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A large number of suffixes are found in English. When theae suffixes are added to base, the meaning or the function of that baae i8 modified or changed.

When wordB are conBtructed by the addition of suffixes, the part of speech ia often changed.

Addition of a auffix can give us the oppoBite of the base, itB feminine gender, and ita diminutive etc. We can classify auffixea referring to the changes in the parts of speech.

(i)        Suffixes /orrnfrig No ii n6 Jolt Nomes :

There are the suffixes uaed for forming nouns from nouns —





kingdom, dukedom, martyrdom


kingship, friendship, leadership


confectioner,    stationer,     teenager,     Londoner,    probationer, householder



profiteer, pamp Meteer, engineer, songater, spinster, trickster, gangster, volunteer, auctioneer


booklet. armlet, tablet, coverlet


manhood, bachelorhood, brotherhood


tigeress, authoreas, poetess, archereas


spoonful, mouthful

—ocracY                     | aristocracy, theoeracy, mobocraey

—cry                           archery, machinery, mastery,

—ry                              jewellery, gentry, drudgery, foolery

(ii)       Suffi:res to form Nouns from Adjectives :



—it                                Bu  eriorit                                    adversit       a  sivit                             aolidit                                    vitalit                                    vul  aits

—th                             death, truth

—ness                          kindness, goodnesB, readiness, sadness, gladness, deftness, roundneaa, shortness, justneas

(iii)     Suffixes to form Norris from Verbs .





addreBaee, devotee, payee


growth, health, gteaIth


claimant, servant, consultant


withdrawal, dismissal, appraisal, refusal, revival, survival


agreement, resentment, appointment, improvement, development


preservation, damnation, ateriliBation, adoration


smoking, walking, counselling



debator, swimmer, rider speaker, protector, inspector

(iv)     Stt//iws to form Adjectives from Nou ns :




norΓ±ial,    philosophical,  emotional,    rational,     biological, cultural


handy, foggy, airy, watery, needy, worthy


luckleBa, faithless, homeless, eyelesa


graceful, colourful fearful, playful, meaningful


modish, girlish, beariah, bullish


praiseworthy, roadworthy


poetic, scenic, bardic, heroic, analytic


relative, massive, narrative, expenBive, derivative



Canadian, disciplinarian, Georgian,

barbarian, latitudinarian.                                                 




piteoua, riotous, famous, virtuous, auperBtitious, dangerous, glorious, courteous


venturesome,        gamesome,       handBome,      quarrelsome, wholesome



womanly, miaerly, fatherly, ladylike, godlike, buaineBslike


pictureBque, pieareaque, Kafkasque, grotesque, Danteaque

(v)       S!ome More Su/Jms to form Adjectiue8 :




stained, starred, windowed, red•faced


_palish, fattiBh, talliah


laughing, burning, helping



reversible, negligible

remarkable, considerable, forgettable

(vi)     Suffixes to form Aduerbc :




badly, kindly, beautifully, nearly


headlolls, Bidelong


recordwise,      reportwiae,      hea1t!iwiae,                          educationwise, likewise, otherwise, namewiae



heavenward(a),     homeward(s),     upward(a),    downward(s), wayward, schoolward(a), toward(a/, northward


atraightwav, alw aya




(vii)    Su/Jims forming Verbs :





hinder, glimmer



modify, qualify, diversify, solidify


nestle, sparkle, handle


shorten, ripen, harden, weoken, sweeter


liberalize, civilize, hospitalize, commercialize

(viii)    lsuffixes forming Ad jectiue/Noun fro rii Ad jewtrue/Noun :





socialist, capitalist, nudist, Marxist, leftiBt, moralist


idealism, Marxism. revivalism, conservatism, protectionism.


Nepalese, Sudanese




Rtla8ian, Anglican, American, Puritan, g_uardian, Kantian

(ix)     ltfore Su//ixes /orining Notins :





bondage, drainage, marriage, ilgrimage, hermitage,


cowardice, service, bodice


electorate, consulate



emergence, prevalence, excellence abundance, hindrance




opinion, orationp tension


magnitude, solitude


furniture, creature

1.         Cor.ipound Words :

Compoutid wordB are formed by joining twti or more baaes. The words formed by compounding, that is combining, basic words, are treated aB a unit. For example,

water + tight —r watertight milk + maid —r milkmaid

Theae compound worda n ay be a verb, a noun, or an adjective.

Since compounds are the words formed by joining two or more,  basic woPdB together, the Be can be written aB a single word, or as two words linked together by sense, or with a hyphen placed between them. Some compounds in English have outgrown the  stages  of being written separately or as a hyphenated word, and  enjoy  the  status of a single  word.  But when we form a compound,  not  in general use,  we  can play aafer  by  uaing a  hyphen in order to avoid confusion.

We can claBaify compound worda as Noun compounds, Adjective compounds and Verb compounds.

(i j Nou›t to inpounds -


None              Noun





Noun -1- (Verb -1- er]

story-book, maid-ser•zant, m2lkman, cardboard; handlooni, windowpane, diesel engine, television-screen, lunch time, rose-bud, bedroom, bodyguard, z'oodwork, bookworm, handpump, toytrain, raincoat, waistband, shipyard, inkpen.


bus driver, mine worker, computer programmer, roller-skater, doorkeeper, painkiller, Btore keeper.

Noun + Verb

waterfall, snowdrift, frostΓ±ite, heartbeat, daybreak

Text Box: Verb + Noun	scarecrow,	tell-tale,	breakfast,	pick-pocket,	turncoat, viewpoint, cut-throat, makeshift, spend-thrift
Adjective	Noun	ahort-hand, white-paper, blackliat, black-board, free-lancer, gentleman, voungladv.
Adverb + Noun	early-bird, foresight, after-life, upland, by-word, inmate.
Adverb + Verb	offspring, outcome, onset, upstart, outlet, outbreak, input.
Noun/Verb + Adverb	lockup,	Btandstill,	go-between,	breakdown,	make-up, cutout, drawback
Verb (— ing) + Noun	revolving	chair,	recording	machine,	humming	bird, finishing-touch, folding bed


(ii)      Adjectiue Compou nds :


Noun + Adjectives

blood-red, akin-deep, snow-white, pitch-dark, air-tight,

life-long,                      parrot-green,                      sky-blue,                      woe-begone, world-weary, worldwide.

Noun + Past Participle

hen-pecked,                       home-made,                       bed-ridden,                       care-worn,

ivy-mantled,                      heartfelt,                      star-   spangled,                      heart-broken, air-borne.

Noun + Present Participle

neck-breaking, life-Baving, mind-boggling, soul-stirring,

heart-touching,                       time-aaving,                       path-breaking, spine-chilling.

Adjective + Adjective

Indo-Anghan, tragi-comic, red-hot, bluiah-pale, fool-hardy

Adjective + Noun

five-rupee (note), thrΓ©e-piece (suit), one-way (traffic), one-day (match),

Adjective + Paat Partieiple

aoft-hearted, hard-spoken, ill-tempered, aweet-tongued, narrow-minded, high-born, large-hearted, short-winded.

Adverb + Past Participle

well-planned, ill-executed, short-sighted, downgraded.

(iii)    Verb Compounds :


Noun + Verb

daydream, handwaah, brow-beat, earmark, typewrite, hood-wink, back-bite

Adverb + Verb

overlook, uphold, undermine, overtake, outwit, downplay, foretell.

Adjective + Verb

white-wash, cold-shoulder, safeguard, dumb-found, fulfil.



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