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Continuous Tenses: Sentences for analysis


Sentences for analysis


1.        I‘ll already be working when you return.

2.        They were working in the garden all day long.

3.        She was constantly complaining of being lonely.

4.        I‘m playing golf tomorrow.

5.        Kate is in Britain. She is learning English.

6.        Don‘t ring them up at 7 in the morning. They will be sleeping.

7.        I‘m reading a book while the children are playing in the garden.

8.        The kettle is boiling. Can you turn it off, Mike?

9.        She is taking dancing classes recently.

10.   Look, the man is taking a photo of you!

11.   John arrived when I was cooking supper.

12.   I asked if she was doing her home-task.

13.   The earth is ever moving.

14.   The Browns will be staying at my place all weekend.

15.   Our ballet dancers will be performing in Moscow this autumn.

16.   Are you free from 9 to 10 tomorrow morning? – Well, I am but I won‘t be at home. I‘ll be walking the dog in the park.

17.   Will you be using your iron in the evening?

18.   I‘ll be going to the shops on my way from work and can get you some bread and cheese.

19.   I feel she‘ll be asking the same question tomorrow.

20.   We are having a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

21.   My parents are thinking of moving to the country.

22.   Sue met her husband while he was working in Paris.

23.   Fleming was studying influenza when he discovered penicillin.

24.   It was snowing heavily when we got to Warsaw.

25.   I saw Carol at the party. She was wearing a really beautiful dress.

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