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Structure: Preposition + N /Gerund.

“Preposition” lardan sonra “isim” ya da “Gerund(Ving)” gelir. Adverbial Clause’larda kullanılan “Question Word” bağlaçlarından önce, “preposition” kullanıldığı yapılar da mevcuttur.

İp Uçları

     Süreçlerden önce “over, during” kullanılır.



Traditionally, intelligence was considered stable ---- our adult years, but new research shows that it can rise and fall ---- time.


A) into / by. B) along / of. C) within / towards. D) for / upon. E) during / over


     Eğer bir cümle “from” var ise to aranır. “To” yok ise, başlangıç noktasını biliyor, bitiş noktasını bilmiyorsak, from on, from onwards aranır. Başlar bitmez ucu açık anlamına gelir.


     “Responsible” her zaman “for” eki alır. Öte yandan bağlaçlı cümle yapısında for bağlacın önüne de gelebilir. (for + which …)


     Preposition + Ving /Noun /Noun phrase. Noun phrase: (a/an) adj + Noun


     Else: [used after words beginning with 'some-', 'every-', 'any-', and 'no-', and after question


words]: besides or in addition to someone or something.


     Let + object pronoun (her/him/me/us) do sth


     “The+Noun + …” şeklinde bir yapı varsa boşluğa "of" gelir.


     “V3” ten sonra genellikle “by” gelir.


     Preposition sorusundaki fiil (“compare” fiili gibi) co- ön eki ile başlıyorsa seçeneklerde "with" arayın.


     By + Ving:  yaparak, ederek


     On which, on whom, on whose; adjective clause’larda preposition bağlacın önüne çekilebilir.


Depend on -> on which profits depend.


     As of: ___ itibarı ile, ___ den itibarı ile (Geleceğe yöneliktir.) As 2105, … From … on= … dan itibaren [ geçmişe yönelik, … den itibaren]


Preposition + Ving /noun /noun phrase


      The doctor told his friend all about meeting the woman and asked him for his advice.


number + measurement unit+ in length


      He is 1.4m tall. His brother is 1.2m tall. His brother is short.


1.      Time prepositions

Clock system: a.m. (from the Latin “Ante Meridiem”, meaning "before midday") and p.m. (Post Meridiem, "after midday".


      When is your birthday? It is on May 20th.


      They are having dinner at the moment.= They are eating dinner at the moment


      If you travel 40 minutes east of Los Angeles, above a canyon town and up a winding mountain road, on a river that leads to nowhere, you can go back in time to the 1849 Gold Rush.

Time - in




     "In" with months, seasons, years, centuries, and long periods:


     in the early 1930’s, in May, in summertime, in 2004, in the 21st century, in the Late Bronze




     "In" with parts of the day: in the morning, in the evening


     “In” a split seconds, an instant, a tiny period of time: “In” followed by a time period is more often used to talk about future events: In the next few days, in the last few seconds, In the beginning of/ in the early, In the third quarter, in his old age


     In time = with enough time to spare; before the last moment


In time = with enough time to spare; before the last moment


"In" with months, seasons, years, centuries, and long periods:


in the early 1930’s,


in May,


in summertime,


in 2004,


in the 21st century,


in the Late Bronze Age


      In England, it often snows in December.


      It gets very cold in winter.


      The finest example of Byzantine architecture is the church of Saint Sophia in Istanbul, constructed by the emperor Justinian in the sixth century, constructed by the emperor Justinian in the sixth century.

      Nebraska has floods in some years, in others drought.


      Mary Garden, a popular soprano in the early 1990’s, was considered one of the best singing actresses of her time.


      Did you know that the first recorded Olympic Games took place in the Valley of Olympia in Greece in 776 B.C.?


      Gladiator fights were first organized in Rome in the year 264 B.C. by the sons of Junius Brutus in memory of their father.


Gladyatör dövüşleri ilk kez Roma’da, M.Ö. 264 yılında, Junius Brutus’un oğulları tarafından babalarının anısına düzenlenmiştir.


      In modern times, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, African and Indian princes and scholars visited Britain.


      The most fundamental reason was that Italy in the later Middle Ages was the most advanced urban society in all of Europe.


"In" with parts of the day:


in the morning, in the evening


      Martin left home last evening. ( not in the evening )


“In” a split seconds, an instant, a tiny period of time:


      Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?


“In” followed by a time period is more often used to talk about future events:


In the next few days, in the last few seconds, In the beginning of/ in the early, In the third quarter, in his old age

      He'll be here in a few minutes.


      I will return in an hour.


      The film will be ready in two hours


      I never watch TV in the daytime.


      I'll be seeing them in a month's time. 

On: for days and dates

     Be on/off duty: to be working or not working at a particular time, especially when you are doing a job which people take turns to do, so that someone is always doing it.


     On time = at the planned time; neither late nor early. You must be on time.


     on a weekly, on a monthly, on a yearly...basic


Days and dates:


Dates: on Sunday, on the 6th of June, on Tuesday afternoons, on the weekend (USA), on the last day of term. On 1 September 1914, on 20 November. on Sunday, on Tuesday afternoon,


on the 6th of June,


on the weekend (USA),


on the last day of term.


      We met on July 5, 1991, and hit it off immediately. Bill was a little reluctant at first, but he got there.


5 Temmuz 1991'de görüştük ve hemen başladık. Bill ilk başta biraz isteksizdi, ama oraya geldi.

      It was shown on September 30th that we own some airlines.


30 Eylül'de bazı havayollarının sahibi olduğumuz gösterildi.


      On 1 September 1914, at the age of 29 years, Martha died.


      The garbage truck comes on Wednesdays.


      Her birthday is on 20 November. He was born on the 20th day of November in 1988.


      Her birthday is on Monday.


      I am starting my new job on 7 June.


      We sometimes go there on weekends (US).


      I'll see you next Monday afternoon. ( not, on Monday afternoon )


      Three young students in the college town of Chapel Hill in North Carolina were shot dead on Tuesday.


      Her birthday is on August the third. She always gets a lot of presents on her birthday.


Specific days:


Specific days: on New Year's Eve, on Christmas Day, on my birthday, on a sunny day


on New Year's Eve, on Christmas Day,


on my birthday,


on a sunny day


      I’ll see you on Christmas Day.


      On the 47th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s death,


      Where will you be on New Year's Day?


Be on/off duty:


to be working or not working at a particular time, especially when you are doing a job which people take turns to do, so that someone is always doing it.

      I am on duty from 8 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon today.


On time = at the planned time; neither late nor early. You must be on time.


Note: on a weekly, monthly, yearly...basic



At: For a precise time



     Clock times: at one o'clock, at 6.30, at 5 o'clock;


     Points of time in the day: at midnight, at noon, at sunrise, at lunch, at dawn, at sunset


     A point in time: at the moment, at the age of eleven,


     At the beginning of Holiday periods, meaning the few days around the holiday: at Easter, at Diwali, at New Year, at Christmas


     “Weekend”, in British English: see you at the weekend! At weekends we go out.


Clock times:


at one o'clock, at 6.30, at 5 o'clock;


      I will meet you at 12 p.m. I have a meeting at 9 a.m. The bus will stop here at 5:45 p.m.


Points of time in the day:


at midnight, at noon, at sunrise, at lunch, at dawn, at sunset


      The stars shine at night.


      The shop closes at midnight.


      He's not at home at present.


      I never seem to have any money at the end of the month.



A point in time:


at the moment, at the age of eleven,


      We finished the test at the same time.


      Jane went home at lunchtime.


      Logisticians applied their own ingenuity to create companies that aimed to deliver the right item in the


right quantity at the right time in the right place for the right price.


      I never seem to have any money at the end of the month.


      Former Israeli leader Shimon Peres dead at 93.



At the beginning of holiday periods, meaning the few days around the holiday:


at Easter, at Diwali, at New Year, at Christmas,


      She's going on holiday at Xmas


      I stay with my family at Christmas.


      I go to Switzerland each Christmas ( not at each Christmas )


“Weekend”, in British English:


At weekends we go out.


      I don't usually work at the weekend.



During: esnasında


During and over are used when you state the period of time in which something happens or changes.


Formulation: during + a noun or phrase: during my schooldays.


Sometime within a period. Throughout a period:


      She works during the day. I'll be working on the summer holidays


      An accident occurred during the night.


      Marcel received many telephone messages during the last week.


      I am seeing John during the morning. Bill will return to England during the Christmas Holiday.


      During the storm, a lot of people hid in the shelter. Fırtına esnasında bir çok insan sığınağa gizlendi.


      During this period the world changed from typewriter to computer, from telegraph to e-mail, from Western industrialization to a global market, fromtravel within countries to travel between countries and into outer space, and from local foods and handmade clothes to those on international design and manufacture. (“and” ve virgül kullanımı)


      During the first half of the twentieth century, explosive intra-European conflict ended Europe’s global political hegemony.


      To protect whales and dolphins off the coast of Hawaii, a court in California has temporarily banned the US navy from using powerful sonar equipment during a military exercise in the area.


      During the Late Bronze Age, trade became an increasingly important aspect of international relations.




“After” is usually used as a preposition (followed by a noun): after ten o’clock; after lunch


      I'll do it after lunch.


      Please call after 9.30.


Later in a series: Q comes after P in the alphabet.


In pursuit of:


      The dog ran after the cat.


      Patricia was very happy after she won the tennis match.


      Why did the Queen smile after the President shook her hand?


      After she finishes her studies, Ann will work in South Africa.


“After” followed by a time period is more often used to talk about past events:


      After a few minutes he stopped.


“After” can be used as an adverb, but only following another time adverb such as “soon, not long, or shortly”. Tim came in at midnight, and Lucy not long after.




Earlier in time: before two o'clock; before Christmas


Earlier in a series: S comes before T in the alphabet.


      He spoke to his teacher before the examinations began.


      Before you say anything, I must explain why I am here.

By: …e kadar


By: …e kadar


"By" belirli bir zamanda ya da o zamandan önce oluşan bir olay için kullanılır.


      The book will be finished by the end of next year.


      The battle ended in defeat for the Russians, but the war did not; by 1721 Russia had conquered the Baltic territories as far southwest as Riga, the capital of present-day Latvia, and had built a new capital, Saint Petersburg, on the Gulf of Finland.


Not later than (Zaman anlatan kalimeler ile):


      Try to finish the work by next week.


      They will have gone by ten o’clock.

From ___ on


From ___ on: Start of a period of time: … dan itibaren [ geçmişe yönelik, … den itibaren]


      We worked from Monday to Wednesday. From the 1870s on, …


Note: As of <year>: ___ itibarı ile, ___ den itibarı ile (Geleceğe yöneliktir.)


      As of 2105, …



In a matter of + seconds: bir kaç saniye içinde

In a matter of + minutes: bir kaç dakika içinde

In a matter of days: birkaç gün içerisinde


      In a matter of days, the Berlin Wall, which had been the embodiment of the Cold War, the Iron Curtain, and the division of East from West, was demolished by groups of ordinary citizens.

Over: esnasında, üstünde


      He had visited the venue over the past three years.

Past: After (in time)


      It was past 2 o'clock, half past two. Don’t work past your bed-time.


      It’s nearly ten minutes past five. 5.09 to be precise.




From a specific time in the past:


      I had been waiting since two o'clock.


From a past time until now:


      I have been waiting here since noon.


      I haven’t seen Josef since Monday.


      Mr Brown has worked in a bank since 1985.



      I work from 9am till 5pm. Please wait till I come.

Until / From - - - - to


Up to a certain time: until Friday, until 5 p.m.


      She will stay until Friday. From 1987 until 1991, Mary was at university in Brussels.


      Each day, Derek works in the bank from nine till five thirty.


      My shop will be closed from 1st July to 31st August.


      He didn't do the work until his boss got angry.

2.       Place prepositions


      Mary shows me the way to Ho Tay lake.


      They are at the desk.


      They listen to the teacher.,,


      The woman has hurt her back by bending for too long.


      A lot of passengers who were in the ship crash are still suffering from shock. The person who is in charge of a car is the conductor.

On: place, position


On for the surface of something:


on the table, on the wall, on the noticeboard,


on the floor, on the second floor, on her balcony,


on the way,  on the road,


on the grass, on the earth,


on page 26, on the bottom of the box,


on my plate,


on different servers.


      There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall.


      I put an egg on the kitchen table.


      The paper is on my desk.


      Please don’t put your shoes on the table.


      The picture is on page 7.


      The author's name is on the cover of the book.


      There are no prices on this menu.


A position or place, when one thing is attached to or touching another:


a spot on the end of her nose, a jacket on the back of a chair


      There is no water on that island.


      As Antarctic glaciers collapse on the sea, scientists struggle to find out what that means for the rise of sea levels.


      All life needs energy to survive, and the biggest source of energy for life on Earth is the Sun.


      Is there water on the Moon?


Taking part in an activity or travelling somewhere.


Yürüyerek gitmek, gelmek fiillerinde “on” kullanılır.


on a donkey, on the train.


      People who travel on airlines all have stories about how bad the experience is when things go wrong.


Street names:


On South Street, on the High Street, on 42nd Street, on Broadway


      I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.


On: condition

On almost everything: Neredeyse her şeyde




a book on engineering, on North Korea


      I need a book on bio-chemistry.


      By the way, have you seen this article on North Korea?


      I didn’t enjoy this book on how to succeed in business. It wasn’t very well written.


      The philanthropy focuses on education, poverty, and global health.


Hayırseverlik eğitim, yoksulluk ve küresel sağlık üzerine odaklanmaktadır.


On your side: I agree with you.


      Don’t get angry with me! I am on your side!


To indicate a device or machine, such as a phone or computer:


on TV, on the phone. Using a machine or piece of equipment.


      He is on the phone right now.


      She has been on the computer since this morning.


      My favorite movie will be on TV tonight.


      This new model not only saves time but only saves energy by operating on two batteries instead of four.


To indicate a part of the body.


To use to say what part of someone's body is touching the ground or another surface and supporting their weight.

      The stick hit me on my shoulder.


      He kissed me on my cheek.


      I wear a ring on my finger.


      Harry comes to work by car but I prefer to come on foot.


      You are standing on my foot.


To indicate the state or condition of something:


on strike, on fire, on holiday


      Everything in this store is on sale.


      The building is on fire.


By means of; live on a pension


      We live on a busy road. It’s very noisy.


      She is sunbathing on the beach.


In: Places

    In for an enclosed space: in the garden, in London, in a box, in my wallet, in a industry...


    Into: to the inside or inner part of a container, place, area etc.


      Freed Americans arrive in Switzerland from Iran.


In for an enclosed space:


in the garden, in London, in a box, in my wallet, in an industry...


Use “in” with a position or place, when something or someone is inside a larger thing such as a room, country, city, company:


In Italy, in the world, in the city center, in the north of, in northern,


in the telecommunications industry, in an office, in Harward, in the stock market,  in the concert,


in the appendix, in newspaper,


in that field,


in a laptop,


in the bin,


In the bath, in the kitchen, in the garden, in the doorway


      He is studying law in Harward.


      Paul works in a school.


      Do you work in an office?


      The horses are running in the field.


      How many people work in that advertising acency.


      South Korea is in top place in the global education league table.


      Jupiter is in the Solar System.


      It is very cold in the desert at night.


      Moira lives in Toronto. Milan is in the North of Italy. My parents live in New Zealand now.


      I stayed in a nice hotel in London. When will you arrive in Tokyo? She's working in California.


      I have a meeting in New York. Mr Fisher is in Boston this week.


      My hometown is Los Angeles, which is in California.


      It was built in 1861, in Canada as a cargo carrying and sailing ship.


      Three young students in the college town of Chapel Hill in North Carolina were shot dead on Tuesday.


      There's some sugar in the cupboard.


      My mother was in the kitchen.


      Manson spent fifteen years in prison.


      There is a hole in the ground


In: condition

Doing or affecting a particular kind of job:


in study, in education, in industry. in the study, in a recent study,


      Several participants in the study were unable to continue.


To indicate a belief, opinion, interest, or feeling:


      I believe in the next life.


      We are not interested in gambling.


      Milk is very rich in calcium.


      She looked me directly in the eyes.


      There is a hole in your defence.


      There are a lot of holes in the state budget and ailing banks.


Use “in” after verbs which describe a state rather than an action:


      The books were covered in dust.


      She looked at me in horror. (horror: korkunç, nefert edilen şey)


To indicate a shape, color, or size:


      This painting is mostly in blue.


      The students stood in a circle. This jacket comes in four different sizes.


In (full) colour: a television programme, film, or photograph that is in colour contains colours such as red, green, and blue rather than just black and white.


Wearing: the boy in the blue shirt


Where someone or something appears:


      Susanne is in a meeting.


      Fourteen people were killed and 21 wounded in Wednesday's attack.


To express while doing something:


      In preparing for the final report, we revised the tone three times.


      A catch phrase needs to be impressive in marketing a product.


      Thomas Mair charged in Jo Cox’s murder.


      In fact, the early years of the Tudor period were marked by significant changes in trade and in the arts of war.


The names of squares, plazas etc: in Times Square


By means of: vasıyasıyla, (to write in pencil, to speak in English)


Condition: in doubt, in a hurry, in secret: We waited in silence.  (in silence: sesizce)


A member of: He is in the orchestra, in the navy


With reference to: lacking in ideas, rich in oil


Into: to the inside or inner part of a container, place, area etc.


At: places

At for a point: at the corner, at the bus stop, at the door, at the top of page, at the front desk.


In for an enclosed space: In the garden, In London, In a box, In my wallet, In a industry.


At for a point: at the corner, at the bus stop, at the door, at the top of the page, at the front desk...


Used to indicate an activity:


At home, at hospital, at work, at school, at the university,


at play, at the party, at the art gallery, at the Lyceum theatre, at the airport,


at the restaurant, at the park; at the coffee;


at a prestigious New York law firm,


at Starbucks before work,


at the bank, at flea markets,


at top of the page


      Trump meets with Ukrainian president at White House. Trump, Beyaz Saray'da Ukrayna cumhurbaşkanıyla görüşüyor.


      A study at Brigham Young University shows that computer games actually enhance social connections.


      He is a partner at a prestigious New York law firm.


      Does this train stop at Watford?


      A new exhibition at the British Museum


      When will you arrive at the office?


      There is a party at the club.


      There were hundreds of people at the park.


      We saw a baseball game at the stadium.


      At the South Pole lies Antarctica, the coldest and most desolate region on Earth.


“at” for a point:


at the end of the corridor, at the corner of the street, at the bus stop,


at the back of the room, at the door, at the front desk, at the top of the page, at the traffic lights, at the police checkpoint.

      They are at the desk.


      The Earth, must be at the centre of the universe.


      We had dinner at an Italian restaurant last night.


      He buys things at flea markets.


      He failed to stop at the traffic lights and went through the light on red.


      I was waiting for at least half an hour at the station, but no train came.


      Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop.


      The shop is at the end of the street.


      I was waiting for at least half an hour at the station, but no train came.


A condition:


at peace; at war; at rest


      He laughed at my acting.


      I am good at drawing a portrait.


To mean 'next to' or 'beside':


      She sat at her desk.


      He stopped me at the door.


      Write your name at the top of the page.


at + gerund:


After the adjective, we use the preposition “at + gerund”.  I am good at swimming.




Look at someone; wave at someone.


an email address:


Please email me at marufsr2@yahoo.com


Other place condition



Higher than, over: The plane flew above the clouds.


Earlier on a page: There is a heading above each diagram.




From one side to the other: We walked across the field.


On the other side of: There is a store across the street.


Along: boyunca (bir yol boyunca ya da bir şerit şerit boyuca devam eder)


Following the length of:


      We walked along the road.


      The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind. (Sahil boyunca palmiye ağaçları rüzgarda sallanıyordu.)


      Rome’s strategic location along the Tiber River brought it many different advantages. Tiber Nehri boyunca Roma'nın stratejik konumunu birçok farklı avantajı getirdi.


Beneath (altında):


Lower than; below: beneath the earth


      He was standing on the bridge looking at the river beneath.


      Jo enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath her feet.


      From beneath the boat, a sighing, almost mournful sound rises into the air.

Beside (Next to; at the side of):


      I sit beside her in class.


      They are building a house beside the river.


      He sits beside me in the class.


In front of:


      We will meet them in front of the station in the afternoon.


      I shall grow some trees in front of my house.


Inside (Within):


      They are inside the house


      It was dark inside the tunnel.


      The modem is inside my computer. It’s an internal modem.


      Rescues find no signs of life inside cruse ship.


Next to (proposition): very close to someone or something, with nothing in between:


      John is the person standing beside the window, next to the woman with the long blonde hair.




Facing: The library is opposite the fire station.


      There's a car park opposite the hotel.


      There is a post office opposite my house.


      She sat opposite him and looked into his eyes.


Outside + n /np /Ving:


On the outer side of: outside the house


Beyond the limits of: outside my experience


      I don’t live in London. I live outside London.


      It was very cold outside the car.


      This is outside my scope.


      Outside the bright primary rainbow, a much fainter secondary rainbow may be visible.



3.       Common prepositions




İp uçları:


İnglizcede %50 artırıldı ya da %25 düştü gibi ifadelerde “by” preposition gelir. Türkçeye çevrilince yok olur.

Benzin ve dizel %5 artırıldı. Gasoline and petrol has increased by %5.


“By” Anlamları:


   ile, vasıtasıyla,


   …ırak, …irek








by + Ving: yaparak


By + Ving /noun:  used to say what means or method someone uses to do something


By + Ving : tek yollu olarak “only if” dir; by going: giderek. by swimming: yüzerek. by channeling:


kanalize ederek


      The British government responded by closing the port.


Cümle pasif yapıda ise “V3” ten sonra genellikle “by” gelir. “Tarafından” anlamını verir.


      The device was made by me.


itibarıyla: by + time (as of)


Past perfect tense, time expressions: by the time; before; after; by 1998; by yesterday; by last Sunday.

      By 2007, he had gone to USA.


Future perfect tense, time expressions: by the time, before, by the end of the year, at 3 o’clock, by 3 O’clock, before 3 O’clock, by next June, by this time next week, by tomorrow, by next Monday, by 2035.

      By the time I get there, she will have left.


      By 2050, scientists will have found the cure for cancer.


Present perfect tense, time expressions: by now: şu ana dek; so far: şimdiye kadar; never: asla;


ever: her zaman; several times; since: den beri; lately: son zamanlarda, geçenlerde.


Present perfect continuous tense, time expressions: for an hour; for a week; for five years; all day; since, for, all morning, all day, all week, etc.”


Past perfect continuous tense,Time expressions: by the time; before; after; by yesterday; by 2005; for two hours; for a long time.

      By the time he returned, I had been working for six hours.


      By 2006, he had been living there for twenty years.


Future perfect continuous tence, Time expressions: by the time; by 2030; before; for two hours, for five minutes, for two weeks, since Friday.


yakınında: near, beside, nearby


      We have a summer house by the river /sea.


ile, vasıtası ile, den yolu ile (through):


Araçla gitmek, gelmek fiilerinde “by” kullanılır.


      I caught the child by the hair.


      We like travelling by air


      We will go by bicycle.


Note: tough:kaba, throughout: boyunca, through: ile vasıtasıyla, though: rağmen


önünde, önünden (past):


      He waved as he drove by the house.


      He passed by me without noticing me.


      I go by her house everday.


Not later than (Zaman anlatan kalimeler ile):


They will have tried to finish the work by next week.


      They will have gone by ten o’clock.


In units of (Ölçü amlatmak için): cheaper by the dozen; sold by weight


      They come by hundreds.


      He knows this part of the country step by step


Bir karar hüküm anlatmak için:


      I judge by this talk that he is a clever man.


      I knew by her appearance that she was not English.


“by” is used especially in passives, to say who or what does or causes something


      She was hit by a truck.


      A book was written by Peter Carey


      He was killed by the enemy


By + noun: … ya göre


      By all accounts, the operation was a success.


By far /Far and away: farkla, açık arayla


It is used to say that something is much better, worse etc than anything else:


Asia is by far the largest continent in the world. Asya farkla dünyanın en büyük kıtasıdır. By far the best: açık arayla en iyisi


By far the largest: açık arayla en genişi



İnglizcede %50 artırıldı ya da %25 düştü gibi ifadelerde “by” preposition gelir. Türkçeye çevrilince yok olur. Benzin ve dizel %5 artırıldı. Gasoline and petrol has increased by %5.

Between: (involves just two)




      Toronto lies between Montreal and Vancouver.


      Between the California Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada lies the great Central Valley.


      That train runs between London and Paris.


      A strong correlation exists between a country’s wealth and the freedom afforded its citizens.




      between Christmas and New Year's Day


A series:


      B comes between A and C in the alphabet.




      between five and ten people


Within a group of two:


      The money was shared between two people.


      Have you ever seen a fight between two animals?


      I think we can solve the problem between you and me.


Beyond (Ötesinde, dışında)


Farther than:


The mountains lie beyond the horizon.


Further than, exceeding:


      That was beyond my expectations.


      Our village is beyond those hills.


      Nobody can make me do anything beyond my desire.


Beyond + noun: … ötesine


Beyond + noun = ön ek (ir, im, un, dis) + noun + adj. / adv.


      The damage was beyond repair.  The damage was irreparable.


Beyond repair:                        tamir edilemeyecek şekilde. Irreparable: tamir edilemeyecek şekilde.




Preposition (except):


But (+ noun/verb) =  Except (Except something from something)


      You could come any day but Thursday.


      I have read all but the last chapter.


      The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people. (scheme:tasarı)


But for: used when you are saying that something would have happened if something or someone else had not prevented.

      I might never have got to university but for you.


Adverb (only):


      This is but one example of what can happen when things go badly wrong.


Noun (plural-buts):


      He is the best player -no ifs, ands, or buts about that.




      We've invited the boss, but she may decide not to come.


      But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.


      John might be ready to help us, but then again, he might not.




“for” and “to” are never used together. “for” is never used before a verb.


For + noun /NP /Ving: den dolayı


      He was punished for stealing.


      I passed my exams for my hard study.


      The Renaissance originated in Italy for several reasons


Purpose (… için):


      I bought this jacket for you. She bought a present for me on my birth day.


      The objective of a proper diet is to achieve and maintain a desirable body composition and a large capacity for physical and mental work.


Duration of time: We walked for two hours.


Distance: I walked for five kilometers.


In the direction of: She left for New York.


In favor of: We are for the proposal.


Considering (… rağmen): The boy is clever for his age.




      I sold the horse for 50 dollars.


      He gave me the book for a pen.




      Are you for war or peace?


      He worked for the enemy during the war.


Olarak:  It was built for a pleasure boat.




      Fluctuations in the curve for each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and crop planting by humans.


Her bitki kategorisi için eğrideki dalgalanmalar, iklimsel dalgalanma belirtileri veya orman temizlenmesi ve insanlar tarafından bitki ekilmesi için incelenebilir.



Place of origin:


      He comes from Mexico.


      Where do you come from?


Start of a range:


      Count from one to one hundred, please.


      It can cost anything from $5 to $15.




      He suffers from nervousness.


      He died from overwork.


      Paper is made from wood.




      I first heard the story from you.


      This letter is from my wife.


      I bought this car from Henry.




      My car is different from yours.


From … to …:


From... to:  used to mention the two ends of a range


Start of a period of time: from now on, from yesterday until today.


      We worked from Monday to Wednesday.


      Parisian estate records from French Revolution to present.


      Mexico changed from a country with a wheat sortage to one that was a wheat exporter.


      Severity of autism ranges from those who are mute and have no functional behaviour to individuals with high IQ scores.


      The Industrial Revolution represented the first breakthrough from an agricultural and overwhelmingly rural economy to one characterized by large-scale manufacturing, more capital-intensive enterprises, and urbanization.


Endüstriyel devrim, tarımsal ve aşırı ağırlıklı bir kırsal ekonomiden, büyük ölçekli imalat, daha fazla sermaye yoğun işletmeler ve kentleşme ile karakterize edilen ilk atılımı temsil etti.

      The war lasted from 1775 until 1783.






      That looks like him.


Appearing possible:


      It looks like rain.


Be in a suitable mood for:


      I feel like going swimming.


      She is like her sister.


      She sings like a bird.


      It’s not like John to complain.


      I feel like swimming.


      I want something cold, like iced-coffee.



Location: east of here, the middle of the road


      I live in the house at the end of the road.


      He lives in the City of Westminster.


Possession: a friend of mine, the sound of music


      Do you like the work of Shakespeare?


      What was the cost of this book?


      This is the cause of the problem.


      Can I have a cup of coffee?


      It was kind of you to help me.


Part of a group: one of my students; a member of the team


Measurement: a cup of milk, two meters of snow


The Phrasal Verbs: He died of cancer. Most tables are made of wood.


Of all ….. the most: ___ olanlardan en ___ olanı


      Of all the political ideologies of the early nine-teenth century, nationalism is the most difficult to grasp. 19. yüzyıl başlarında ortaya çıkan siyasi akımlardan milliyetçilik olanı anlaşılması en zor olandır. [grasp: kavramak, sımsıkı sarılmak]


Of all + noun: içerisinde, arasında ( Among + noun: arasında)


      Of all our students, Mary is the only one who has achieved national recognition.


      Of all her books, none have sold as well as the first one.


      Of all the buildings in Paris: Paris’deki binaların arasında


The preposition "of" after indefinite pronouns:


      I know some of these people.


      I don’t know any of these people.





      His jacket is off. Onun ceketi kapalı.


      It is only three weeks off. O üç hafta kapalı.


      The children are off school today. Çocuklara bugün okul kapalıdır.


Not on, away from: Off “-den uzakta, -den uzağa, -den, -dan” anlamındadır.


      Please keep the dog off the grass.


Off: …nin dışında, …nin uzağında (edat/zarf/fiille bağlantılı kullanımları)


      I can’t get this ring off my finger.Bu yüzüğü parmağımdan çıkaramıyorum.


      Turn off the main road here and you will come to city of Muğla.Ana yoldan burada ayrılın, Muğla şehrine varacaksınız.


      He took his hat and his coat off. Şapkasını ve paltosunu çıkardı.


      Is electricity on or off? Elektrik açık mı yoksa kapalı mı?


      I hope this snow will clear off before Tuesday.Umarım bu kar salıdan önce tamamen biter.


      That ship is two or three miles off. Bu gemi iki ya da üç mil uzakta.


      Turn that tap off and switch the light off. Şu musluğu ve ışığı kapat.


At some distance from:


      There are islands off the coast.


      Please take your shoes off the table.


      It fell off the table and broke.


      They live in a street off Fifth Avenue.


We speak of “getting on a bus” and “getting off a bus”, taking things “off the table and putting them on the floor”.


Explanation: “off the coast” describes something that is situated near or next to land, but which is not exactly on the coast.


      To protect whales and dolphins off the coast of Hawaii, a court in California has temporarily banned the US navy from using powerful sonar equipment during a military exercise in the area.

      The Inner and Outer Hebrides are situated off the Western coast of Scotland.


      We live just off The Avenue.


      I'm off alcohol just now.


      Have you heard? There's 20 % off all computers at the music shop in Elm Street next Friday.


      You don't have to keep off the grass in this park. You can walk anywhere on the grass.


      We're getting two extra days off school at the beginning of June for the Queen's Jubilee.


Expressions with “off”


We also speak about people being “off-balance, off-colour, off-duty,” doing things on the off-chance and having “off days”:

      I caught him completely off-balance and he didn't know what to say.


      She'd been off-colour for days, but there was no sign of any real illness developing.


      Could you just do this for me? ~ Sorry, love, I'm off duty at the moment. ~ When are you on again?


      I decided to take a detour into Paris on the off-chance that Amelie might be there.


      Brobbins, the club's leading striker, had an off day and missed three open goals.


Phrasal verbs with “off”


There are many common phrasal verbs with off, such as put off (= postpone), knock off (finish work), lay off (dismiss from work, usually temporarily), bring something off (complete something successfully), polish


off (eat something quickly):


      I've been putting it off for weeks, but it's no good, I shall have to go to the dentists soon.


      Aren't you going to knock off soon? You've been staring into that computer screen all day.


      700 workers will be laid off in the Belfast shipyards following a decline in orders.


      They had a wonderful time. I didn't think you'd be able to bring it off.


      I thought the Christmas cake would hang around for weeks, but they soon polished it off.



By means of: vasıtasıyla, yardımıyla


      We made plans over the telephone.


      The king ruled over the country for many years.


Above; higher than:


      There are cupboards over the sink.


      We are flying over the mountains.


      The cat jumped over the wall.


      The town is just over the border.


      There is rain over the whole country.


      Put the blanket over the bed.


During: boyunca


      I saw him several times over the past week.


      It took over an hour to do my homework.


      The population has increased over the past twenty years.


      Can you stay with us over Christmas?


      Let’s discuss it over dinner.





Up to and beyond: I walked past the house.


After (in time): It was past 2 o'clock, half past two


Beyond: past belief


      I saw you yesterday when we drove past your school.


      The post office is just past the police station.


      Don’t work past your bed-time.


      This is difficult. It’s past me.


      It’s nearly ten minutes past five. 5.09 tobe precise.




Througy /Throughout: çapında, boyunca, yardımıyla


In every part of: çapında


throughout the world


      History is one of the few school subjects commonly mandated in education systems throughout the world.


      It is raining throughout the whole country.


      I had made a hole through the wall.


For the whole of a period:


throughout the winter


      He worked throughout the day, and most of the night.


      He was involved in politics throughout his life.


By means of: vasıtasıyla, yardımıyla


      Skill improves through practice.


      We don’t get into the house through the window.


      The debate continued, but Meredith remained silent throughout.



In the direction of:


      Turn to right.




      I am going to New York.




      from Monday to Friday; five minutes to ten


Compared with:


      They prefer hockey to soccer.


With indirect object:


      Please give it to me.


As part of infinitive:


      I like to eat, He wants to see me.


In order to:


      We went to the store to buy soap.


      Could you give this to Kob?


      My car does 10 miles to the litre.


      To his surprise, the door was open.


      The museum is open from Monday to Friday.


      The time is ten to five. [4.50]



Beneath: under the desk, under the trees


Less than: Under 100 people were present.


      It's unlucky to walk under a ladder in my culture. I always walk around them.


      The mouse ran under the chair.


      The bucket is under the sink.


      Submarines can travel under water.


      We drove under a bridge.


      I have a T-shirt under my pullover.


      Who do you work under? Who is your boss?


      I am under orders from the President.


      What is the subject under discussion?


      Under the company rules, we can’t do that.


      Please buy it if it’s under $50.


      The maritime areas under the jurisdiction of the member states of the European Union are larger than the land masses.



In circumstances of: under repair, under way, under discussion


      Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been under the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004.






With: With + noun/noun phrase/Pronoun, ( Noun phrase= adj + Noun )


Accompanying: He came with her.


Having, containing: Here is a book with a map of the island.


By means of, using: I repaired the shoes with glue.


Manner: with pleasure, with ease, with difficulty


Because of: We were paralyzed with fear.


Use “with” after verbs which describe a state rather than an action


      The room was lit with candles.


      Her house is always filled with music.


      It collided with another ship which has sunk.


Within: içinde, dahilinde, kapsamında


Inside of: within twenty minutes, within one kilometer


      His house is within a stone’s throw from the school.


Without: Not having: Without + noun/Ving


      Do not leave without your coat.


      After the storm we were without electricity for five days.


      I accepted his offer without a moment's hesitation.


      He told his story without anger or bitterness.


      I don't know what I'd do without you.


      Won't you be lonely without her?


      Without wanting to sound too boastful, I think we have the best television programmes in the world.





On the subject of: This is a story about elephants.


Approximately: He is about ten years old.


Afterwards: daha sonra, sonradan


“Afterwards” can be used instead, and can also be used as an adverb on its own


      His parents came shortly afterwards.


      You can meet the actors afterwards (Not “after”).




      Did you vote for or against the suggestion?


      He put his bicycle against the wall.


Among (involves three or more):


With in a group: The money was shared among three people.


Note: In formal English, among is usually used only when referring to more than two persons or things. In contrast, between is used when referring to two persons or things.




Circling something: We sat around the table playing cards.


Surrounding: There is a fence around the garden.


In different parts of: I looked around the house for the keys.


In the other direction: We turned around and went back home.


Approximately: He is around six feet tall.




At the back of: The little girl hid behind her mother.


Late: I am behind in my work.


Cause; origin: Who was behind that idea?


      He hid himself behind a tree.  (Hide – Hid  - Hidden)


      We have a small vegetable garden behind the house.




Lower than; under: below freezing; below sea level


Later on a page: Footnotes are provided below the text.


      They camped a few hundred feet below the summit. (summit: zirve)


      No one below the level of senior manager was present at the meeting.


      Test scores below 50 were classed as 'unsatisfactory'. (unsatisfactory:yetersiz)


      In winter, temperatures dip to 40 degrees below freezing. (Kışın sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında 40 dereceye iner.)


      free travel for children five years old and below


      Details of courses are listed below.


      For more information, see below.


Besides + noun /Ving:


In addition to + noun /Ving = as well as + noun / Ving:


      We study other languages besides English.


      I have to prapare my home work besides my lessons.


      How many brothers have you besides you?


Concerning: Hakkında, ..e dair


      He wrote a book concerning children.


      There is nothing concerning you.


      I can’t tell you anything concerning this.


Despite: In spite of (Preposition phrase)


      We walked downtown despite the rain.


      She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest.




To a lower position: The ball rolled down the hill.


Further along: He lives down the street.


      They ran down the hill.


      The post office is down the road.


      They have had many wars down the years.




Not including: I have visited everyone except him. I answered all the questions excepting the last one.




To the inside of: We stepped into the room.


Change of condition: The boy changed into a man.


      He jumped over the wall and into the garden.


      He was driving at 180 miles per hour when he crashed into the central barrier.


In spite of:


      They went out in spite of the rain.


      I want to go to school in spite of my illness.




      10 less 3 = 7.




      17 minus 5 is 12 (17 - 5 = 12).


      The payment will be refunded to you minus a small service charge.


      He came back minus a couple of front teeth.



      The school is near the post office.


      It’s 20 December. We are very near Christmas Day.


Near to; next to= close to


Close to: near the school, near the ocean


Onto / On to:


To a position on: onto a beach


      The child climbed onto the table.


      The cat jumped onto the chair.


      The police are onto us. (slang)


Out of:


To the outside of: She went out of the room.


From among: We won two games out of three.


Motive: We spoke to them out of politeness.


Material: The Bridge is made out of steel.


Beyond: out of control, out of danger


      I took the old card out of the computer and put in the new one.


      I went up to him and asked him the best way to get out of town.




For each: 60 kilometers per hour, price per liter


      The speed limit is 70 miles per hour.


      The carpet costs $10 per square metre.




      Are you pro capital punishment?


      He is generally pro new ideas.


Round, around:


      The earth goes round the sun.


      He has traveled all arround the world.


Towards: birşeye doğru yönelmek, bir şeye karşı yönelmek; yönünde


In the direction of: We walked toward the center of town.


Near, just before (time): It rained towards evening.


      He drove pass me without stopping and drove off towards the centre of town.


      When the bull ran towards me, I jumped over the fence.




Below, under: underneath the carpet




To a higher place: We went up the stairs.


In a higher place: She lives up the hill.


      She ran along the corridor and up the stairs to the second floor.


Up to: kadar, doğru, uygun; en fazla


As far as, Up to now: I have read up to page 100.


Depending on: The decision is up to you.


As good as, ready for: His work is up to standard.


      Most people can remember a phone number for up to thirty seconds.


Versus: Against (sport, legal):


      The next game is Germany versus Turkey.



4.      Adjective Preposition


İngilizce’de kişisel özellikleri anlatmak için kullanılan ifadelerdir.


Structure:           Adj + Preposition + Noun /Noun Phrase /Ving


Adj + Preposition + someone /somebody


An adjective prepositional phrase will come right after the noun or pronoun that it modifies. Only adjective prepositional phrases modify the object of the preposition in another prepositional phrase.

      The book on the table in the English classroom is Barbara's book.


      The girl in the neighboring house plays the flute every night.


      Large blocks of the hardest granite formed the walls of the new building.


      The roads of ancient Rome connected the cities of the empire.


      Sign your name at the top /bottom.


      I parked the car in front of the building.


      Your bag is behind the door.


Adjectival prepositional phrases, like adjectives, modify nouns: for example, they tell you which boy:

      The boy at the station told me.


      The boy from London lives here.


      The boy in a hurry is waiting over there.


The same phrase can be adjectival or adverbial, depending on its function in the sentence.


      Please read the message from Lee.


      The man on the radio has a boring voice.


Preposition after adjectives:


At: I’m quite good at English but I’m bad at maths and I’m terrible at physics.


For: The town is famous for its cheese.


As well as ‘good for’, ‘bad for’ and ‘famous for’ we also say ‘qualified for’ ‘ready for’, ‘responsible for’, ‘suitable for’ and several others.


Of: I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. I’m very fond of this old sweatshirt.


As well as ‘capable of’ and ‘fond of’ we also say ‘aware of’, ‘full of’, ‘tired of’ and several others.


With: We’re very pleased with your progress. You’re not still angry with me are you?


As well as ‘pleased with’ and ‘angry with’ we also say ‘bored with’, ‘delighted with’, ‘satisfied with’ and several others.


To: You’ll be responsible to the head of the Finance department.


Notice that you can be responsible for something but responsible to someone.


Other common adjective + preposition combinations include ‘interested in’ and ‘keen on’. It’s a good idea to make a note of new combinations in your vocabulary notebook as you meet them. Remember too that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (‘ing’ form).



Adj + to + somone /somebody:                     “kime” sorusuna yanıt aranır.


Adj + to + noun: bağlantılı olmak.


Nice /kind /good /(im)polite /rude / (un)pleasant /(un)friendly /cruel TO someone To be harmful to: causing or likely to cause harm


married to: birisiyle evli olmak.


nice to: birisine karşı iyi olmak / iyi davranmak.


opposed to: bir şeye karşı olmak.


polite to: birisine karşı kibar olmak.


responsible to sbd for sth: having a duty to be in charge of or to look after someone or something.


similar to: bir şeye benzer olmak.


used to: birisine / bir şeye alışkın olmak.


      This chemical is harmful to us.


      Why are you so unfriendly to Ann?


      We are used to tourists here.  Burada turistlere alışkınız.


      She has always been very nice to me.


      She is married to the manager.  Müdürle evli.


      You should be nice to the old people. Yaşlı insanlara karşı iyi olman gerekir.


      She is opposed to religious education in schools. Okullarda dini eğitime karşıdır.


      Was she polite to you? Sana karşı kibar mıydı?


      This tower is similar to Eiffel tower.


      The material available to archaeologists is very limited, due to the ravages of time, weather, fire, and theft.



adj + at: ne de?


adj + at: birisinde ya da birşeyde … olmak


angry at: birisine kızgın olmak.


surprised /shocked /amazed /astonished  AT /BY something.


excellent /brilliant /hopeless AT (doing) something.


bad at something: bir şeyde kötü olmak.


good at: bir şeyde iyi olmak.


shocked by /at: bir şeyden şaşkına dönmek, sarsılmak.


upset at /by:


      I am good at singing.  Şarkı söylemede iyiyim.


      The public is angry at the politicians.  Halk politikacılara kızgın.


      Everyone was surprised by /at the news.


      I'm not very good at repairing things.


      I'm bad at football.  Futbol'da kötüyüm.


      His parents were disappointed at me. Ailesi beim yüzünden hayal kırıklığına uğradı

adj + about: Ne hakkında?


adj + about: Bir konu hakkında tepki vermek. Hakkında üzgün olmak, kızgın olmak, endişeli olmak, dikkatli olmak, meraklı olmak, çılgın olmak.


angry about: bir şeye kızgın olmak.


furious about:


sorry about: birisiyle /bir şeyle ilgili üzgün olmak.


upset about: bir şey hakkında üzgün olmak.


worried about: birisiyle / bir şeyle ilgili endişeli olmak.


careful about: bir şeye dikkat etmek.


crazy about: bir şeyi deli gibi sevmek.


curious about: meraklı olmak.


excited about:


      We are angry about the injustice.  Haksızlığa kızgınız.


      I'm sorry about my rude behaviour.  Kaba davranışımdan dolayı üzgünüm.


      I was worried about you, why didn't you call?  Senin için endişelendim, neden armadın?


      Be careful about the wet roads.  Islak yollara dikkat et.


      She is crazy about the baby dolls.


      I am curious about the result of election. Seçimin sonucunu merak ediyorum.


      Are you excited about going on holiday next week?


adj + of : neyin


adj + of: noun phrase.


Birisine ya da birşeye kızmak, birisine ya da bir şeye üzgün olmak, kızgın olmak, endişeli olmak, dikkatli olmak, meraklı olmak, çılgın olmak.


As well as ‘capable of’ and ‘fond of’ we also say ‘aware of’, ‘full of’, ‘tired of’ and several others. Nice /kind /good /stupid /silly /intelligent /clever /sensible /(im)polite /rude /unreasonable OF someone (to do something).


scared /frightened /terrified OF someone /something.


proud /ashamed OF someone /something.


suspicious of/about: thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest


afraid of: korkmak;


proud of: birisiyle /bir şeyle gurur duymak.


fond of: düşkün olmak.


jealous of: feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had.


short of:  if something is short, there is not enough of it


To be aware of:  if you are aware that a situation exists, you realize or know that it exists.


      I am proud of my wife.  Eşimle gurur duyuyorum.


      All parents are fond of their children.  Bütün anne-babalar çocuklarına düşkün olurlar.


      Thank you it was very nice /kind of you to help me. It's stupid of her to go out without a coat.


      I'm not ashamed of what I did.


      She is afraid of failure. Başarısızlıktan korkuyor.


      Are you aware of the danger?  Tehlikenin farkında mısın?


      This city is full of good people. Bu şehir iyi insanlarla dolu.


      It wasn’t polite of him to leave without saying a word.


Adj + preposition + preposition:


Occasionally, an adjective is followed by more than one specified preposition within a clause.


Either prepositional phrase could be the sole (only) complement.


Justin is responsible to his boss for the project.


Justin was apologetic to his boss for not being on time.


Justin is thankful to co-workers for being supportive.


One co-worker was argumentative with his boss about how to do a job.


The co-work was upset with his boss for not exploring other ideas.


He was frank with Justin about what he thought. (honest, direct)


Justin is good at helping co-workers with math projects.


adj + with: ne ile


adj + with: birisi ile ya da birşeyle hissi olmak.


pleased / satisfied WITH something


disappointed with: hayal kırıklığına uğramak.


bored /fed up WITH something: bir şeyden sıkılmak.


Angry with sbd/sth: feeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at someone or hurt them because they have behaved in an unfair, cruel, offensive etc way, or because you think that a


busy with: bir şeyle meşgul olmak.


careful with: bir şeyle dikkatli olmak.


happy with: bir şeyle /birisiyle mutlu olmak.


familiar with: bir şeye tanıdık, aşina olmak.


ill with: hasta olmak.


To be furious with sbd: very angry


      I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.


      Were you disappointed with your examination results?


      She is happy with her children.  Çocuklarıyla mutlu.


      Michael Jackson was ill with skin. - Michael Jackson'ın deri hastalığı vardı.


      I started to get angry with him.


      They were furious with me for not inviting them to my party.


      I was pleased with the present you gave me.


      The students were dissappointed with the results. Öğrenciler sonuçlardan hayal kırıklığına uğradı.


      I am bored with stupid TV programs. Aptal televizyon programlarından sıkıldım.


      She is busy with the reports.  Raporlarla meşgul.


      She was careful with the knife.  Bıçakla dikkatliydi.


      I am not familiar with Anatolia's traditions. Anadolu'nun geleneklerine aşina değilim.


      You get bored /fed up with doing the same thing every day.


adj + for : bundan dolayı, …dan beri


As well as ‘good for’, ‘bad for’ and ‘famous for’ we also say ‘qualified for’ ‘ready for’, ‘responsible for’, ‘suitable for’ and several others.


known for: bir şeyle tanınmış, ünlü.


late for: bir şeye / yere geç kalmak.


prepared for:  bir şeye hazır olmak.


ready for: bir şey için hazır olmak.


useful for: bir şeye yararlı olmak.


      Smoking is bad for health. - Sigara sağlığa zararlıdır.


      What is Turkey famous for?  Türkiye ne ile ünlü?


      She got married, I am very happy for her. Evlenmesinden dolay onun için çok mutluyum.


      This restaurant is known for its friendly atmosphere. Bu restoran samimi ortamından dolayı




      I must hurry up. I'm late for work.  Acele etmeliyim, işe geç kaldım.


      We are prepared for the worst. En kötüsüne hazırız.


      Are you ready for the earthquake?  Depreme hazır mısın?


      He is responsible for the sales department. Satış departmanından sorumlu.


      The film isn't suitable for the children. Film çocuklar için uygun değil.


      Some fruits and vegetables are very useful for cancer. Bazı meyve ve sebzeler kansere çok yararlı.





Adj + from + somenone /something:


different from: farklı olmak


      This girl is different form the others. Bu kız diğerlerinden farklı.


Adj + in + somenone /something:


interested in: bir şeyle ilgilenmek, ilgili olmak.


      My sister is interested in photography. Kardeşim fotoğrafla ilgileniyor.


Adj + on + somenone /something:


keen on: bir şeye istekli olmak.


      The children are always keen on playing games. Çocuklar her zaman oyun oynamaya isteklidir.


Adj + by + somenone /something:


      I was deeply shocked by my father's death.  Babamın ölümüyle derinden sarsıldım.



5. Preposition and Verbs

Some verbs are usually followed by prepositions before the object of the verb. These are called dependent prepositions and they are followed by a noun or a gerund (‘ing’ form).

      He’s waiting for a bus. “For” is the dependent preposition for ‘wait’


For: den beri, den dolayı


      The Renaissance originated in Italy for several reasons.


Rönesans, çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı İtalya'da doğdu.


      He apologised for being late. You can also ‘apologise to someone’


      I applied for the job but I didn’t get it.


      How do you ask for a coffee in Polish?


      She spent many years caring for her aged parents.


      I can’t go out tonight because I have to prepare for my interview tomorrow.




      This spray should protect you from mosquitoes.


      Has he recovered from his illness yet?


      He won an award because he saved someone from drowning.


      I suffer from hay fever.




      She believes in ghosts.


      Our company specialises in computer software.


      You have to work hard if you want to succeed in life.


Of: … den dolayı. … yüzünden


      I don’t approve of your language, young man.


      Our dog died of old age.


      This shampoo smells of bananas.


      She died of cancer aged just 47.




      The film is based on the novel by Boris Pasternak. ( “base on” is phrasal verb.)


      If you make so much noise I can’t concentrate on my work.


      Come on! We’re relying on you!


      We don’t agree on anything but we’re good friends.


      Despite the official ban on demonstrations, 2008 has seen Egyptians take to the streets in massive numbers on several occasions.


      Police will not comment on identity of attacker.


Polis saldırganın kimliği hakkında yorum yapmayacak.




      Can I introduce you to my wife?


      Please refer to the notes at the end for more information.


      Nobody responded to my complaint.




      I agree with everything you’ve said.


      My secretary will provide you with more information if you need it.


Note: There are many more verb + dependent preposition combinations – make a note of them as you meet them.


The prepositions after Phrasal Verbs


      We will never give in to terror.

The list of preposition after verbs


Hear sbd/sth


Watch sbd/sth (often say "watch TV")


Go to somewhere with somebody


To be good at sth/doing sth


Tobe nervous about sth


Reason why + clause


Listen to sbd/ sth (we say listen to radio)


Be married to sbd


Use to do sth


deny sbd to something


take sbd to somewhere


bring sbd to


Reason for sth


Thanks (sbd) for doing something


Looking at


Look at somebody= see


Look for= search/find


To be aware of: if you are aware that a situation exists, you realize or know that it exists


Give up something/doing something


Possibility of doing sth


Look forward to + Ving


Rely on doing something/something: trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do


Substitute something for something: to use something new or different instead of something else To be proud of sbd/sth: feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to


Charge for:


be responsible for


abide by


spirit of


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