aynıdır:

Cümle başında:

-    The players were very tired after the match. Therefore, they needed some rest. Oyuncular maçtan sonra çok yorgunlardı. Bu nedenle, biraz dinlenmeye ihtiyaçları vardı.

-    There is a hospital in our neighbourhood. Therefore, we refrain from making noise. Semtimizde bir hastane var. Bu nedenle, gürültü yapmaktan kaçınıyoruz.

-    This is a binding contract. Therefore, we recommend that you review it with a lawyer. Bu, bağlayıcı bir sözleşme. Bu yüzden, bunu bir avukatla incelemenizi öneririz.

-    Inflation rate was extremely high. Therefore, the government put into effect some measures.

-    You will not be informed of the test result until next month. Therefore, it is a waste of time to keep calling the office.

-    The due date for the final paper has passed; therefore, I could not submit mine on time.

Cümle ortasında (Daha iyi bir İngilizce’yi ifade eder):

-    The professor tried to be fair to his students. He, therefore, made an oral exam in addition to the three written exams. Profesör, öğrencilerine adil davranmak istiyordu. Bu nedenle, üç yazılı sınava ek olarak sözlü bir sınav da yaptı.

Cümle sonunda (seyrek olarak kullanılır):

-    He was mistreated by his manager. He submitted his resignation, therefore. Müdüründen kötü muamele gördü. Bu yüzden, istifa etti.

Accordingly: bu yüzden, bundan dolayı, buna bağlı olarak

-    No formal complaint was made. Accordingly, the police took no action. Resmi şikayet yapılmadı; bu yüzden polis işlem yapmadı.

-    The plan for a bridge across the river has proved unpopular. Accordingly, they are trying to find an alternative project.

-    It rained very hard; accordingly, the game was canceled.


With this in mind: therfore

-    Jennifer realized that her job was at a dead end. With this in mind, she went back to college to learn more skills.


Thereby: öylelikle, o süretle, böylece



So: bu yüzden (so that)

Formulation: Sentence-1, so (that) + sentence-2

-    I missed the bus, so I had to walk.

-    All the seats in the bus were occupied, so he had to stand.

-    I like the books, so I buy the books every month.

-    They were late, so we waited a long time.

-    She doesn’t do her homework, so she gets bad marks.

-    He wants to go holiday, so he resigned. (Tatile gitmek istiyor bu yüzden işten ayrıldı.)

-    She woke up early, so that she didn’t miss the bus. Erken kalktı, bu yüzden otobüsü kaçırmadı.


As a result: _nın sonucunda Consequently: _nın sonucunda

As a consequence: _nın sonucunda

-    She has lived in Spain. As a result she speaks Spanish fluently.

-    For many centuries most people thought the world was flat. As a result, they presumed that if one sailed to the edge of the world one would fall off into space.

-    Grammar rules sometimes overwhelm and confuse students of English. As a result, many people avoid stuying grammar.

-    They’ve increased the number of staff. Consequently, the service is better. Personel sayısını artırdılar ve bunun sonucu olarak servis düzeldi.

-    Following the September 11th terrorist attacks security checks at airports in particular increased. Consequently, many people were reluctant to travel by air.

-    Susan's car broke down on the highway. Consequently, she couldn't arrive on time for her class.

-    He lacks self-confidence. As a consequence, he is unlikely to be successful.

O kendine güvenden yoksundur. Bunun bir sonucu olarak, başarılı olması pek mümkün değildir.

-    During World War II, German submarines began to sink British ships far faster than it could be replaced. As a consequence, Britain came close to defeat.

-    The thunder and lightning were intense; consequently, the crowd dispersed.

-    I am diabetic; consequently, I can’t eat sweets.


Note: Conjunctive adverbs can also be used after periods:

-    It rained very hard; consequently, the game was canceled.


As a result of + noun: … sonucu

As a consequence of + noun: … sonucu


In conclusion: özetle, özetlersek

Sonuç olarak. (Son paragrafın ilk iki kelimesidir.) Formulation : In conclusion, + cümle.

-    The system lacked originality and efficiency. In conclusion, it was a complete failure. Sistem, orijinallikten ve verimlilikten yoksundu. Sonuç olarak, tam bir başarısızlıktı.


In summary,

To sum up: Özetle

-    The music was bad and the singer was inexperienced. In summary it was a disappointing performance. Müzik kötüydü ve şarkıcı acemiydi. Kısacası konser hayal kırıklığı yarattı.

-    To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling this problem. Özetle, bu sorunu ele almanın üç temel yolu var.


All in all: özetle toparlarsak

-    Dr. David Bellamy, who was the guest speaker, gave an interesting and important talk on AIDS. All in all, it was a very successful conference. Konuk konuşmacı olan Dr. David Bellamy, AIDS konusunda ilginç ve önemli bir konuşma yaptı. Her şey hesaba katıldığında çok başarılı bir konferans oldu.


In the end: sonunda, hikayenin sonunda

-    In the end, they married.

-    At the end of the road.


In short, In brief,

To be brief,

In a nut shall: kısacası

-    His novels belong to a great but vanished age. In short, they are old-fashioned. Romanları, büyük ama yok olmuş bir çağa ait. Kısacası, demodeler.

-    The plan is to change the radio station’s style. In brief, less talk and more music. Plan, radyo istasyonunun tarzını değiştirecek. Kısacası/ özetle az konuşma çok müzik.


After all : Sonuçta, Ne de olsa, Herşeye rağmen Finally /At last /Eventually : Nihayet, son olarak Lastly /last of all : Son olarak


(The) last but not (the) least…                      : sonuncu ama en az diğerleri kadar önemi şudur...

Sunum sonuda dinleyenlere uyarıcı vurgu için kullanılır.

Because / so: Sentences showing results can also be joined by using because and so, but the punctuation is different.

-    It rained very hard, so the game was canceled.

-    The game was canceled because it rained very hard. Because it rained very hard, the game was canceled.

Note that a comma, not a semicolon, is used with so. Note, also, that when because is in the middle of a sentence, there is no comma, but when it is at the beginning of a sentence, there is a comma.


To wrap up: toparlamak gerekirse


Except that /Save that / Except (for) /But /Saving / Apart drom: _den başka, ... hariç, ... dışında Hariç tutma anlamı verirler. “except that” ve “save that” devamlarında bir cümlecik alır. Diğerleri edat(preposition) olduklarından ya isim ya da isim gibi işlev gören yapılar alırlar. (Noun, Noun Phrase, Object pronoun, Ving)

-    All my students but Jack were in the class. Jack hariç tüm öğrencilerim sınıftaydı.

-    The museum is open daily except Mondays.Müze Pazatesi günleri hariç her gün açıktır.

-    They look very similar except that one is a little taller.Birisinin biraz uzun olması hariç onlar çok benziyorlar.

-    Apart from the salary, it is not a bod job. Maaş hariç, kötü bir iş değil.




Nasılı anlatırken kullanılır.

(Just) as: _dığı gibi

-    (Just) as railway bridges were the great structural symbols of the 19th century, so highway bridges became the engineering emblems of the 20th century. Demiryolları köprüleri 19. yüzyılın büyük yapı sembolleri olduğu gibi, oto yol köprüleri de 20. yüzyılın mühendislik amblemi oldu.


As if / As though                       : gibi, sanki, _mış gibi

Gerçek durumu ifade ederken “gibi”, gerçek dışı bir olay anlatılırken “sanki, _mış gibi” anlamını alırlar.

-    Take an umbrella. It looks as if it is going to rain. Şemsiye al. Yağmur yağacak gibi görünüyor.

-    He has broken the vase, but he behaves as if nothing had happened. Vazoyu kırdı, ama sanki hiçbir şey olmamış gibi davranıyor.

“As / As though” yapısının kullanıldığı cümlede “be” yapısı kullanılmış ise gerçek dışı durum olsa bie “had been” yerine “were” kullanılır.

-    They listened to him as if

-      he were a king. Onu bir kralmış gibi dinliyorlardı.


at first glance: ilk bakışta On the surface: görünüşde

When seen or considered briefly and for the first time.


-    At first glance, Chinese students appear as eager as ever to study in the US.

İlk bakışta, Çinli öğrenciler ABD'de okumak için her zamanki gibi istekli görünürler.

On the surface it seems that there is no decline in the desire of Chinese students to get educated in the US.

Apparently: görünüşe göre


Sentence connectors

Sentence connectors are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs coherence. Sentence connectors perform different functions and are placed at the beginning of a sentence. They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data etc.


Sentence Connectors:

Sentence connectors bağlaçlarında noktalama işaretleri bulunmaktadır:

·     Main clause. Bağlaç, S + V + O

·     Main clause; bağlaç, S + V + O

·     Main clause; bağlaç + S + V + O


-    My sister studied diligently for several months. Nonetheless, she failed.

-    Jody is afraid of heights; nevertheless, she has applied for a job as a stunt woman. (stunt: akrobasi)


Useful sentence connectors

Logical / sequential order

·        Firstly, secondly, thirdly etc

·        Next, last, finally

·        In addition

·        Furthermore

·        Also

·        At present / presently

Order of importance

·        Most / more importantly

·        Most significantly

·        Above all

·        Primarily

·        It is essential / essentially


·        However

·        On the other hand

·        On the contrary

·        By (in) comparison

·        In contrast


·        As a result

·        As a consequence

·        Therefore

·        Thus

·        Consequently

·        Hence


·        Similarily

·        Likewise

·        Also


·        The cause of

·        The reason for


Indeed, Actually,

As a matter of fact: aslında, gerçekte, doğrusunu istersen

-    The political crisis has a negative influence on the economy; indeed, foreign investments have never been as low.

-    He is a very talented musician. Indeed, he has an extraordinary gift for music. O çok yetenekli bir müzisyen. Gerçekten de, müziğe karşı olağanüstü bir yeteneği var.

-    I haven’t seen him for almost 15 years. Indeed, I can’t even remember what he looks like.

-    I like swimming. As a matter of fact, it is my favourite pastime. Yüzmeyi severim. Aslında/Aslına bakılırsa, yüzme benim en sevdiğim hobimdir. (Pastime: hobi, meşgale, eğlence)

-    I like reading. As a matter of fact, it is my favorite pastime.

-    He is certainly a fine musician. As a matter of fact, I regard him as one of the greatest violinists of our time.

-    You can have the rest of this chocolate cake. As a matter of fact, I hope you do. I need to lose weight.

-    I’m not looking forward to working under him. Actually, I’m already scanning the newspapers for job opportunities.

-    Jennifer has never liked swimming. Actually, she's terrified of water and won't go near it.


In fact: aslında, gerçekte

-    Oregon has a very rainy climate. In fact, it rains there 65% of the time.

-    Many teenagers know more about computers than their parents; in fact, they often end up teaching adults how to use the Internet.

-    He is quite rich. In fact, he is one of the richest people in England. O oldukça zengindir. Aslında/Aslına bakılırsa, İngiltere’nin en zenginlerinden biridir.

-    Deflation isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, productivity driven deflation is beneficial.

-    Even though he is a quiet person, everyone likes him. In fact, he is always invited to parties.


Above all: en önemlisi, Herşeyden once, (More than anything else)

-    He misses all of us, but he longs above all to see his family again.


Further, Furthermore, What’s more, Moreover,

Besides: üstelik, dahası, (artı)

“Moreover” and “furthermore” add extra information to the point you are making. When the added information is stronger than the information preceding, it uses “moreover” or furthermore”. “Besides” is used if the information in both sentences involves reasons or explanations:

-    Marketing plans give us an idea of the potential market. Moreover, they tell us about the competition.

-    Fred was happy to clean out the garage; besides, he had no other important things to do.

-    There is growing opposition to capital punishment. Moreover, there is now evidence that many executed prisoners were innocent. Ölüm cezasına, artan bir muhalefet var. Ayrıca/üstelik, idam edilmiş pek çok mahkumun masum olduğuna dair kanıt var.

-    I love walking on the beach; furthermore, I hope to live close to the ocean some day.

-    The gods thundered in the heavens; furthermore, the mortals below cowered in fear.

-    It rained hard; moreover, lightening flashed and thunder boomed.

-    All docs not have a gift for music. Moreover, he lacks motivation to practice music. Therefore, he can't become a good musician.

-    He was a notable orator and prolific writer. Moreover, he was a serious student of the Bible and philosophy.

-    He has earned the respect of farmers everywhere. Furthermore, they know they can trust him. (Her yerde çiftçilerin saygısını kazandı. Ayrıca ona güvenebileceklerini biliyorlardı. )

-    We have welcomed our guests. Furthermore, we sent them back their home at our expenses. (Misafirlerimizi ağırladık. Ayrıca, masrafı üstlenerek onları evlerine geri gönderdik.)

-    To prepare his homework, Jack went through various history books. Furthermore, he took notes from several encyclopedias.

-    The new service will be considerably more expensive. Furthermore, it will only be available in certain areas.

-    The service will be considerably more expensive. Further, it will only be available in certain areas. (Hizmet, çok daha pahalı olacak. Üstelik/ayrıca/bundan başka, yalnızca belli bölgelerde kullanılabilecek.)

-    I don’t want to go shopping. Besides, I haven’t got any money. (Alışverişe gitmek istemiyorum. Üstelik hiç param yok.)

-    I prefer to buy fruits and vegetables in the open market because they are quite cheap there. Besides, they are much fresher than fruits and vegetables sold at the greengrocers'.

-    My sister works full-time at the school cafeteria. Besides this, she is taking 18 credits at school.

-    The economic news from Europe was particularly disappointing in the first half of the year. What’s more, recent surveys from the region imply little prospect of improvement in the near future.

-    The police have found the missing money. What is more, they have arrested the thief.

In addition: buna ek olarak, bir de, hem de

When the added information is of approximately equal "strength," use in addition or also:

-    I have to study this evening. In addition, I have to cook dinner.

-    She is a famous novelist. In addition, she writes articles for a local newspaper. (O, ünlü bir romancı. Ayrıca, yerel bir gazeteye makale yazıyor.)

-    An explorer attempting to cross the Arctic has to cope with bitterly cold temperatures. In addition, he has to battle with the strong tidal pull on the ice.

-    Susan is working full-time. In addition / also, she's taking college classes.

-    The doctor told him to lose weight; in addition, she advised him to stop smoking.

-    This hotel is as comfortable as your own house; in addition, it is not very expensive.

-    In addition to dealing with poor sanitation and pollution from dirty cooking fuels and primitive stoves, they are exposed to modern environmental hazards, such as urban air pollution, exhaust fumes and industrial pollution.


In addition to: buna ek olarak, bir de, hem de

-    In addition to dealing with poor sanitation and pollution from dirty cooking fuels and primitive stoves, they are exposed to modern environmental hazards, such as urban air pollution, exhaust fumes and industrial pollution.


Also: ayrıca, de, da

Also is used to add an extra idea or emphasis.

-    You can pay your bills in cash. You can also write a check.

-    We also spoke about marketing.

-    Fire brings warmth, safety, clean drinking water and cooked food, and may have fast-tracked the expansion of humans out of Africa. But fire is also an unruly beast, bringing with it the threat of devastation and death.


Also is used with “not only” to give emphasis.

-    We are concerned not only by the costs, but also by the competition.


It can not be usually started a sentence with also. If you want to start a sentence with a phrase that means also, you can use “In addition”, or “In addition to”.

-    He is praised by his family for the good results. Also, he is expecting to be rewarded by the school administration. (İyi sonuçlar nedeniyle ailesinden övgü aldı. Ayrıca, okul yönetiminden ödül bekliyor.)

-    I think I will accept the offer because it is a first class hospital. Also, the situation appeals to me.

-    You can pay your bills in cash. You can also write a check.

-    My brother plays basketball. Also, he runs a small hotel in the south. Kardeşim basketbol oynuyor. Ayrıca güneyde küçük bir otel işletiyor.

-    He is praised by his friends for the good results he got from the finals. Also, he is expecting to be rewarded by the school administration. (Finallerdeki iyi sonuçlar nedeniyle arkadaşlarından övgü aldı. Ayrıca, okul yönetiminden ödül bekliyor.)

-    Living in a big city offers good job opportunities. Also, it provides good educational opportunities.

Apart from + NP + (... Also),

Besides + NP + (... Also)                          : _nın yanı sıra, _e ek olarak (... ayrıca)

“Apart from” and “besides” are often used to mean “as well as”, or “in addition to”.

-    Apart from Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.

-    Besides Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.


Alternatively: alternatif olarak

-    The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. Acente, sizin için seyahat ayarlamalarını yapacak. Alternatif olarak / İsterseniz kendi ulaşımınızı kendiniz organize edebilirsiniz.

-    You're welcome to come with us now in our car. Alternatively, you could go later with Mary.

-    We can buy a small house with this money. Alternatively, we can buy a new car.

-    You can save this computer program on your hard drive. Alternatively, you can put it on an USB.


By the way : Bu arada, aklıma gelmişken Incidentally : Bu arada, aklıma gelmişken

(Used to introduce an additional point that the speaker has just thought of)

-    Thank you for clearing the table. By the way, did you do your homework yet?

-    Some people, and incidentally that includes Robert, just won't look after themselves properly.

-    I tripped. Incidentally, my enemy's leg was out where I had tripped.


To put it in a different way,

Put differently: farklı şekilde ifade edersek In other words: dğer bir deyişle

-    They asked him to leave. In other words, he was fired. (Ondan ayrılmasını istediler. Diğer bir deyişle kovuldu.)

-    All sources of power are natural. In other words, all power is based on the control of natural sources.

-    He is a conservative. In other words, he favors the preservation of old institutions in their original form.

-    Is there a cheaper solution? In other words, can you design cheaper device?


First : firstly, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, for one thing Second : secondly, in second place, for another thing

Third                : thirdly, in the third place

Finally              : lastly, last of all

-    There are several reasons why I don’t want to buy this car. Firstly/First/In the first place, it looks awful. Secondly/Second/In the second place, it is unreliable. Thirdly/Third/In the third place, it is expensive. Bu arabayı almak istemeyişimin pek çok nedeni var. Birincisi, görüntüsü kötü. İkincisi, sağlam değil. Üçüncüsü, pahalı.

-    Owning a car has some advantages. First (First of all/Firstly/ To begin with), it gives you comfort. Secondly, it saves you a lot of time. Thirdly, it gives you great freedom of movement.

-    There are several reasons why the Industrial Revolution started in Britain rather than in France. First / Firstly / First of all / In the first place / To begin with, Britain had the money to finance the larger enterprises. Second / Secondly / In the second place, England’s supremacy on the seas had encouraged commerce and thus, indirectly, industry. Third / Thirdly / In the third place, there was a new rich class in England, a merchant class, which was ready to devote itself to industry.

-    The country is confronting three major problems. First / Firstly / First of all / In the first place / To begin with, there is the inflation problem to be dealt with. Second / Secondly / In the second place, the rate of unemployment is very high. Finally / Lastly / Last of all, the country is faced with the threat of civil war.




Rather: daha doğrusu, aslında, şöyle demek daha doğru olur. (adverbial clause)

Zarf olarak kullanılıp öncesindeki cümleye gönderme yapar.

-    This system must be improved. Rather, it must be thoroughly changed. (Bu sistem düzeltilmelidir. Daha doğrusu, tamamen değiştirilmelidir.)

-    He is enjoying himself. Rather, he seems to be enjoying himself.

-    Her name is not Margeret. Rather, it is Margot.

-    There  is              no shortage of basic skills in the workplace. Rather, the problem is poor management.


To be (more) precise: tam söylemek gerekirse/tam olarak

-    The shelf is about a metre long. To be more precise, it is 98 cm.



For example /for instance /to illustrate : örneğin Say: e.g, örnekleme

-    I think he doesn't have any concept of time. For example, he kept me by waiting almost two hours yesterday.

-    In this book Wellington is described as a great general but he is also shown to have some human weaknesses. For example, the writer talks about Wellington's vanity and his unattractive lack of generosity in sharing the credit for his victories.

-    Allergies to certain insect bites can be fatal. For example, a bee sting can cause shock in some people.

-    Women generally live longer than men. For example/For instance, in the USA life expectancy for women is 75, while it is 73 for men. (Genellikle kadınlar erkeklerden uzun yaşar. Örneğin/mesela, ABD’de erkekler için ortalama ömür 73 iken kadınlar için 75’tir.)

-    Contrary to expectations, more people are now leaving many of the world’s largest urban areas than are moving in. For instance, the population of Sao Paulo was expected to reach 24 million by the year 2005, but fewer than 18 million live there now.

-    Some sports often involve injury to the players. Skiing without proper skills, for instance, often leads to broken legs.

-    Floods can be highly destructive. To illustrate, the flood which occurred in Germany in 1962 devastated particularly the city of Hamburg, killing 315 people.

-    Proper use of the comma takes practice. To illustrate, I have prepared the following three exercises for you.

-    Many famous artists have suffered from physical and mental afflictions. As an example, consider the lives of Van Gogh and Gaugin.

Namely: yani

-    Edgar learned some excellent methods of pre-writing; namely, he learned how to use a graphic organizer to gather his thoughts and group them together.

-    Some groups, namely students and pensioners, will benefit from the new tax. (Yeni vergiden bazı gruplar, yani öğrenciler ve emekliler, yararlanacak.)


That is (to say): yani, şöyle ki

-    The machinery was not impaired; that is, it wasn’t damage.

-    The nutrients that foods supply are essential nutrients. That is, they are needed from outside the body.

-    The brochure dealt with travelling in Morocco. That is/In other words/ Namely, it discussed transportation, currency, and language.

-    The machinery was not impaired. That is, it wasn't damaged.

-    Good readers should be able to read between the lines. That is, they should be able to make inferences (=to draw conclusions) about information that is conveyed indirectly or given only partially.

-    I’ll deal with the second issue first. That is to say, the changes needed to the curriculum.

-    As a child grows up, he learns how to behave in ways which are appropriate to the society into which he is born. That is to say, he acquires the patterns of behavior which are accepted as normal in his society.




Especially /In particular /Particularly : özellikle, bilhasa

-    Children are easily affected by the media. Violent movies may be especially harmful to them.

-    Shopping in small markets is quite advantageous. In particular, one can find specialty items that larger stores do not contain. Küçük pazarlardan alışveriş yapmak avantajlıdır. Özellikle/bilhassa, insan, büyük mağazalarda olmayan özel ürünleri bulabilir.

-    The world's nuclear industry has continued to decline since the 1980s. In particular, this is true of the fifteen countries of the European Union.

-    The correct use of punctuation often confuses students. In particular, they find the comma rules difficult to master.

-    Following the September 11th terrorist attacks stringent security measures were taken. Particularly, security checks at airports were increased.


Specifically : Özel olarak (Bilimsel ise)

-    We had to arrange several details for the journey. Specifically, we had to make plane and train reservations as well as decide on the final itinerary. Yolculuk için birçok ayrıntıyı ayarlamak zorundaydık. Özellikle/bilhassa, nihai yolculuk programına karar vermenin yanı sıra uçak ve tren rezervasyonlarını da yapmak zorundaydık.

-    I have a question about tenses. Specifically, when should I use the past perfect?



Similarly /likewise /correspondingly: benzer bir şekilde

-    People cannot survive under water. Similarly, a fish will die if it is taken out of water.

-    Cars must stop at red traffic lights; similarly, bicycles should stop, too.

-    The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably. (quite considerably: Önemli ölçüde)

-    Photographers require short exposures to capture fast-moving objects. Similarly, chemists need short laser pulses to study rapid reactions.

-    Mike has a talent for fixing bicycles; likewise, his brother is very proficient at building motorcycles.

-    You can’t teach navigation in the middle of a storm. Likewise, you can’t build a system of values in the current educational climate. Bir fırtınanın ortasında navigasyon öğretemezsiniz. Aynı biçimde, şu anki eğitim ortamında değerler sistemini inşa edemezsiniz.

-    The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent.

-    High inflation usually leads to high interest rates. Likewise, interest rates decline when inflation is low.

-    A person who talks too much is seldom loved by others. Likewise, a person who rarely speaks is not always well liked.


In the same way: aynı şekilde By the same token: aynı şekilde

-    The whole of society may suffer if its government is attacked. In the same way, the entire body is harmed if the brain is damaged.

-    Speaking a foreign language fluently requires oral practice. In the same way, playing the piano cannot be learned without regular practice.

-    I don’t think that prices will go up really sharply. By the same token, I don’t see them going down much lower either. Fiyatların gerçekten çok artacağını sanmıyorum. Aynı biçimde, daha düşeceklerini de öngörmüyorum.


Correspondingly: buna karşılık, buna bağlı olarak, buna paralel olarak

-    The service is better. Correspondingly, it is more expensive. Servis daha iyidir. Buna bağlı olarak/paralel olarak daha pahalıdır.

-    The war fall in trade. Correspondingly, it has had a devastating effect on the country.


Fiilin yalın hali var ise fiilin önüne dört preposition’dan birini kullanırız. Bunlar,

·        So as to

·        As to

·        To

·        In order to


Preposition phrase’lerden sonra, preposition phrase + Noun / Ving /Noun Caluse gelir.


Although some of these words have already been mentioned as sentence connectors, they can also be used to develop coherence within a paragraph, that is linking one idea / argument to another.




·        First / firstly, second / secondly, third / thirdly etc

·        Next, last, finally

·        In addition, moreover

·        Further / furthermore

·        Another

·        Also

·        In conclusion

·        To summarise

·        So

·        As a result

·        As a consequence (of)

·        Therefore

·        Thus

·        Consequently

·        Hence

·        Due to

·        Undoubtedly

·        Indeed

·        Obviously

·        Generally

·        Admittedly

·        In fact

·        Particularly / in particular

·        Especially

·        Clearly

·        Importantly




·        And

·        In addition / additionally / an additional

·        Furthermore

·        Also

·        Too

·        As well as

·        For

·        Because

·        Since

·        As

·        Because of

·        For example

·        For instance

·        That is (ie)

·        Such as

·        Including

·        Namely




·        However

·        Nevertheless

·        Nonetheless

·        Still

·        Although / even though

·        Though

·        But

·        Yet

·        Despite / in spite of

·        Similarly

·        Likewise

·        Also

·        Like

·        Just as

·        Just like

·        Similar to

·        Same as

·        Compare

·        In contrast (to)  / in comparison

·        While

·        Whereas

·        On the other hand

·        On the contrary

·        compare(d) to / with

·        Not only...but also





Konuyu değiştirmek ya da bir konudan başka bir konuya geçiş sağlamak için kullanılır. Bu bağlaçlar devamınlarında bir isim ya da isim gibi kullanılar yapı gelir.


As for

when it comes to With regard to With respect to

In the case of: e gelince About

as to concerning regarding As regards

pertaining to: ile ilgili olarak, _e gelince

-    There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements. Finansal düzenlemeler ile ilgili hiç bir problem yoktur.

-    There is no decision as to when the work start. İşin ne zaman başlayabileceğine daiir hiçbir karar verilmiş değil.

-    Everybody is going to the party. As for me, I am not going. Herkes partiye gidiyor. Bana gelince, ben gitmeyeceğim.

-    As regards the status of women in scientific research, it may be said that the fundamental problem is not attracting them to science but retaining them in science after they have been trained.

Kadınların bilimsel araştırmalardaki durumuna ilişkin olarak denilebilir ki temel sorun, kadınları bilime çekmek değil, ancak yetiştirildikten sonra onları bilim içinde tutabilmektir.


Irrespective of + NP / OP / Ving: gözönüne alınmaksızın, bakılmaksızın Regardless of + NP / OP / Ving: gözönüne alınmaksızın, bakılmaksızın

Regardless of the consequences: Sonuçlarına bakılmaksızın, sonuçları ne olursa olsun. regardless of Qw …: … olursa olsun

-    Whatever they say: Onlar ne söylerse söylesin

-    Regardless of what they say: Onlar ne söylerse söylesin

-    No matter what they say: Onlar ne söylerse söylesin

-    Irrespective of what they say: Onlar ne söylerse söylesin

-    The candidates will be evaluated regardless of their gender, religion, etc. Adaylar cinsiyetlerine, dinlerine vs. bakılmaksızın değerlendirilecek.

-    Regardless of how impartially: nasıl tarafsız olursa olsun




A prepositional phrase is phrase that starts with a “preposition” and ends with “noun or a pronoun”.

-    from her, (the "noun" is a pronoun)

-    from sleeping, (sleeping is a gerund, a verbal noun)

-    from what he said, (the noun is a noun clause)


The words after the preposition are known as the object of a preposition. There will often be modifiers in the object of the preposition making it a noun phrase.

-    With John, (There are no modifiers in this example.) With the wonderful John, (With the modifiers)

-    Without trying, (There are no modifiers in this example)

Without overly trying, (With the modifier overly, the object of the preposition is a noun phrase.)


Sometimes the answers to those questions take more than one word. Often those phrases are prepositional phrases.

Which one: The flower in the vase is a peony.

What kind: The umbrella with the polka-dots is Mary Anne's.

Where: We will be going to the movies. When: My lunch period is after science. How: You are walking on your tiptoes.


·     A phrase is a group of words working together that does not have both a subject and a verb. Phrases usually act as a single part of speech.

·     Prepositions can never be alone, so it makes sense to learn about prepositions in their phrases. Any lone preposition is actually an adverb.

·     A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a word in the sentence and the word that is the object of the preposition.


The object of the preposition is the noun following the preposition that the preposition is relating to something in the sentence.


To find the object of the preposition ask "What?" after the preposition.

The flower in the vase is a peony.

You found in - ask "In what?" Answer - vase.


A prepositional phrase is the preposition, the object of the preposition, and all the modifiers between the two.

in (preposition) the vase (object)

with (preposition) the polka-dots (object)

to (preposition) the movies (object)

after (preposition) science class (object)

on (preposition) your tiptoes (object)



Some Common Prepositions

Prepositions of time:

after, around, at, before, between, during, from, on, until, at, in, from, since, for, during, within

Prepositions of place:

above, across, against, along, among, around, at, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, in, inside, into, near, off, on, opposite, out, over, past, through, to, toward, under, underneath

Prepositions                                      of


at, for, on, to, in, into, onto, between

Prepositions of manner:

by, on, in, like, with

Other types of prepositions:

by, with , of, for, by, like, as


The word to is often a preposition, but it is just as often part of an infinitive verb. If the word after to is a verb, to is not a preposition.

Preposition: I want to go to Florida for vacation.

Infinitive Verb: I want to go to Florida for vacation.


In doing so” can be replaced by when we do this or in the process. “By doing so” can be replaced by as a result of doing this.

On doing so” can be replaced by when/after it did this (I find this an odd sentence).



Preposition (by, of, in, on...) + Noun /Noun Phrase

If we want to use a verb after a preposition, it must be a gerund (which functions as a noun). It is impossible to use an infinitive after a preposition.


noun phrase: adj + noun.

Preposition + noun /noun phrase

The preposition may be complemented (completed) by a noun (N / NP) or in some cases (before, after, while) a clause.

-    Jason read the manual before the installation.(before he installed the system.) Jason said, "You can't turn it on without a plug."

-    Jane got it working with a different cable.

-    Jason was talking about an action movie.

-    Jane suggested a "night out" instead of TV at home.

-    Jason lectured against unnecessary expenses.



Gerund after “Adjective + Preposition”

afraid of: They are afraid of losing the match.

angry about/at: Pat is angry about walking in the rain. bad at/good at: John is good at working in the garden. clever at: He is clever at skateboarding.


Gerund after “Noun + Preposition”

advantage of: What is the advantage of farming over hunting? chance of: There's a chance of catching a cold these days.

choice between: There's a choice between flying to London Heathrow or Stansted. danger of: Peggy is in danger of making a mistake.


Gerund after “Verb + Preposition”

accuse of:They were accused of breaking into a shop. agree with: I agree with playing darts.

apologize for: They apologize for being late.

believe in: She doesn't believe in getting lost in the wood. blame for: The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories. complain about: She complains about bullying.

worry about: The patient worries about having the check-up.

Through + NP /OP /Ving: doğruca, doğru, sayesinde

Across, from end to end: the main road through town

For the whole of a period: I slept through the night. Through its darkest time

By means of: Skill improves through practice.

-    We don’t get into the house through the window.

-    I had made a hole through the wall.


Preposition (by, of, in, on...) + Ving

-    I am against smoking in public places.

-    She is good at speaking English.

-    I went home after leaving the party.

-    We can talk about going home.

-    I'm tired of hearing excuses.

-    You can't learn English without making mistakes.


Preposition + Gerund clause (Reduced Clause)

The preposition may also be complemented by a gerund clause (a nonfinite clause). The add-on clause is called an adjunct because the structure is not required to complete the meaning of the sentence (extra info).

-    Jason read the manual before installing the system.

-    You can't turn it on without plugging it in.

-    Jane got it working by using a different cable.

-    Jason was talking about seeing an action movie.

-    Jason was having vision problems from watching the new TV.

-    Jane suggested a "night out" instead of watching TV at home.

-    Jason thanked Jane for making her suggestion.

-    Jason lectured against spending money.

-    I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.


In Ving= …mede/ ..mada.

In learning English, in swimming: yüzmede

-    She took great delight in telling your story.

-    He came in shouting. Bağırarak girdi.


Believe in + Ving

-    I believe in discussing things openly.


In doing so= böyle yaparak

-    In doing so, NASA wanted prioritized research objectives for the robotic orbiters and landers that will be used primarily for reconnaissance purposes prior to later explorations by astronauts of the lunar surface.

-    In doing so, the peacemakers created fresh bitterness and conflict.

by + Ving: yaparak

By + Ving /noun: used to say what means or method someone uses to do something

By + Ving : tek yollu olarak “only if” dir; by going: giderek. by swimming: yüzerek. by channeling: kanalize ederek

-    You can improve your English by using the Internet.

-    The British government responded by closing the port.

-    By avoiding the claims issue in this way, it was possible to produce a treaty.

-    I began by extending the methods to the project.

-    Students in the United States often support themselves by babysitting, working in restaurants, or driving taxicabs.

-    He also helped to spread learning by establishing a public library and by founding the American Philosophical Society, which is an important academy of great scholars to this day.

-    Earthquakes can damage a tree by causing it to shake violently, and it can take several years for the tree to heal.


By + adv + Ving: … bir şeklide yaparak

-    The food industry is vulnerable to the charge that it contributes to mortality by actively seeking to increase consumption of unhealthy foods on which profits depend.


by + Ving so= böyle yaparak

-    by doing so: böyle yaparak


by + Ving to be + V3: … olmuş gibi yapmak


By + NP /OP /Ving : Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla, yardımıyla With the help of+ NP/OP/Ving : Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla, yardımıyla By means of+ NP/OP/Ving : Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla, yardımıyla

-    The thieves escaped by means of that plan. Hırsızlar o plan aracılığıyla kaçtılar.

-    She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends.

-      With the help of our experts

-    The purpose of this paper is to present a real-time algorithm for the analysis of time-varying signals with the help of the wavelet transform.

-    Through the ages, drugs have been enormously beneficial in relieving suffering and in preventing and treating diseases.


Via + NP /OP /Ving: Aracılığıyla, vasıtasıyla: He went to Los Angeles via San Francisco.

By way of: yolu ile


For + Ving: the purpose of an object

However, if we are talking about the purpose of an object or an action, we normally use the “for + Ving” pattern. Note that this pattern commonly answers the question: What are they (used) for?

-    Schools are for educating children not for entertaining them.

-    Schools are for learning. Life is for living.

For + Ving: …den dolayı

For doing sth: used to say what the purpose of an object, action etc is

-      In order to write on a blackboard, we use what? We use chalk to write on a blackboard.

What is chalk used for? It is used for writing stuff on a blackboard. Since you can answer a question with your statement, it is correct usage.

What do we write with on a blackboard? We write on a blackboard with chalk.

-    This book is useful for learning Asian cultures. (what) This book is useful to learn Asian cultures. (why)

-    They were furious with me for not inviting them to my party.

-    Music educators give us many good reasons for playing.


To be + adj + for + Ving

-    The swallows of Capistrano are famous for returning to the same nests in California each spring.

Sth is neccessary for doing sth/sth


of + Ving:

To be capable of doing sth: having the qualities or ability needed to do something

-    You should tell the truth instead of lying all the time.


Noun + of + Ving: nasıl oluru anlatır.

-    Factoring is the process of finding two or more expressions whose product is equal to the given expression.


on + Ving: to continue doing something

-    We need to keep on going.

-    He broke his leg on getting out of the car.


Go on + Ving: to continue doing something

Go on + Ving ile kullanıldığında, ‘devam etmek, sürdürmek’ anlamındadır:

-    Tom went on talking about his success until I went to sleep. Tom, ben uyuyuncaya kadar başarısından söz edip durdu.


Go on, “to” ile kullanıldığında, yapılan işten başka bir işe geçildiğini anlatır:

-    Tom stopped talking about his success and went on to tell me about his problems. Tom, başarısından söz etmeyi bırakıp sorunlarını anlatmaya koyuldu .


Upon + Ving + so,

On + Ving + so: böyle yapar yapmaz

-    Upon doing so, the thunderstorm activity quickly diminished.

-    Upon accelerating northeastward across Florida Panhandle, the thunderstorm activity quickly diminished.

-    Upon causing the system to accelerate northeastward across Florida Panhandle, the thunderstorm activity quickly diminished.


Preposition phrase + V1 (fiilin yalın hali) To

As to

In order to So as to


a number of + n : bazı, birçok

by means of +n : vasıtasıyla, yardımıyla in place of + n : yerine

in spite of + n    : rağmen

in terms of + n : bakımından, açısından


So why              : Peki neden

in accordance with : uyarınca, uygun olarak in addition to  : ek olarak, ilaveten, ayrıca so far as : şimdiye kadar olduğu gibi a great deal of : bir hayli

a walk of life : Kesim according to : _e göre

after all herşeye : rağmen, sonuçta after awhile : bir süre sonra

in regard to : göz önüne alındığında along with : in addition to

amidst arasında, ortasında

and … alike : gerek … gerek, hem … hemde apart from : -den başka, ilaveten

as a consequence : sonuç olarak in the short term : kısa vadede

as far as I’m concerned : bana kalırsa, bakımından, göz önüne alındığında in turn : … ise, … da

as from              : _den itibaren

as of : _den itibaren (gelecekte) as opposed to : _nin aksine

as regards : _e gelince, -e ilişkin olarak as such yanlızca : … diye, bu nedenle

as to : _e ilişkin olarak, ilgili as usual on : ile ilgili olarak her zaman as well as : in addition to, beside aside from : _den başka

at all costs         : ne pahasına olursa olsun

at least : en azından, bari, hiç olmazsa at most : en çok, (sayısal değer alır)

at one's disposal : kullanım için hazır

at the expense of : … pahasına, … yı yitirerek be about to v. : _mek üzere olmak

be in favor of : _dan yana olmak be on the point of : _mek üzere olmak

because of : nedeniyle, dolayı, yüzünden besides : ilaveten, yanısıra

but for               : olmasa, olmasaydı

by far                 : açık ara

by heart             : Ezbere

by means of which : Böylelikle

by no means : kesinlikle … değil by way of : yoluyla, aracılığıyla by which : Böylelikle

capable of : yeteneğine sahip olmak certainly not : bırakın; … şöyle dursun coincided with : aynı zaman tekabül eden compared with : karşılaştırıldıgında considering : hakkında, e dair

contrary to         : aksine

despite              : rağmen

ditto                   : yazılanlar ile aynı anlamda

due to : sebebiyle, nedeniyle except for : dışında, - den başka extent : boyut, derece, ölçü far and away : kıyaslanmaz ölçüde far from : _den çok, -mek yerine

for all                 : rağmen

for good : sonsuza kadar, ebediyen for short of : başarısız olmak

for the sake of   : uğruna, hatırına

from … on                                 : _den itibaren (geçmiş)

from … onwards : itibarı ile gelen, itibaren gelen

from one's point of view :_e göre, birisinin bakış açısına göre given : göz önüne alındığında

great extent : büyük ölçüde ground(s) : Neden

Have/has to do with : ilgisi, alakası olma how come : Why

ice versa           : Tersine

if it hadn’t been for : olmasaydı if it weren’t for : olmasa

in a row : ard arda, üst üste in advance : önceden peşin

in advance of    : Öncesinde

in any case : ne olursa olsun, her halükarda in comparison to : Karşılaştırıldığında

in comparison with : oranla, kıyasla, nispeten in complete withile : tam olarak

in compliance with : gereği, _e gore

in case of : olması halinde / takdirde in conformity with : gereği, _e gore

in conjunction with : birlikte, bağlantılı in connection with : ile ilgili, _e ilişkin in contrast to : aksine, tersine

in defiance of : _e karşı olarak in excess of : _den fazla

in favor of         : _dan yana olmak in favour of      : lehinde, tarafında in proportion to : _e oranla, _e göre

in pursuit of : _nin peşinde, arayışıyla in response to : _ne karşılık, cevap olarak

in return for : karşılıgında, _e karşılık olarak in succession : ard arda, üst üste, ardından in the case of : halinde, durumunda

in the event of : _ması halinde, o taktirde in the face of : … karşısında

in the long run : uzun vadede in the long term : uzun vadede

in the manner of : tarzında, o tarzda in the short run : kısa vadede

in the wake of    : ardından, … sonrasında

as for : _e söz konusu olduğunda (gelecekte) in view of : sebebiyle, göz önüne alarak

instead of : … yerine

irrespective of : dikkate almadan, _e rağmen keep abreast of : (güncel olayları) takip etmek keep track of : (gelişmeleri) takip etmek

let alone            : bırakın; … şöyle dursun

make (an) allowance for : gözönünde bulundurmak make the most of :en iyi şekilde yararlanmak

most of all : en önemlisi

much less    : bırakın; … şöyle dursun not to mention : bırakın; … şöyle dursun notwithstanding : rağmen

of one's own accord : kendi isteğiyle, gönüllü olmak of one's own will: kendi isteğiyle, gönüllü olmak

on account of    : sebebiyle

on behalf of : adına, yerine, namına on grounds of : sebebiyle

on no account : hiçbir şekilde on the contrary : aksine

on the grounds of : because of on the grounds that : because

on the part of : … adına, … lehine on the point of : üzereyken

on the pretext of: … bahanesiyle on the verge of : eşiginde

once and for all : bir kerede, bir seferde other than : _den başka, hariç owing to : sebebiyle, yüzünden

rather like          : oldukça

rather than : _den ziyade, _den çok regard as : kabul etmek, gibi görmek regarding : akkında , ilişkin olarak regardless of : gözönünde bulundurmadan,

relative to : göz önüne alındığında, kıyasla result from : _den kaynaklanmak

result in : olarak sonuçlanmak result of + noun … nın sonucunda

as a result of + n: sonucunda

save from : dışında, - den başka similar to : benzer şekilde

so apart from     : _dan başka

so much that : o kadar … ki, öylesine … ki standpoint : açı, görüş açısı

subject to          : maruz bırakmak

take advantage of : yararlanmak, faydalanmak take into account : göz önünde bulundurmak

take something for granted: düşünmek, olduğu gibi kabul etmek take turns : sırasıyla yapmak

thanks to : sayesinde the rest : gerisi, geri kalanlar

Thereby            : böylelikle, bu sayede

to a large                :büyük ölçüde

to some extent :bir dereceye kadar, belli ölçüde

to such an extent that : o kadar … ki, öylesine … ki to the contrary : tersine, aksine

to the extent of : Pahasına to the extent that : Pahasına

to the point : konu ile ilgili, konu ile alakalı under the pretext of: … bahanesiyle

unlike                : aksine

via                     : üzerinden, yoluyla, vasıtasıyla

Whereby           : Böylelikle

with regard to : _ne gelince, ilgilii hakkında with respect to : ilgili olarak



As early as: … kadar erken

-    Although plays were being written as early as 300 BC, the first permanent theatres where they could be staged properly were not built until much later.


As in: ... da olduğu gibi

-    As in other areas of policy analysis, foreign policy analysis also starts with a number of central questions about the nature of what is to be studied.


So why: peki neden

-    So why does one third of the world’s population still lack access to proper healthcare?

Q.1.  Mike has been told he will have to pay the fine — his high rank in the military.

A.  even if

B.  furthermore

C.  on grounds that

D.  despite

E.  on purpose that


Bu tür sorularda şıklarda verilen yapıların bilinmesi lazım.

·        “Even if, on grounds that, on purpose that” birer adverbial clause Adverbial clause’larda yapı: Averbial clause + S + V + O

Bu sorudaki adverbial clause’lardan sonra “S + V + O” yapısı olmadığından A, C, E şıkları elenir.


·        Furthermore, bir sentence connector. Sentence connectors’lar farklı bir noktalama alırlar. Sentence connectors’larda yapı:

-          Main clause. Bağlaç, S + V + O

-          Main clause; bağlaç, S + V + O

-          Main clause; bağlaç + S + V + O B şıkkıda elenir.

·        Despite bir prepositional phrase’dir. Preposition phrase + Noun /Ving /NP Doğru yanıt: D



Q.2.   Continued high-blood pressure is dangerous —- it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

A.  however

B.  so that

C.  as

D.  no matter although

E.  for instance Doğru yanıt: C


Q.3.  They like to keep their old houses rather than building the new ones it is very hard

and expensive to maintain them.

A)  because of.

B)  even though.

C)  on the contrary.

D)  on account of

E)  for example.


On the contrary, for example, sentence connector olarak kullanılır. Noktalama işaretleri olmalıdır. C ve E şıkları elenir.

On account of, sonunda preposition olmasından kaynaklı, Noun /Ving /NP alır. D şıkkı elenir.

A şıkkı parelellik, B şıkkı zıtlık içerir. Raher than ifadesi kıyaslama var demektir. Bundan dolayı doğru yanıt: B



Q.4.  —- the Oscar Reward, the Cannes Film Festival is the biggest event which takes place in May in the South of France.

A.  Except for

B.  Such as

C.  Lest

D.  Unless

E.  But


The Osacar Reward isim, except for ve such as isim ile kullanılır.

Lest ve Unless birer adverbial clause, cümle gelmesi gerekir. C ve D şıkları elenir. But ise bir coordinator, cümlenin başına gelemez. E şıkkıda elenir.

Such as yapısı: I like fruit suc as apple and pear. B şıkkıda olmaz. Doğru yanıt: A.



Q.5.   — vaccination has eliminated naturally occurring polio in North and South America, rare cases continue to occur in developing countries of Africa.

A. However B. Although

C.  As a result of

D.  Hence

E.  Moreover


As a result of bir prepositional phrase isimle kullanılır. Bu nedenle C şıkkı elenir.

However –but, Hense – so, Morever – but olarak gruplandığından sentence connector, noktalama işaretleri olmalıydı. A, D, E şıkları da elenir. Doğru yanıt: B



Q.6. The economy in China is booming; — many foreign investors are planning to enter China’s market.

A.  nonetheless

B.  even if

C.  so as to

D.  in addition to

E.  that’s why


; olduğu için bir sentence connector sorusu. A ya da E şıkından biri doğru.

So as to bir prepositional phrase sonuna V1 alır (so as to + V1), cümle gelmez. C şıkkı elenir.

In addition to + noun, D şıkkıda elenir.

Even if bir adverbial clause, noktalaması olmuyor. Nonetheless, but anlamına gelir, bir tanesi olumsuz olmalıydı. That is why – for anlamına gelir. Doğru yanıt E şıkkıdır.

Q.7. The Vaal River is one of the major rivers in South Africa but the runoff is not constant which means that large dams have to be built — store water for use.

A.  notwithstanding

B.  regardless of C. so as to

D. thanks to

E. with the aim of

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