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Causative Form

We usually make an arrangement with a professional to do to it. Maybe it’s difficult, impossible or we simply don’t want to do it. The past participle is used after the verbs "have" and "get" in constructions like "I had my car washed." which indicate that the action is performed for you by someone. When we use “have” we are saying someone will do something for us; we give someone the responsibility.


The differences between “have” and “get” something done are that “have” is slightly more formal than “get”, and get is more frequent in the imperative form. "Have" close in meaning to "ask" and "get" close in meaning to "persuade". “Let” shows there is permission


have smb do smth:

have + someone + verb = "to give someone the responsibility to do something".

-    I have the mechanic check the brakes.

-    The students had the teacher solve questions. Öğrenciler, öğretmene soruları çözdürdü.

-    I had my sister watch the baby while I was out.

-    The teacher had him do all the work again

-    Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.

-    Please have your secretary fax me the information.


get smb to do smth:

Birine bir şeyi ikna yoluyla yaptırıldığı zaman bu yapı kullanılır.

get  + someone  + to + verb         =       "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into doing something".

-    I got my brother to help me (to) repair my car.

-    The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.

-    They couldn't get anyone to fix their burst pipes.

-    He gets his brother to do his homework. O kardeşine ödevlerini yaptırır.

-    How can parents get their children to read more?


make smb do smth:

Bir işin zorla ya da ısrarla başkasına yaptırıldığı anlamı vardır.

-    My mother made me tidy my room. Annem bana odamı toplattı.

-    My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.

-    She made her children do their homework.

let smb do smth:

Birine bir şey yapması için izin verildiği anlamına gelir.

-    My parents never let me play football in our garden. Ailem bahçemizde futbol oynamama asla izin vermez.

-    John let me drive his new car.

-    Will your parents let you go to the party?

-    I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.


Have /get smth V3:

Have /get + object + V3

I have my car serviced every month. [Simple present] He is having his car serviced now. [Present Continuous]

Now I am having the bathroom redecorated. [Present Continuous] He was having his car serviced when I arrived. [Past Continuous] We’ve had the carpets cleaned. [Present Perfect]

We’ve been having our garden remodeled. [Present Perfect Continuous] He had had his car serviced before he started the journey. [Past Perfect] He will have his car serviced tomorrow. [Future]

I will get the door lock replaced as soon as I can. [Future] Is he going to have his kitchen painted? [Future]

They’ll be having their dinner served at half past eight. [Future Continuous] He may have his car serviced tomorrow. [Modal]

He should have his car serviced tomorrow. [Modal]

He should have had his car serviced yesterday. [Modal Perfect] He could have had his car serviced yesterday. [Modal Perfect] He might have had his car serviced yesterday. [Modal Perfect] He may have had his car serviced yesterday. [Modal Perfect] He must have had his car serviced yesterday. [Modal Perfect]


If we want to know who did the action, we can use the by agent.

-    Every Saturday we have our car cleaned by a local lad in the village.

-    She had had her nails done before her hair was cut by Sassoon.

-    They’ll have had their meal served by the time we arrive.


We also use the causative form to talk about bad experiences or mishaps.

-    They’ve had their suitcases stolen at the airport.

-    We’ve had our electricity cut off all day.

-    I had my car lights smashed by vandals.

-    He had his garden destroyed by the storm.

-    I really must get my eyes tested. I´m sure I need glasses.

-      Get your hair cut!

-    The mechanic changed the oil in my car. I had the oil in my car changed.

-    He has not had his car serviced yet. [Present Perfect]

-    We get our car fixed by a mechanic.

-    I don´t know how to repair cars, so I´m having mine repaired at the garage round the corner.

-    He had his car serviced last month. [Past simple]

-    The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style. I had my hair cut in a completely new style.

-    He will have her hair cut. (O saçlarını kestirecek)

-    A decorator has repainted our house. We have had our house repainted.

-    She’s having her house painted. [Present Continuous]

-    They had their house painted blue. (Professional house painters did the work.)

-    A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next week. I´m going to have my DVD player repaired next week by a friend of mine, who´s an electrician.

-    My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s. I´m having my jacket cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s.

-    The town hall has just been rebuilt for the council. The council has just had the town hall rebuilt.

-    We usually have the decorating done professionally. [Simple present]

-    She got plug changed the lamp last week. [Past simple]

-    She got her teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist.

-    I get my taxes done every year by an accountant.

-    She had her nails manicured by a manicurist.

-    You should have had it fixed a long time ago.

-    She had her purse stolen on the underground last week.

-    He had/got the roof repaired yesterday. (O dün çatısını tamir ettirdi.)

-    He had his wife killed.

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