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Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses 

İsimleri niteleyen sıfat cümlecikleri ilgi zamirleri (relative pronouns) kullanılır. Niteleme, tanımlama zamirleri: that, which, who, whom, whose.

Relative Clause’da tekil ismi tanımlayan cümlede fiil “es” takısı alır. Noun clause’da yan cümle tekil olsa bile fiil “es” takısı almaz.

-    It is earth’s gravity that gives people teir wight.


Relative clause:

•    That: tanımlayıcı (defining) sıfat cümleciklerinde who, whom yerine de kullanılır.

•    Which: replaces for things. Canlı olmayan varlıklar ya da insan dışındaki canlılar niteleneceği zaman relative clause, “which” ya da “that” kullanılır.

•    Who: replaces person in subject to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way.

•    Whom: replaces person in object. Whom" is an object pronoun like "him," "her" and "us." We use "whom" to ask which person receives an action.

•    Whose: Özneleri farklı olan iki cümlede tanımlanan isimli cümle tanımlayan cümlede sahiplik içeriyorsa, hem insanlar hem de nesneler için whose kullanılır. Nesneler için nadiren “of which” de kullanılır.


Sınavda gramer sorularında bir isimden sonra boşluk verilmişse, aranacak ilk seçenek sıfat cümleciği olmalıdır. İndirgemeye dikkat edilmelidir. Cümle tamamlama sorularında isimle fiil arasında boşluk var ise seçeneklerde “who, whose, which (that)” aranmalıdır. Sıfat cümlecikleri niteledikleri ismin sonuna gelir, bundan dolayı sıfat cümmleciğinden önce isim gelir..

·       “,       .” yapısında boşluğa “that, in, at” gelmez.

·     “The belief, idea, fact, reality, view” den sonra which gelmez, that gelmelidir.

·          fiil / yardımcı fiil” var ise bu boşluğa “who, which, that” gelir. Diğerleri gelmez.

·     N + preposition (in, on, at, during..) + “which or whom” uyumuna dikkat edilmeldir. Preposition’dan sonra bağlaç “that” gelmez.


Sıfat cümleciklerinde noktalama:

Ek bilgi veren sıfat cümleciklerinden sonra virgül “,” gelir.

… , which /when /where /whose + cümle

… , preposition + which + cümle

… , miktar belirteci + which + cümle

…, Ving ( sadeleşen aktif sıfat cümleciği )

…, V3 ( sadeleşen pasif sıfat cümleciği )

“That” den önce asla virgül gelmez. Çünkü “that” ek bilgi veren sıfat cümleciklerinde kullanılmaz.


“Coordinator which” tekil fiil alır. “Coordinator which” bir cümleden sonra gelir. Bir cümle indirgenmiş yapının önünde bulunur.



Özneyi tanımlayan ya da niteleyen sıfat cümleciklerinde “who, whom, that” kullanılması: Cümlenin  öznesi  hakkında  tanım   ya  da  niteleme  yapılır.          İki cümlede de aynı özne söz konusudur. İsim ile fiil arasına girer.

-    A man studies. A man will learn quickly. A man who studies will learn quickly.

-    All that she said is true.

-    The man who visited you on Sunday was a teacher.

-    The man who speaks is a teacher.

-    The boy who passed the exam is happy.

-    The woman who is a nurse is sitting in the back of the train. The woman who is sitting in the back of the train is a nurse.

-    The man who/that is wearing a blue hat wants to go to hospital.

-    The people who were standing in the line to get into the theater were cold and wet.

-    The teacher who teaches us English is in the classroom.

-    The woman whom we saw at the zoo last night is a doctor. (Dün gece hayvanat bahçesinde gördüğümüz kadın doktordur.)

-    The boy whom you like very much is my friend's brother. (Çok beğendiğin erkek, arkadaşımın kardeşidir.)

-    The woman that/whom my mother is talking to is a pilot. Annemin konuştuğu kadın pilottur.

-    The boy whom you have got this book from is my brother.

-    Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe.

-    The woman that was sitting in front of me at the movie was wearing a big hat.

-    Even most Berliners who lived through the event remember little about it.


-    In 1915 the German scientist Alfred Wegener, who had noted a similarity between the geographical shapes of South America and Africa, proposed that all the land masses had at one time been joined into one huge supercontinent.

Özneyi niteleyen sıfat cümlecikclerinde “which / that” kullanılması:

-    The book is on the table. The book is mine.The book which is on the table is mine.

-    The data that gathered during the experiment are observations.

-    The car which is on the left belongs to my father.

-    The film which I watched last night was good.

-    The apples which we bought from the market were too sour.

-    The horse that I ride is white.

-    The bridge that (which) they have built is not safe.

-    The table which my boy likes has a very hard surface. Oğlumun sevdiği masanın çok sert bir yüzeyi var.

-    The cat which/that my sister likes much is my friend's cat.

-    The diamond which/that we are looking for is very valuable. Aradığımız elmas çok değerlidir.

-    The table which has very thin legs is very sensitive. Çok ince bacakları olan masa çok hassastır.

-    During the wars that followed the French Revolution, Belgium was occupied by France and later annexed.

-    During the 1990s, the country that was viewed by American leaders and many others in the West as the most important challenge for a transition to democracy was Russia. (Cümlenin basit olarak ifadesi: “During the 1990s, the country was Russia.” Adjective Clause kullanılarak isim “the country” nitelendirilmiştir.)

-    The global ocean is a huge body of salt water that surrounds the continents and covers almost three – fourths of earth’s surface.


Those that,

Those who …: … olanlar, … yapanlar

“Those who …” kalıbı insanlar için zamir ile çoğul alarak “… olanlar / yapanlar” anlamına gelirler.

-    The people who came late ... Geç gelen insanlar Those who came late … Geç gelenler

-    Those of you who would like to answer the question their hands.

-    People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those who don’t.

-    Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America, those that have bright red plumage, like the cardinal, are most often designated as state bird.


Nesneyi ve Tümleci niteleyen “who, whom, that” sıfat cümleciği (Object-Complement). Özneler farklı olabilir.

-    Do you remember the boy that I was talking about?

-    He is a man whom we all admire.

-    I saw the boy who was running.

-    This is the man whom I saw yesterday.

-    I met a man who was 115 years old.

-    He was an archeologist, who lived in the nineteenth century.

-    Africa Report is a weekly TV programme that focuses on business and investment in Africa.

-    The Caucasus is a strategically vital region that could play a critical role in the European Union’s future energy security.

-    Many parts of rural America continue to reflect the values and traditions of the European immigrants who arrived in the country during the nineteenth century.

-    An old friend of yours, whom you haven’t seen for years, wishes to see you as soon as possible and, on the telephone, asks for an appointment.

-    Lately, there has been quite the confusion around the International Tribunal that indicated Yugoslavian President Slobodan Miloseviç and other Yugoalavian leaders on war crimes. (Cümle analizi: “Lately”, Present Perfect tense olduğunu; “ has been” o günlerde bir karışıklık olduğunu; “that” bağlacı who/whom yerine kullanıldığı görülmektedir.)


Nesneyi veya tümleci niteleyen “which / that” sıfat cümleciği (Object or complement)

-    I stayed at a hotel which was in the center of the city.

-    That is the picture which caused a lot of sensation.

-    Children like the stories which he writes.

-    You can't sit on the chair which the legs are broken. Ayakları kırık olan sandalyeye oturmamalısın.

-    Water is a chemical compound that consists of oxygen and hydrogen.


Belirsiz Zamirlerin (Indefinite Pronouns) nitelendirilmesi ya da tanımlaması:

Belirsiz zamirler, adların yerini tuttukları açıkça belli olmayan zamirlerdir.

One / Two Both / Some All

Neither / None


+ of

whom (insan) which (cansız) whose



-    There were severel girls. None of whom seemed good enough for him.

-    Mary is one of the students who have done honor to the college.

-    (Explanation: Adjective clause modifies the plural noun "students." "Students" is the antecedent of "who." In the above sentence Mary is just one of the students. So at least two students have done honor to the college.)

-    Mary is the only one of our students who has achieved national recognition.

(In this case, "one," not "students," is the antecedent of "who.")

-    Of all our students, Mary is the only one who has achieved national recognition. (Of all + noun: içerisinde, arasında)

-    He is only one who understands me.


Özneler farklıdır. Tanımlama ya da nitelik eki gösteren ilgi zamiridir. Whose’dan sonra gelen isim, tekil ya da çoğul olsun, yalın halde olmak mecburiyetindedir. “whose” dan sonra “a, an, the, my,

..” kullanılmaz.

"Whose" is a possessive pronoun like "his," "her" and "our." We use "whose" to find out which person something belongs to. “Whose” yerine sahiplenme zamirleri kullanıldığında, iki cümle ortaya çıkar ve anlam dğişmez.


-    I know the girl whose brother is a movie star. I know the gril.

The girl’s brother is a movie star.


-    The man whose car was stolen called the police. The man called police.

The man’s car was stolen.


-    The boy whose pencil you are using is my friend.

You are using the boy’s pencil. Whose pencil are you using? The boy is my friend.

-    This is the man whose son is so clever. This the man.

The man’s son is so clever.


-    The people whose house we bought were friendly.

We bought the people’s house. The people whose house we bought. The people were friendly.


-    The dog whose tail is very long eats more than the others. Kuyruğu çok uzun olan köpek diğerlerinden daha çok yiyor. The dog’s tail is very long.

The dog whose tail is very long. Kuyruğu çok uzun olan köpek


-    The man whose dog bit me last week called me to say sorry. Geçen hafta köpeği beni ısıran adam özür dilemek için aradı.


-    The person whose money you have stolen must not be worried!

-    The boy whose friends will meet here at nine O’clock is Tom.

-    I saw the man from whose son you bought the car.

-    The policeman whose watch a thief stole last week is very sad.


whose + noun whose + adj. + noun

whose + adv. + adj. + noun




the noun of +


which (cansızlar, hayvanlar)


Exam questions:

-    A woman whose son came back to Turkey after working in Germany says returning workers need more support.

-    The technology that truly promises to end the tyranny of distance is high-speed broadband, whose benefits we are still only beginning to understand though it has already been a decade since the frenzied dotcom era.

-    The social sciences are a range of disciplines within the arts and humanities whose principal concerns are the study of various aspects of society. Bu cümlede”whose” kaldırılıp yerine nokta ve sonra Their kullanıldığında iki cümle ortaya çıkar ve anlam değişmez.

The social sciences are a range of disciplines within the arts and humanities. Their principal concerns are the study of various aspects of society.


Coordinators (which,who, whose) are used, after a comma in writing, to add more information about the thing, situation, or event you have just mentioned. Türkçesi “ve bu da ki / ve buda olup ki” indirgenmiş hali “to be” fiili hariç “Ving” dir.

Remark: “Coordinator which” tekil fiil alır. “Coordinator which” bir cümleden sonra gelir. Bir cümle ya indirgenmiş yapının önünde bulunur.


-    A well-known large naturel lake is Lake Tahoe, which straddles the California-Nevada border.

-    He passed the test, which was wonderfull. He passed the test, which made us happy.

-    The engine accumulated dust, and this impaired its function. The engine accumulated dust, which impaired its function.

The engine accumulated dust, impairing its function. (İndirgeme, Participle)

-    We used to go into dark house when we were children, which was very stupid. Çocukken karanlık evlere girerdik, ki bu çok aptalcaydı.

-    My doctor lent me some money, which pleased me a lot. Doktorum bana borç para verdi, ki bu beni çok memun etti.

-    It was raining heavily, which made it difficult to walk. Şiddetli bir yağmur yağıyordu, ki bu yürümeyi zorlaştırıyordu.

-    Several demonstrations were held, which caused the police a lot of trouble. Several demonstrations were held, causing the police a lot of trouble.

Note: I like Istanbul, which is the most populous city in Turkey. Cümlesi Coordinator which değildir.



Test Questions:

-    Héviz is Europe’s largest warm-water lake and visitors can swim there even in winter, which helps extend the tourist season.

-    Missions to the Moon’s previously unvisited mountains and polar regions will aid the search for water, which is vital to any future lunar base to be setup by NASA.

-    The Bermuda Triangle, which is off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the US, is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats and aircraft.(Explanation: off the southeastern Atlantic coast to describe something that is situated near or next to land, but which is not exactly on the coast. )

-    While some argue that the Elgin Marbles, which are kept in the British Museum in London, are more carefully preserved there, the Greek government does not accept the legality of the sale that took place in 1816 and believes they belong in Athens.

-    The Kaesong complex, which is located just inside North Korea, is home to more than 120 South Korean factories which employ some 53,000 North Korean workers.

-    The earth, which is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun.

-    Linguistics is a young social science, which has recently had a massive expansion in almost all areas.

Dilbilimi, son zamanlarda hemen tüm alanlarda muazzam bir genişleme sağlayan, genç bir sosyal bilimdir.


Non-defining clauses give extra information about the noun, but they are not essential.

“Non-defining relative clause” cümleden atılsa bile cümlenin anlamı değişmez, sadece ek bilgi verilmemiş olur. Bu nedenle “non-defining relative clause” kesinlikle iki virgül arasına alınır.

-    The American Academy of Poets, which was founded in the1930’s, provides financial assistance to support working poets.

-    The children who don't want to go to the doctor are making a lot of noise. (Doktora gitmek istemeyen çocuklar çok gürültü yapıyor.) Burada “defining relative clause” tarafından nitelenen, sadece, “Doktora gitmek istemeyen çocuklar çok gürültü yapmaktadır, diğerleri ise gürültü yapmamaktadır.”

The children, who don't want to go to the doctor, are making a lot of noise. (Çocuklar ki doktora gitmek istemiyorlar, çok gürültü yapıyorlar.) Bu cümlede anlaşılan; bütün çocuklar doktora gitmek istememektedir ve istisnasız hepsi gürültü yapmaktadır.

-    The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine.

-    I used to like my grandmother, who was always whale to me. Çok severdim büyükannemi, ki bana hep sert davranmıştır.

-    The police towed my car, whose tires were flat, to the police station. Polis arabamı çekici ile çekti ki, tekerlekleri patlaktı.

-    The Suleymaniye, where I've prayed many times so far, is the most magnificent mosque in the world. Süleymaniye, ki orada ben çok defa namaz kıldım, dünyadaki en muhteşem camidir.

-    Our's Mats teacher's bag, which was stolen last week, was in a shop this morning.  Matematik öğretmenimizin çantası, ki geçen hafta çalınmıştı, bu sabah bir dükkandaydı.


“Some, all, most, both, none, either, neither, half” türü kelimelerden sonra “of” ve relative pronounlardan “whom” ve “which” tercih edilerek non-defining relative clause'larda nitelenen ismin bir kısmı, tamamı, ikisi,… yarısına parmak basılır. If a preposition is used with the relative pronoun, this preposition can either precede the pronoun or follow the verb.


Eylemlerin aldığı preposition’lar ilgi zamirlerinden önce de kullanılabilir. Nitelenen isim kendisini niteleyen cümlenin öznesi ya da nesnesi olsun bir şey değişmez.

Preposition + whom (insan) Preposition + which (cansız / hayvan)

Preposition + whose + noun (possessive)


Kullanılmayan yapılar: Preposition + that + clause Preposition + that in + clause

Preposition + who / where / when …


We use relative pronouns after a noun, to make it clear which person or thing we are talking about:

-    the house that Jack built

-    the woman who discovered radium

-    an eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet shop


to tell us more about a person or thing:

-    My mother, who was born overseas, has always been a great traveller.

-    Lord Thompson, who is 76, has just retired.

-    We had fish and chips, which is my favourite meal.


The relative pronoun can also refer to the object of a preposition. In informal styles, the preposition comes after the verb:

-    The house which Mozart was born in is now a museum. (defining relative clause) The house that Mozart was born in is now a museum. (defining relative clause) The house Mozart was born in is now a museum. (defining relative clause)

-    Mr Pierce, who I talked to just now, sends you his regards. (non-defining relative clause)


We use relative clauses and relative pronouns like who, which, where to introduce them in order to identify people and things or to give more information about them.

-    That boy who is standing at the bus stop over there is my little brother.

-    My new camera which I bought on the internet last week is broken.

-    The High Street jeweller's which bought and sold silver and where you could get a good price by bargaining has closed down.


The preposition is placed before the pronouns whom:

-    That is the teacher. I studied with teacher last year. That is teacher whom I studied with last year. That is teacher that I studied with last year.

That is teacher I studied with last year.

That is the teacher with whom I studied last year.

-    The man is over there. I told you about him.

The man whome I told you about him is over there. The man I told you about him is over there.


-    The boy from whom you have got this book is my brother. The boy whom you have got from this book is my brother.


-    Mr. McHugh, to whom I spoke on the phone yesterday, is coming tonight.

-    Mr Pierce, to whom I talked just now, sends you his regards. (non-defining relative clause)



Mekan isimleri niteleneceği zaman “at which” veya “in which” yerine “where” tercih edilir.

-    The house where we live is quite convenient. The house in which we live is quite convenient. The house which we live in is quite convenient.

-    The house where the actor stays is the most great house in the city. Aktörün kaldığı ev şehirdeki en büyük evdir.

-    The room where I was born has at least a fourty bouses. Doğduğum hastane en azından kırk tane oda vardır.

-    A library is a place in which we can study. A library is a place where we can study.

-    Crocodiles are found near swamps, lakes, and rivers in Asia, Africa, Australia, and Central America, where they are often seen floating in the water like logs, with only their nostrils, eyes, and ears above the surface.


The preposition is placed before the pronouns which:

Preposition’lar bazı durumlarda relative clause'ın sonunun yerine başlangıçta yazılabilir. İşte bu hallerde yalnızca “which” tercih edilir, that tercih edilmez.

-    I have been much interested in the social history of the marketplace in medieval England, on which I plan to write a book.

-    The movie was interesting. We went to it. The movie that we went to was interesting. The movie which we went to was interesting. The movie to which we went was interesting. The movie we went to was interesting.


-    I know the street on which you live. I know the street which you live on.


-    I want to tell tell you about the party. I went to it last night.

I want to tell tell you about the party which I went to last night. I want to tell tell you about the party to which I went last night. I want to tell tell you about the party where I went last night.


-    The country about which I am studying is France. The country which I am studying about is France.


-    I want to sit on the table which/that is at the corner. Köşedeki masaya oturmak istiyorum.

-    They are seeing the cat which/that a dog is barking at. Köpeğin havladığı kediyi izliyorlar.


-    The diamond which / that we are looking for is very valuable. Aradığımız elmas çok değerlidir. The diamond for which we are looking is very valuable.


-    They are seeing the cat which / that a dog is barking at. Köpeğin havladığı kediyi izliyorlar. They are seeing the cat at which a dog is barking. Köpeğin havladığı kediyi izliyorlar.


-    Every foreign writer’s perspective on China is shaped by the country, in which he grew up. Her yabancı yazarın Çin’e bakışı, içinde büyüdüğü ülke ile biçimlenir.


-    The house in which Mozart was born is now a museum. (defining relative clause)


Zaman zarfı niteleneceği vakit “on which” veya “in which” yerine “when” tercih edilebilir.

-    Sunday is the day when we are going to meet. Pazar buluşacağımız gündür.


Sebep niteleneceği vakit “for which” yerine “why” tercih edilebilir.

-    He didn't tell me the reason why he resigned. Bana istifa etme sebebini söylemedi.

-    This is the reason why I don't like him. Ondan hoşlanmamamın sebebi bu.


Whereby, By which,

Because of which: … yolu ile, … vasıtası ile

Sıfat cümleciği olarak kullanılır. Bir ismi niteler. Bir ismin tamamlayıcısı olabilir.

-    Learning a language is a process whereby new vocabulary and grammar structures are acquired. Bir dil öğrenmek, yeni kelime ve gramer yapıları yardımıyla elde edilen bir süreçtir.

-    They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training. Tüm işçilerin düzenli eğitime tabi tutulduğu yeni bir sistemi getirdiler.

-    In fact, it was a slow and long process whereby England was transformed into a modern state.



What kullanılarak oluşturulan cümlecikler relative clause'lardan biraz değişiktir. What aslında nitelenen ismi de kapsar ve the thing which veya the things which diye telafuz edilir. What clause'larda hem özne hem de nesne olarak tercih edilebilir.

-    That is what I wanted to her.

-    What he bought was very expensive. (Onun satın aldığı şey çok pahalıydı.)

-    What you said surprised me. Senin dediklerin beni şaşırttı.

-    What we saw last week was terrible. Geçen hafta gördüklerimiz korkunçtu.

-    I found what I wanted. Aradığımı buldum.

-    Was what you said interesting? Senin söylediğin şeyler ilginç miydi?

-    Did what I did annoy you? Benim yaptıklarım seni kızdırdı mı?

Whoever: kim olursan ol,

Whatever: ne olursa olsun Whichever: hangisi olursa olsun Whenever: ne zaman olursa olsun Wherever: nerede olursa olsun İlgi zamiri olarak kullanılırlar.

-    Whoever telephones, tell, I am out.

-    You can have whichever you like.

-    In fact, on Earth, wherever we find water, we find life.






He, they



Him, them

Kimin ile


my, your, her, his, its, our, their



It, they, them








Coordinator Which

(and) this


Note: Sorgulayarak cümleyi kurgulanırken “preposition” aynen kalacak, atılmamalıdır.



1)      I met the womanhusband is the president of the corporation.

Sorgulamada boşluğa “her husband” ifadesiden “her” nesne - sağlayıcı olması gerektiği görülmektedir. “her” karşılığı “whose” olmalıdır.

I met the woman whose husband is the president of the corporation.

2)      Many of the people … came to the party last week had traveled many miles to get there. They came to the party last week. (Özne-who)

3)      The teacher was delighted when the students … she had taught for over two years, all passed the exam. [Boşluktan sonra öznesi olan cümle var ise “whom” kullanılır. ]

4)      She was engaged to a pilot … she had met in Ankara. Boşluktan sonra öznesi olan cümle var ise (whom)

5)      She spent many hapy holidays with Peter, … she had first met in Alanya. Him -> whom

6)      Tom often saw Jill, … he had the greatest respect. He had the greatest respect for him.

For him-> for whom

Tom often saw Jill, for whom he had the greatest respect.

7)      This happened in 1960’s, … I was still a baby. When did this happen in 1960’s?

This happened in 1960’s, when I was still a baby.

8)      Do you know the woman … across the street.

Do you know the woman who lives across the street. Do you know the woman living across the street.

9)      Have you met the new office boy … last week?

Have you met the office boy who was hired last week? Have you met the office boy hired last week?



-    All of the world’s major national parks are included on the map, are most of the important

reserves of lesser status. Bu cümlede “which” kullanılmaz. “that” bağlacından önce virgül gelmez; “as” bağlacı kullanılır.

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