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Infinitive: Uses, Examples and Exercises


An infinitive is the base form of the verb (i.e. the first form of the verb) which is not governed by any subject or tense and does the work of a Noun, Adjective or Adverb in a sentence.

For Example : He wants to win her heart at any cost. Here the verb ‘to win’ is an infinitive.

There are two kinds of infinitives.

(i)      To-infinitive

(ii)      Bare Infinitive

(i)  To-infinitive

This form of infinitive is preceded by ‘to’ and consists of two words, to + base form of the verb.

For Example : I want to get a scholarship. Here the verb ‘to get’ is To- Infinitive.

Uses of to- infinitive

The to-infinitive is used:

1.         As Noun Infinitive

(a)                                     It is used as the Subject of a Verb For Example :

(i)   To err is human.

(ii)   To pity is divine.

(iii)   To find fault is easy.

Here To err, To forgive, To find fault are used as subjects to the verb, ‘is’ in each of these sentences.

(b)                                   As Object of the Verb For Example :

(i)   I do not like to cry.

(ii)   We hope to start tomorrow.

(iii)   She began to tell a story.

(iv)   I want to buy a new car.

(v)   He promised to help me.

Here to cry, to start, to tell, to buy and to help are used as objects to the verbs ‘like’, ‘hope’, ‘began’, ‘want’ and ‘promised’ respectively.

(c)                                      As the Complement of a Linking Verb For Example :

(i)   His greatest asset is to dance.

(ii)   His aim is to become a great dancer.




Use of Non-Finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)




(iii)   Her real aim is to win the match.

(iv)   Her hobby is to make friends with new people.

(d)                                   As the object of a Preposition For Example :

(i)   The poor beggar is about to collapse.

(ii)   The enemy had no option but to surrender.

(iii)   The match was about to finish.

(iv)   The show is likely to start.

(v)   The boss is about to reach.

(e)                                      In Apposition to the Pronoun ‘it’ For Example :

(i)   It is our duty to serve our nation.

(ii)   It is difficult to make everyone happy.

(iii)   It is an honour to serve our motherland.

(iv)   It is easy to find fault in others.

(v)   It is a pleasure to host the party.

2.         After the verbs like know, learn, discover, when, who, how, etc. For Example :

(i)    I know how to sing.

(ii)    I wonder who to invite.

(iii)    Show me how to do it.

(iv)    He knows how to drive a car.

(v)    We don’t learn when to say no.

3.         Infinitive of purpose For Example :

(i)    We eat to survive.

(ii)    We went to see him

(iii)    We play to enjoy the game.

(iv)    Give me a book to read.

(v)    Susan ran to reach the school in time.

4.         In passive form

(i)    The coaches like to be followed.

(ii)    The boss likes to be respected.

(iii)    Girls like to be treated like a queen.




(iv)    He wanted to be honoured by the chief guest.

(v)    Everyone wants to be appreciated.

5.         As Gerundial Infinitive

(a)                                     It modifies verbs like an adverb. For Example :

(i)   We play to win.

(ii)   He came to meet me.

(iii)   We went to congratulate him.

(iv)   They fought to defeat the enemy.

(v)   I gave him a book to read.

(b)                                    It qualifies an adjective. For Example :

(i)   Spanish is easy to learn.

(ii)   I am glad to hear of your victory.

(iii)   She is ready to work hard.

(iv)   They were eager to learn new tricks.

(v)   It is difficult to defeat him.

(c)                                      To qualify a sentence. For Example :

(i)   To be frank, I hate hypocrites.

(ii)   To tell the truth, I don’t approve of your views.

(iii)   To be sure, he evaluated the answer-sheet twice.

(iv)   To be honest, he is trustworthy.

(v)   To be frank, I have done my duty.

(d)                                   As an adjective, it qualifies a noun. For Example :

(i)   Parth is the boy to win the scholarship.

(ii)   He is the player to appreciate.

(iii)   Morning is not the time to sleep.

(iv)   Sachin is the player to watch.

(v)   Singing is the art to emulate.



Use of Non-Finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)




6.         After ‘too’ and enough’ For Example :

(i)    He is too smart to understand your trick.

(ii)    The bag was too big to carry.

(iii)    He is too weak to run.

(iv)    This dress is too dirty to wear.

(v)    I am strong enough to carry this bag.

(vi)    He is intelligent enough to see through their game.

7.         As a substitute for a clause For Example :

(i)    I bought a book so that I could read. (Clause) I bought a book to read. (Infinitive)

(ii)    We watch movies so that we can enjoy. (Clause) We watch movies to enjoy. (Infinitive)

(iii)    He paints so that he could earn some money. (Clause) He paints to earn some money. (Infinitive)

8.         After ordinal numbers For Example :

(i)    He was the first to complete his work.

(ii)    He was the last to arrive.

(iii)    Ravi was the next to raise his voice.

Exercise 1 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with a To-Infinitive:

1.            I would like       a good story. (read)

2.            He wanted some new clothes for party. (buy)

3.            I plan       a new factory. (open)

4.            I would like      to the party with you. (come)

5.            I am learning English. (speak)

6.            She helped me    my suitcases. (carry)

7.            He decided Biology. (study)

8.            He asked with us. (come)

9.            I promise   you tomorrow. (help)

10.             We hope Goa next month. (visit)




Answers :

1.            I would like to read a good story.

2.            He wanted to buy some new clothes for party.

3.            I plan to open a new factory.

4.            I would like to come to the party with you.

5.            I am learning to speak English.

6.            She helped me to carry my suitcases.

7.            He decided to study Biology.

8.            He asked to come with us.

9.            I promise to help you tomorrow.

10.             We hope to visit Goa next month.

Exercise 2 (Solved)

1.        He is quick        . (respond)

2.        We are delighted you. (see)

3.        I was quick        . (reply)

4.        It is time now. (sleep)

5.        It is not right faults with others. (find)

6.        This apple is ripe (eat)

7.        They had no time (waste)

8.        He likes    old songs. (sing)

9.        I didn’t want   yet. (leave)

10.        You have   this sum. (solve)

Answers :

1.         He is quick to respond.

2.         We are delighted to see you.

3.         I was quick to reply.

4.         It is time to sleep now.

5.         It is not right to find faults with others.

6.         This apple is ripe to eat.

7.         They had no time to waste.

8.         He likes to sing old songs.

9.         I didn’t want to leave yet.

10.         You have to solve this sum.



Use of Non-Finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)




Exercise 3 (Solved)

1.           (err) is human.

2.      He is too weak (walk)

3.      Everyone wants (make) money quickly.

4.      I have (pick) some books from table.

5.           (waste) time is a folly.

6.      Do you have anything more (tell)?

7.      She seems (be) happy.

8.      I find it sensible (remain) silent.

9.      This room is (let)

10.                (toil) is the lot of mankind.

Answers :

1.                   To err is human.

2.                   He is too weak to walk.

3.                   Everyone wants to make money quickly.

4.                   I have to pick some books from table.

5.                   To waste time is a folly.

6.                   Do you anything more to tell?

7.                   She seems to be happy.

8.                   I find it sensible to remain silent.

9.                   This room is to let.

10.                     To toil is the lot of mankind.

Exercise 4 (Unsolved)

1.        Children love (play)

2.        They like (read) newspapers

3.        This is not the time (quarrel).

4.        He finds this word difficult (pronounce).

5.        I want (write) a book.

6.        I asked him (complete) his work first.

7.        He had a plan (follow).

8.        You need (do) a lot.

9.        The match was about (begin).

10.        Aliens are here (stay) now.




Exercise 5 (Unsolved)

1.        He asked the girl (pick) up a pebble.

2.        Students are anxious (learn)

3.        He wanted (help) the poor.

4.        It is a criminal offence (hit) anyone with a stick.

5.        Give the beggar something (eat).

6.        He refused

7.        You are advised not

(accept) our proposal.

(mislead) your friends.

8.        I gave him a chance (rethink) his stance.

9.        He doesn’t dare (tell) me a lie.

10.        The judge began (pronounce) his final judgment.

(ii)  Bare Infinitive

Usually an infinitive is preceded by ‘to’ but sometimes ‘to’ is not used before an infinitive. Such an infinitive is called Bare Infinitive.

For Example :

(i)    Let him come in.

(ii)    Make him realise his mistake.

(iii)    You needn’t abuse him.

In these sentences ‘come’, ‘realise’ and ‘abuse’ are bare-infinitives.

Use of Bare-Infinitive

1.           After Modal Auxiliaries For Example :

(i)    I can write well.

(ii)    He may come anytime now.

(iii)    He dare not disobey you.

(iv)    You need not go out.

(v)    They will win the match.

All the verbs that follow auxiliaries are bare infinitives except those that come after have, ought and used (to).

We have to play and win the match.

Note : ‘win’ is also infinitive here, but ‘to’ is missing because it is connected by ‘and’.




Use of Non-Finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)




2.          After some verbs like bid, watch, make, let, feel, behold, help, hear, know, observe, must, can, pass, hear etc.

For Example :

(i)    I heard her cry.

(ii)    I know him well.

(iii)    They bade us goodbye.

(iv)    He made me laugh a lot.

(v)    He watched the match on TV.

3.          After “had better”, “had rather”, “would rather”, had sooner” etc.

For Example :

(i)    He had better finish his assignment.

(ii)    I would rather work than gossip.

(iii)    They would sooner stay where they are.

4.           After “than”, “except” and “but”. For Example :

(i)    He did nothing but cry.

(ii)    It is better to work hard than fail.

(iii)    It is better to speak the truth than cheat.

(iv)    I did everything except steal.

5.           Perfect Infinitives : For Example :

(i)    The boy pretended to have fallen sick.

(ii)    He was upset to have failed in the first attempt.

(iii)    He was sad to have missed the opportunity to win the championship.

(iv)    They were glad to have finished the meeting in time.

6.           Passive form of infinitives : For Example :

(i)    Everyone likes to be praised.

(ii)    It is an honour to be declared the best player of the tournament.

(iii)    He deserved to be awarded this recognition for his achievements.

(iv)    I want the facts to be brought out.




Exercise 6 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with Bare-Infinitive :

1.         Let us (work) hard to win.

2.         We must (go) for final push.

3.         He (make) her happy.

4.         We (bid) them goodnight.

5.         I watched the car (disappear) in the darkness.

6.         He dare not (break) the law.

7.         He will (start) a new business.

8.         I shall (narrate) an interesting story.

9.         He may (guide) you.

10.         He wanted his enemy

Answers :

1.         Let us work hard to win.

2.         We must go for final push.

3.         He made her happy.

4.         We bade them goodnight.


5.         I watched the car disappear in the darkness.

6.         He dare not break the law.

7.         He will start a new business.

8.         I shall narrate an interesting story.

9.         He may guide you.

10.         He wanted his enemy defeated.

Exercise 7 (Solved)

1.        The students made the teacher (sing).

2.        The teacher let them (play) during the recess period.

3.                  (bid) him come here.

4.        Let her (go) now.

5.        You dare not (shout) at me.

6.        We (hear) her cry.

7.        I saw him (do) it.

8.        You need not (worry).

9.        You should (tell) the truth.

10.        You must (finish) your homework at the earliest.




Use of Non-Finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)




Answers :

1.        The students made the teacher sing.

2.        The teacher lets them play during the recess period.

3.        Bid him come here.

4.        Let her go now.

5.        You dare not shout at me.

6.        We heard her cry.

7.        I saw him do it.

8.        You need not worry.

9.        You should tell the truth.

10.        You must finish your homework at the earliest.

Exercise 8 (Solved)

1.         I saw the thief (run)

2.         His friends made him (laugh)

3.         They had better (vacate) their room.

4.         Please let me (study).

5.         Let the children (play) there.

6.         He would sooner (go) than wait for them.

7.         He did more than (help) me.

8.         We must (respect) our teachers.

9.         He would rather (die) than steal.

10.         How dare you (steal) my money?

Answers :

1.         I saw the thief run.

2.         His friends made him laugh.

3.         They had better vacate their room.

4.         Please let me study.

5.         Let the children play there.

6.         He would sooner go than wait for them.

7.         He did more than help me.

8.         We must respect our teachers.

9.         He would rather die than steal.

10.         How dare you steal my money?





1.        She made the child

Exercise 9 (Unsolved)


2.        The coach made the players

3.          He did more than

4.        We can see the water level

(play). (lend) me money.

(rise) in the river.

5.        Need I

6.        I have seen him

(warn) you?

(work) for success.

7.        He can (understand) many European languages.

8.        A soldier must (aim) to kill.

9.        I saw the tiger (cross) the road.

10.        We had nothing to do but (sleep) in the afternoon.

Sometimes we can join a pair of sentences by using an infinitive.

For Example :

1.        They met at my place.

They discussed some current problems.

They met at my place to discuss some current problems.

2.        He went to the school. He met the Principal.

He went to the school to meet the Principal.

Exercise 10 (Solved)

1.         The poor man had five children. He must provide for them.

2.         Turn to the left.

You will find my house.

3.         My teacher will learn about my success. He will be delighted.

4.         This box is very big. He can’t lift it.

5.         I had no money.

I could buy no clothes.




Use of Non-Finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)




Answers :

1.          The poor man had five children to provide for.

2.          Turn to the left for my house.

3.          My teacher will be delighted to learn about my success.

4.          This box is too big for him to lift.

5.          I had no money to buy any clothes.

Exercise 11 (Unsolved)

1.               The table was very big. Two boys could not lift it.

2.               She buys antique paintings. It is her passion.

3.               He takes light breakfast.

He wants to control his weight.

4.               I have some problems. I must solve them.

5.               He went to Delhi.

He has to attend a marriage.

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