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» Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns
By ─────────────── 7:05 AM
Indefinite Pronouns
These have no specific antecedents. These are usually identified with general words like: all, any, some, or none.
Singular: another, both, nobody, everything, nothing, somebody, everyone, no one, something, etc.
Plural: all, many, most, much, some
Examples: Somebody has her bags.
Plural: Everyone knows about Maria’s bags.
Indefinite pronouns are only pronouns if they are used ALONE. If they are used with a noun, they become indefinite adjectives.
Pronoun: Both knew they were Maria’s bags.
Adjective: Both baggers knew they were Maria’s bags.
If the subject performs actions TO or FOR itself, the action in the sentence passes BACK to the subject and becomes a reflexive pronoun.
First person singular: Myself
First person plural: Ourselves
Second person singular: Yourself
Second person plural: Yourselves
Third person singular: Himself/Herself/Itself
Third person plural: Themselves
Example: We asked OURSELVES where her bags were.
“We” is the doer and receiver of the action “ask.”
Intensive Pronouns are used to point back to the noun or pronoun for emphasis.
Example: I myself knew they were Maria’s bags.
The intensive pronoun does not always need to directly follow the noun.
Example: I prefer walking myself.
Reciprocal pronouns express mutual action.
Examples: each other/ each other’s
One another/one another’s
Maria and Heather greeted each other.
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