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Possessive Pronouns
By ─────────────── 7:04 AM
Possessive Pronouns
Like regular nouns, personal pronouns can also be possessive. Possessive Determiners are possessive forms of personal pronouns. Possessive Determiners must have a following noun.
First person determiner singular: MY (book)
First person determiner plural: OUR (book)
First person pronoun singular: Mine
First person pronoun plural Ours
Second person determiner singular: YOUR (book)
Second person determiner plural YOUR (book)
Second person pronoun singular: Yours
Second person pronoun plural: Yours
Third person determiner singular: IS, HER, ITS (book)
Third person determiner plural: THEIR (book)
Third person pronoun singular: His, hers, its
Third person pronoun plural: Theirs
Example: They have MY bags but they know they’re MINE.
My — Determiner, dependent on “Bags”
Mine– stands in place of “My bags.”
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