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Use Of Non-finites

Use Of Non-finites 

Learning Objectives

After the completion of this chapter, the learner will be able to : 

*    Explain what is a finite verb and non-finite verb.

*    Use Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles


What is a Verb?

A Verb is a word or a group of words that expresses an action or occurrence, and forms the main part of the predicate of a sentence.

For Example :

(i)      Ram writes poems. (action)

(ii)      The child felt happy. (feeling)

(iii)      Ashoka was a great king. (existence) A verb has two aspects:

(i)      Finite verb (ii) Non-Finite Verb

Finite Verb :

Look at the following sentences :

(i)      A girl loves dolls. (singular subject + singular verb)

(ii)      Girls love dolls. (plural subject+ plural verb)

(iii)      They play football every day.

(iv)      They played football yesterday.

We find that the verbs ‘loves’, and ‘love’, in the above sentences, are governed by the subjects ‘a girl’ and ‘girls’ respectively, and the verbs ‘play’ and ‘played’ are governed by tenses. In simple words, a change in the subject and tense has led to a change in the form of the verb.

Thus, we can conclude that a finite verb is a form of verb that (a) shows agreement with a subject and (b) is marked for tense.

A finite verb can be transitive or intransitive.




For Example :

(i)       We drink milk.

(ii)       They play chess.

In the above sentences, the action denoted by the verb, ‘drink’ passes over to the object, ‘milk’ and the action denoted by the verb, ‘play’ passes over to the object, ‘chess’. The verbs in these examples are Transitive Verbs, as they transit or pass over the action from the ‘subject’ to the ‘object’. A transitive verb is the one that has some object. This means the action denoted by the verb passes over from the subject to the object.

Consider the following:

We drink slowly.

They play in the fields.

In the above sentences, the verbs ‘drink’ and ‘play’ have no objects. Therefore, the actions denoted by the verbs, drink and play do not pass over to any subject. Such verbs are called Intransitive Verbs.

Non-Finite Verb

Consider the following sentences:

The player wants to win the match. All the players want to win the match. We want to help them.

We wanted to help them

Here the verbs ‘win’ and ‘want’ are not governed by the change in number or person of the subject or any change in the tense. Such verbs that are not changed despite the change of the subject and the tense are called Non-Finite Verbs. Non-Finites are of three types:

(i)      Infinitives

(ii)      Gerunds

(iii)      Participles.

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