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Here's the positive form (it's just 'will' + infinitive):


●        I will meet him later (I'll ..)

●        You will come (you'll..)

●        It will rain tomorrow (it'll)

●        She will be late (she'll..)

●        He will help us later (he'll..)

●        We will get married in September (we'll)

●        They will cook dinner (they'll..)


The short form: 'll is very, very common, and is almost always used when speaking. It's really much more natural to say 'I'll' instead of 'I will'. Here's some help with the pronunciation:


●        I'll meet him late

●        You'll come

●        It'll rain tomorrow

●        She'll be late

●        He'll help us later

●        We'll get married in September

●        They'll cook dinner


Next, here's the negative form (just add 'not' - remember will not = won't):


●        I will not go (I won't ..)

●        You will not be late (you won't ..)

●        It will not snow tomorrow (it won't..)

●        She will not get the job (she won't..)

●        He will not pass the exam (he won't ..)

●        We will not come (we won't..)

●        They will not stop (they won't ..)

Finally, here's the question:


'yes / no' questions:


●        Will I go?

●        Will you come early?

●        Will it be cold?

●        Will she dance?

●        Will he arrive soon?

●        Will we cook?

●        Will they leave? 'wh' questions:

●        Where will I go?

●        Why will you come early?

●        When will it be cold?

●        Who will she dance with?

●        What time will he arrive?

●        What will we cook?

●        When will they leave?


➤➤Exercise 23. Present Simple or Simple Future


Put the verb into either the present simple or the simple future tense:

1.     I’ll call you when I (arrive) at my hotel.

2.     He (text) you as soon as he’s on the bus.

3.     Let’s eat dinner when John (get) here.

4.     Julie (be) late tomorrow evening, so I’ve booked a table at a restaurant for 10pm.

5.     As soon as I (be) able to, I’m going to get a new job.

6.     Please wait here until the nurse (call) you.

7.     I

8.     Before you

(get) up early tomorrow morning and finish the report then. (leave), please make sure you’ve locked the door.

9.     She (let) us know later, when she’s ready to leave.

10. I must clean the kitchen before my mother (get) here.

11. I (come) to meet you at the station next weekend.

12. I (wait) until you’re finished – then we can go. 13.John will study until he (know) all the answers.

14. She thinks that it (rain) next weekend.

15. What do you want to do after the class (finish)?

16. I think that the Democrats (win) the next election. 17.Jenny will come here after she (finish) work.

18. She’s going to look for a job as soon as she (arrive) in London.

19. I (give) up smoking!

20. She (send) me an email before she leaves the office later today.

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