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Linking verbs

Linking verbs

İngilizce’de Link Verb fiillerinden sonra sıfat gelir ve özneyi nitler. Link Verb yapısındaki cümlede fiil değil, özne nitelenir, bu yüzden fiilden sonra zarf yerine sıfat kullanıılır.


En çok kullanılan linking verb,


“to be” (is, are, am; was, were).


Look, smell, seem, …


A linking verb (also called a connecting verb) connects the subject and the predicative complement and shows the relationship between them. Link Verb yapısındaki cümlede fiil değil de özne nitelenir, bu yüzden fiilden sonra zarf yerine sıfat kullanıılır. Main linking verb is “be”. Fiilden sonra normal olarak bir zarf gelir fiili niteler. Öte yandan İngilizce’de linking verbs’den sonra sıfat gelir ve özneyi nitlerler.


Linking verbs are often forms of the verb “to be”, but are sometimes verbs related to the senses (look, sound, smell, feel, taste) and sometimes verbs that somehow reflect a state of being (appear, seem, become, grow, turn, prove, and remain).


Linking Verbs: be, become, seem, look, taste, smell, appear, sound, get, feel


      The leaves turned yellow.


      He became a writer.


      It grew dark.


      It is getting cold.


      Mary seemed sad. (Correct);  Mary seemed sadly. (Not Correct)


      This room smells bad.


      I feel great.


      You look happy. “You look happily” is not used.


      She looks good.


      He felt angry.


      Dinner smells good. Yemek güzel kokuyor.


      You seem unhappy. Mutsuz görünüyorsun.


      The plant grew quickly.


      A face appeared at the window. It was Pauline. (prepositional phrase)


      He’s a cousin of mine. (noun phrase)


      This coat feels good. (adjective phrase)


      She remained outside while her sister went into the hospital. (adverb phrase)


      Those people are all professors.


      Those professors are brilliant.


      A victory today seems unlikely.


A handful of verbs that reflect a change in state of being is sometimes called resulting copulas.


They, too, link a subject to a predicate adjective:


      His face turned purple.She became older.


      The milk has gone sour.


      The crowd grew ugly.

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