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Tips for Writing Obligations and Prohibitions

Obligations and prohibitions are a set of rules or codes of behaviour that you must follow and cannot go against it.

Tips for Writing Obligations and Prohibitions

a.     We all are abided by certain obligations and prohibitions in different places and parts of the country.

b.    There are different obligations and prohibitions in public places like zoo, school, hospital, library, supermarket, street, hostel, bus park, temple, bank, museum, community, etc.

c.      You should have a good knowledge of how to prepare and understand such obligations and prohibitions.

d.      For writing appropriate obligations and prohibitions, you must read the given clues carefully.

e.       After that, you must prepare a set of obligations and prohibitions on the basis of the outlines given.

f.      You’d better make a list of such obligations and prohibitions.

g.     You should write complete sentences while writing obligations and prohibitions.

h.     Use present and future tenses. Passive sentences are extremely favored.


S + is/are + supposed to/allowed to + v1+obj- (for positive meaning)

S + is/are + not + supposed to/allowed to + v1+obj-(for negative meaning) S + should/shouldn’t/ must/mustn’t/can/can't+ v1+obj

S + should/shouldn’t/must /mustn’t/can /can’t +be+ v3+obj Gerund (v4) + is/are/will/shall (not) + v3+obj

It is restricted/prohibited/not allowed/forbidden + to + v1+obj

S + is/are + discouraged/encouraged/ expected/suggested + to + v1+obj

Examples :

1.              Temple

a.  Bringing leather bags, belts, jackets etc, is not allowed into the temple.

b. Everyone is requested to take off shoes outside the temple.

c.  Throwing rubbish around the temple is strictly prohibited.

d. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the temple area.

e.  Everyone is requested to queue up for the worship.

f.   Taking photograph is not allowed here.

2.         Examination Hall

a.  Students are requested to come on time

b. Talking to each other is not allowed in the exam hall.

c.  Taking   copies,  books,  any sheet of paper into the hall is restricted.

d. Disobeying the rules may result into the expulsion of the examinees.

e.  Everyone should bring the admission card to enter the exam hall.

f.   Everyone is required to keep the exam hall peaceful.

3.          Cinema Hall

a.  Every audience is requested to come with the tickets.

b. Everyone should enter the cinema on time.

c.  Throwing rubbish in the hall may cause a fine.

d. Talking aloud and screaming in the hall are strictly prohibited.

e.  The seat number marked on the ticket should be strictly followed.

f.   You are to contact the officer if you have any query.

4.              School

a.  Every student is requested to come to school in school uniform.

b.  Every student should have their on stationery materials.

c.   Getting out in the school hour is strictly prohibited.

d.  Any type of beverage product to have as snacks is strictly prohibited in school.

e.  The student having less than 80% of presence will be excluded from exams.

f.   Keeping clean environment in the school area is the duty of every student.

5.                Zoo

a.  Visitors are strictly forbidden to feed the animals in the zoo.

b.  Entrance without a ticket is not allowed in the zoo.

c.   Visitors are requested to keep a safe distance from the animals.

d.  Rubbish should be thrown in the designated place only.

e.  No visitor is allowed to enter before 8:00 am and stay after 5:00 pm.

f.   Visitors are requested to show their ticket whenever the zoo officials ask for them.

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