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Indefinite Tenses: Sentences for analysis


Sentences for analysis

1.       The train leaves at 9 tomorrow.

2.       Last year we made a tour of the country.

3.       Magnet attracts iron.

4.       After dinner she cleared the table, washed up the dishes and did the room.

5.       We visit our relatives in Moscow every year.

6.       Mr. Black smokes a lot.

7.       I don‟t see Pete in the hall now.

8.       Nick used to do morning exercises before breakfast.

9.       We never come late from work.

10.   Last night my neighbours celebrated their wedding anniversary.

11.   Every week he took his girl out.

12.   On Sundays, when I was a child, we would get up early and go fishing.

13.   Shall I carry your bag?

14.   Oh, I‘ve left the door open. I‘ll go and shut it.

15.   My son wants a bike, but I don‟t think he should have one.

16.   Jane wondered if I had dinner at home as a rule.

17.   He lived in London for 3 or 4 years when his father worked in the embassy.

18.   I will lend you money you need.

19.   There wasn‟t any snow last December.

20.   A drowning man catches a straw.

21.   The shop opens at 9 p.m. and closes at 8 p.m.

22.   In 100 years‘ time there will be a lot more people than there are now.

23.   I have a splitting headache. – I‘ll give you an aspirin.

24.   You smoke too much. You will ruin your health.

25.   If you drop a toast, it will fall butter side every time.

26.   Peter is a member of the University football team because he plays football well.

27.   In spring the trees turn green.

28.   The house belongs to Mr. Green.

29.   In the evening Mike did his homework, looked through the newspapers and went to bed.

30.   They will join us when they finish their work.

31.   I don‘t know if the play will be interesting.

32.   The concert starts at 7 next Friday.

33.   Once a month we try to go away and visit friends.

34.   Before coming to the city we used to live on a farm.

35.   The pen won‘t write.

36.   The future situation is uncertain. Do you think it will change for the worse?

37.   I feel awful. – Oh, I‘ll call the doctor right away.

38.   I‘m going for an interview tomorrow morning. – What shall I wear?

39.   Christmas will fall on Saturday this year.

40.   When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.

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