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1)  It is used to denote a pure future action (which is inevitable and out of anybody‘s control). Reference to the future is indicated by the adverbials of future time tomorrow, in a week, next year, etc.

e.g. It will snow a lot in winter. She‘ll be 30 next Friday.


2)  It is used to denote decisions taken at the moment of speaking (an action which is not part of a plan).

= a spontaneous decision.

e.g. It is cold in here. I‘ll turn on the heating.


3)  It is used to denote actions or predictions (hopes, fears, threats, offers, promises, warnings, requests, comments, etc.) which may or may not happen in the future.

= a probable future action.

e.g. I think they will easily win the match. I‘m sure you‘ll enjoy your visit to the Zoo.


4)  It is used to denote things we are not yet sure about or we haven‘t decided yet.

e.g. Maybe I‘ll buy a car.


5)  It is used in object clauses to denote future actions.

e.g. She is anxious to know if they will manage to enter the hall before the performance begins.


6)  It is used to denote refusals, resistance, reluctance to do smth (with will in the negative form) and typical behaviour (in the affirmative sentences with will for all persons).

e.g. The door won‟t open. She‘ll sit for hours.


Note: Shall is used with I/we in questions for an instruction, recommendation, advice or to offer help.

e.g. Shall we do it right now? Shall I send him a fax? Shall I help you? Shall we play


but : Will you be quiet, please? Will you get me a paper?



Ex. 1

Identify the meaning of the Future Indefinite in each sentence on the left and match it with the appropriate definition on the right.

1.        The world will become overpopulated in 50 years.

2.        Christmas will fall on Saturday this year.

3.        I‘m sure you will enjoy your visit to the Zoo.

4.        My father is approaching his retirement age, so he will probably move to the country.

5.        I‘ll go and sort out some drinks for the guests.

6.        You can tell me your secret. I won‟t tell

anyone else.

7.        Will you call me back later?

8.        What time shall we start off tomorrow?

a)        An action regarded by the speaker as probable to happen

b)        A prediction based on analysis

c)        A spontaneous decision

d)        A request addressed to the 2nd person

e)        A promise

f)          Reluctance to do something

g)        A warning

h)        Determination strengthened at the time of speaking

i)        Asking for advice

j)        An enquiry for an instruction

k)      A fact about the future which is out of anybody‘s control

l)        An offer

9.        Be careful! If you tease the cat, it will scratch you!

10.   I‘ve told her so many times to tidy her room, but she won‟t do it.

11.   Shall I give you another day or two for the essay?

12.   What shall I say if she calls?

13.   I‟ll be a pilot when I grow up‖, said the little boy.

m) A prediction based on a person‘s belief


Ex. 2

Use the Future Indefinite in the following sentences, identify its meaning.

1.        The climate in the next few years (get milder).

2.        The weather doesn‘t look very good. Do you think it (rain)?

3.        Can I speak to Jim, please? – Just a moment. I (put) him through.

4.        Trains and buses (offer) more comfort in the near future.

5.        I hear John starts his new school tomorrow. Are you sure he (enjoy) it?

6.        The future situation is uncertain. Do you think it (change) for the worse?

7.        Look! The car has bald tyres. You (get) into an accident.

8.        I‘m awfully hungry. – (order) a pizza?

9.        I have a splitting headache. – I (get) you an aspirin.

10.   Here‘s a form for you to fill in. – (write) in ink?

11.   The child is no trouble, he (play) by himself for hours.

12.   I‘m leaving for Mexico on business. (reserve) a room in a hotel for me?

13.   If you drop a toast, it (fall) butter side down every time.

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