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Agreement in the Clauses

Complex sentences are formed when you connect a main clause and a subordinating clause with a subordinating conjunction.



Complex sentence: When she was a baby, she loved to crawl around. Main clause (Independent): She loved to crawl around.

Subordinating clause (Dependent): When she was a baby ... Subordinating conjunction: when


Sequence of tenses in sentences with object clauses:

Object subordinate clauses answer the question "what?" and stand in the place of an object after such verbs as "know, think, believe, understand, wonder, agree, say, tell, ask, answer, remark" and phrases like "I'm sure (that), I'm afraid (that)". Object clauses are connected to the main clause by the conjunction "that" (which is often omitted) and by other conjunctions, such as where, when, why, how, whether, if.


Verb tense agreement with time clauses in complex sentences,time subordinators: when, before, after, while, as, by the time, until, till, since, as soon as, as long as, whilst, whenever


Verb tense agreement in conditionals and subjunctives, condition subordinators: if, as if, whether, as though



Purpose: …mek için, …mak için (“Ne için?” sorusuna yanıt aranır.

To V1

So as to

In an effort to In an attempt to



·     One of these days: often used in future tense

·     In those days: often used in past tense

·     On Sunday last: often used in past tense

·     Already: Often used in perfect tense


Adverbs of time:

The adverbs of time are placed between the two parts of the predicate in the perfect tenses: Already, just, never, ever. The adverbs of time can also stand after the main verb: already.


Adverbs that tell when an action occurred, or its time, include:

Now, first, last, early, yesterday, tomorrow, today, later, afterwards, ago (e.g., two hours ago), already, early, immediately, just, late, lately, later, long, now, once, recently, soon, still, then, today, tomorrow, when, yesterday, yet.


Yesterday V2

So far have /has + V3


·     Yesterday, two day ago, last week, in 1971 gibi yapılarını gördüğümüzde boşluğa V2 gelir.

·     10th Century, 10th Century AD (M.S), 10th BC, Midle Age, Bronze Age yapılarını rdüğümüzde boşluğa V2 gelir.

·     Tarihi kişiler veya karekterler, Tarihi olaylar veya buluşlar, Türü yok olmuş hayvan veya bitkilere ilişkin yapılarını gördüğümüzde boşluğa V2 gelir.









V2                 V1              Will + V1



Soru: Most anthropologists think man ---- South America around 12,000 years ago, although some--------------- it much earlier.

A)  has settled / may have put

B)  settles / are putting

C)  had settled / were putting

D)  was settling / had put

E)  settled / have put

Soru: As I ---- you yesterday, the undersecretary-------------- over this afternoon’s discussions.

A)  have told /was presiding

B)  told /will be presiding

C)  would have told /had presided

D)  will tell /has presided

E)  would tell /has been presiding


Soru: The Pyramid of the Sun ---- in stages in the second and third centuries A.D. and --

-- about 200 feet high and 700 feet in length.

A)  was built / measures

B)  had been built / may measure

C)  could have been built / was to measure

D)  has been built / would measure

E)  could be built / had measured


Soru: At the end of the First World War, the leaders of victorious countries gathered at Versailles, and there, they —- to decide what penalties Germany, Austria and other allies —-.

A)  tried / would have to pay

B)  had tried / must have paid

C)  were trying / were paying

D)  used to try / might have paid

E)  could try / should have paid



·     today

Soru. Today the telephone ---- an indispensable part of our daily life but--------------------- so.


A)  had been / had not always been

B)  has been / is not always

C)  is / has not always been

D)  will be / would not always be

E)    was / couldn’t always have been


·     Soon, tomorrow, next week, in 2075, the coming year (the year to come), the following year.

Modal-1: can, could, may, might, shall, should, ought to, had better, would rather, must


Soru. Sub-Saharan Africa---------------------- at a relatively stable rate since the mid-1990s, and its growth

---- in the following years.

A)  was growing / continues

B)  has been growing / should continue

C)  has grown / should have continued

D)  grew / has continued

E)  is growing / will have continued


E şıkkındaki “will have continued” olamaz. Çünkü “will /modal-1 + V1” olmalıdır.




Soru. New experiments on animals------------------ hope that a cure based on transplanting stem cells -

--- a reality in the future for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

A)  could have given / had become

B)  gave / becomes

C)  will give / has become

D)  give / could become

E)  had given / became


will /modal-1 + V1



Had V3

Had been Ving Was /were Ving


Soru. The banks complained that they------------ adequate notice regarding this new monetary policy.

A)  are not being given

B)  are not given

C)  haven't given

D)  had not been given

E)  will not be giving



Soru. When that happened, their hopes ---- because the army--------------------- its most trusted leaders.

A)  wane / would lose

B)  are waning / loses

C)  waned / had lost

D)  were waning / has lost

E)  have waned / lost ...




Am /is /are + Ving Have /has + V3

Have /has been + Ving Will + V1

Will be + Ving Will have + V3

Will have been + Ving


Soru. Although their responses --- as obvious as those of animals, plants --- the capacity to respond to light, gravity, water, touch, and other stimuli.

A)  may not be / have

B)  have not been / had

C)  were not / have had

D)  had not been / are having

E)  would not be / would have had Açıklama: if yoksa would’da yoktur.


Modal -1 + V1 devamındaki cümle her zaman present:

Model-1: will, can, may, shall, should, ought to, had better, would rather, must

·        Present: S + V + O


Modal-2 + V1:

Model-2: could, might, would

·        Present: S + V + O

·        Past: S + V + O + bağlaç + S + V + O


Modal-3 + have + V3 devamındaki cümle her daim past:

Model-3: would, can, could,may, might, shall, should, ought to, had better, would rather, must (will hariç)


Soru. The rescue workers ............able to rescue some of those who....................... still alive under the


A)  should be / were

B)  may be / are

C)  might have been / have been

D)  will be / would be

E)  were / will be



·     If, provided /providing (that), on condition that, in the event that, Only if, if only

·     Unless (if not), Even if

·     In case, for fear that, lest; tedbir amaçlı koşullu cümleler


Model-1: will, can, may, shall, should, ought to, had better, would rather, must Model-2: could, might, would

Model-3: would, could, might



·     V1, can + V1, should +V1 -> will + V1, modal-1 + V1

·     V2, could + V2, were + Ving -> would + V1, modal-2 + V1

·     had + V3, could have + V3, had been + Ving -> would have + V3, modal-3 + have + V3


Verb yapısında:

To be : durum belirtir. Have /has : aitlik belirtir. Tense : olaylar anlatılır.

Modal : duygu ve düşünceler kullanılır.


Modal Verb: Modal fiiller yanında bir fiil ile kullanılırlar. Duygu, düşünce üretirler.

Will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, ought to, had better, would rather, must. Açıklama: “Have to” bir modal değildir.


Tenses are often regarded in groups:

·     simple tenses / the indefinite tenses

·     continuous tenses / the progressive tenses

·     perfect tenses

·     perfect continuous tenses / the perfect progressive tenses

·     The tenses can be in the active or passive voice






Perfect Continuous















·        Present: am, is are; have /has been

·        Past: was, were, had been

·        Future: will, am/is/are going to; will have been



I … happy today. Ben bu gün mutluyum. (am)

I … happy yesterday. Ben dün mutluydum. (was)

I … happy in a week. Ben bir hafta içinde mutlu olacağım. (will be) I … happy for ten days. Ben 10 gündür mutluydum. (had been)

I … happy when I came to you. Ben size geldiğimden beri mutluydum. (had been) I … happy since I saw you. Ben seni gördüğümden beri mutluyum. (have been)

I … happy for a 20 days by tomorrow. Ben yarın itibarı ile 20 gündür mutlu olacağım. (will have been)

Net zaman: Am,is are; was, were; will be, am/is/are going to. (bugün, dün, Nisan’da, 1960’da). Süren zaman: Have been, has been, will have been. (dünden beri, 1960’dan beri, uzun süredir, yarın sabah itibarı ile, seni tanıdığımdan beri.)



Net Zaman

Süren Zaman


am, is, are

have /has been


was, were

had been


will be, am /is /are going to

will have been



Zaman: şu an, geçmiş, gelecek ( Present, Past, Future ). Simple, “when” sorusuna yanıt arar.

Continuous, zamanın etrafında devam eden olayları tanımlar. Perfect, zamanın öncesini tanımlar.

Perfect continuous, zamanın etrafında devam eden olayın süresini tanımlar.



To be: am, is,are Have got /has got

Modal: will, shall, can, could, may, must, should Present tense

Present Continuous tense Present Perfect tense

Present Perfect Continuous tense



To be: Will be Future tense

Future Continuous tense Future Perfect tense

Future Perfect continuous tense



To be: Would be, was, were had

Modal: would, could, Past tense

Past Continuous tense Past Perfect tense

Past Perfect Continuous tense

The verb in the subordinate clause may be in any tense that reflects the actual time of the action and conveys the meaning correctly in the pair with the verb in the main clause.












Past               Present                 Future







-    They studied Portuguese for three years. (Geçmişte, üç yıl sürmüş ve bitmiş.)

They’ve studied Portuguese for three years. (Üç yıl önce başlamış ve bugüne kadar devam etmiş. Bitip bitmediği belli değil.)


-    He often watches TV. (O belli sıklıkta TV izler ve izlemeye devam etmektedir.) He is watching TV at the moment. (O şu an TV izliyor.)


-    Jo did her homework when I got home. (Geçmişte,iki eylem aynı anda olmuştur.)

Jo was doing her homework when I got home. (Eve gitmeden önce ödev yapılmaya başlanılmış ve eve gidildğinde de ödev yapma işlemi devam etmektedir.)


-    She teaches English. (Permanent job)

She’s teaching English while she’s in Berlin. (Temporary job)


-    When we got there, the class started. (İki eylemde aynı anda olmuştur.)

When we got there, the class had started. (Oraya varıldığında ders çoktan başlamıştır.)


-    Antonio repaired his car last week. (Kendisi arabayı tamir etmiş.) Antonio’s car was repaired last week. (Arabasını tamir ettirmiş.)

-    She has been teaching since she graduated from college.

-    While I was watching TV, the telephone rang.

-    By the time he returned, I had typed ten pages of my report.

-    She went for a walk in the park when the weather was good.

-    I went to bed early because I was very tired.

-    He didn't answer your questions because he doesn't speak English.

-    The books that I bought yesterday are on my desk.

-    The surgeon who is going to perform the operation arrived yesterday.

-    The surgeon who was going to perform the operation fell ill yesterday.

-    Yesterday the patient felt better than he feels today.


If the verb in the main clause is in the present or in the future, the verb in the subordinate clause may be in any tense that conveys the meaning correctly according to sense, logic, and general rules of the use of tenses.


·     the subordinate clause is the present tense to show a same time action

-    He is pretty excited about the show because he adores the band.

-    I think (that) he lives on Rose Street.


·     the subordinate clause is the past tense to show a past action

-    He is satisfied because he managed to complete his work.

-    I know where she went.


·     the subordinate clause is the present perfect tense to show an action that extends from the past to present.

-    The office is in order now because the bosses have elected a very efficient manager.

-    He says that he has paid the dues.

-    He says that he had paid the dues.

-    I know that John has already left for Chicago.

-    The ceremony is organizing because the team has become the champion.

-    As the division of labour has become more specialized, it is no longer possible for skills to be passed down within the family.

İş bölümü uzmanlaştığı için becerilerin aile içinde nesilden nesile sürdürülmesi artık mümkün değildir.


The present perfect tense to show a previous action before the main action

-    The weather is cold because it has snowed.


·     the subordinate clause is the future tense to show an action that is to come

-    She is studying hard now because there will be an exam soon.

-    I don't know whether he will agree to do it.

-    I wonder whether she will buy this house.

-    I'm not sure that he will help us.

-    I see that she is writing a report.

-    He says that he will pay the dues.

-    He says that he is going to pay the dues.

-    I have heard that Mr. Smith is going to be our new director.


·     the time clause is the simple present tense to show a same time relation with the main action

-    Frogs sing when it rains.


·     the condition clause is the present tense to express real conditional

-    If it rains, the roads become muddy.

-    I don't know if she is in town.



To be: Will be Simple Future tense

Future Continuous tense Future Perfect tense

Future Perfect continuous tense


We do not use the future tense in subordinating clauses beginning with “when, until, before, after” etc. Future present tense /simple present tense: until /till /when /as soon as /before + simple present tense


·     the subordinate clause is the present tense to show an action of the same time

-    I will study harder even though I have so many other chores to do

-    He will understand that you want to help him.


·     the subordinate clause is the past tense to show a past action

-    Even though she did badly in her last assessment, she will not give up just like that.

-    I will ask him why he didn't buy that book.


·     the subordinate clause is the present perfect tense to show an action that will happen before the main action

-    There will still be other minor adjustments to do even though they have completed the main task.

-    John will ask what I have done with the money. (Subordinate clause – present perfect tense)

-    Untilil he has taken the test as ordered, I will not help him in any way.

-    Before the 21st century has run its course, countless technologies not envisioned yet will be available to us.


·     the subordinate clause is the present tense or present perfect tense

-    By the time he contacts her, she will have sprouted leaves in her hair!

-    The candidates will have undergone 10 interviews by the time they have succeeded in the preliminary stage.


·     the time clause is the present tense to show an action of the same time

-    I will wait here until she arrives.


According to the rules of the use of tenses, the simple present is used instead of the simple future in adverbial clauses of time and condition referring to the future.

-    He will ask her about it when he sees her tomorrow.

-    She will visit them tomorrow if she has the time.



To be: Would be, was, were had

Modal: would, could, Simple Past tense Past Continuous tense Past Perfect tense

Past Perfect Continuous tense





Past Perfet Past Continous

Simple Past

         Would be

would                                Present Perfect




Today You are here




·     the subordinate clause is the present tense to show a univeral truth or fact

-    Darwin believed that humans evolve from apes.


·     the subordinate clause is the simple past tense to show another completed action related in time to the main action. Simple past tense to show the same time relation of past.

-    He said that he was sorry.

-    The flowers blossomed after the wicked witch died.


·     the subordinate clause is the past continuous tense for actions that continued while other events happened. The action was going on when another past action happened or at some point of time in the past. Time expressions: while; when; at five o'clock, yesterday.

-    When he came in, I was reading a letter.

-    When I was taking a bath, the telephone rang.



·     the subordinate clause is the past perfect tense to show a previous action

-    He knew that he had made a grievous error in his judgement.


the subordinate clause is the past perfect tense to show an action which precedes the main action.

-    The fairies danced after they had defeated the wicked witch. Periler, kötü cadıları yendikten sonra dans ettiler.

The choice of a past tense in the subordinate clause:

If the verb in the main clause is in the past tense (usually, in the Past simple), there are three possible variants of the action in the subordinate clause:

1)      at the same time as the action in the main clause;

2)      earlier than the action in the main clause;

3)      later than the action in the main clause.


If the action in the subordinate clause took place at the same time as the action in the main clause, the Past simple (or the past continuous if required by the context) is used in the subordinate clause.

-    I thought that he worked at a bank.

-    I knew that she was waiting for me by the entrance.


If the action in the subordinate clause took place earlier than the action in the main clause, the past perfect (or the past perfect continuous if required by the context) is used in the subordinate clause.

-    I knew that he had already left for Rome.

-    She said that she had been waiting for me for a long time.

If the action in the subordinate clause took place later than the action in the main clause, the future in the past is used in the subordinate clause ("would" is used instead of "will").

-    I wasn't sure that he would be at home.

-    I knew that she would be waiting for me by the entrance.


Note: It will be much easier to understand the rules of the sequence of tenses if you study how direct speech is changed into reported speech.


If the verb in the main clause is in the past tense, the verb in the osubordinate clause should also be used in one of the past tenses. The examples below show how the sentences given above will change if we use the past tense in the main clause.

-    I thought (that) he lived on Rose Street.

-    I didn't know if she was in town.

-    I didn't know whether he would agree to do it.

-    I wondered whether she would buy that house.

-    I wasn't sure that he would help us.

-    I saw that she was writing a report.

-    I knew that John had already left for Chicago.

-    I knew where she had gone.

-    I heard that Mr. Smith was going to be our new director.

-    He understood later that you wanted to help him.

-    I asked him why he hadn't bought that book.

-    He learned that the hotel concierge usually locked the front door at midnight.

-    She found out that he still worked at a bank.

Exception from the rule:

If a general truth is expressed in the object subordinate clause, the present tense is normally used in the subordinate clause despite the fact that the past tense is used in the main clause.

-    Newton discovered that the force of gravity pulls all bodies to the Earth.

-    Galileo proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.


When + Past simple tense, Past simple continuous /Past perfect tense


When the main clause is in the past or past perfect tense, the subordinate clause must be in the past or past perfect tense.

-    He said that he wanted to go. (Not used: He said that he wants to go.)

-    She said that she had paid the dues. (Not used: She said that she has paid the dues.)

-    They asked me where I was going. (Not used: They asked me where I am going.)


There are some exceptions to this rule. When the subordinate clause expresses a general truth, it can in the present tense even when the main clause is in the past tense.

-    The teacher said that the earth moved around the sun. OR: The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.

-    She said that she had cancer.

OR: She said that she has cancer. (The second sentence is possible as long as the fact that she has cancer is true.)

-    Copernicus proved that the sun was the centre of the universe. OR: Copernicus proved that the sun is the centre of the universe.


Main clause is “Simple present tense” -> result must be in “Simple present tense”. Main clause is “Past simple tense” -> result must be in “Past simple tense”.

-    I work so hard that I am tired.

-    I worked so hard that I was tired.

-    I sat near the window whenever I took a bus.

-    My wife and I went to Disneyland when we visited Los Angeles last spring. Prior to that time, we had never been to such a big amusement park. It was a lot of fun.


Past simple tense + while /when + Past simple tense. Past perfect tense + while /when + Past simple tense.

-    Jim had just turned out the lights when the doorbell rang.


A past tense in the main clause may be followed by a present tense in the subordinate clause when the subordinate clause expresses some universal truth.

-   Copernicus proved that the earth moves round the sun.


Perfect tenses:

Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense


Present perfect tense, Geçmişte başlamış etkisi devam eden cümlelerde kullanılır.

Time expressions: by now: şu ana dek; so far: şimdiye kadar; never: asla; ever: her zaman; several times; since: den beri; lately: son zamanlarda, geçenlerde.


Kullanılan “verb tense” göre cümlenin anlamı değişir:

-    My mother has done a lot for me. Annem benim için çok şey yapmıştır. (= annem hayatta)

-    My mother did a lot for me. Annem benim için çok şey yaptı. (= annem hayatta değil)



-    I have just eaten a sandwich. ( I am not hungry now)

-    I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.

-    My boss has gone to London. (He is there now)

-    It has rained a lot this year.

-    My grandfather has written many novels. (He is still alive and writing novels)

-    Recent excavations in Algeria have indicated that Homo erectus resided there between 500,000 and 750,000 years ago.

-    He has admitted accepting bribes. Rüşvet aldığını itiraf etti.

-    Have you decided in which sector you will look for a job when you graduate?

-    American officials have ordered some overseas airports with direct flights to the US to intensify screening of electronic devices.

-    This man has got the hardest job in the world.

-    She has known them for six years.

-    She has loved him all her life.

-    This is the third time that I have lost my keys. Bu, anahtarlarımı üçüncü kaybedişim.

-    This is the highest building I have ever seen. Bu, hayatımda gördüğüm en yüksek bina.

-    He has gone to Ankara. Bu cümlede özne Ankara’ya gitmiştir ve hala da Ankara’dadır.

He has been to Ankara. Bu cümlede ise özne şu anda Ankara’da değildir ama Ankara’ya gitmiştir. Yani Ankara’yı bilir demektir.

-    He has lived here since 1995.

-    You have changed since I saw you last.

-    We have worked here for five years.

-    I have just seen him.

-    Have you ever eaten at that restaurant yet?

-    It is the most bloody war man has yet seen. İnsanoğlunun şimdiye kadar gördüğü en kanlı savaş.

-    Have you ever been to Turkey?

-    This is the first time I have ever eaten Thai food.

-    Istanbul is the most beautiful city I have ever been to?

-    I have never seen such a big building. (All my life)

-    Have you already finished your homework?

-    There has been a lot of disturbance recently. Son günlerde ülkede çok kargaşa oluyor.

-    Nobody has cleaned this room up to the present. Şimdiye kadar bu odayı kimse temizlemedi.



The Past Perfect Tense:

The action happened before another past action or before some point of time in the past. Time expressions: by the time; before; after; by 1998; by yesterday; by last Sunday.

-    When they arrived the film had already begun.

-    Alexander Graham Bell had already invented the telephone by the time I was born.

-    I didn’t recognise him. He had changed a lot.

-    When Sam was born, I had been a doctor for 10 years.

-    They had already eaten everything by the time we went to the restaurant.

-    By the time he returned, I had worked for six hours.

-    After the meeting (had) finished, everybody went home.

-    No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.


The Future Perfect Tense:

The action will happen before another future action or before some point of time in the future. Time expressions: It is often used with “by the time, before, by the end of the year, at 3 o’clock, by 3 O’clock, before 3 O’clock, by next June, by this time next week, by tomorrow, by next Monday, by 2035.

-    By 2050, scientists will have found the cure for cancer.

-    I will have finished the project by the time you arrive at the office tomorrow morning.

-    When Mr. Lane retires next month, he will have worked for our company for 40 years.

-    When you are my age you will have known all about this.

-    By the time the children come I will have made the beds.

-    Next week they will have been married for 10 years.


When main clause is in perfect tense,

·        subordinate clause is used to show another action related in time to the main action.

·        subordinate clause is used in the past tense to show a past action

·        subordinate clause is used in the clause with 'will /shall /can /may /must /ought' to express real conditional.


-    Although the residents have complained to the authorities, they have not made any actions yet.


-    Many of the larger companies in Somalia have issued shares, although there is no stock exchange or financial authority of any sort in the country.

Ülkede herhangi mali otorite veya borsa bulunmamasına rağmen Somali'deki büyük şirketlerin çoğu, hisse çıkarmışlardır.

-    Traditionally, textbooks on British government and politics have focused on institutions and behaviour while ignoring the controversies and issues which are the fundamentals of politics. Geleneksel olarak, İngiliz hükümeti ve siyasetindeki ders kitapları, politikaların temelini oluşturan tartışmaları ve konuları ihmal ederken, kurumlar ve davranış üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. (İhmal etmeye devam ediyor.)



-    Although that species was discovered a long time ago, no one has ever documented it.

-    You have changed since I saw you last.

-    She left home in 1992 and hasn’t contacted us since then.


When main clause is in the perfect tense, subordinate clause with 'will /shall /can /may /must

/ought' to express real conditional

-    He has focused on moving the complexity of computing from the desktop to the network, where it can be managed more easily. (Bu cümle ile raporlama ya da doğrulama söz konusudur.)

Daha kolay yönetilebilecek şekilde masaüstünden ağa, bilgisayarın karmaşıklığını taşımaya odaklanmıştı.

-    The influence of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language on the development of the language has been widely assumed but cannot be proved and is difficult to assess.

-    The Welsh language has changed so little through the centuries that an educated Welshman can still read the Welsh of the Middle Ages.


-    The country has a long way to go before calm can resume and a stable new order can emerge.

Sakinlik devam etmeden ve istikrarlı bir yeni düzen ortaya çıkmadan önce ülkenin uzun bir yolu var.


·     Clauses with noun, adjective and abverbial

-    Because Brazil’s exports include a wide variety of valuable raw materials, the country has had huge earnings in foreign currency over the past few years.

-    Various fossils have recently been found in an Ethiopian valley where bones that span six million years of human evolution have been dug up over the last 25 years.


Main clause is in past perfect tense, use in the subordinate clause:

After + past perfect tense, Past simple tense

-    The aging matriarch had drawn up a will in case her illness became more serious.


Perfect continuous tense, zamanın etrafında devam eden olayın süresini tanımlar. Süreçler perfect tense’ler ile tanımlanır. How long sorusuna yanıt verir.


Perfect continuous tenses / the perfect progressive tenses:

·        Present perfect continuous tense

·        Past perfect continuous tense

·        Future perfect continuous tense


The Present Perfect Continuous Tense indicates the duration of an activity that began in the past and continuous to the present. Time expressions: since, for, all morning, all day, all week, etc.

-    I have been living in Ankara for 10 years.

-    It has been raining all day.

-    I have been working on this project for more than two year.

-    The children have been playing in the garden since morning.

-    I have been living in this city since 1987.

-    Shakespeare has been dead almost 400 years


At the Past Perfect Continuous Tense, the action lasted for some time before another past action or before some point of time in the past.Time expressions: by the time; before; after; by yesterday; by 2005; for two hours; for a long time.

-    When I saw Mary, her eyes were red. She had been crying.

-    Brian gained overweight because he had been overeating.


Show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past:

-    The Titanic had been lying on the sea bed for 70 years when they found it.


Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect:

-    We all knew he had been drinking whisky again. He stank. [Stink: pis kokmak, iğrenç kokmak]


The Future Perfect Continuous is used to show that something will continue up until a particular event (by next week) or time in the future. Time expressions: by the time; by 2030; before; for two hours, for five minutes, for two weeks, since Friday.


-    By the time he returns, I will have been working for nine hours.

-    By 2025, he will have been living here for fifty years.


Using the Future Perfect Continuous before another action in the future is a good way to show cause and effect:

-    Jason will be tired when he gets home because he will have been jogging for over an hour.

The Future Perfect Continuous “learn, lie, live rain, sit, wait and work” gibi, devamlılık ifade eden fiilerle kullanıldığında, şu anda devam etmekte olan eylemin, gelecekte de devam ediyor olacağını da ifade eder:

-    I was born in 1975 and it is 2001 now. By 2040, I will have been living for 65 years.



Main clause has the modals 'can /will /shall /may /must /ought to',


We use mayin the subordinate clause when the main clause is in the present tense. We use mightin the subordinate clause when the main clause is in the past tense.


use in the condition clause:

·     The clause with 'will /shall /can /may /must /ought' to express real conditional

-    If it can only rain now, the fields will be wet enough for the little frogs.

-    Although the British Royal Navy claims that it was not operating any warships in the area at the time, it must have been military sonar that killed the whales and dolphins.

Britanya Kraliyet Donanması, o sırada bölgede herhangi bir savaş gemisi çalışmadığını iddia etmesine rağmen balinaları ve yunusları öldüren askeri sonar olmalı.


·     The present tense to express real conditional.

-    If it rains now, the frogs can come out and play.


In a present subjunctive clause, whether the tense in the main clause is past or present, use (in the subjunct clause)

·     Base form of the verb

-    He is locked in the cell lest he become violent again.


·     'be' of the verb - to be

-    He is locked in the cell lest he be violent again.


In a past subjunctive clause indicating unreal conditions, use (in the subjunct clause)

·     Past tense of the verb

-    He would have shown it to me if I came earlier.

·     'were' of the verb - to be

-    If I were a bird, I would fly to the furthest corner of this world.

·     The modals 'would/could/should/might'

-    If I could do it, I would have done it earlier.


Condition type I:

If + simple present, simple future tense /simple present tense.

Expressions such as as if, if only, it is timeand wish thatare usually followed by past tenses.


Conditional sentence type 2:

If + Simple Past tense,  would/could/should + Verb Tobe -> were (whatever the subject is singular or plural)

-    If Iran were to go nuclear, other countries in the region would follow suit.


Conditional sentence type 3:

If + past perfect, would/could/should + have + PP

-    If we had received the news sooner, we woold have written to John.

-    I had no map. That is why I got lost.If I had had map, I would have beel all right.




-    Half of the increase in EU Aid for Trade is specifically targeted toward the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP), with which the EU is negotiating regional Economic Partnership Agreements designed to remove all tariff and quota barriers to the EU market.


AB Ticaret Desteği'ndeki artışın yarısı, AB'nin AB pazarına yönelik tüm tarife ve kota engellerini kaldırmak için tasarlanan bölgesel Ekonomik Ortaklık Anlaşmalarını birlikte müzakere ettiği özellikle Afrika, Karayipler ve Pasifik ülkelerine (ACP) yöneliktir.



-       Whether you are interested in the ancient, medieval, or modern world, you can find art and architecture from each time period anywhere people resided in the Middle East.

Antik, ortaçağ ya da modern dünyayla ilgilenmek istersiniz, Orta Doğu'da ikamet etmiş olan herhangi bir yerden herhangi bir zaman döneminden sanat ve mimari bulabilirsiniz.


2006-1/6. Having read so many contemporary American  writers, I---------------------- to feel impatient with

the kind of fiction that---------------------- in England. (began / was being written)


A)  was beginning / will have been written

B)  had begun / has been written

C)  have begun / would have been written

D)  would begin / is being written

E)  began / was being written


Having read: Adverbial Participle, Active, Different time.


“The participle clause” olup olmadığını anlamak cümle sonundaki virgul ve cümlenin başındaki “Ving” kontrol edilmelidir. İndirgemede cümleler arasında zaman farkı ile yan cümlenin aktif ya da pasif yapıda olup olmadığı ve cümlelerdeki öznelerin aynı olup olmadığı önemli kriterlerdir. Özneler ortak ise doğrudan Participle ile başlar; değilse birinci özne yazılır, ardından participle yazılır.


After I had read so many contemporary American writers, I began to feel impatient with the kind of fiction that was being written in England.



2006-1/8. He certainly ---- party members last weekend when he announced that he---------------------- to

regain his party chairmanship. (shocked / would not seek)

A)  has shocked / had not sought

B)  would have shocked / will not seek

C)  had shocked / would not have sought

D)  was to shock / is not seeking

E)  shocked / would not seek Reported speech (direct-indirect).

2006-1/9. The 1980s ---- a surge of new interest-------------------- the definition of intelligence.

(brought / in expanding)

A)  have brought / to be expanding

B)  had brought / having expanded

C)  were bringing / to have expanded

D)  brought / in expanding

E)  would have brought / to expand

2006-2/6. Many parts of rural America ---- to reflect the values and traditions of the European immigrants who ---- in the country during the nineteenth century. ( continue / arrived )

A)  continued / have arrived

B)  have continued / would have arrived

C)  continue / arrived

D)  would have continued / were arriving

E)  will continue / would arrive


2006-2/7. With few exceptions, most totalitarian governments ---- more liberal since 1989 when the Berlin Wall ----. ( have become / fell )

A)  became / falls

B)  are becoming / would fall

C)  were becoming / has fallen

D)  had become / was falling

E)  have become / fell


2006-2/8. Of all the arts it ---- to classical music that Germany-------------------- the greatest contribution.

( is / has made)

A)  had been / made

B)  is / has made

C)  has been / had made

D)  was / will have made

E)  might be / would have made



2007-1/6. The British government ---- details of the next stage of its genetically modified cropfield trials, thus---------------- off a now familiar cycle of debate and demonstration.

( has released / setting )

A)  has released / setting

B)  will release / to set

C)  would have released / having set

D)  is releasing / to have set

E)  released / to be set


İp uçları:

·     Simple Infinitive: to see (görmek-aktif), to be seen (görülmek-pasif)

·     Zarf cümleciğinde, soruda bağlaçlardan sonra özne yok ise doğru yanıt, zaman aynı ise “aktif: Ving / being” ya da pasif: ( being) + V3”,

zaman farklı ise “aktif: having + V3”, ya da “pasif: (having been)+ V3 olacaktır. Perfect Progressive: having been Ving olur.


·     “When” zaman cümleciği sadeleşirken “Upon + Ving” veya “On + Ving” olur.


·     “If” ile yapılan koşullu cümleler sadeleşirken “If” cümleden atılır, ve koşul cümlesine uygun yardımcı fiil ile başlar. Anlam değişikliği yoktur.

-    If I were you, I would’t say that. Were I you, I would’t say that.

-    If I had studied, I would have passed. Had I studied, I would have passed.

-    If you should need help, call me. Should you need help, call me.




Verb + to V (that + özne + predicate)

Verb + to be noun /adj /adv /Ving (that + Özne + to be + noun /adj /adv) Verb + to be + V3

Verb + to have V3

Verb + to have been + V3


To be V + adj /adv + to be V Preposition (for) + Noun + to V


It is V3 + Qw + to V


It is V3 + Qw + to be + V3 Subject + is /are + V3+ to be + V3


It is V3 + QW + to have seen

It is V3 + QW + to have been caught



-    Most of the molecules are thought to be transferred from people's skin, hands and sweat to their phone.



Zamanlar aynı, yapı aktif:

Cümleciklerde zamanlar ve özneler aynı ise “that + özne + predicate” yerine,

·        to V,

·        to be + noun /Vinggelir.


Aöıklama: Predicat, yardımcı fiil ve fiilden oluşur.


-    He is happy that he is here. He is hapy to be here.


-    We have expected him to be more careful in everything.


-    We decided that we improve the installation. We decided to improve the installation.


-    Do you remember to set the burglar alarm before you go to bed every night?

-    The British government continued to think of the colonists as British subjects. (as British subjects: İngilterinin tebası olarak)

-    Columbus was not the first European to set foot on the American continents.


Cümleciklerde zamanlar aynı özneler faklı ise ek olarak cümlenin öznesi “object pronoun” olur, “that” kalkar, öznesi başına “for” getirilir, yüklem “to V” yapılır.

-    It is not safe that people swim here. It is not safe for people to swim here.


“It is + V3 /adj + that ...” yapısında ise that’den sonraki özne pasif yapı formunda biçimlenir.

-    Everybody knows that he is a liar. Everybody knows for him to be a liar. He is known to be a liar.


-    We felt that Teddy was right yesterday.

It was felt that Teddy was right yesterday. Teddy was felt to be right yesterday.


-    People claimed that he stole the money. It was claimed that he stole the money. He was claimed to steal the money.


-    We expect that economy will get better soon.

It is expected that economy will get better soon. Economy is expected to get better soon.


-    They think that he has a lot of money. It is thought that he has a lot of money. He is thought to have a lot of money.


that + Past/Present Continuous Tense: to be + Ving

-    They report that the Prime Minister is going to Greece. The Prime Minister is reported to be going to Greece.


-    People knew that he was struggling for his country. It was known that he was struggling for his country.

He was known to be struggling for his country.




Zamanlar aynı, yapı pasif:

Pasif yapıda ise “to be + V3” ya da “to be being V3” gelir.

-    They allege that books are stolen from the library. They allege for books to be stolen from the library. It is alleged that books are stolen from the library. Books are alleged to be stolen from the library.

-    They suspected that the man was murdered. It was suspected that the man was murdered. The man was suspected to be murdered.



Cümlede zamanlar farklı:

Noun clause’larda özneler aynı, zamanlar farklı ise “... that + özne + predicate” kalkar, aktif yapıda yüklem “... to + have+ V3”; pasif yapıda yüklem “... to + have been + V3”; yapılır. Zaman farkı durumu “Past simple” ve “Past Perfect” ile yapılan cümleler içinde geçerlidir. Perfect Infinitive: to have seen (görmüş-aktif), to have been seen (görülmüş-pasif)

-    The Tissint sample is probably the most important meteorite that it had landed on the Earth in the last 100 years.

The Tissint sample is probably the most important meteorite to have landed on the Earth in the last 100 years.

-    I am glad that I have been chosen. (passive) I am glad to have been chosen.

-    We feel that Teddy was right yesterday. Teddy is felt to have been right yesterday.

-    People claim that James stolen the money. It is claimed that James stolen the money. James is claimed to have stolen the money.

-    People know that he was struggling for his country. It is known that he was struggling for his country.

He was known to have been struggling for his country.

-    They suspect that the man was murdered. It is suspected that the man was murdered. The man was suspected to have been murdered.

-    They believed she had done it on purpose. It was believed she had done it on purpose.

She was believed to have done it on purpose.

-    168 species are believed that they went extinct before 2000. 168 species are believed to have gone extinct before 2000.

-    It is reported that the minister has approved of the proposal.

The minister is reported to have approved of the proposal. Bakanın öneriyi onaylamış olduğu belirtilmektedir.

-    It is understood that he has studied in Germany. (O’nun Almanya’da öğrenim görmüş olduğu anlaşılıyor.)

He is understood to have studied in Germany.

-    It seems that he has passed the exam. He seems to have passed the exam.

-    She seems that she has won the prize.

She seems to have won the prize. Onun ödülü kazanmış olduğu görünüyor.

-    It is said that they have been caught by the police.

They are said to have been caught by the police. Onların polis tarafından yakalanmış oldukları söyleniliyor.

-    It is said that the manager has been involved in illegal affairs.

The manager is said to have been involved in illegal affairs. Müdürün yasa dışı işlere bulaşmış olduğu söyleniliyor.


-    It is reported that the agreement has been signed by both sides.

The agreement is reported to have been signed by both sides. Anlaşmanın her iki tarafça imzalanmış olduğu bildiriliyor.

-    We did not know what we should have done before that diffucult interview. We did not know what to have done before that diffucult interview.

-    They are trying to follow what they were told. They are trying to follow what to have been said to them.

-    I would like to know where I had to go. I would like to know where to have gone.




Perfect Tense’li yapılarda ise “having + V3” kullanılır. Structure: V+having + V3, adj + having + V3.

-    I am glad that I have selected you. I am glad that I had selected you. I am glad having selected you.


-    She acknowledged that she was at fault.

She acknowledged that she had been at fault. She acknowledged having been at fault.


-    She admitted that she had made a mistake. She admited having made a mistake



Wh- Soru kelimeleri (what, when …) ile modal (can, should …) yardımcı fiileriyle oluşan cümleler “Wh- + to” şeklinde kısaltılabilir.

-    I don’t know what I do. I don’t know what to do. (Ben ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum.)

-    I don’t what I should do. I don’t what to do.

-    I'm not sure how I can help you. I’m not sure how to help you.

-    They will discuss how to halt the flow of recruits and money.

-    He told me that I should drive. He told me to drive. (command)

-    He asked me if I would help. He asked me to help. (request for action)

-    I suggest that he should not be late. I suggest that he not be late.


Mastarların kullanımından faydalanarak özne yapısındaki “Noun Clause” larda sadeleştirme yapılır. Sadeleştirme yapılırken özne cümlenin başına çekilir, bağlaç kısaltılır ve fiil mastar biçiminde (to) ile kullanılır.

To be + V3, pasif

-    It seems that your family is extremely happy.

Your family seems to be extremely happy. Ailenizin son derece mutlu olduğu görünüyor.

-    It is claimed that he will be released the next mounth.

He is claimed to be released the next month. O’nun gelecek hafta serbest bırakılacağı iddia ediliyor.

-    It is reported that the results of the election will be announced tomorrow.

The results of the election are reported to be announced tomorrow. Seçim sonuçlarının yarın ilan edileceği bildirilmektedir.

-    It seems that they will move to another town next year.

They seem to be move to another town next year. Onların gelecek yıl başka bir kasabaya taşınacakları anlaşılıyor.

-    It is feard that the boy will be killed. The boy is feard to be killed. Çocuğun öldürüleceğinden korkuluyor.

-    It is expected that inflation will drop.

Inflation is expected to drop. Enflasyonun düşeceği umuluyor.


That clauses following “It is important / necessary / essential etc… somebody do something.” can be reduced to “It is important / necessary / essential etc… for somebody to do something.”

-    It is essential that she change her job.

It is essential for her to change her job. (Özneler farklı olduğundan, for + possessive pronoun)


Noun clause’larda “what to / how to / wh… to” ile yazılan cümlelerin indirgenirken bağlaç yapılarındaki kısaltmalarda bağlaç cümleye anlam kattığı için kısaltılamaz.

-    We can not decide whether we will stay at home or go out.

We can not decide whether to stay at home or to go out. Evde mi kalacağız dışarıya mı gideceğiz karar veremiyoruz.

-    She didn’t seem to realize where she could apply to. She didn’t seem to realize where to apply to.

Nereye başvurması gerektiğini anlmamış gibi görünüyor.

-    I don’t know what I do. I don’t know what to do. (Ben ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum.)

-    I don’t what I should do. I don’t what to do.

-    I'm not sure how I can help you. (modal) I’m not sure how to help you.

-    How society should distribute scarce goods is a central economic problem in any society. (question)

How to distribute scarce goods is central economic problem in any society.

-    We don’t know what we have to do. We don’t know what to do.

-    She doesn’t know when she should leave. She doesn’t know when to leave.


Important note: Adjective clause’larda “where _ to” olmaz, fakat Noun clause’larda olmaktadır.

… Where she is going to




Noun Clause’ ların cümlede tümleç olarak kullanıldığı yapıda da kısaltma mastarlardan faydalanılarak yapılır.

-    My job is that I teach English.

My job is to teach English. İşim Inglizce’yi öğretmektir.



Reduce to gerund phrase in Noun Clauses

Gerund alan fiilerle yapılan Noun Clause’larda (Perfect Tense’ler hariç) “... that + Subject + predicate” yerine “Ving” gelir.

-    I suggested that we make the decision faster. I suggested making the decision faster.

-    She admitted that she broke the glass. She admitted breaking the glass.

-    The man denied that he stole the money. The man denied stealing the money.

-    My boss insists that we be early tomorrow. My boss insists being early tomorrow.

-    She acknowledged that she had taken the bribe. She acknowledged having taken the bribe.

-    I suggest that we wait a while before we make any firm decisions. I suggest waiting a while before we make any firm decisions.

-    She acknowledged that she had been at fault. She acknowledged having been at fault.

-      She admitted (that) she had made a mistake. She admited having made a mistake.

-    The 27-year-old admitted preparing for acts of terrorism, attending a camp, receiving training and possessing firearms in a hearing last year.

-    Thomas Edison began conducting experiments during his childhood.

-    They will also look at providing more military help to those fighting on the ground, and boosting humanitarian aid.

-    Neil denies breaking the window.


The subjunctive form in noun clause (İstek kipi):




V /V3 /have V3 (*)



Active Subject+ (not) + V (Çekimsiz)

Subject + should + (not) + V

Passive O + (not) + be + V3

O+ should (not) be + V3



It is

It was


Noun/Adjective (**)



Active Subject + (not) + V (Çekimsiz)

Subject + should + (not) + V

Passive O + (not) + be + V3

O+ should (not) be + V3



Words that take the subjunctive form:

V3 (*)

Advised ask demand decree


insist know

move(=propose) order


Propose realize required recommended


request rule suggested urged

Adjectives (**)


crucial essential


imperative mandatary


necessary recommendable


urgent vital






Nouns (**)








Note: “ask” rica etmek anlamında çekimsiz olarak kullanılır. İnglizce’de yukarıdaki tabloda verilen sıfatlar kullanıldıklarında dilek kipi gerektirirler.


A participle is a verb form which can be used as an adjective to describe a noun.

When the present participle (Ving) is used, the noun it describes is (or was) the performer of the activity named by the participle. Tanımladığı isim işi yapandır.

When the past participle (V3) is used, the noun it describes is (or was) acted upon. Tanımladığı işi yaptırılandır.



Noun + noun: Antalya, which is a popular tourist center, has many places to visit. Noun + adj: The girl who is happy with the present is playing joyfully.

Noun + Pre: The boy who was in the car looked suspicious to me.

Noun + with (have positive): Students who have enough knowledge and skills will be admitted. Noun + without (have not): People who don’t have their ID cards can not get in.

Noun + Ving(Present Simple - active): This is the students who get the best exam results. Noun + Ving (Past Simple - active):The person who invited me was friendly.

Noun + V3 (Passive): The car that was bought yesterday is very fast. Noun + Sentence: I lost the pen which you gave me.

Noun + having + V3 (active, present perfect) - The girl having asked a question is very clever. Noun + having been + V3            (passive, present perfect) - The teacher having been asked a question is very clever.

Noun + to V (active, future): The person who will criticize me isn't you.

Noun + to be + V3               (Passive, future): The person who will be invited is you.



Molecules found on phones reveal lifestyle secrets.



Determine + Noun + Reduced Relative Clause

Active Structure: “who, which, that“ ve yardımcı filler (am, is, have, was gibi) atılır. Fill “Ving” olur.


Determine + noun /adj /pre:

Who, which, that ve to be filleri atılır.

-    The girl who is happy with the present is playing joyfully. The girl happy with the present is playing joyfully.

-    The person who was responsible for the accident was put in jail. The person responsible for the accident was put in jail.

-      It, which is a popular tourist center, has many places to visit. It, a popular tourist center, has many places to visit.

-    The boy who was in the car looked suspicious to me. The boy in the car looked suspicious to me.

The verb “have” meaning possession:

We can omit relative pronoun and “have” and use “with” (+) or “without” (-).

-    Students who have enough knowledge and skills will be admitted. Students with enough knowledge and skills will be admitted.

-    People who don’t have their ID cards can not get in. People without their ID cards can not get in.


Present Simple Tense (noun + Ving, noun + not + Ving):

-    This is the students who get the best exam results.

This is the students getting the best exam results. Bu sınavda en iyi notları olan öğrencidir.

-    I have a kid who dosen’t help me much.

I have a kid not helping me much. Bana yardım etmeyen bir çocuğum var.

-    People who buy lottery tickets are often found at bingo. People buying lottery tickets are often found at bingo.

-    It is an animal which / that lives in Africa. It is an animal living in Africa.

-    The woman who / that feed the pigeon. The woman who / that fed the pigeon.

The woman feeding the pigeon. Güvercin besleyen kadın.

-    Students who want to join the club must apply to the English teacher. Students wanting to join the club must apply to the English teacher.

-    Do you know the man who is talking on the TV? Do you know the man talking on the TV?

-    Do you know the girl standing near the window? – No, I don't know her. (her job; him:onu, ona)

-    How do you feel about NFL players refusing to stand during the National Athem?


Past Simple Tense (noun + Ving, noun + not + Ving):

-    The person who invited me was friendly. The person inviting me was friendly.

-    Jack is the teacher who helped me last week. Jack is the teacher helping me last week.

-    Andy was an engineer who found a useful invention in the past. Andy was an engineer finding a useful invention in the past.

-    I bought a computer which didn’t work well yesterday. I bought a computer not working well yesterday.

-    The customers who wanted to see the manager looked very angry. The customers wanting to see the manager looked very angry.

-    The boy who helped me to repair my bicycle is my school friend. His name is Alex. The boy helping me to repair my bicycle is my school friend.

-    It was the cyanobacteria, pumping out unwanted oxygen, that transformed Earth's atmosphere.

-    I saw people running out of the building. Do you know what happened?

Present Continouns Tense (noun + Ving, noun + not + Ving):

-    That is the dog which is barking at Tom now. That is the dog barking at Tom now.

-    She has a good husband who is helping his wife now. She has a good husband helping his wife now.

-    I brought a boy who isn’t smiling much now. I brought a boy not smiling much now.

-    The woman who is talking to the teacher is my mother. The woman talking to the teacher is my mother.

-    The boy who is standing by the door is her nephew. The boy standing by the door is her nephew.


Past Continouns Tense(noun + Ving, noun + not + Ving):

-    The students who were waiting for their funding from the government were disappointed. The students waiting for their funding from the government were disappointed.


The relative pronoun (that, who, which) and the be verb in a prepositional phrase may be omitted. The reduced prepositional phrase becomes part of the noun phrase.

Continuous Tense (passive):

-      The song which is being played now is my favorite one. The song being played now is my favorite one.


Passive Structure:

“who, which, that” ve yardımcı filler (am, is, have,was gibi) atılır. Fill “V3” kalır.

-    The car that was bought yesterday is very fast.

The car bought yesterday is very fast. Dün satın alınan araç çok hızlı.

-    The man who was invited. The man invited.

-    The language spoken

-    The suggestion which / that was made was interesting. The suggestion made was interesting.

-    The boy who was attacked by a dog was taken to hospital.

The boy attacked by a dog was taken to hospital. (Past Participle)

-    The car which is parked next to mine is very expensive. The car parked next to mine is very expensive.

-    Hamlet, which was written by Shakespeare in the early 1600s, is among the classics. Hamlet, written by Shakespeare in the early 1600s, is among the classics.

-    She played the guitar which was bought by her father. She played the guitar bought by her father.

-    The character that was created in 1953 changed over the years. The character created in 1953 changed over the years.

-    Lan Fleming who was educated in England wrote fourteen books. Lan Fleming educated in England wrote fourteen books.

-    Devil May Care that was written by S. Faulks creates a modern Bond. Devil May Care written by S. Faulks creates a modern Bond.

-    We read the email that had been sent by the manager. We read the email sent by the manager.

-    This vase, which was made in China in the 14th century, is very valuable. This vase, made in China in the 14th century, is very valuable.

-    She only eats cakes that are made by her mother. She only eats cakes made by her mother.

-    The car which was used in the bank robbery has been found by the police. The car used in the bank robbery has been found by the police.

-    Genetics, the study of heredity, emerged as a science at the beginning of the twentieth century.

-    The man kissed the woman is a well-known model.



•    Noun + to + V: yapacak olan

•    Noun + to be + V3: yapılacak olan


Active (Yapacak olan); N + to + V:

-    The person who will criticize me isn't you.

The person to criticize me isn't you. Beni eleştirecek olan kişi siz değilsiniz.

-    We require a car to take us to the airport early on Sunday morning.


Passive (Yapılacak olan Passive); N + to be + V3:

-    The person who/that will be invited is you.The person to be invited is you.

-    The person who will be criticized isn't you.

The person to be criticized isn't you. Eleştirecek olan siz değilsiniz.

-    The Democrats hope to win an overwhelming majority in parliament in the elections will be held next October.




Active (N + having + V3):

-    The girl who has asked a question is very clever. The girl having asked a question is very clever.


Passive (N + having been + V3):

-    The teacher who has been asked a question is very clever. The teacher having been asked a question is very clever.


Zaman (Tense) Farkı (a Perfect Participal):

Relative clause yapısının fiili ile ana fiil arasındaki zaman farkı varsa active eylemler için “having +V3”, passive eylemler için “having been + V3” kullanılır.

-    The students who failed the Math 101 course have to take it again next term. The students having failed the Math 101 course has to take it again next term.


The first /last /second /next + noun:

The first, the second, the third, the last, the next; the only, The superlative yapı (the best, the most populated, … ),

Modal yapılar (may, can, must,…) yapıları Relative Clause ile kullanıldığında “who, which, that” ve yardımcı filler (am, is, have,was gibi) atılır. Aktive cümlelerde fiil “to V” halini ve pasive cümlelerde ise “to be + V3” halini alır.


the first /last /second /next

+ Noun

to + V (yapan)

to be + V3 (yapılan)


-    He is the first person who wrote about that problem. He is the first person to write about that problem.


-    This is the largest ship which was made last year. This is the largest ship to be made last year.


-    Jack is the first person who has handed in this exam. Jack is the first person to have handed in this exam.


-    The first person to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong. Aya ilk ayak basan insan Neil Armstrong’dur.


-    Mars was the first planet to be discovered. Mars keşfedilen ilk gezegendi.


-    The person to do was Einstein.


-    Was Columbus the first man to discover the New World? Columnus was the first man who discovered the New World.


-    The first man to do it was Edison. (onu ilk yapan)


-    Te first planet to be discovered. (Keşfedilen ilk gezegen)


Soru: The Erie Canal was the first of the US artificial waterways built-------------------- the Great Lakes

with the sea.

A)  to be connected

B)  connecting

C)  to have connected

D)  to connect

E)  having connected


Yanıtlara bakıldığında kısaltma olduğu görülmektedir.


… was the first, the second, only, last ifadeleri var ise kısaltma “to” ile başlar, B ve E şıkları elenir.

A şıkkında “to be connected” ile pasif bir kısaltma var. Boşluktan sonra ; preposition, bağlaç var mı? Yok.

C şıkkında “to have connected” perfect bir kısaltma gelmesi için boşluktan sonra perfect bir zaman zarfı olmalı, yok. Buranın önce yapıldığını anlatan birşey olmalı, yok.Tekrar ettiğini anlatan birşey olmalı, yok.

Doğru yanıt: D


The only + noun:

the only

+ noun

to + V (yapan)

to be + V3 (yapılan)

- John is the only person who understands me. John is the only person to understand me.



Superlative + noun:


+ Noun

to + V (yapan)

to be + V3 (yapılan)

- Tom is the most handsome boy who came in this school. Tom is the most handsome boy to come in this school.


-    It was the best play to be performed that year.

-    The saddest girl to hold was martiny.




Being + past participlecan be used in the same way as a continuous passive relative clause.

-    The poem that is being read by the actor was written by my brother. The poem being read by the actor was written by my brother.


-    The strawberries that are being eaten at the wedding….

The strawberries being eaten at the wedding were grown in Scotland.


Things to notice:

1: We generally don't use perfect participles ('having + past participle') in this case.

2: We can't use this kind of participle clause if we're talking about one finished action which is not repeated:

Note: Who was the girl dropping the coffee?

Instead, we use a normal relative clause: Who was the girl who dropped the coffee?

A nonidentifying clause or nonrestrictive clause adds extra information, an aside comment.

Commas are used. Because a nonidentifying clause is more aside comment than modifier, it is usually not reduced. This depends on how closely related its meaning is to the rest of the sentence. A nonidentifying clause may sound awkward when reduced. It may be considered informal.

Prepositional Phrase

-    The desk, which is in the spotlight, is for the host. (nonID clause) The desk, in the spotlight, is for the host.

The desk for the host is in the spotlight. (rephrased)


-    The desk is for Mr. Leno, who is in the spotlight. (nonID clause) The desk is for Mr. Leno, in the spotlight.

Note: sounds bad, rarely or not ever used.

The desk is for Mr. Leno, the host. (appositive)


Passive Verb Phrase

-    Mr. Brad Pitt, who is scheduled for tonight, is the guest. (nonID clause) Robert Pattison, scheduled for tonight, is the guest. (informal)

Robert Pattison, Edward Cullen in Twilight, is the guest. (appositive)


-    The show is recorded in the Disney studios, which are located in Burbank, California. (nonID clause –if all studios are in Burbank.)

The show is recorded in the Disney studios, located in Burbank, California.


Progressive Verb Phrase

-    The Evening Show, which is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary, has a new host. (nonID clause)

The Evening Show, celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary, has a new host. (informal)


-    We bought tickets to see the Evening Show, which is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary. (nonID clause)

We bought tickets to see the Evening Show, celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary.

Nesneyi ve Tümleci niteleyen “who, whom, that” sıfat cümleciği (Object-Complement)

Nitelenen ismin kendisini niteleyen cümlenin nesnesi görevini üstlendiği zaman woman who, whom ve that cümleden atılabilir. Relative clause’un anlamını hiç bozmadan, kısaltmak için; who, which ve that bağlaçlarının hemen ardından fiille başlayan ve öznesi olmayan bir cümle gelmelidir.


In defining clauses, we can omit the relative pronoun in the position of object. In non-defining sentences you neither omit the relative pronoun nor use "that".

-    The boy who/whom/that you don’t like much wants to talk to you. The boy you don’t like much wants to talk to you.


-    I met the people whom you told me about them.

-      I met the people you told me about.


-    The woman who (m)/that we saw at the zoo last week is a teacher . The woman we saw at the zoo last week is a teacher.


-    The woman to whom my father is talking is a teacher. The woman my father is talking to is a teacher.


-    The girl who (m) / that you like very much is my friend's sister. The girl you like very much is my friend's sister.


-    The teacher after whom a dog is running is our neighbour. The teacher whome a dog is running after is our neighbour. The teacher a dog is running after is our neighbour.


-    The seat which / that my daughter likes has a very hard cushion. The seat my daughter likes has a very hard cushion.




-    The cat which / that my brother likes much is my friend's cat. The cat my brother likes much is my friend's cat.


-    The box for which we are seeing is very worthless. The box we are seeing for is very worthless.


-    Do you remember the boy that I was talking about? Do you remember the boy I was talking about?


-    He is a man whom we all admire. He is a man we all admire.


-    I lost the pen that you gave me. Or: I lost the pen which you gave me. I lost the pen you gave me.

The relative pronoun (that, who, which) and be verb in a prepositional phrase may be omitted.

The reduced prepositional phrase becomes part of the noun phrase (NP). Subject Noun Phrase + Verb + Comp.

comp complement: a word, phrase or clause which is necessary in a sentence to complete its meaning

-    The man who is next to me writes novels. The man next to me writes novels.


-    The paperback books that are on my desk are about James Bond. The paperback books on my desk are about James Bond.


-    The news show that is in the morning hosted the writer. The news show in the morning hosted the writer.


-    She likes the stories that he writes.

-    She likes the stories which he writes. She likes the stories he writes.



Proposition + QW:

-    The man to whom she is speaking is her doctor. The man she is speaking to is her doctor.

-    The house in which he lived was too far from the center of the city. The house he lived in was too far from the city center.



Adverbial Participle Phrase Table:



Reduction form

Same time


Ving / being


(being) + V3

Different time


having + V3


(having been) + V3

Perfect Progressive: having been Ving


İp uçları:

•   “The participle clause” olup olmadığını anlamak cümle sonundaki virgul ve cümlenin başındaki “Ving” kontrol edilmelidir:

•   İndirgemede cümleler arasında zaman farkı ile yan cümlenin aktif ya da pasif yapıda olup olmadığı ve cümlelerdeki öznelerin aynı olup olmadığı önemli kriterlerdir.

•   Özneleri aynı mı yoksa farklı mı? Özneler ortak ise doğrudan Participle ile başlar; değilse birinci özne yazılır, ardından participle yazılır.

•   Continuous tense yapısında Ving olarak kullanılmayan fiiller, “participle reduction” da Ving olabilmektedir; wanting, moving, knowing

•   “Adverb Clause” aktif ya da pasif mi?

•   Participle cümlesinden sonra virgül vardır.

-    Having finshed my work, I left the office. After I finished my work, I left the office.


Before / After


Noun / Clause / Ving


Main Clause



Ving / Clause / Adjective / V3


Main Clause

On / Upon


Noun / Ving


Main Clause

Before breakfast,

Before having breakfast, . = Before I have breakfast, . Note: at break fast: kahvaltıda, On breakfast: kahvaltı ettiğimde


Zarf cümleciğinde sadeleştirme yapılırken:

Zarf cümleciğinin fiili “to be” ise “Subject + to be” düşer, fiil “Ving” olur.

-    Because I was late, I took a taxi. Being late, I took a taxi.

-    While I was watching TV, I looked over the files. Watching TV, I looked over the files.


Zaman aynı ise özne düşer ve fiil “Ving” olur.

-    Before I left home, I had breakfast. Before leaving home, I had breakfast.


Zaman farklı ise özne atılır, fiil “having + V3” olur.

-    After I had written the report, I asked him to look over them.


Participles are also used in the function of adverbial modifiers. Participles may replace adverbial and adjectival clauses.

-    After the workers had done the job, they went home.

Having done the job, the workers went home. (Çalışanlar işi bitirdikten sonra …)

-    As soon as the job was done, the workers left the workplace.

(being) done the job , the workers left the workplace. (İş bitirilir bitirilmez … )

-    After the job had been done, the workers went home. The job having been done, the workers went home.


The reduction is possible only when the subjects of the adverb clause and the main clause are the same. In very formal English, is etimes possible to use the different subjects.

-    Before he came, I had already finished my homework. (different subjects)


If the main verb of the adverb clause is not “be verb”, omit the subject and change “verb” to “Ving”.

-    Before I go to school in the morning, I usually take a shower. Before going to school in the morning, I usually take a shower.




If the subject of the adverb clause and the main clause are the same and main verb of the adverb clause is “be verb”, omit “subject” and “be verb” of the adverb clause. (Past continuous tense, Past simple tense)

-    While I was walking down the street, I came across a very strange guy. While walking down the street, I came across a very strange guy.

-    I was playing tennis. Later, I called my mother. After playing tennis, I called my mother.

Note: The adverb clause in this sentence cannot be reduced to a phrase.


Time ( When, since, after, before, as soon as, on, upon, while, whilst ):

Note: when atıldığında cümlede “when”’in anlamı yok oluyorsa when atılmaz.

-    When I saw the woman lying on the road, I stopped my car. Seeing the woman lying on the road, I stopped my car.

-    When I saw the road block, I stopped my car. Seeing the road block, I stopped my car.

-    When you cross the street, you must be careful. When crossing the street, you must be careful.

-    When we arrived at the airport, we learned that our flight was delayed because of weather conditions.

Arriving at the airport, we learned that our flight was delayed because of weather conditions.

-    When I returned to the village, I met an old friend. Returning to the village, I met an old friend.


On + Ving Upon + Ving

-    When /(as soon as) I heard the news, I got shocked. Hearing the news, I got shocked.

On /upon hearing the news, I got shocked.

-    When the police opened the box, they found some jewellery. Opening the box, the police found some jewellery.

On /Upon opening the box, the police found some jewellery.

-    When we opened the cupboard, we found a skeleton inside. On /upon opening the cupboard, we found a skeleton inside. Opening the cupboard, we found a skeleton inside.


After + Ving

-    After she heard the news, she fainted right there. Hearing the news, she fainted right there.

-    After they finished their homework, they went to an internet café. Finishing their homework, they went to an internet cafe.


Before + Ving

-    Before he left, he said good-bye to each of them.

Before leaving, he said good-bye to each of them. Note: Before reduction yapılırken atılamaz.

-    Before I came to the U.S.A., I had lived in Australia. Before coming to the U.S.A., I had lived in Australia.


While + Ving Whilst + Ving

-    While I was reading a book, I was listening music, too.

While reading a book, I was listening music, too. Reading a book, I was listening music, too.

-    While I was searching for my old valuables, I spotted my nursery school certificate. While searching for my old valuables, I spotted my nursery school certificate. Searching for my old valuables, I spotted my nursery school certificate

-    While I was walking down street, I ran into one my old friends. While walking down street, I ran into one my old friends. Walking down street, I ran into one my old friends.

-    While I was watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door. While watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door.

Watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door. [While can be omitted.]

-    One day, whilst fishing on the beach during his spare time, he discovered nine coins buried in the sand.

One day, whilst he was fishing on the beach during his spare time, he discovered nine coins buried in the sand.

-    Not knowing what to expect, she was afraid to open the door.

-    (On/Upon)  receiving  the  letter,  you  should   reply  immediately. Mektubu alınca hemen yanıtlaman gerek.

Since + Ving

-    Since I came to the U.S.A., I have been studying English. Since coming to the U.S.A., I have been studying English.



-    If you are learning English, you must be patient. If learning English, you must be patient.

-    She talked as if / (as though) she knew everything. She talked as if / (as though) knowing everything.



-    Because the whether was warm and clear, we decided to have a picnic. The whether being warm and clear, we decided to have a picnic.

-    Because/as/ since he was ill, he didn’t come to the party. Being ill, he didn’t come to the party.

-    Because he wanted more money, he accepted the offer.

Wanting more money, he accepted the offer. [Because is omitted.]

-    Because I didn’t want to hurt her, I didn’t tell her the truth. Not wanting to hurt her, I didn’t tell her the truth.

-    Because she was anxious to see them, she couldn’t sleep that night. Being anxious to see them, she couldn’t sleep that night.

Anxious to see them, she couldn’t sleep that night. [Being can be omitted.]

-    As I felt tired, I went to bed early. Feeling tired, I went to bed early.

-    As he did not know what to do, he applied to me for advice. Not knowing what to do, he applied to me for advice.

-    Since Bob is an experienced teacher, he knows how to deal with such problems. Being an experienced teacher, Bob knows how to deal with such problems.


-    Since I came here, I have been very busy. Since coming here, I have been very busy.

-    The mechanisms of synergy between industry and agriculture worked in reverse: killing the industry reduced the productivity of the agricultural sector.

-    He opened the door, smiling; surprised, he didn't know what to say.

-    Although he knew the answer, he didn’t answer the question. Although knowing the answer, he didn’t answer the question.



-    Smiling warmly, Mary shook hands with me. Mary, smiling warmly, shook hands with me. Mary shook hands with me, smiling warmly.


Instead of “and”:

-    She wrote him a friendly and thanked him for his help. She wrote him a friendly, thanking him for his help.

Instead of “a relative clause”:

-    The man who was driving the car was wearing dark glasses. The man driving the car was wearing dark glasses.

-    The engine accumulated dust, and this impaired its function. The engine accumulated dust, which impaired its function. The engine accumulated dust, impairing its function.




(Being + V3) V3

-    When he was asked to explain what happened, he said that he didn't know. Asked to explain what happened, he said that he didn't know.

-    When he was asked whether he would resign or not, he said that he might. Asked whether he would resign or not, he said that he might.

İstafa edip etmeyeceği sorulduğunda, edebileceğini söyledi.

-    When he was asked that question, he got angry.

When asked that question, he got angry.Asked that question, he got angry.


Until + being + V3 Until + V3

-    Until it is learnt, it must be repeated. Until learnt, it must be repeated.


After + being + V3 Befor + being + V3

-    After he was arrested, he decided not to steal again. After being arrested, he decided not to steal again.

-    Soldiers must be given sufficient training before they are given duties. Soldiers must be given sufficient training before being given duties.

-    After he was punished by his teacher, he started to behave properly. Punished by his teacher, he started to behave correctly.


Upon + being + V3

-    The late Chinese Prime Minister, Chou-En Lai, upon being asked whether the French Revolution had been a good thing in world history, was reported to have said: “It is still too early to tell.”

Çin Başbakanı Chou-En Lai, Fransız Devriminin dünya tarihinde iyi bir şey olup olmadığının sorulması üzerine "Hâlâ söylemek için henüz çok erken" dediği bildirildi.



-    When / (Now that) / If it is painted white, the house looks bigger. Painted white, the house looks bigger.

-    When it is exposed to water, iron will eventually rust. When exposed to water, iron will eventually rust.

If, Unless, As if, As though, Whether or not:

-    If this method is used properly it will be highly effective. If used properly, this method will be highly effective.

-    Unless you are told otherwise, you shouldn’t go there. Unless told orherwise, you shouldn’t go there.

-    She talked as if / as though she was promoted that position. She talked as if / as though promoted that position.


Although, Though:

-    Although it was begun many years ago, the road is still not completed. Although begun many years ago, the road is still not completed.

-    Though it was written for children, the book is popular among adults as well. Though written for children, the book is popular among adults as well.


Reason Condition:

-    Because the dog is seriously injured, it may die. Being seriously injured, the dog may die. Seriously injured, the dog may die.

-    Since it was built, it has been the shortest way to go there. Since being built, it has been the shortest way to go there.

-    Because it was injured seriously, it may die.Being injured seriously, it may die.

-    Because /as /since he had been dismissed from the factory, Ali had to look for a job months. Having been dismissed from the factory, Ali had to look for a job months.

-    Because the dog is seriously injured, it has been taken to the vet. Being seriously injured, the dog has been taken to the vet.

-    Although it was published in 1968, the book gives very significant information. Although published in 1960, the book gives very significant information.


Instead of a relative clause:

-    The two survivors, who were worn out by hunger and fatigue, at last reached the coast. The two survivors, worn out by hunger and fatigue, at last reached the coast.

Worn out by hunger and fatigue, the two survivors at last reached the coast.

-    Captured four times by the authorities, he managed to escape twice, both times through tunnels dug first by rebels on the inside, and a second time, by his comrades on the outside.

-    Surprised by his strange decision, his friends tried to talk him out of it.

-    Left in the yard, the books were spoiled by the pouring rain.

-    Lost in the woods, the dog managed to find the way home.

-    Cook and stir until thickened.

-    Deprived of the moderating effects of the oceans, much of Central Asia experiences bitterly cold winters and boiling hot summers. Okyanusların yumuşatıcı etkilerinden yoksun kalan Orta Asya’nın büyük bölümü, çok sert soğuk kışlar ve son derece sıcak yazlar yaşar.


-    After I had finished my homework, I went to party. After having finished my homework, I went to party.

-    After I had finished my work, I went home. Having finished my work, I went home.

-    After they had collected further data, they made up their minds. Having collected further data, they made up their minds.

-    After / when she had collected sufficient data, Birsen started to write her thesis. Having collected sufficient data, Birsen started to write her thesis.


-    Because/ as /since I had seen the movie, I didn’t go with them. Having seen the movie, I didn’t go with them.

-    Because I (have) lived in the city before, I have many friends there.

Having lived in the city before, I have many friends there. [The time in the adverb clause is before the main clause.]

-    Because I had read the book before, I didn’t read it again. Having read the book before, I didn’t read it gain.


-    As I had seen him in that building before, I thought that he worked there. Having seen him in that building before, I thought that he worked there.

-    As she has already seen the film, Mary doesn’t want to see it again. Having already seen the film, Mary doesn’t want to see it again.


-    Although the journalist had written an article, he didn’t show it to his boss. Having written an article, the journalist didn’t show it to his boss.

-    The task was completed. The men went to their barracks.

When / after the task had been completed, the men went to their barracks. The task (having been) completed, the men went to their barracks.

The task completed, the men went to their barracks.




-    Having completed his study he submitted it to the committee.

(When it is) taken as it is, the sentence will mean nothing. Olduğu gibi ele alındığında bu cümle bir anlam taşımaz.

-    Earth was already 2 billion years old at the time of the Great Oxidation Event, having formed

4.5 billion years ago.

-    Having been dismissed from the factory, Ali had to look for a job months. (Because/as/ since)

-    Having finished my homework, I went to party. (After)


-    After the article had been scripted, it was sent to the press immediately. Having been scripted, the article was sent to the press immediately.

-    He has been dismissed from school. He plans to set up his own business. Having been dismissed from school, He plans to set up his own business.

-    After the results had been announced, they were hung on the wall. Having been announced, the results were hung on the wall.

-    İncirlik base were strategically located, it plays a major role for the USA.

As it had been strategically located, İncirlik base plays a major role for the USA. (Having been) strategically located, İncirlik base plays a major role for the USA. Strategically located, İncirlik base plays a major role for the USA.



-    He talked as if /(as though) he was the best. He talked as if /(as though) the best.

-    When it is necessary, you can spend some of money. When necessary, you can spend some of money.

-    Although / though he was unhappy, he tried to smile. Although / though unhappy, he tried to smile.

-    While I was at school, I was very hard-working. While at school, I was very hard-working.

-    As it can be seen in her eyes, she loves him. As be seen in her eyes, she loves him.



-    It was a nice day. We went swimming. Since it was a nice day, we went swimming. It being a nice day, we went swimming.

-    John married Helen. Bill had to find another girl.

As John had married Helen, Bill had to find another girl. John having married Helen, Bill had to find another girl.



V3 + V3:

-    A huge monument has been discovered buried under the sands at the Petra World Heritage site in southern Jordan.


-    Colossal clouds cloak the surface of Venus, making it difficult for researchers to probe its secrets.


V + V3 : Adj + Noun


-    Trump gave classified info to Russians. Trump Ruslara gizli bilgi verdi.



-    On seeing the new shopping centre for the first time I wondered whether it would succeed, with all the other shops already in the neighbourhood.


-    Football not broken, but heartbroken.

-    Even suspended, I am the president.

-    I am to ask what happened.


-    Driver accused of running over 38 people. (Gerunds are used after prepositions.)


-    Several guns have been found in an abandoned car believed to have been used by some of the the attackers.

Several guns have been found in an abandoned car which was believed that they have been used by some of the attackers.


An abandoned car: adj(V3) + noun.

Past Participles can also be used like an adjective in front of a noun.


Reduction of Relative Clause, noun /Ving + V3: Passive

an abandoned car which was believed …: an abandoned car believed


Reduction of Noun Clause, Verb + to have V3: zaman farklı, yapı aktif

- I am glad that I have been chosen. (Passive). I am glad to have been chosen.


-    He is one of the latest teenagers to be linked to activity by the extremists around the world.

-    Her 15-year-old friend is believed to have been killed in fighting in 2014.


-    About 20 miles from Boston, there is a little town named Concord that has a rich story.


-    Over the years, the strongest threats to the Iranian regime ultimately have come from within, from a new generation of young students and workers who have discovered that their

prospects for prosperity and democratic rights have not changed much since the days of the shah.


-    Ann hoped to be invited to join the private club. She could make important business contracts there.

Ann hoped that she was invited to join the private club.


-    Historians will never agre completely the effects of dropping the world’s first atomic bomb to end the World War II.


-    Historians will never agree completely the effects of dropping the world’s first atomic bomb which will end the World War II.


-    Written by James A. Bland, “ carry Me Back to Old Virginny” was adopted is the state song of Virginia in 1940.

Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Do not use commas to set off essential elements of the sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses).


-    A few animals sometimes fool their enemies by appearing to be dead. Step-1: to be + V3: to be dead

By + Ving to be + V3: … olmuş gibi yapmak By appearing to be dead: ölmüş gibi görünmek

Step-2: by + Ving: yaparak, ederek. by appearing: görünerek, gözükerek Step-3: fool: aldatmak, aptal yerine koymak, şaka yapmak, kandırmak



-    What surprised you most? What is it surpised you most?



having + V3

yaptığı için

yapmış olduğu için

yaptığı zaman

yaptığı için


yaptıktan sonra


yaptığı zaman



yaparak: by Ving



yapar yapmaz

ve yaptı


ve bu da ki / ki buda yaptı


yapar yapmaz


Being V3

having been + V3

Yapıldığı için

yapılmış olduğu için

Yapıldıktan sonra

yapıldığı için


yapılır yapılmaz

Yapıldığı zaman


Yapılır yapılmaz

yapıldığı zaman

“V3”: ayrıca yapılırsa… ve yapılırsa anlamıda mevcuttur.

having been doing: yapmakta olduğu için


Adverbial ya da adjective clause kısaltmalarında atılan bağlacın anlamı bulunmalıdır: Ving……………………….., özne… eş zamanlı aktif

V3 / being V3………….,                   özne                        eş zamanlı pasif

Having + V3……………….,  özne................ farklı zamanlı aktif

Having been + V3..…….,  özne…................ farklı zamanlı pasif


İndirgeme bağlaç ve fiiller ile ilgili olduğu için, cümledeki yerine, isim ve sıfatlarla ve diğer fiiller ile ilişkisine dikkat edilmelidir.



adj + noun

To be + adj: I am ready. That’s a big house.

adj + to + V + sth: He was powerless to prevent it.

Indefinite pronoun + adj: I feel ill.

Subject + sense verb (Look, feel, sound taste and smell ) + adj.

Adjectives patterns with “kind, considerate, tactful”: You are very kind to invite me.

A/an + Noun/noun phrase ( adj + noun): A fearful railway accident happened 3 days ago.



“Ving” describes non-person. “V3” describes person.

-    How was the concert last night? It was disappointing.

-    All the students felt bored listening to his lecture.



An adverb is a word, which serves as a modifier of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, a preposition, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence



Structure: Preposition + N /Gerund.

“Preposition” lardan sonra “isim” ya da “Gerund(Ving)” gelir. Adverbial Clause’larda kullanılan “Question Word” bağlaçlarından önce kullanıldığı yapılar da mevcuttur.



•    Present Continuous Tense:

Active: S + to be (am, is, are) + Ving + …

-    The doctor is examining him at the moment.


Passive: S + to be (am, is, are) + being + V3 + …

-    He is being examined by the doctor at the moment.


•    Past Continuous Tense:

-    When I came to the hospital, The doctor was examining him.

-    When I came to the hospital, Tom was being examined by the doctor.


•    Present Simple Tense:

-    Trees lose their leaves in the fall.

-    The leaves of the tree are losed in the fall.


•    Past Simple Tense:

-    I saw him an hour ago.

-    He was seen by me an hour ago.


•    Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

-    Recently, John has been doing the work.

-    Recently, the work has been being done by John.

The perfect continuous tense: The future progressive passive (will be being) and perfect progressive passive (has been being) are quite rare.

-    The factory has been being built for 10 years!

•    Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

-    Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris.

-    The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.


•    Future Simple (will): promise to do something hopes and predictions for the future

-    Will you go by bus? No, I think I will go on foot.

-    You will be in Rome tonight.


•    Future be going to: to express a future plan

-    Is he going to sing Thriller at the party?

-    Is Thriller going to be sung at the party?

-    The cinema in the High Street is going to be converted into a dance hall.


•    Future Perfect be going to:

-    They are going to have completed the project before the deadline.

-    The project is going to have been completed before the deadline.


•    Future Continuous Tense:

-    They won't be questioning him when you get there.

-    He won't be being questioned when you get there.


•    Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

-    They'll have been treating her for exactly three months.

-    She'll have been being treated for exactly three months.


•    Future Perfect Continuous be going to

-    The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.

-    The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.


Past participle phrases: begin with a past participle, the verb: V3. Present participle phrases: begin with a present participle, the verb: Ving.


•    Present Perfect Tense:

-    I have just eaten a sandwich.

-    A sandwich has been just eaten by me.

-    She hasn't finished her assignment yet. O henüz ödevini bitirmedi.


•    Past Perfect Tense:

-    Because /as /since I had seen the movie, I didn’t go with them.

-    Chris was ill because he had eaten too much chocolate.


•    Future Perfect:

-    I will have finished the project by the time you arrive at the office tomorrow morning.

-    She will have prepared the dinner by the time we get home.

-    The scientists will have found the cure for cancer by 2030.


•    Conditional perfect:

-    If his passport had not been stolen, Adam would have gone to Brazil.

-    I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me.


•     Passive Voice:

-    The west coast of The USA was struck by torrential rain last night.

-    The painting was stolen in the middle of the night.


Participles as adjectives:

A present participle (Ving) attributes a quality of action to the noun, which is viewed as undertaking the action. A past participle (V3) views the noun as having undergone the action expresses by the participle. The present is an active participle and the past is a passive participle. When a participle phrase introduces a main clause, separate components with a comma.


The Participles can also be used like an adjective in front of a noun.

Structure: Ving/V3 + Noun /NP /Ving (Active):

-    The stolen baby was found by the police unharmed.

-    Dean's broken arm was set in plaster by the doctor at the hospital.

-    Please bring all of the required documents for your interview tomorrow.

-    A noise that disturbs someone is a disturbing noise.

-    The police caught him stealing car.


Adjective Clause Structure: Noun /NP /Ving, V3. (passive)

-    The dog, trained properly, will make a good watch dog.

Noun Clause Structure: Noun /NP /Ving + Ving. (active)

-    I know the man who came late.

I know the man coming late. (Reduction adjective clause.)

-    I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

-    That is Mary sitting over there.


Noun Clause Structure: Noun /NP /Ving + V3. (passive)

A past participle views the noun as having undergone the action expresses by the participle. When a participle phrase concludes a main clause and is describing the word right in front of it, you need no punctuation to connect the two sentence parts.

-    These are the facts gathered by the committee.

-    The language spoken in Canada is English.

-    I had my suit pressed yesterday. (causative form)

-    She kept her eyes closed all the time.

-    Can Mary make herself understood in English.

-    The President was sitting on the chair surrounded by his supporters.


Adverbial Clause:

-    Before being admitted to the college, he had to go through an examination. Before he was admitted to the college, he had to go through an examination.


Active: have someone V something

have + someone + verb + something = "to give someone the responsibility to do something".

-    Dr. Smith is having his nurse take the patient's temperature.

-    I am having the mechanic check the brakes.

-    I have my sister watch the baby while I am out.



Active: get someone to do something

Birine bir şeyi ikna yoluyla yaptırıldığı zaman bu yapı kullanılır.

get + somebody + to  + verb                      =                    "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into doing something".

-    He gets his brother to do his homework. O kardeşine ödevlerini yaptırır.

-    The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.


“Make” somebody do something: Bir işin zorla ya da ısrarla başkasına yaptırıldığı anlamı vardır.

-    My mother is making me tidy my room. Annem bana odamı toplatıyor.


Passive: have/get something V3:

Have + object + V3 Get + object + V3

Now I am having the bathroom redecorated. [Present Continuous] We’ve been having our garden remodeled. [Present Perfect Continuous] He was having his car serviced when I arrived. [Past Continuous]

They’ll be having their dinner served at half past eight. [Future Continuous]


Require/ suggest/recommend ...+ that + S + Infinitive (without to) + O

Passive voice: Require/ suggest/recommend ...+ that + BE +PP- Adverb modifies


Active “to be”:

adj /adv + to be

-    He is happy that he is here. He is hapy to be here.


Tümleç yapısında sadeleştirme

-    My job is that I teach English. My job is to teach English. İşim Inglizce’yi öğretmektir.


Verb + to be + Ving:

-    They report that the Prime Minister is going to Greece. The Prime Minister is reported to be going to Greece.


Verb + to V:

-    We decided that we improve the installation. We decided to improve the installation.


Verb + Ving:

Verb + object + to V

To be + adj + Ving + sth

Advise/ allow/ permit/ recommend + Ving

Advise/ allow/ permit/ recommend + object + to V

-    She admitted that she broke the glass. She admitted breaking the glass.

-    If you can’t unscrew the lid, try hitting it with a hammer.

-    I advise you to wait before deciding to accept the job.


Keep (on) doing something: to continue doing something or to do the same thing many times.

-    We have got high inflation. That is why prices keep going up.


Regret+To Verb: Feel regret for something you are going to do Regret + Ving: Feel regret for something already happened


Verb + to have been Ving: zaman farklı

-    People know that he was struggling for his country. It is known that he was struggling for his country.

He was known to have been struggling for his country.


Verb + having + V3, adj + having + V3:

-    I am glad that I have selected you. I am glad that I had selected you. I am glad having selected you.


for + possessive pronoun, Özneler farklı olduğunda Preposition(for) + Noun + to V

-    It is essential that she change her job. It is essential for her to change her job.

Should - If

-    He told me that I should drive. He told me to drive. (command)


-    He asked me if I would help.

He asked me to help. (request for action)


(should) be adj

-    I suggest that he should not be late. I suggest that he not be late.



To be:

-    He will be executed.

-    He to be executed. O idam edilecek.


Verb + to be + V3: zamanlar aynı

-    They suspected that the man was murdered. It was suspected that the man was murdered. The man was suspected to be murdered.

Verb + to have been + V3: zaman farklı

-    I am glad that I have been chosen. (passive) I am glad to have been chosen.


Verb + to be being V3:


(should) be + V3

-    It was vital that the patient should be operated. It was vital that the patient be operated.

-    It is essential that cancer should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure.

It is essential that cancer be diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure.

-    The U.S. postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification be presented.


Question Words:

QW + to V:

-    I don’t know what I do. I don’t know what to do. (Ben ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum.)


It is V3 + Qw + to V

It is V3 + Qw + to be + V3

It is V3 + QW + to have seen

It is V3 + QW + to have been caught


•    To be:

Noun + noun:

-    Antalya, which is a popular tourist center, has many places to visit. Antalya, a popular tourist center, has many places to visit.


Noun + adj:

-    The girl who is happy with the present is playing joyfully. The girl happy with the present is playing joyfully.


Noun + Preposition:

-    The boy who was in the car looked suspicious to me. The boy in the car looked suspicious to me.

-    The man who is in the house likes to watch television all day. The man in the house likes to watch television all day.

-    The books that are on the desk are mine. The books on the desk are mine.


Noun + with (have positive):

-    Students who have enough knowledge and skills will be admitted. Students with enough knowledge and skills will be admitted.


Noun + without (have not):

-    People who don’t have their ID cards can not get in. People without their ID cards can not get in.

•    Noun (/Ving) + Ving(Present/Past Simple - active):

-    Students who want to join the club must apply to the English teacher. Students wanting to join the club must apply to the English teacher.

-    I bought a computer which didn’t work well yesterday. I bought a computer not working well yesterday.


•    Noun (/Ving) + Ving(Present/Past Continuous - active):

-    The woman who is talking to the teacher is my mother. The woman talking to the teacher is my mother.

-    The students who were waiting for their funding from the government were disappointed. The students waiting for their funding from the government were disappointed.

-    The man who is swimming in the lake is my father. The man swimming in the lake is my father.

-    The clothes that are lying on the floor belong to me. The clothes lying on the floor belong to me.


•    Noun (/Ving) + being V3(Present/Past Continuous - Passive):

-    The song which is being played now is my favorite one. The song being played now is my favorite one.

•    Noun + having + V3 (Present Perfect - Active)

-    The girl who has asked a question is very clever. The girl having asked a question is very clever.


•    Noun (/Ving) + V3 (Passive):

-    The car that was bought yesterday is very fast. The car bought yesterday is very fast.

-    The survey which was conducted by the government did not indicate true public opinion. The survey conducted by the government did not indicate true public opinion.

-    The food that was eaten by the mice was poisonous. The food eaten by the mice was poisonous.


•    Noun + having been + V3 (Present Perfect - Passive)

-    The teacher who has been asked a question is very clever. The teacher having been asked a question is very clever.


•    Noun + Sentence: I lost the pen which you gave me.

•    Noun + to V (active, future): The person who will criticize me isn't you.

•    Noun + to be + V3 (Passive, future): The person who will be invited is you.



-    Drinking water containing excessive amounts of fluorides may leave a stained or mottled on the enamel of teeth.

-    Pewter, widely used for eating and drinking utensils in colonial America, is about ninety percenttin, which copper or bismuth added for hardness.


To be:

Active, same time: Ving / Being

-    Because he was poor, he didn't spend much on clothes. Being poor, he didn't spend much on clothes.

-    Because /as /since he was ill, he didn’t come to the party. Being ill, he didn’t come to the party.


At the same time, Active Structure (Ving / Being)

-    When we opened the cupboard, we found a skeleton inside. On /upon opening the cupboard, we found a skeleton inside. Opening the cupboard, we found a skeleton inside.

-    After she heard the news, she fainted right there. Hearing the news, she fainted right there.

-    Before I came to the U.S.A., I had lived in Australia. Before coming to the U.S.A., I had lived in Australia.

-    Since I came to the U.S.A., I have been studying English. Since coming to the U.S.A., I have been studying English.

-    If you are learning English, you must be patient. If learning English, you must be patient.

-    Although he knew the answer, he didn’t answer the question. Although knowing the answer, he didn’t answer the question.

-    While I was reading a book, I was listening music, too. While reading a book, I was listening music, too. Reading a book, I was listening music, too.

-    When I saw the woman lying on the road, I stopped my car. Seeing the woman lying on the road, I stopped my car.


At the same time, Pasif Structure: (being) + V3

-    When he was asked whether he would accept it or not, he said that he might. When asked whether he would accept it or not, he said that he might.

Asked whether he would accept it or not, he said that he might.

-    After he was arrested, he decided not to steal again. After being arrested, he decided not to steal again.

-    When / (Now that) / If it is painted white, the house looks bigger. Painted white, the house looks bigger.

-    Since it was built, it has been the shortest way to go there. Since being built, it has been the shortest way to go there.

-    Because /as /since he had been dismissed from the factory, Ali had to look for a job months. Having been dismissed from the factory, Ali had to look for a job months.

-    Because the dog is seriously injured, it may die. Being seriously injured, the dog may die. Seriously injured, the dog may die.

-    The Woolworth Building in New York was the highest in America when built in 1943 and was famous for its use of Gothic decorative detail.

“When it was built…” adverbial clause olarak indirgendiğinde, “When + verb_ing”, olur. In this case: when + being built (but “being” is hidden)


At the different times, Active structure: having + V3

-    After I had finished my homework, I went to party. After having finished my homework, I went to party.

-    Because/ as /since I had seen the movie, I didn’t go with them. Having seen the movie, I didn’t go with them.

-    As I had seen him in that building before, I thought that he worked there. Having seen him in that building before, I thought that he worked there.

-    Although the journalist had written an article, he didn’t show it to his boss. Having written an article, the journalist didn’t show it to his boss.


At the different times, Passive structure: having been + V3

-    After the results had been announced, they were hung on the wall. Having been announced, the results were hung on the wall.


To be

-    He talked as if /(as though) he was the best. He talked as if /(as though) the best.

-    When it is necessary, you can spend some of money. When necessary, you can spend some of money.



Participial Phrase with its own subject

-    John married Helen. Bill had to find another girl.

As John had married Helen, Bill had to find another girl. John having married Helen, Bill had to find another girl.


“Ving + noun” is the beginning of the sentence as a subject.




The present participle: Ving


“Ving” as part of the continuous form of a verb:

-    Present continuous tense: I am doing.

-    Past continuous tense: He was doing.

-    Future continuous tense: We will be doing.

-    Present perfect continuous tense: They have been doing.

-    Future perfect continuous tense: By 2025, he will have been living here for fifty years.

-    She would have been expecting me.


“Ving” after verbs of movement & position:

This construction is particularly useful with the verb “to go”.

-    She went shopping.

-    I go running every morning.

-    We lay looking up at the clouds. Biz bulutlara bakarak yatarız.

-    She came running towards me. Bana doğru koşarak geldi.


“Ving” after verbs of perception:

The pattern for this usage is “verb + object + Ving”.

There is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a zero infinitive rather than a participle. The infinitive refers to a complete action while “Ving” refers to an ongoing action.

-    I heard someone singing.

-    He saw his friend walking along the road.

-    I can smell something burning!

-    I watched the birds flying away.


“Ving” as an adjective:

-    It was an amazing film.

-    Dark billowing clouds often precede a storm.

-    He was trapped inside the burning house.

-    Many of his paintings show the setting sun.


“Ving” with the verbs “spend” and “waste”:

The pattern with these verbs is “verb + time/money expression + Ving”.

-    My boss spends two hours a day travelling to work.

-    Don't waste time playing computer games!

-    They've spent the whole day shopping.

-    I wasted money buying this game.



“Ving” with the verbs “catch” and “find”:

The pattern with these verbs is “verb + object + Ving”.

With catch, “Ving” always refers to an action which causes annoyance or anger. This is not the case with find, which is unemotional.

-    If I catch you stealing my apples again, there'll be trouble!

-    Don't let him catch you reading his letters.

-    I caught him going through my bag.

-    We found some money lying on the ground.

-    They found their mother sitting in the garden.



“Ving” for two actions at the same time:

When two actions occur at the same time, and are done by the same person or thing, we can use a “Ving” to describe one of them. When one action follows very quickly after another done by the same person or thing, we can express the first action with a “Ving”.

-    Whistling to himself, he walked down the road.

He whistled to himself as he walked down the road.


-    They went laughing out into the snow.

They laughed as they went out into the snow.


-    Dropping the gun, she put her hands in the air. She dropped the gun and put her hands in the air.


-    Putting on his coat, he left the house.

-    He put on his coat and left the house.

-    A million fans waving red flags.


“Ving” to explain a reason:

“Ving” can be used instead of a phrase starting with “as, since, or because”. In this usage the participial phrase explains the cause or reason for an action.

-    Feeling hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

-    Being poor, he didn't spend much on clothes.

-    Knowing that his mother was coming, he cleaned the flat.

-    He whispered, thinking his brother was still asleep.

-    Fearing Russia, Baltic states get U.S. help.


“to” is part of a phrasal verb or verb:

-    I look forward to meeting your parents tonight! [look forward to (pv): sabırsızlanmak, can atmak]

-    He confessed to killing his next-door neighbour. [confess to (pv): itiraf etmek]

-    She adjusted to living on her own. [adjust to (pv): ayarlamak]

-    He objects to spending so much money on a T.V. [object to(pv): itiraz etmek]

-    Mother Theresa devoted her life to helping the poor. [devote to(pv): adamak]

(Remember, not every verb + preposition combination is a phrasal verb! A phrasal verb is when the preposition changes the meaning of the verb.)


“to” is part of an adjective: V3 + to Ving

-    He is commited to destroying.

-    I am opposed to increasing taxes.

-    I am addicted to watching soap operas on T.V.!

-    She is committed to improving the education system.

-    Many of the nurses and doctors in the hospital are truly dedicated to making life better for the patients.

-    Mother Theresa was devoted to helping the poor throughout her life.

-    He’s not used to driving on the left-hand side of the road!


“to” is part of a noun: noun + to Ving

-    His addiction to gambling has caused a lot of stress for his family.

-    Her great dedication to teaching inspires her students.

-    Mother Theresa’s devotion to helping the poor brought her worldwide acclaim.

-    Her reaction to winning the Oscar was priceless!



Both gerund and Infinitive can be use to modify noun:

Gerund: are often used when actions are real, concrete or completed. Infinitive: are often used when actions are unreal, abstract, or future. To Verb: express purpose of doing something

•    As a subject (part of the subject) of a verb:

-    Speaking English requires a lot of practice.

-      Flying makes me nervous.


•    As a complement:

-    His job is teaching English.


•     As an object of a preposition (Hear, see, listen, watch, feel, imagine):

-      I will call you after arriving at the office.

-    We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.


•    As an adjective: (İsim tamlaması: Living room, Drinking water)

-    John is in the living room.


•    After certain verbs as an object (Avoid,finish, regret, can’t stand, end up, miss, enjoy, don’t mind)

-    He enjoys teaching English.

-    USA abandon arming Syrian rebells.


•    After certain “verbs + object” (Prefer, begin, start, love, like, hate)


•    With possessive forms

-    Tunisia's uprising: Tunusun ayaklanması

-    I can’t understand her arguing with me. Benimle tartışmasını anlayamıyorum.


•    After “despite” or “in spite of”


•    Gerunds are also used between “the” and “of” just like nouns:

-    The burning of fossil fuels causes a number of environmental problems.


•    There are many "go + gerund" expressions used for adventure sports and individual recreational activities.

-    I go swimming every weekend.


•    Gerunds can be made negative by adding "not."

-    He enjoys not working.

-    The best thing for your health is not smoking.


•    There is no point + in + gerund:

-    There was no point in repairing our old refrigerator. We decided to buy a new one.



•    We had trouble + gerund:

-    I had difficulty understanding his speech.


•    be worth + gerund:

-    This film is worth seeing.

-    This book is dull. It's not worth reading.


•    V + object + Ving

-    I insisted on them paying me.

-    I insisted on being paid.



Present Perfect Tense - Active: Have /has + V3 Present Perfect Tense - Passive: Have /has been V3

Preset Perfect Continuous Tense - active: Have /has been Ving

Preset Perfect Continuous Tense - Passive: Have /has been being Ving


Have been:

“Have been” is simple present perfect tense form used to express completed action.

-    I have been to Paris thrice.

-    They have famously been friends for more than 25 years.


It is also used in formation of present perfect continuous tenses to express duration of an action.

-    I have been reading this novel since three hours. (present perfect continuous)

-    He had been waiting for one hour when she arrived. (Past perfect continuous)

-    You will have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives. (Future perfect continuous)


to have long been doing sth

-    I have long been learning English.

This means you have been learning English for a long time.

(it's not wrong at all, but we would probably be more likely to say "I've been learning English for a long time".)


I continue learning English. (This simply means that you are learning English now and that you started learning in the past, but it gives no hint as to when you started. It could have just been last month!)


-    Universities have long been instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. Üniversiteler bilgi ve fikir üretmede uzun zamandan beri bir araç olmuştur.


Geçmişte gecerliydi, artık önemsenmeyen, gözardı edilen:

Have been + noun /adj

Have been + preposition + Noun (city or place)

-    She has been too hapy

-    She has been in love at least six times.

-    I have been busy.

-    I've been reading this book for a long time. It's been a long time since I read this book.

-    It's been a long time since I had pasta. It's been a long time since I have had pasta.

-    Saturn and its diverse moons have been under the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004.

-    This "Great Oxidation Event" was one of the most important things to ever happen on this planet. Without it, there could never have been any animals that breathe oxygen: no insects, no fish, and certainly no humans.

We do not use the present perfect with an adverbial which refers to past time which is finished:

-    I have seen that film. (Notbe used “yesterday”)

-    We have just bought a new car. (Not be used “ last week”)

-    We have been to London.


A person who is no longer as famous, successful or important as they used to be

-    He’s very much a political has-been.

-    She’s just an old has-been.




Being (n): varlık, varoluş, yaradılış, yapı


“Being” is normally used the progressive form with an adjective when we are talking about actions and behaviour. The verbs in the progressive form use a form of "to be: am, is, are, was, were, will be" + the present participle (an -ing verb). It is the form of the helping verb that indicates the tense.

-    You are being cruel when you hurt others with your words or actions.

-    I was walking on tiptoe and being very careful not to wake the baby.


However, when the adjectives(V3) relate to feelings, we do not use the progressive form:

-    I was upset /worried when I heard that they would have to operate on John's knee.

-    I am delighted /overjoyed to hear that you have passed all your exams.


When the adjective refers to feelings, the continuous form is not possible.

-    I was upset when I heard that I had failed the test. Not be used: I was being upset when I … Here we are talking about the speaker’s feelings and hence a continuous form is not


-    I am delighted to hear that you have won the first prize. Not be used: I am being delighted …


Verb + being,

Adj + prep + being:

Note that being as Ving, is required in all such instances:

-    Would you mind being quiet for a moment?

-    I look forward to being interviewed on the current affairs programmer.

-    She was afraid of being accused of a crime which she did not commit.

-    I am tired of being taken for granted and expected to do all the housework.



“Being” is used in the passive forms of present and past continuous tenses.

-    My car is being serviced. Instead of: The local garage is servicing my car.

-    Mother is cooking dinner. (Active) Dinner is being cooked by mother. (Passive)

-    They are repairing the roof. The roof is being repaired.

-    I was quite sure I was being followed. Instead of: I was quite sure someone was following me.


'Being + past participle' can be used in the same way as a continuous passive relative clause.

-    The poem that is being read by the actor was written by my brother. The poem being read by the actor was written by my brother.

-    The strawberries that are being eaten at the wedding….

The strawberries being eaten at the wedding were grown in Scotland.


Being in participle clauses:

We can use an adverbial participle clause to express reason or cause as an alternative to a because/since/as clause. Using a participle clause in this way is more characteristic of written English or a literary style, rather than spoken colloquial English.

-    Being French, he is passionate about wine and cheese.

Instead of : Because he is French, he is passionate about wine and cheese.


-    Being a friend of Tony Blair, I'm often invited to No 10.

Rather than: As I am a friend of Tony Blair, I'm often invited to No 10.


-    Being quite slim, I was able to squeeze through the hole in the railings.

Instead of: Since I am quite slim I was able to squeeze through the hole in the railings.

-    since being fired: kovulduğundan beri Since she was fired


-    Being rather over weight, Geoffrey was unable to squeeze through.

Rather than: Because he's rather over weight, Geoffrey was unable to squeeze through.



-    The park issued a statement to the media after being contacted about the event.


Having been:

“Having been” is the past participle form and used to emphasize that a first action has been completed before the second action begins.

-    Having been to Paris, I wrote an article on Eifell Tower.


"Being /having been X, Y" usually implies that "being/having been X" is a reason for Y.

-    Having been a sea captain, he was well acquainted with the tides. Because / as he .


Having + V3:

-    Having seen an accident ahead, I stopped my car.

-    Having been served tea, the teachers discussed the problem.

After they have been served tea, the teachers discussed the problem.

After the teachers had been / were served tea, the teachers discussed the problem


having been + Ving (Perfect Progressive):

-    After having been working as a teacher for 25 years, he decided to quit his job. After he had been working as a teacher for 25 years, he decided to quit his job.


(should) be + V3

-    It was vital that the patient should be operated. It was vital that the patient be operated.


By + Ving to be + V3: … olmuş gibi yapmak

By appearing to be dead: ölmüş gibi görünmek


Passive voice, need to be + V3

-    Not only knowledge and skills, but also attitudes need to be cultivated in school for students’s future adjustment to society.



(Only) to be + V3 + …: _diği için

-    He had a few lines about the eyes, but at forty-seven that was only to be expected


Reduction in Noun Clauses,

Verb + to be + V3

Zamanlar aynı, Pasif yapıda ise “to be + V3” ya da “to be being V3” gelir.

-    They suspected that the man was murdered. It was suspected that the man was murdered. The man was suspected to be murdered.


It is V3 + Qw + to be + V3 /Adj

-    It seems that your family is extremely happy. Your family seems to be extremely happy. Ailenizin son derece mutlu olduğu görünüyor.


Reduction in Relative Clauses

Noun + to + V: yapacak olan

Noun + to be + V3: yapılacak olan (Passive, future)

-    The person who will be invited is you. The person to be invited is you.

-    For any adhesive to make a really strong bond, the surfaces to be glued must be absolutely clean and free from moisture or grease.


The first /last /second /next + noun:

The first, the second, the third, the last, the next; the only, The superlative yapı (the best, the most populated, … ),

Modal yapılar (may, can, must,…) yapıları Relative Clause ile kullanıldığında “who, which, that” ve yardımcı filler (am, is, have,was gibi) atılır. Aktive cümlelerde fiil “to V” halini ve pasive cümlelerde ise “to be + V3” halini alır.

the first /last /second /next

+ Noun

to + V (yapan)

to be + V3 (yapılan)

-    He is the first person who wrote about that problem. He is the first person to write about that problem.

-    This is the largest ship which was made last year. This is the largest ship to be made last year.


The only + noun:

the only

+ noun

to + V (yapan)

to be + V3 (yapılan)

-    John is the only person who understands me. John is the only person to understand me.


Superlative + noun:


+ Noun

to + V (yapan)

to be + V3 (yapılan)

-    Tom is the most handsome boy who came in this school. Tom is the most handsome boy to come in this school.

-    It was the best play to be performed that year.

-    The saddest girl to hold was martiny.



Have to be + V3 ,

Has to be + V3: “Have to” yapısının pasif halidir. (is to be=has to be)

-    An invention has to be taken to the market to be regarded as innovation.

-    The laundry is to be done on Fridays. (general) The laundry has to be done. (today, right now)

-    I have to do the homework. The homework has to be done.



As : olurken, (when, while≈ just as ≈much as)

As = when (for clauses of time)

-    As I was walking down street, I met old friend.

-    I saw Tom as he was getting off the bus. Tom’u otobüsten inerken gördüm.

-    As the children were singing in the garden, it began to rain.

-    He was working as we were playing.

-    I was there as she was telling that story.

-    You don’t talk much as you are eating.

-    I nabbed him as he was going out the door. Tam kapıdan çıkarken onu yakaladım.

-    As the prision warders were eating their lunch, the prioners escaped.

-    She sprained her ankle as she was playing tennis.

-    As I was finishing my homework, she began cooking.

-    As she was walking down the road, she was hit by a lorry.


Just as: tam olurken

We may use “as” as an alternative to “when” when we are comparing two short actions or events that happened or happen at the same period of time. We often combine it with just. Just as’in diğer bir kullanım yeri ise zaman bağlacı olduğu yerdir. While anlamına gelen as’in başına sadece just ekleyerek vurgulu bir anlatım elde edilir.

-    The telephone rang (just) as I was climbing into my bath.

-    We got to the bank just as they were about to close. Bankaya, tam kapatmak üzerelerken yetiştik.

-    Just as I feel pessimistic, so does my mom (Ben tam kendimi kötümser hissettim, anemde. Çoğunlukla ikinci cümle so ile başlar ve cümle devrik olur. Agree – Disagree)


Just as: Tıpkı … gibi, tam … gibi, tam … yaparken

“Just as” bağlacı sınavın cümle tamamlama kısmında benzerlik ve paralellik için kullanılmaktadır. Tıpkı bilim adamlarının tahmin ettiği gibi

-    Just as I was getting off a bus, …

-    Just as it was planned, ….: tıpkı planlandığı gibi

-    It swims on the seafloor just as it is ancestors did.

-    The nests birds leave behind provide clues about their lives and environment just as archaeological sites supply glimpses of human history

-    Just as I was leaving, the phone rang. Tam çıkarken telefon çaldı.

-    We got to the bank just as they were about to close. Bankaya, tam kapatmak üzerelerken yetiştik.

-    Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen.


As + Clause: _diği için; _diğine göre, (since, because; Conjuntion in Reason Clauses)

-    As I was late, I took a taxi.

-    As Jason had the necessary qualifications, he easly got the post.

-    As people get older, the number of neurons decreases.

-    As a cancer cell spreads to the body, it ruins the immune system and leads to malfunctioning in the motor system.


“Because” is used when the reason is the most important part of the sentence or utterance. “Because clause” usually comes at the end:

-    I went to Spain last summer because I wanted the guarantee of sunshine on every day of my holiday.


“As” and “since” are used when the reason is already well known and is therefore usually less important. The as or since clause is usually placed at the beginning of the sentence:

-    As the performance had already started, we went up to the balcony and occupied some empty seats there.

-    Since John had already eaten, I made do with a sandwich.


“For” suggests that the reason is given as an afterthought. It is never placed at the beginning of the sentence and is more characteristic of written, rather than spoken English:

-    I decided to stop the work I was doing - for it was very late and I wanted to go to bed.


As well as (In addition to, beside): hem … hem de …; _nin yanısıra; ayrıca; üstelik

-    The captain as well as the passengers was frightened.

-    She’s clever as well as nice. Hoş olduğu kadar akıllıdır.

-    She works in television as well as writing children’s books. Çocuk kitabı yazmanın yanı sıra televizyonda da çalışıyor.

-    We study other languages as well as English.

-    I have to prapare my home work as well as my lessons.


Cümledeki bazı bilgiler biliniyorsa, bu bilgiler as well as’den sonra cümle kurmadan kısaca verilebilir.

-    As well as birds, some mammals can fly. Kuşların yanı sıra, bazı memeliler de uçabilir. (Birds can fly, as well as some mammals. denmez.)

-    They speak French in parts of Italy as well as France. Fransa’nın yanı sıra Italya’nın bazı bölgelerinde de Fransızca konuşurlar. (“They speak French in France as well as parts of Italy.” denmez.)


As well as’den sonra eğer bir fiil gelecekse çoğunlukla –ing olarak gelir.

-    Smoking is dangerous, as well as making you smell bad. Sigara içmek hem tehlikelidir hem de kötü kokutur. (“… as well as it makes you smell bad” denmez.)


Ana cümlede eğer bir fiilin mastar hali varsa as well as’den sonra diğer fiilin yalın hali kullanılır.

-    I have to feed the animals as well as look after the children. Hayvanları beslemenin yanı sıra çocuklara da bakmak zorundayım.


Ancak as well as’den sonra bir cümlecik geliyorsa anlam değişir.

-    She sings as well as playing the piano. Hem şarkı söyler hem de piyano çalar.

-    She sings as well as she plays the piano. Şarkı söylemesi, piyano çalması kadar iyidir.


As long as,

So long as: olduğu sürece / eğer (If)

“As long as: medikce” anlamı da mevcuttur. Olumlu anlam ifade eder. “So long as” ise olumsuz anlam belirtir.

-    You  can  pass  the  exam  as  long  as  you  study  hard. (Sıkı çalışıtığın sürece sınavı geçebilirsin.)

-    You won’t get so much as a peny from me as long as I live. Yaşadığım sürrece benden bir kuruş bile alamayacaksın.

-    You can have it as long as you return it by this evening. Bu akşama kadar geri getşrmek şartıyla onu alabilirsin.


As soon as: … ir irmez, aynı zamanda, hemen sonra

As soon as possible: mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk

-    Everyday, as soon as he comes home, he turns the TV on. (Her gün eve gelir gelmez televizyonu açar.)

-    I promise I'll come as soon as I can. Söz veriyorum yapabildiğim kadar erken geleceğim. [Olabildiğince çabuk geleceğim, yapabileceğimin en iyisini yapacağım.]

-    Please answer my letter as soon as possible. Lütfen mektubuma mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk cevap ver.

-    I will send the packets as soon as possible. Paketleri mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk göndereceğim.

-    She cleaned the house as soon as possible. Evi mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk temizledi.

-    I will pay your money as soon as possible. Paranı mümkün olduğunca çabuk ödeyeceğim.


As far … as: … ya kadar

-    Russia had conquered the Baltic territories as far southwest as Riga. Rusya Riga’nın güneybatısına kadar Baltık topraklarını işgal etti.


As far as: _dığı kadarıyla, _dığım kadar

-    As far as I understood, they will come here in August. Anladığım kadarıyla buraya ağustosta gelecekler.

-    I will escape as far as I can. (Kaçabildiğim kadar uzağa kaçacağım.)


As far as … is/are concerned

So far as … is/are concerned: göz önüne alındığında, bakımından

-    I must make the decisions as far as finance is concerned. Finans konusunda/finans göz önüne alındığında kararları ben veriyorum.

-    Today, our oceans hold millions of life forms - from bacteria to blue whales - and sit at the centre of our planet’s ecology, climate and weather. The water within drives the world’s winds, it temporarily becomes clouds or ice sheets at various locations, and it connects the poles via languorous deep-sea currents - processes that are all reflections of water’s singular role in absorbing and moving the Sun’s energy around our planet. For these and many other reasons, as far as life is concerned, the oceans are the Earth.


As far as I am concerned: bildiğim kadarıyla, bana kalırsa

-    As far as I am concerned, you ought to be more concerned about the academic quality of your work.


adj. / adv. + as + Clause: _e ragmen, _sa da (zıtlık)

Sıfat ya da zarfı takip eden cümlede ikinci kelime “as” ise anlamı “although” olur.

-    Late as I was, I didn’t take a taxi.

-    Difficult as the exam was, I was able to pass it by studying hard enough. Sınav zor olsa da yeterince çok çalışarak geçmeyi başardım.


As if / As though: … miş gibi davranmak, görünmek

“As if” ve “ as though” yapıları gerçek dışı ya da gelecekte muhtemel olayları belirtmede kullanılır. Look, seem, smell, sound fiilleri ile kullanılır.

Gerçek dışı:

-    The house looked as if nobody was living in it. Ev sanki hiç kimse yaşamıyormuş gibi görünüyor.

-    It smells as though you have smoked here. Sanki burada sigara içmişsin kokuyor.


Gelecekte muhtemel:

-    It looks as if it is going to rain.

-    She looks as though she will cry.


Inasmuch as: çünkü, _dığı için

-    He failed, inasmuch as he hadn’t studied.

-    I felt sory for them inasmuch as they couldn’t recognize that they were wrong. Hatalı olduklarının farkına varmadıkları için onlar adına üzüldüm.


Karşılaştırılan iki isim arasında eşitliği göstermek için kullanılır. “As + adj / adv den sonra muhakak “as” gelmelidir.


As + adj / adv + as: … kadar

This is used when you are comparing two people, things, and situations. Karşılaştırma yapmak için kullanılır. Yorum amaçlı da kullanılır.

-    She speaks as fluently as a native speaker.

-    I'm almost as good in maths as in science.

-    I am as tall as John. John ile aynı boydayım.

-    I'm not as young as you, slow down. Senin kadar genç değilim, yavaşla.

-    Jane works as hard as Gwen, but she has a problem with her style of working. (Jane de Gwen kadar çok çalışıyor ama onun çalışma tazrında bir problem var.)

-    Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. (Bazı doktorlara hemşirelerin neredeyse iki katı ödeme yapılmaktadır.)

-    We must make as few mistakes as possible. Biz mümkün olduğunca az hata yapmalıyız.

-    Your guess is as good as mine. Sizin tahmininiz benim ki kadar iyiydir.

-    Mike is 45 years old and Jack is 45, too. Mike is as old as Jack.

-    Niko and Berke got the same grades from their final exams, so we can say that Niko is as hardworking as Berke.

-    Their father is as old as my father. Onların babası benim babam kadar yaşlıdır.

-    Our garden was as big as that garden. Bizim bahçemiz şu bahçe kadar büyüktü.

-    In some parts of Western Europe, notably in France, Denmark and Sweden, cohabitation has become almost as common as marriage.


“as…..as” yapısı negative cümlede kullanııldığında eşitlik ortadan kalmakta, bir farklılıktan bahsedilmektedir.

-    I am not as old as Selly. = Sell is older than me.

-    This book is not as exciting as the last one.

-    The cafeteria is not as crowded as usual.

-    Turkish is not quite as difficult as Chinese.

-    He's not as stupid as he looks!

-    John and James are identical twins. However, you can distinguish them because John is not as tall as James.

-    Roosen LTD. and Sintek CO. are two companies in the United States. Nevertheless, Roosen LTD is not as big as Sintek CO.


As near as: … e kadar

-    I walked as near as the post office.  Postaneye kadar yürüdüm.

-    We didn’t go as near as the others did. Diğerleri kadar gitmedik.

-    Trading ships could navigate the Tiber as near as Rome.

-    You should stand as near as you can. (Olabildiğiniz kadar yakında durmalısınız.)


So + adj / adv + as: … kadar (Genellikle negatif cümlelerde)

“So ... as” is used in comparisons to say that something or someone has less of a particular quality than another person or thing. Karşılaştırma cümlelerini olumsuz yapmak için ilk “as” yerine “so” konulur.

-    You aren’t so old as my son. Sen oğlum kadar yaşlı değilsin.

-    The white pencil isn’t so long as the black pencil. Beyaz kalem siyah kalem kadar uzun değildir.

-    Mary doesn’t study so hard as Bob does. Bob studies harder than Mary.


“as ... as” ve “so ... as” yapısı arasında daha uzun kelime grupları kullanılabilir.

-    She is viewed as a strong candidate for the presidency as you are.

-    The young actor acts as perfectly in horror films as he does in TV comedies.

-    After the global warming news, people aren’t as / so optimistic about the future of the world as they were in the past.


As + many + countable nouns + as,

Aas + few + countable nouns + as: … kadar

-    The peace had created as many problems as it had solved.

-    There were as many people as I had expected.

-    We have as many customers as them.

-    There are as few houses in his village as in mine.

-    You know as many people as I do.

-    I have visited the States as many times as he has.

-    There are not as many trees in this area as there used to be.

-    We hope to see as few job losses in the company as possible.


As much + uncountable nouns + as,

As little + uncountable nouns + as: … kadar

-    She earns as much many as her father.

-    She can eat as much as she wants and she never puts on weight.

-    John eats as much food as Peter.

-    You've heard as much news as I have.

-    He's had as much success as his brother has.

-    They've got as little water as we have.

-    I don’t have as much money as you have.

-    My father puts as little sugar in tea as possible.


As/so + adj/adv + as to V: yapacak kadar

-    He isn’t as qualified as to get the post without having some additional training. Biraz ek eğitim almaksızın işe alınacak kadar kalifiye değil.


Such + adj + noun+ as to V: yapacak kadar

-    She isn’t such a qualified candidate as to deal with all these diplomatic troubles. Bütün bu diplomatic sıkınlarla baş edck kadar nitelikli bir aday değil.


… times,

[two /half /twice times] as + adj + as:

Farklılık koymakta ve bu farklılığın katlarını da karşı tarafa aktarır.

-    Istanbul is three times as large as Ankara.

-    My grand father is four times as old as his grand son.

-    She's twice as old as her sister.

-    The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

-    I read twice as many books as you did.

-    The old one now produces half as much water as it did in the past.



As (Like): … gibi, … biçimde

-    As his father, he is a famous surgeon.

-    At first, they were as enemies, but later they got to know each other more and stuff, they got along and fell for each other.

-    I parked the car as my driving teacher had taught me. Arabayı, direksiyon hocamın öğrettiği gibi park ettim.

-    He got divorced as his parents had done years before. Annesi ile babasının yıllar önce yaptığı gibi o da boşandı.

-    As smart phones’ tracking abilities have become more sophisticated, not only cell operators but also law enforcement has come under fire for exploiting personal data without the user’s knowledge.

-    I tried to sing the song as my best singer did. (Şarkıyı en sevdiğim şarkıcının söylediği gibi söylemeyi denedim.)

As + Clause: gibi

As + “Reduction of Clauses”: gibi

Genellikle nesnesi eksik ya da devrik yapılarda kullanılır.

-    Do as she does. Onun yaptığı gibi yap.

-    As you see in the picture.

-    As you know.

-    As I expected.As had expected.

-    As it was predicted. Öngörüldüğü gibi.

Note: Amerikan İngilizce’sinde “like I said” de kullanılır.


Just as + N /NP: gibi [benzerlik göstermek için kullanılır.]

-    just as the economy of the West


Such + adj + N + as: … kadar

-    I haven’t expected such awful weather as this. Bu kadar kötü hava beklemiyordum.


Such + N/ NP + as: gibi, (like)

-    Natural resources such as coal or oil. = Such natural resources as coal or oil.

-    That sum of money is not enough for such costs as travel and accommodation. Bu kadar para seyahat ve konaklama gibi masraflar için yeterli değildir.


Such as + N: gibi, (like)

-    There are many crowded cities in Turkey, such as Istanbul and Ankara

-    Musical performers can be classified into many different catagories such as vocalists and instrumentalists.

Note: yukarıdaki örnekte olduğu gibi bu yapı “both” ile karıştırılmamalıdır. Note: Such as = like: gibi


As + noun: Olarak

-    She works as a secretary.

-    I am telling you this as friend.

-    Australians today do not see London or New York as the centre of the world.

-    When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity.


As such: aslında, öyle (Cümlenin sonunda)

-    It is not a medicine as such. Aslında ilaç değil.

-    He is a teacher and is known as such. O öğretmendir ve öyle tanınır.


As such: üstelik, gibi

-    She is the committee chair. As such, she is responsible for scheduling the meetings. Explanation:  Here,  the  antecedent  of  such is chair. It  can replace such: She is the committee chair. As chair, she is responsible for scheduling the meetings.

-    A plaintiff must prove damages in order to recover, but Smith has not done so here. As such, she has no claim.

Explanation: If a writer is in doubt about whether as such is correct, it may be best not to use the phrase at all. The general transitions therefore, thus, or as a result are often suitable replacements.


The same as, The same … as,

The same +N /NP+ as: aynı olarak, … ile aynı

İki şey, iki durum, iki olay arasındaki benzerliği ifade eden kalıplardan biridir. Türkçe karşılığı iki olgu arasında tıpatıp ya da yaklaşık aynılığı ifade eder.

-    I am of the same mind as you. Ben de seninle aynı fikirdeyim.

-    He is the same age as me. O benimle aynı yaşta.

-    We live under the same roof as my wife's family. Biz karımın ailesi ile aynı çatı altında yaşıyoruz.

-    They live in the same town as my aunt. Onlar teyzemle aynı kasabada yaşıyorlar.

-    Have you noticed the same thing as me? Siz de benimle aynı şeyi fark ettiniz mi?

-    My armchair is the same size and shape as yours. Koltuğum seninkiyle aynı boyut ve şekle sahip.

-    She is at the same age as me. O benimle aynı yaşta.

-    Her grades are the same as mine. Onun notları benimki ile aynı.

-    This building is the same as ours. Bu bina bizimkiyle aynı.

As well: üstelik, keza, dahi, de, da

-    She gave me money as well. Bana para da verdi.

-    If you study your lessons, I will give you a chocolate and an apple as well. Derslerini çalışırsan sana bir de çukolata ve bir elma da vereceğim.

-    I will learn English and French as well. İngilizce ve Fransızca da öğreneceğim.


May /might as well: bari … _yı yapalım

-    There is no bus. We might as well walk. Otobüs yok bari yürüyelim.


So as to            : … mek için, … mak amacıyla, (In order to + V, to V)

-    They visited him so as to offer their condolences for the death of his wife.

-    We have art so as not to die of the truth. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

-    He did that so as to annoy me. O beni kızdırmak için yaptı.


As regards + N/Ving,

As to + N/Ving, Regarding + N/Ving, With regard to + N/Ving,

With respect to + N / Ving: … ile ilgili, _e gelince, _e kadar

-    Call me if you have any problems regarding your work. İşinle ilgili herhangi bir sorunun olursa beni ara.

-    As regards the potential energy crisis why aren’t we putting money into serious alternative sources of energy? Muhtemel enerji krizi ile ilgili olarak niye ciddi alternatif enerji kaynaklarına para yatırmıyoruz?

-    With regard to quality, Samsung is far better than Crea. Kalite bakımından/Kaliteye gelince Samsung, Crea’dan çok daha iyidir.

-    The two groups were similar with respect to income and status. İki grup, gelir ve statü bakımından birbirlerine benziyordu.

-    We are puzzled as to how it happened.

-    As to his ability, we are sure that he can do the job. Onun kabiliyetine gelince, eminiz ki işi yapabilir.

-    We have no news as to his health.Onun sıhhatine dair haberimiz yok.


As for + noun: … e gelince

-    As for heroes, they are the models of human behaviour for their society.

-    As for the festival itself, it is a joyful celebration of the traditions of this city. Festivale gelince, (festival) bu kentin geleneklerinin coşkulu bir kutlamasıdır.

Note: Pros and Cons: advantages and disadvantadges. As for… gelince (yayınlarda kullanılır.)

Much as + Clause: although

Bu yapı Amerikan İngilizce’sinde sık kullanılan ve normal olarak “kadar” anlamına gelen “as … as “ bağlacının kısaltılmış olarak “ although” anlamındadır.

-    Much as I like him, I don’t trust him.


As how : … ne durumda

-    He should behave as how he feels. (Nasıl hissediyorsa öyle davranmalı.)


As= According

Note: İngilizler kullanmıyor, onun yerine “in my opinion” kullanılırlar.


As of:        itibarı ile,             den itibarı ile (Geleceğe yöneliktir.)

Starting from a particular time or date:

-    As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up.


From … on: … dan itibaren [ geçmişe yönelik, … den itibaren]

-    From the mid-fifteenth century on, … onbeşinci yüzyılın ortasından itibaren


Just, almost, nearly gibi zarflar niteleme alarak kullanılır:

-    Leaks consume almost / nearly as much water as the kitchen and bathroom faucets.

-    He is just as clever as her.

As is: şimdiki durumuyla, bu şekilde, … olduğu gibi

“as are" can be used “like this”.


The first sentence is preferable.

-    All of the world’s major national parks are included on the map, as are most of the important reserves of lesser status.


"As is" denotes that the seller is selling, and the buyer is buying an item in whatever condition it presently exists, and that the buyer is accepting the item "with all faults", whether or not immediately apparent.


Yazılımları yüklemeden önce onayladığınız o kullanım şartlarında illa ki geçen kelimeler. "This software is presented as is".


Satılan mal hiçbir nedenle geri alınmaz:. 'Item is sold as is'..


Usually, when an item is sold "As is", it also means there can be no returns.


“That” kullanıldığı yerler:

•        That: Şu

•        Adjectives clause’da bağlaç,

•        … Noun Clause’da bağlaç,

•        Tekil cansız zamir; that of, that which, those which


İşaret zamiri olarak, that: “o; bu; şu”

-    Did you see that?

-    This is a book and that is a pencil.

-    After that he went to bed. Ondan sonra yatağa gitti.


Öncesinde ismi niteleyen bir “adjective clause” yapısında bağlaç olarak kullanılır. Öncesinde virgul kullanılmaz, “that” atılırsa sonrasında gelen cümlede özne ya da nesne eksik kalır.

-    That is the man that helped me yesterday.

-    The method that was used did not prove to be effective: Kullanılan metot faydalı olmadı.


Noun Clause’larda bağlaç olarak kullanılır. Noun clause’da “that” adjective clause’da olduğu gibi özne ya da nesnenin yerini almaz.

-    She said that he would go on holiday.

-    What I want is that we go on holiday.

-    It is believed that the money was stolen.

-    I am of the opinion that the elections were not fair.

-    I believe that the advantages of the program will outweigh its disadvantages. Programın avantajlarının dezavantajlarından daha ağır basacağına inanıyorum.


“(So that) /(in order that)” amaç belirten “adverbial clause” yapılarında “mek/mak için, olsun diye” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    He studied very hard so that he could pass the exam.

-    So that you can speak English fluently, you should practice a lot.


“…, so (that)” kalıbı içinde virgülden sonra “ bu yüzden” anlamında vermede kullanılır.

-    She woke up late, so that she missed the bus.


“So + adj/adv + that + SVO” kalıbında “o kadar … ki” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    She speaks so fast that I can hardly understand her.


“Such + a/an adj + noun + that + SVO” kalıbında “o kadar … ki” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    It was such a difficult exam that nearly all the students failed.

“Provided (that) …” kalıbı içerisinde “eğer…se” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    You can play with us provided (that) you obey the rules.

“Suppose (that), imagine that, assume that” kalıplarının kullanıldığı cümlelerde “diyelim ki, farzet ki” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    Suppose (that) you were lost what would you do.

Reason “is that” versus reason is “because”

-    The cause is (that) the economy is weak.


Relative clause’daki that ile karıştırılmamalıdır. Relative clause’da “that" her zaman isimden sonra gelir.

-      He is not the person that I met. [Relative clause]

-    He doesn’t know that I met that person [noun clause]


Noun /Noun Phrase +be+isim cümleciği ile “that” kullanılır.

-    The sad truth that there aren’t many honest people in the world seems to be true. Dünyada fazla dürüst insan olmadığı gerçeği doğruya benziyor.


Cümlenin öznesi durumunda that’in kullanılması zorunludur.

-    That the world is round is a fact. Dünyanın yuvarlak olduğu bir gerçektir.


That clause preposition ile birleşmez. Birleşmenin gerekli olduğu durumlarda, araya durumu yansıtan bir isim eklenir. “The fact” bunların en yaygınıdır.


Cümlenin nesnesi durumunda bağlaç olarak that’in kullanılması bir zorunluluk değildir.

-    People used to believe (that) the world was flat. İnsanlar, eskiden dünyanın düz olduğuna inanıyorlardı. (=Neye inanıyorlardı?)


Sıfatlarla birlikte “that” kullanıllır.

-    I was afraid that I might hurt her feelings. Duygularını incitmiş olabileceğimden korkuyordum.


Explanation: Bir isim tümcesi, subjunctive form fiillerinden birini takip ettiğinde tümcedeki fiil hiçbir koşulda değişikliğe uğramadan yalın halinde kullanılır.

-    I ask (that) she come here. I asked (that) she come here.

-    It is important that the student talk to her advisor early. [Geniş zamanda “he, she, it” e ait fiili “_s / _es” eki almaz

-    It is necessary that john bring his passport him when he applies for visa.

-    Her mother has suggested that she wear extra clothing to keep warm for the picnic.



-    Hastanın acil olarak ameliyat edilmesi hayati önem taşıyordu.

It was vital that the patient be operated. It was vital that the patient should be operated.

-    The doctor recommended that he should rest as much as possible. Doktor O’na mümkün olduğu kadar dinlenmesi gerektiğini tavsiye etti.

-    I insisted that my son (should) be a doctor. Oğlumun bir doktor olmasında ısrar ettim.

-    The committee requisted that the documents (should) be summitted until tomorrow. (Komite belgelerin yarına kadar sunulmasını istedi.)

-    I advised her that she (should) have breakfast early. Erken kahvaltı yapmasını önerdim.


Note: “she (should) have breakfast early.” cümlesinde “have” doğrudur. Çünkü temel cümlecikte “advise” fiilinin olmasından dolayı yan cümlecik yapısı istek kipi olmalıdır. Bu nedenle asıl olması gereken “should have” dir. “should” kısaltıldığından doğru cevap “have” olur. Çok dikkatli olmak gerekir.

Noun clause’da preposition’dan sonra “that” bağlacı gelmez.

-    Onun zengin olmasıyla ilgilenmiyorum.

I am not interested in the fact that she is rich. I am not interested in that she is rich.

I am not interested in him being rich.



In that + clause: olması bakımından, olması nedeniyle

Bir eylemin neden yapıldığını ya da durumun niçin oluştuğunu açıklar.

-    The language game is similar to other games in that it is structured by rules.

Dil oyunu kurallara göre yapılandırılmış olması nedeniyle diğer oyunlara benzemektedir.


-    English and Turkish are different in that the letter is an aqqiutirative language. İngilizce ve Türkçe ikincisinin sondan eklemeli bir dil olması bakımından farklıdır.

-    The two countries are alike in that they are ruled in the same way.

-    They have some problems with accommodation in that they don’t know anywhere here. Burada hiçbir yeri bilmediklerinden dolayı kalacak yer ile ilgili bazı problemleri var.

-    Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things.

-    Germany is similar in many ways to France, Italy and the UK in that it is one of just a few European states which attempt to maintain worldwide representation.

Almanya, birçok açıdan Fransa, İtalya ve Birleşik Krallık'a benzemektedir; çünkü sadece dünya çapında temsil edilmeye çalışılan birkaç Avrupa devletinden biridir.


Yardımcı fiilden sonra (Özellikle soru yardımcı fiil) “that” bağlacı gelmez.

-    Onun doctor olması önemli mi? Is it important those the fact that she is a doctor? Is it important those that she is a doctor?

Is it important her being is a doctor?

-    Onun akrabanız olması kararınızı etkileyecek mi?

Will the fact that he is your relative affect your decision? Will him being is your relative affect your decision?

-    Did the fact that his father was a professor help in his career?


“That is” kalıbının kullanıldığı cümlerlerde “yani, diğer bir deyişle” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    These are all riparian settlements; that is, they are located near the lakes.


“Except that / save that” kalıplarının kullanıldığı cümlerlerde “hariç” anlamını vermede kullanılır.

-    She has achieved all her goals except that she couldn’t learn Spanish.



“That” bağlacından önce virgül gelmez.

Aşağıdaki örnekte görüleceği gibi, araya açıklama cümlesi gelebilir.

-    It has been claimed, but never confirmed by the US Federal Reserve, that the reasons for introducing the new-design dollar bills were the persistent reports of high quality counterfeits circulating in the Middle East.

Object of a Preposition:

Noun clauses also act as objects of a preposition:

-    Harry is not the provider of what Marriage needs.

-    Josephine is not resposible for what Alex decided to do.

-    He is the owner of that blue car. O mavi arabanın sahibidir.

-    Once again, Harry is not the provider of what? Josephine is not responsible for what? Allie is the owner of what?


Bazı durumlarda “that” atılabilir:

Yüklemden sonraki that atılabilir. [object of a verb]

-    I know (that) he is innocent.


Sıfattan sonraki that atılabilir. [adjective compliment]

-    I’m sure (that) he is innocent.


to be sonrasındaki that atılamaz. [predicate nominative]

-    My opinion is that he is innocent.


Cümle başında yer alan that atılamaz. [subject]

-    That he is innocent is obvious.


İsimden sonra gelen that atılamaz. [appositive]


To be + that + clause: because of + clause

-    The understanding is that the harness is a lifting device.

-    The main reason for the crisis is that people spent more than they had.

-    The result of this was that everyone won.

-    The understanding with them is that we will support each other in hard times.

-    An enduring illusion of the Americans is that every social imperfection can be corrected simply by passing a law.


i.  The reason is logical. (adjective)

ii.  The reason is the high cost. (noun phrase)

iii.  The reason is that the cost is too high. (noun-clause)


i.  The reason is logical. (Subject Complement: adjective phrase)

ii.  The reason is the high cost. (Subject Complement: noun phrase)

iii.  The reason is that is costs too much. (Subject Complement: that-clause)

iv.  That is costs too much is the reason. (Subject: that-clause)

v.  The reason is that is costs too much. ("postposed subject")



Zaman bağlacı olarak kullanıldığında iki eylem ya da durumun eş zamanlı olduğunu gösterir. Simple present tense/future tense + while + simple present continuous

-    Every morning while running in the park I see one particular deer.


While: _iken

Zaman bağlacı olarak kullanıldığında iki eylem ya da durumun eş zamanlı olduğunu gösterir. Structure: Simple present tense/future tense + while + simple present continuous.

-    Every morning while running in the park I see one particular deer.

-    Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed to create one tonne of polyol, which is an alcoholic substance used in a number of plastics, while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the same result.

Bir dizi plastikte kullanılan bir alkollü madde olan bir ton poliol oluşturmak için şu anda sekiz ton ham petrole ihtiyaç duyulurken sadece 1.7 ton mısır aynı sonucu vermektedir.


While: irken (when, while, as , ≈ just as)

We can connect the past continuous and Past simple together by using the words “when, while, and as.”

-    While I was walking down the street, I saw an old friend of mine.

-    While I was studying, he came in. (Ben ders çalışırken o geldi.)

-    While you were in class, I was studying chemistry.

-    He fell asleep while he was doing his English exercises. İngilizce alıştırmalarını yaparken uyuya kaldı.

-    She sprained her ankle while she was playing tennis. Tenis oynarken ayak bileğini burktu.

-    While she was washing the dishes, the children played games. (O bulaşıkları yıkarken çocuklar oyun oynadılar.)

-    The pragmatic origins and uses of IQ tests have recently been emphasized, while the early pioneers of intelligence testing were mostly interested in theoretical questions about the nature of intelligence.



At the same time: aynı zamanda, bununla birlikte

"At the same time" is used to refer to two or more events taking place simultaneously. "At the same time "- refers to a specific moment.”In the same time "refers to duration.

-    No one likes conflict. While, we have to deal with this problem.

-    We listen at the same time the teacher talks.


Whilst: _iken, _irken

"Whilst" çok resmi yapılarda kullanılır.

-    One day, whilst fishing on the beach during his spare time, he discovered nine coins buried in the sand.


While: ... oysa, …ise, … iken (Zıtlık) (whereas)

-    Sugar is sweet. While /Whereas lemons are sour.

Note: “while” cümlenin başına geldiğinde although gibi davranır.

-    While I like all types of fish, my girlfriend always chooses meat dishes when we go out to eat.


A while: bir süre, bir müddet (a short time)

Note that when while functions as a noun, it is nearly always used with an indefinite article: a while: bir süre (for a while, after a while, in a while)

once in a while: arada bir, arasıra, nadiren a little while: kısa bir süre

quite a while: uzunca bir süre

-    I haven't seen you around for a while. Where have you been?

-    Let's just wait a little while longer. He's bound to turn up eventually.


After a while: bir sure sonra

-    After a while he fell seriously ill, and when he recovered, his parents, probably suspecting that a mistake had been made, sent him to an establishment at Brighto, kept by two ladies.


Reduction of adverb clauses, time: while (during the same time)

-    While I was watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door. While watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door.

Watching TV, I heard someone knock on the door. [While can be omitted.]


Note: After the conjunctions "when" and "while" the present participle is used. Be very attentive when reading the terms of the contract.

-    We discussed those questions while preparing for the meeting.



Conjunction in Time Clauses; since: den beri

When “since” is used as a preposition to introduce a date or a specific time in the past, it is normally used with present perfect and past perfect tenses. It refers to a period of time starting at a particular point in the past and continuing up till now (present perfect) or up until another point in the past (past perfect).


Genelde ya cümlecik V2, ana cümlecik V3 yapısındadır.

The tense in the since-clause can be past or perfect, depending on whether it refers to a point in the past or to a period of time leading up to the present or, in the case of the past perfect, leading up to a point in the past.


-    It was only a week since we have known each other, but we are very much in love.

-    They are a lot happier since they have been living apart.

-    Since he left on Saturday, I haven’t seen him again.

-    Since joining the company, Mike has been promoted twice.

-    They have been quarrelling since they’ve been married. They’ve been happy since they’ve lived here.


Conjunction in Reason Clauses; since: diği için, den dolayı, made ki (because, as)

-    Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.

-    Since you are so wealthy, why don’t you just buy the whole building?

-    She was late since there was heavy traffic.


Preposition; since + noun/time/date: den beri

“Since” + the start of a period:

since 1993, since the party, since he was 8 years old, Since this morning, since last week, since yesterday, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock.

(For + a period of time; for about seven years, for an hour, for 27 years, for a log time)

I haven’t seen him since this morning.

-    I have worked here since 1990.

-    I haven’t seen my younger brother since 14 July 1998.

-    She has lived here since 1980.

-    Alice has been married since March 2nd.

-    They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.

-    I have been here since the accident.

-    They’ve been on strike since the beginning of April and there’s no sign of it ending.

-    I hadn’t visited the area since my childhood days and I noticed last summer how everything had changed.


Ever since: ta o zamandan beri

Since as a conjunction sometimes combines with ever to make ever since. Note also in these examples that present and past tenses are possible in the main clause as well as the present perfect:

-    The company started losing money in 2002 and has been in serious decline ever since.

-    I took my final exams five years ago and have been working as a doctor ever since.

-    My father has not smiled ever since my mother died.



Since then: o zamanlardan beri (adverb)


“Since” zarf olarak kullandığında, mutlaka öncesi cümle yapısı V2 olmalıdır. Since yapısının kullanıldığı cümle ise “have/has + V3” yapısında olmak zorundadır.

“Since” can also be used as an adverb. “Since thenrefers to a particular point in time and ever since to a period of time. Which one we use depends on whether we want to focus attention on the point in time or on the continuing period of time.

-    I saw her las week. I haven’t heard from her since. Onu geçen hafta gördüm. O zamandan beri ondan haber almadım.

-    She left home in 1992 and he hasn’t contacted us since then.

-    The company started losing money in 2002 and has been in serious decline since then.

-    He left this morning and we haven’t seen him since.

-    He was sent to prison, but has since been released.

-    Since, no one has lived here.

-    Since then, I haven’t been able to sleep well.

-    We have had no gas since the strike began.

-    I have earned my own living since I left school.


Since when: Ne zamandan beri

-    Since when do I need your permission?

-    When did you start working here? A: Last August.

Since when have you been working here? A: Since August.

-    I've been working for my present employer since 1998.

How long have you been working for your present employer? Since when have you been working for your present employer?

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