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Here's how to make the past perfect continuous. It's 'had' + been (the past participle of 'be')+ verb-ing


Firstly, let's look at the positive form:


●        I had been living

●        You had been going

●        She had been sleeping

●        He had been working

●        It had been raining

●        We had been studying

●        They had been cooking


The short form is: 'd been verb-ing. Be careful, because the short form for 'would' is also 'd. However, 'would' is always followed by the infinitive, but 'had' is followed by the past participle.


Next, the negative form:


●        I had not been trying (I hadn't been..)

●        You had not been working (you hadn't been..)

●        She had not been crying (she hadn't been..)

●        He had not been shopping (he hadn't been..)

●        It had not been snowing (it hadn't been..)

●        We had not been reading (we hadn't been..)

●        They had not been running (they hadn't been..)


Here's an exercise about the negative 'Yes / no' questions:

●        Had I been working?

●        Had you been sleeping?

●        Had she been reading?

●        Had he been watching TV?

●        Had it been raining?

●        Had we been drinking?

●        Had they been eating?


'Wh' questions:


●        Where had I been working?

●        How long had you been sleeping?

●        What had she been reading?

●        How long had he been watching TV?

●        How long had it been raining?

●        What had we been drinking?

●        Why had they been eating?



➤➤Exercise 22. Past Perfect Continuous or Past Simple


Make the past perfect continuous or the past simple:


1.     I (arrive).

(wait) for hours, so I was really glad when the bus finally                          

2.     Why  

(be) the baby’s face so dirty? He                          

(eat) chocolate.

3.     I  

(see) John yesterday, but he                          

(run) so he was too tired to chat.

4.     It (rain) and the pavement (be) covered with puddles.

5.     When I  

(arrive), it was clear that she                          

(work). There were papers

all over the floor and books everywhere.

6.     They exhausted.

(study) all day so, when we                          

(meet), they were

7.     The boss       break.

(talk) to clients on Skype for hours, so she                          

(want) a

8.     I strange.

(drink) coffee all morning. By lunchtime, I                          

(feel) really

9.     Lucy one.

(hope) for a new car, so she was delighted when she                          


10. I (dream) about a holiday in Greece! I couldn’t believe it when my

husband (book) one as a surprise!

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