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Bir hareket, bir iş bir oluş bildiren kelimelere fiil (Verb) denir. İngilizce’de fiiller cümle içerisinde beş ayrı şekilde kullanılır.

•      Infinitive form: to go, to do, to wait

•      Present (simple) form: go, do, and wait

•      Present participle form: going, doing, waiting

•      Past form: went, did, waited

•      Past participle form: gone, done, waited



Fiiller zamandan ve fiil ekinden etkilenirler. Zaman: Present, Past, Future

Fiil ekleri: Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous.



It is raining. Şu an yağmur yağıyor. It has been raining for two hours.







Perfect Continuous















Past Present Future

Simple, When ?

Continuous, simple zamanın etrafında Perfect, simple zamanın öncesi

Perfect continuous tense ise simple zamanın etrafında devam eden olayın süresi


Zamanın şu an mı, geçmişte mi yoksa gelecekte mi? Present, Past, Future. Simple, “when” sorusuna yanıt arar.

Continuous, simple zamanın etrafında devam eden olayları tanımlar. Perfect, simple zamanın öncesini tanımlar.

Perfect continuous tense ise simple zamanın etrafında devam eden olayın süresini tanımlar.

Tenses are often regarded in groups:

·     simple tenses / the indefinite tenses

·     continuous tenses / the progressive tenses

·     perfect tenses

·     perfect continuous tenses / the perfect progressive tenses

·     The tenses can be in the active or passive voice


Verb yapısında:

To be: durum belirtir.

Have /has got: aitlik belirtir. Tense: olaylar anlatılır.

Modal: duygu ve düşünceler kullanılır.


Modal Verb:

Will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, ought to, had better, would rather, must. Modal fiiller yanında bir fiil ile kullanılırlar. Duygu, düşünce üretirler. “Have to” bir modal değildir.

The perfect form is the verb tense used to indicate a completed, or "perfected," action or condition. Verbs can appear in any one of three perfect tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Verbs in the perfect form use a form of "have" or "had" + the past participle. (It is the form of the helping verb that indicates the tense.)


-    Present Perfect: I have finished my homework already.

-    Past Perfect: He had watched TV for an hour before dinner.

-    Future Perfect: Nancy will have finished by the time her parents return.

The progressive form is a verb tense used to show an ongoing action in progress at some point in time. It shows an action still in progress. Verbs can appear in any one of three progressive tenses: present progressive, past progressive, and future progressive.


The verbs in the progressive form use a form of "to be" + the present participle (an -ing verb). (It is the form of the helping verb that indicates the tense.)


-    Present Progressive: The cake is baking slowly.

-    Past Progressive: The trees were waving back and forth.

-    Future Progressive: The children will be laughing.


Perfect + Progressive

The perfect and progressive forms can be combined, as in the following examples (again, the form of the helping verbs indicates the tense):

-    Present Perfect Progressive: I have been running for an hour.

-    Past Perfect Progressive: I had been running for an hour.

-    Future Perfect Progressive: I will have been running for an hour.


Was, were

-    Columbus was not the first European to set foot on the American Continents.

-    Until the mid-nineteenth century, producing steel cheaply and in large quantities was impossible.



Form: S +Verb (+ s/es in third person) Habitual, regular action in the present.


Tekil cümleler:

We add “s /es” to the verb for “he, she or it”.

-    Does it snow in the Sahara desert?

-    It doesn’t snow in Egypt. It rains very often in the spring.

-    Money doesn't guarantee happiness.

-    He goes to work by bus every day. He works very hard.

-    Tim sometimes works till 10 pm in the evening.

-    He plays football but he doesn't play tennis.

-    He wants to be (= become) a pilot when he grows up

-    How does the laser work? It creats an intense beam of energy from light. The energy from light rays is concentrated and the rays are able to penetrate objects. (Intense: şiddetli, güçlü, Concentrated: Çok güçlü, yoğun, Penetrate: İçine nüfuz etmek)

-    How does an inventor turn their new invention ideas into money?

-    The European Court of Human Rights considers his appeal. (“The European Court of Human Rights” tekil bir ifadedir.)

-    Does it matter? Öneml mi?

-    He lives in London and works at a bank.

-    He plays the piano quite well.


Time expressions:

always, usually, every day, often, sometimes, rarely, never, occasionally, seldom.

-    I usually work till seven o'clock.

-    I often talk to him on the phone.

-    He visits them sometimes.

-    I don’t get up early on Sundays.

-    What drinks do you like?

-    They go on vacation to every summer.

-    I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.

-    I don't like horror films! (horror: korku, dehşet )

-    I never drink coffee with milk.

-    The banks open at 9:00 am and close at 5:00 pm.

-    The bus arrives at the station at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Something that is always true:

-    The earth goes around the sun.

-    The sun rises in the East. The sun sets in the West.

-    Kangaroos live in Australia. Do elephants live longer than humans?

-    Trees lose their leaves in the fall. Flowers don't grow in winter.

-    Wood floats on water. ( to float: batmadan yüzmek)

-    Water freezes at 0 degrees. Water boils at 100° Celsius.

-    The adult human body contains 206 bones.

-    Light travels at almost 300,000 kilometres per second.

-    Cyanobacteria, these microscopic organisms sometimes form bright blue-green layers on ponds and oceans. Their ancestors invented a trick that has since spread like wildlife. They evolved a way to take energy from sunlight, and use it to make sugars out of water and carbon dioxide. This is called photosynthesis, and today it's how all green plants get their food.

-    Las Vegas massacre reignites gun control debate.

Las Vegas katliamı silah kontrol tartışmalarını yeniden başlatıyor.


Stating a fact, general truth, state or condition.

-    Children now regularly learn to talk, walk and use the internet at a very early age.

-    Trademarks protect words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services.

-    Most babies learn to speak when they are about two years old.


Simple present can replace the simple future with the meaning "according to schedule, timetable".

-    The ship arrives next week.

-    He works tomorrow.

-    I leave Frankfurt at 5 in the morning and arrive in New York at midnight the next day.


Simple present is used instead of the present continuous with stative verbs.

-    I see a little boy.

-    I understand what you mean.

-    “You look just like your mother,” Ms. Jones told me.


To be

-    Her house is very small.


Reading Part:

John likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesn't give him. They are bad for his teeth, she thinks. But John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves his grandson very much. And sometimes he buys John some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy. On Sunday evening, it is John's seventh birthday. He says, "Please, God, make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday,"His mother says, “God can't hear you. Don't shout." " I know, "says the clever boy with a smile.”. "But my grandfather is in the next room, and he can!"


Past simple tense: Ved or irregular verbs. An action started and finished at a specific time in the past. The action happened (started and ended) in the past.

Time expressions: yesterday; last week; last year; in 1995; in 2009; two hours ago; four years ago.

-    I saw him an hour ago.

-    He came back last Friday.

-    She went to the theater yesterday.

-    They visited London in 2009.

-    Did you wait for him very long? Yes, I didn’t go to bed until five in the morning.

-    The World War II ended in 1945.

-    I didn’t go to work last Friday.

-    She washed the dishes this morning.

-    Last year, I traveled to China.

-    I waited two hours for her.

-    Did she leave home early?

-    The plants died and new plants grew on top of them. (grow- grew-grown)

-    The businessmen travelled to Africa by aeroplane and in Africa, they travelled by car.

-    The sea came in and covered the carpet of dead plants.

-    He drilled the first oil well in USA, in 1859.

-    We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past (= ten minutes past two).

-    About six or seven thousand years ago, someone had the good idea of using animals to do work.

-    I immediately got up, went the door and found it locked as usual on the inside.


Zaman Uyumu:

-    Water and wind could not supply enough energy, so we began to use first coal and then oil.

-    The Titanic sank when it hit an iceberg. (sink-sank-sunk, hit – hit –hit)

-    When the police arrived, the woman was crying.

-    By the time the police arrived, the woman had already killed her husband.

-    Recent excavations in Algeria have indicated that Homo erectus resided there between 500,000 and 750,000 years ago.


Past simple is used for completed past actions, including past actions that lasted for some time or happened one after another.

-    He sold cars for two years, and then he quit his job and began to write novels.


Past simple expresses the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past

-    The founders of the American nature reversed the custom after the Revolution.


Past simple expresses the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes it not mentions the specific time.

-    Many people lost their jobs because of the firm’s collapse.

A series of Completed Actions

Past simple Tense geçmişte yapılmış bir dizi, ardışık eylemden bahsederken kullanılır.

-    I finished work, went home, had a shower and went to bed early.

-    He arrived from the airport at 9:00, checked into the hotel at 10:00, and met the others at 11:00.


Single Duration

Past simple tense geçmişte başlayıp ve bitmiş olan bir eylemin ne kadar süre ile yapıldığından bahsederken kullanılır. Eylemlerin şimdiki zamanda bir geçerliliği kalmamıştır.

-    I lived in Istanbul for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995. ( I don’t live there anymore)

-    Jane studied Chinese for 3 years.

-    We talked on the phone for 30 minutes.

-    How long did they wait for the bus?


Habits in the past, Past simple tense geçmişte düzenli olarak yapılan, fakat artık geçerli olmayan eylem ve davranışlardan bahsederken kullanılır. Bu kullanım “ used to “ ile aynı anlamdadır. Bu anlatımlarda cümlelerde genellikle "often," "usually," "never," "...when I was a child" or "...when I was younger" gibi zarf yapıları yer alır.

-    My father took me to the Luna Park every Sunday.

-    After Sally ate dinner, she went to the library,

-    He played the piano whenever he was at home.

-    I cleaned my room before my mother came home.

-    He usually worked at a restaurant after school.

-    I lived with my grandparents when I was a child.

-    After the children got home from school, they watched TV.

-    I turned on the lights when I heard a strange noise.

-    Before we entered the cinema, we bought the tickets.

-    When the phone rang, I answered it.

-    When I was a child, I lived with my grandparents.


Past Simple – Past Contiuous:

in the middle of an action

-    I saw you yesterday from the bus. Why were you using a stick? yesterday -> we use "saw"

at the time I saw -> you were using (in the middle of an action)

-    Luckily the driver saw me and stopped the lory on time.

saw -> stopped (one thing happened after another, at the same time)

-    Unfortunately when I arrived Ann was just leaving, so we only had time for a few words. "I arrived" happened in the middle of "Ann was leaving" (in the middle of an action)


Reading Part 1:

Man discovered fire many thousands years ago. The first time he saw was probably when a tree was struck by lightning. He soon learned how to make fire for himself. However, man probably made his fire by rubbing two sticks together. Fire was very important to man. He needed fire to keep himself warm at night. He used fire to cook his food. He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals. In some parts of the world he used fire to signal messages. Red Indians, for example, used fire to make smoke signals.In some other countries people lit fires to warn thier friends of danger. Fire was very also used to give light. Before the invention of oil lamp, men used burning sticks as torches.And before man discovered gas and electricity; he hung small fires in wire baskets from posts to light the streets.One man even used fire to tell the time .He invented a candle clock.He made a candle that took exactly twelve hours to burn. Then he marked this candle in twevle equal parts. He lit the candle and could tell the time by counting the number of parts of the burning candle.But the candle clock did not always work well. If there was a wind blowing on the candle, the flame burned too quickly.



Reading Part 2:

About three thousand years ago, there were no shops. If you needed something, you had to make it yourself. For example, if you needed something to wear, you had to kill an animal and get its coat. If you were a good hunter, and had a lot of coats, you could exchange them for other things you needed. You could get meat or fruit. This way of exchanging things is called barter. Later on, people began to use money. They made money from thing which would last and not go bad easily. They used stones, shells and animals’ teeth. After men had discovered metal into small bars to use copper, tin, silver and gold. They made these metals into small bars so that they were easy to store and carry about. Before there were banks, people kept their money themselves. Most people hid their money in the ground. They thought that it was the safest place to store money. About five hundred years later, people began to make coins. They were easier to carry than metal bars. Early coins were not flat and round but were in lumps. Usually a king or ruler of a place gave the order to make coins. Therefore, people often put a picture of his head and his name on one side of the coin. This side of the coin is called the head. Then they put the date and value of the coin on the other side. This side is called the tail. The first paper money was made by the Chinese. In the fifteenth century, the first banks appeared in Italy. Today the banks look after our money in a number of ways.



The action will happen in the future.

Future simple is used when we decide to do something at the time of speaking.



You /they /it /he /she + will + V I /we + will/shall + V

The short form of “will not” is “won’t”. “Will” is a modal auxiliary verb.


“Will” is used to promise to do something in the future. We use future simple with “will” to talk about our hopes and predictions for the future. (“will” umutlar ve tahminler için kullanılır.)


“To be going to”: Gelecekte yapılacak, özellikle yapılmasına karar verilen bir planı veya niyeti anlatmak için kullanılır. We use “going to” to talk about future plan and intention. We also use “going to” to talk about things we do every day.


We can use the present continuous tense to talk about future arrangements.

-    We are leaving early tomorrow.


Time expressions:

tomorrow; in a few days; next week; in 2025; in the future.



-    I think he will return next week.

-    I will probably see him in a few days.

-    We'll be home after eight.



To talk about our hopes and predictions for the future:

-    What will the cities of the future look like?

-    They will be in Rome tonight.

-    Will you go by bus? No, I think I will go on foot.

-    You will have time to help me tomorrow.

-    Will you finish your work by four o'clock?

-    Do you think that he will recognize me?

-    You will be able to drive after five another lessons.

-    I wonder how many of us still will/shall be here next year. (how many of us = we)

-    She will not be well enough to work in the foreseeable future (= during the period of time when you know what is going to happen).

-    Observation will usually raise specific questions in the mind of a scientist.

To offer or ask to do something, to offer the future certainly happenings:

-    Will you eat some spinach? (to ask or offer)

-    He will lend it to you if you ask him.

-    Today you will have to speak to him.


To promise to do something:

-    The management won’t be responsible for articles left on the seats.

-    Don’t worry! I will call you as soon as I arrive at the airport.

-    Thank you for lending me the money. I will pay it back on Friday. I promise!

-    I promise I will not tell him about the surprise birthday party.


To express a voluntary action / willingness:

Kişilerin bir eylemi başkası için gönüllü olarak, kendi istekleri ile yapmaları, bir yardım isteğine ya da ihtiyacına karşılık vermeleri üzerine olan durumlar “will” ile ifade edilir. Bu amlamda “be going to” yapısı kullanılmaz. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki eylemler planlanmış gelecek zaman eylemleri değillerdir.

-    I'm really hungry. I'll make some sandwiches.

-    These bags are so heavy! I'll help you.

-    The phone is ringing. I'll get it.


Gelecekte olacağını düşündüğümüz bir eylemden bahsederken, başka bir deyişle, tahminler yaparken, “will” ya da “be going to” kullanılabilir.

-    The weather reports say it will be sunny tomorrow.

-    Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.

-    Be careful. You will hurt yourself!

-    She is studying hard. She is going to pass the exam.



Gelecekte yapılacak, olacak, özellikle yapılmasına karar verilen ya da olacak olan bir hareketi anlatmak için kullanılır.

-    We're strong and we're going to stay very strong.

-    You have bought a lot of paint. Are you going to redecorate your kitchen?

-    They are going to visit us next weekend.

-    It is going to be a warm day tomorrow.

-    Are you going to go home after work? (future plan)

-    Where are you going to be next week? (future plan)

-    I am tired of taking the bus to work. I am going to buy a car as soon as possible.

-    I bought some paint this morning. I am going to paint the garage tomorrow.

-    I am going to start making dinner before my wife gets home from work today.

-    We are going to wait here until Jessica comes.

-    When they get to the hotel, they are going to jump into the swimming pool.


“Intend, plan and hope” fiilleri, gelecekte yapacağımız eylemler için şu andaki düşüncelerimizi ifade ederler. Bu fiiler future tense ile asla kullanılmazlar. Bu anlamı zaten taşırlar.

-    I intend to go to Bodrum.

I am intending to go to Bodrum. (Incorrect: I will intend to go to Bodrum)

-    I’m planning to buy another car this year.

I plan to buy another car this year. (Incorrect: I will plan to buy another car this year.)



The simple present gelecekte belirli bir takvim ya da zaman tablosuna bağlı olarak düzenli olarak yapılmakta olan eylemlerden bahasederken kullanılır. Simple present ‘in gelecek zaman ifadelerinde oldukça sınırlı sayıda fiil lullanılır: arrive, leave, start, begin, end, finish, open, close, be.

-    The bus leaves the station at 7:45 tomorrow morning.

-    The semester ends in two more weeks.

-    His new job starts next Friday.



Geleceğe yönelik kesin bir plan, karar ya da niyet belirten cümlelerde present continuous tense kulanılabilir. “Go, come, arrive, stay, leave” fiiler kesin planları ifade eder present continuous tense’in gelecek zaman ifadelerinde sıklıkla kullanılır. We can use the present continuous tense to talk about future arrangements.

-    Are you leaving home tomorrow? He is arriving on Sunday. My brother is coming next week.

-    Bill is coming to the meeting tomorrow. (Bill is going to come to the meeting tomorrow.)

-    They are playing football this afternoon. (They are going to play football this afternoon.)

-    I am leaving home tomorrow morning. (I am going to leave home tomorrow morning.)

-    Where are you meeting them?

-    I am meeting them at midnight in the middle of the wood.

-    What time are we meeting? (It is not used as “What time will we meet?”)


Gelecekte planlanmış seyahat ifadelerinde kullanılan “fly, walk, ride, drive, take (a taxi, a bus etc.)” gibi fiiller de present continuous tense’de kullanılırlar.

-    I am flying on Monday.

-    I am taking Helen to the dance tonight.

-    We are flying to Istanbul tonight. (We are going to fly to Istanbul tomorrow.)


Using “present continuous” descibes situations already decided.

-    She is coming back on Monday.

Note: “Remember” is not normally used in “the present continuous”.


Zaman cümleciklerinde, ifade edilen zaman kavramı gelecek zaman olsa dahi, her zaman simple present tense kullanılır; future tense asla kullanılmaz.

-    Before Mary goes to school tomorrow, she will eat breakfast.

Incorrect: Before Mary will go to school tomorrow, she will eat breakfast.

-    After I eat dinner tonight, I will do my homework.

Incorrect: After I will eat dinner tonight, I will do my homework


We make the Present Continuous with the present form of the verb “be” and “_ing” form of the verb.


V+ing: cry crying, start starting

n ànn, t à tt, etc. begin beginning, forget forgetting, swim swimming

e à “e” eki kalkar “ing” eki gelir. decide deciding, dance dacing, come coming ie: “ie” eki kalkar “ying” eki gelir. die dying, tie tying


-    Most of them are swimming, but one ore two of them aren’t swimming.

-    A group of people are playing volleyball on the beach.


The action is going on right now.

When we talk about what is happening now, we use the present continuous. We use the Present Continuos to talk about tempoarary events in the present. We also use the Present Continuos to talk about what is happening at this moment. Sözün söylendiği anda yapılmakta olan bir hareketi anlatmak için kullanılır.

Time expressions: now; right now; at the moment.

-    I'm writing a letter at the moment.

-    Are you reading a book now?

-    Look! He is playing the piano.

-    Is she not swimming in the river?

-    They aren’t eating lunch now.

-    We are counting the Money carefully.

-    The children are playing in the garden at the moment.

-    Sam is working at this office right now.

-    The moon is shining tonight.

-    She is cooking lunch in the kitchen now.

-    I am practicing my English at the moment.


Using present continuous tense for future

“What are you doing this summer?” is an example of the present continuous tense used to talk about a future arrangement. Present continuous can replace the simple future with the meaning "preplanned action".

-    My cousin Veronica is studying to be a veterinary.

-    It's going to be a great match.

-    I am meeting some friends after work.

-    We are going to the cinema tonight.

-    Are you coming? I am flying to Istanbul tomorrow morning.

-    Are you visiting your grandparents next week?

-    Your friend’s son is getting married. You have been invited to the wedding, which will take place on the very day you are going abroad on urgent business that cannot be postponed.

The action is going on at the present period of time (but not at the moment of speaking).

Time expressions: now; at present; today; this year.

-    She is writing a new novel now.

-    He is studying German this year.

-    The levels of pollution in the atmosphere are increasing.

-    At a panel, you are discussing with another colleague the uses and abuses of nuclear power.

-    Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers.


Using Present Simple Sense for Present Continuous Tense

-    I hear a noise now.

-    I like your composition.

-    Only she knows the answer.

-    I see what you mean.

-    I understand you.

-    He desires to live in a small house by the sea.


Present continuous tense ile kullanılmayan fiiller

Stative verbs "agree, belive, deserve, doubt, expect, forget, hate, hear, imagine, know, like, look, love, mean, prefer, realize, remember, see, seem, suppose, think, understand, remember, want", etc., are generally not used in the continuous tenses.

-    I can not imagine that we are together again.

-    She doesn’t remember what she did yesterday.

-    In my opinion /I think they didn’t deserve prize as they didn’t play fairly. (In my opinion: bence)

-    I expected to attend/ join this meeting with my boss.

-    I realized that I had forgotten to lock to door.


Past continuous: [was/were + present participle(Ving)]

We use the past continuous for actions that continued while other events happened.


The action was going on when another past action happened or at some point of time in the past. Geçmişte bir hareket bittiğinde (The Past simple tense) devam edmekte olan diğer hareketi veya bir süre aynı zamanda devam etmiş olan hareketleri anlatmak için kullanılır. We can also connect the past continuous and Past simple together by using the words “when, while, and as.”

Time expressions: while; when; at five o'clock yesterday.

-    When he came in, I was reading a letter.

-    We were watching TV at three o'clock yesterday.

-    When I was taking a bath, the telephone rang. The telephone rang when I was taking a bath.

-    While I was taking a bath, the telephone rang. The telephone rang while I was taking a bath.

-    As I was taking a bath, the telephone rang. The telephone rang as I was taking a bath.

-    While I was walking down the street, I saw an old friend of mine.

-    I was working when they came.

-    It was raining when I got up.

-    I took another cake while you weren’t looking here. (take – took – taken)

-    They were playing while we were working.

-    Weren’t you sleeping when I got home. (get-got – got(gotten))

-    John Lennon died while he was living in New York. (live-living)

-    I met Andrew while studying History at the Sorbonne. (meet-met-met)

-    It was past midnight when we got home.

-    It was snowing when the accident happened.

-    I took my car to the mechanic yesterday because it wasn’t working properly.

-    What were you doing the bell rang? (ring-rang-rung)

-    It was late at night when we finally arrived.


Past simple is used instead of the past continuous with stative verbs.

-    She looked tired when I saw her at the party yesterday.



The action will be going on when another future action happens or at some point of time in the future.


“will be + Ving”; “shall be + Ving”

Using “will be + Ving” to say someboby will be in the middle of doing something. It often used with “at”, “this time tomorrow, next week…”

Time expressions:

at this time next year; when.


Gelecekte devam edecek eylemlerde Future Continuous kullanılır.

-    He'll be sleeping at two o'clock.

-    When you come to the library, I'll be sitting by the central window.

-    There is going to be a bus strike. Everyone will be walking to work next.

-    This is my last year at this university. This time next year, I will be working in a bank. If you work in a bank, you will have a compliance department.

-    Don’t call me between seven and eight. I will be having dinner then.

-    We will be playing football at this time tomorrow evening.

-    When you are in Australia, will you be staying with friends?

-    At four thirty on Tuesday afternoon I will be signing the contract.

-    She will be washing all day tomorrow.


Gelecekte mormal olarak gerçekleşmesi beklenen, ya da gerçekleşecek eylemler için kullanılır.

-    Tomorrow at 7 a.m. I will be seeing my boss.

-    I will be seeing Jim at the club next Thursday.

-    I'll be going into town this afternoon, is there anything you want from the shops

-    Will you be using the car tomorrow? - No, you can take it.

-    I'll be seeing Jane this evening - I'll give her the message.

-    We are sorry, but we won’t be coming to the meeting.


Soru yapısında, özellikle “ you” ile kullanıldığında, basit bir bilgi sorusunu davetten ayırmak için kullanılır.

-    Will you be coming to the party tonight? (= request for information)

-    Will you come to the party? (= invitation)

-    Will you be bringing your friend to the pub tonight?

-    Will Alan be coming with us?

-    Where will they be spending their holiday.


Birinin gelecekteki eylem ya da hislerini tarif etmek için kullanılır.

-    You'll be feeling thirsty after working in the sun.

-    He'll be coming to the meeting, I expect.

-    You'll be missing the sunshine when you're back in England.

-    If you come in the evening we will be finishing our work.


“Present perfect tense”, geçmişte, belirsiz bir zamanda, yapılmış ya da hiç yapılmamış bir eylemi ifade ederken kullanılır. Eylemlerin ne zaman yapıldığı Present Perfect Tense’de önemli değildir. Zaman aralığı belirtilebilir. Ayrıca geçmişte başlamış etkisi devam eden cümlelerde kullanılır. Eğer geçmişte belirli bir zaman belirtilmesi gerekirse, ya da eylemin ne zaman yapıldığı belirtilmek istenirse, Past simple Tense kullanılır. We can use the present perfect to talk about recent completed actions.


Structure:: have /has + V3 (Verb past participle)

Time expressions: by now: şu ana dek; so far: şimdiye kadar; never: asla; ever: her zaman; several times; since: den beri; lately: son zamanlarda, geçenlerde.


Kullanılan “verb tense” göre cümlenin anlamı değişir:

-    My mother has done a lot for me. Annem benim için çok şey yapmıştır. (= annem hayatta)

-    My mother did a lot for me. Annem benim için çok şey yaptı. (= annem hayatta değil)


Present perfect tense çok kısa bir süre önce tamamlanmış, geçerliliğini hala koruyan eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır:

-    I have just eaten a sandwich. ( I am not hungry now)

-    The robbers have been put into the prison. (They are in prison now.)

-    I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.

-    They have just come. (come-came-come)

-    My boss has gone to London. (He is there now)

-    She has written two letters today.

-    I have washed the car. (It is clean now!)

-    I have read that book.


Bahsedilen zaman dilimi henüz bitmemiş ise present perfect tense kullanılır:

-    It has rained a lot this year.

-    Jane hasn’t called me today.

-    My grandfather has written many novels. (He is still alive and writing novels)

-    I haven’t seen Tom this morning. (It’s still this morning)

-    What have you done this morning?


Reporting how things have developed by now.

-    Recent excavations in Algeria have indicated that Homo erectus resided there between 500,000 and 750,000 years ago.

-    He has admitted accepting bribes. Rüşvet aldığını itiraf etti.

-    Have you decided in which sector you will look for a job when you graduate?

-    American officials have ordered some overseas airports with direct flights to the US to intensify screening of electronic devices.

-    This man has got the hardest job in the world.

Present perfect tense is used instead of the present perfect continuous with stative verbs.

-    She has known them for six years.

-    She has loved him all her life.


“Present perfect tense” geçmiş ve şimdiki zaman arasında, kesin zamanlar belirtmeksizin, tekrarlanmış olan eylemlerden bahsederken kullanılır.

-    I have seen that film three times. (see-saw-seen)

-    How many times have you been to France?

-    I have met many new friends since I came here.

-    The telephone has rung six times since this morning.

-    The scientists have made many important inventions since 1900’s.


This is the first /second /third … gibi ifadelerle kullanılır:

Present perfect tense can be used to describe the experience (the first/the most...that...)

-    This is the third time that I have lost my keys. Bu, anahtarlarımı üçüncü kaybedişim.

-    This is the fourth that hamburger you have eaten this evening. Bu, bu akşam yediğin dördüncü hamburger.


Sıfatların en üstünlük dereceleriyle kullanılır:

-    You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Sen, hayatımda tanıdığım en güzel kızsın.

-    This is the highest building I have ever seen. Bu, hayatımda gördüğüm en yüksek bina.



“Have /has gone” özellikle “I” ve “we” ile kullanılmaz. Amerikalılar kullanır. İngilizlerin kullanmayışındaki sebep şudur:

-    I have gone to Ankara. Biz Ankara’ya gittik. Bu cümle yanlıştır. Çünkü şu anda öznenin hala Ankara’da olması gerekirdi. Eğer ben ya da biz özneleri hala Ankara’da isek, şimdi burada olup nasıl konuşabiliriz. Bu yüzden “gone” “I” ve “we” ile kullanılmıyor, bunun yerine been kullanılır.

I/We have been to Ankara. (Ankara’da bulundum/bulunduk.) yazılır.

-    He has gone to Ankara. Bu cümlede özne Ankara’ya gitmiştir ve hala da Ankara’dadır.

He has been to Ankara. Bu cümlede ise özne şu anda Ankara’da değildir ama Ankara’ya gitmiştir. Yani Ankara’yı bilir demektir.


The action has lasted for some time by now. Time expressions: for a year; since; lately. “For” ve “since” ile kullanıldığında present perfect tense geçmişte başlayıp içinde bulunduğumuz ana kadar devem etmekte olan bir eylemden bahseder. Present perfect may replace the present perfect continuous “for” the action that has lasted for some time by now.


“Since”, bir saat, gün, ay, yıl ya da geçmişte tamamlanmış bir eylem gibi, geçmiş zaman referansları veren zarf ya da zarf cümlecikleri ile kullanılır.

Since + Friday /June /1998 / the beginning of this semester /yesterday /last week. Since + Past simple Tense



-    He has lived here since 1995.

-    You have changed since I saw you last.

-    Only a small number of survivors have been rescued by the merergency services since building collapsed.

-    I haven’t seen my uncle since 1990.

-    I have been here since 9 o’clock.

-    I have liked science-fiction films ever since I was a child.

-    My father has not smiled ever since my mother died.

-    I have had this old car since 1990.

-    Alex has not eaten anything since breakfast.

-    Roger and I have known each other since last January.

-    Jane has worn her new blue jeans only twice since she bought them.

-    Since she went to Japan, her father has not heard from her.

-    I have met so many people since I came to this town last year.


“For” and “Present Perfect Tense”:

“For”, Present Perfect Tense ile kullanıldığıda, bir eylemin geçmişte başlayıp, şu ana kadar devam etmekte olduğunu ifade eder.


“For” ile birlikte two minutes, three hours, four days, five years gibi zamanın uzunluğunu ifade eden yapılar kullanılır. For + a Length of time: for ten minutes, for three hours, for ten days, for about eight years, for several weeks, for many years, for a long time, years.


-    We have worked here for five years.

-    I have had this old car for 10 years.

-    They have been married for 25 years.

-    Janet has been very busy with the new project for the last three months.

-    Men have also used fire for thousands of years, but only for heatings, like iron.

-    I have had this old car for 10 years.

-    Alex has not eaten anything for 8 hours.

-    Roger and I have known each other for a year.

-    Tom has worked on this project for a long time.

-    Jane has not worn her new blue jeans for five months.

-    For decade fuel cells have powered spacecraft and other specialized machinery, but their spread has been limited by cost and efficiency problems.

-    He has worked in this company for ten years.



The action has just ended. Time expressions: already; just; yet.

Just: Biraz önce, az önce. Just eylemin daha çok kıza bir süre önce tamamlanığını, henüz olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.

-    I have just seen him.

-    No, thanks. I have just eaten a sandwich.

-    They have just gone out.

-    Mr. Green has just called you.

-    I’ve just received a letter. Az önce bir mektup aldım.

-    She has just gone out. Biraz önce dışarı çıktı.


“Yet” bir eylemin şu ana kadar henüz yapılmamış olduğunu, ama gelelecekte yapılabileceğini ya da olabileceğini ifade etmek için kullanılır. Present perfect tense’de, cümle sonunda kullanılır.

-    It’s 2:00 pm and I am very hungry. I haven’t eaten lunch yet.

-    Hasn’t he gone yet? (go-went-gone)

-    Has he arrived yet?

-    Have you had breakfast yet?

-    She hasn’t bought a car yet.

-    Have you ever eaten at that restaurant yet?


“Yet”, esas fiilin önünde de kullanılabilir.

-    It is the most bloody war man has yet seen. İnsanoğlunun şimdiye kadar gördüğü en kanlı savaş.


Yet bağlaç olarak da kullanılabilir. However, still, neverthless, nonethless, yet: yine de. He studied. Yet,  

Note: It is yet to be seen: Zamanla görülecek, henüz görülmedi.


We use the present perfect with “ever/never” to talk about experience at some time in the past. “Ever and never” go before the past participle in a sentence. You can use 'ever' with the present simple. 'Ever' and 'never' are adverbs. 'Ever' and 'never' are not adjectives.


Ever: A word meaning at any time: used mostly in questions, negatives, comparisons, or sentences with “if”. We often use the present perfect with “ever” to talk about events which happened at an indefinite in the past.


We often use “ever” in questions about experiences.

-    Have you ever been to Turkey?

-    Has she ever met John?


Olumsuz sorularda:

-    Haven’t they ever been to Turkey?

-    Hasn’t she ever met John?

Olumsuz yapılarda: nothing .......ever, nobody................. ever.

-    Nobody has ever climbed to that mountain before.

-    Nothing has ever been said to us.


“the first time........................ ” gibi yapılarda:

-    This is the first time I have ever eaten Thai food.

-    It’s the first time I have ever been to England.


Superlative yapılarda:

-    Helen is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

-    Istanbul is the most beautiful city I have ever been to?


Never: Never “daha önce hiç........................... ” anlamında kullanılır. Never olumsuz bir “zarf” tır ve not ile birlikte


-    I have never eaten caviar.

-    She has never failed any exams.

-    I have never seen such a big building. (All my life)



Already bir eylemin hali hazırda (beklenenden önce) yapılmış olduğunu ve artık yapılmasının gereksiz olduğunu ifade etmek içim kullanılır.

-    You don’t need to go to the post office. I have already posted the letters.

-    Don’t take the car to the mechanic. I have already fixed it.

-    Have you already finished your homework?

-    I have seen that movie already.

-    I have already cleaned it. Temizledim bile (Şimdiye kalır mı?)

-    He has already done it.



Recently, lately, before: son günlerde, son zamanlarda

-    There has been a lot of disturbance recently. Son günlerde ülkede çok kargaşa oluyor.

-    The architects have built several buildings lately. Mimarlar son zamanlarda birkaç bina yaptılar.

-    I think I have seen that girl before.



Up to the present, till now, so far, up till now, until now: şimdiye kadar

-    She has done great work up to now.

-    Nobody has cleaned this room up to the present. Şimdiye kadar bu odayı kimse temizlemedi.

-    They have watered seven fields so far. Şimdiye kadar yedi tarla suladılar.

-    The patient has only drunk water till now. Hasta şimdiye kadar sadece su içti.

-    Don’t get off the buss until it has stopped.


Meaning: The action happened before another past action or before some point of time in the past.

Time expressions: by the time; before; after; by 1998; by yesterday; by last Sunday.

Unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet...

•   Structure: Before /When Past Simple, Past Perfect. Past Perfect: Subject + had + past participle

•   Structure: S+ had + (ever/never...) + PP+ (since/for...)


It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past (by the time we got to the airport).

-    When they arrived the film had already begun.

-    Alexander Graham Bell had already invented the telephone by the time I was born.

-    By the time we got to the airport, our plane had already left.


The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred (past perfect) before another action in the past (Past simple).

-    I didn’t recognise him. He had changed a lot.

-    Her eyes were red. She had been crying.

-    The house was dirty. She hadn’t cleaned it for ages.


-    When Sam was born, I had been a doctor for 10 years.

-    William turned up late because he had missed the bus.

-    This morning’s earthquake was one of the most severe that we had experienced for the past twenty years.

-    I noticed that he hadn’t said anything all evening. (“hadn’t told” kullanılmaz. “Told someone to something”)

-    My son had already learnt how to read by the time he started the primary school.

-    The hotel had just been robbed by the time the police arrived.

-    His family was Jewish, but his father had converted to Protestantism in order to be able to work as a lawyer.

-    The portrait, as it is known today, was born in the Renaissance. In fact, portraits had existed before the Renaissance.

-    Russia announced earlier this week that it had pulled all its troops out of Georgia.

-    I had read a lot about Scotland before I went there.


“By the time,” kullanıldığı past perfect cümlelerde bir eylemin, geçmişte başka bir eylem gerçekleşmeden öncki hali hazırda tamamlanmış olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılır.

-    By the time Susan arrived, we had already finished the work.

-    They had already eaten everything by the time we went to the restaurant.

Past perfect may replace the past perfect continuous for the action that lasted for some time before another action in the past.

-    By the time he returned, I had worked for six hours.


Before ya da after, hangi eylemin daha önce gerçekleştiği belli olduğu için past perfect kullanımı gereksizdir. Past perfect yerine Past simple kullanılabilir.

-    After the meeting (had) finished, everybody went home.

-    Jack (had) left before I got to the office.

-    Before Mrs. Green went to bed, she had taken her sleeping pill. ( or “ took her sleeping pill)

-      After the old man (had) died, the doctor came.


Inverted clause in past perfect:

No sooner /hardly /barely...+ had (past perferct) + S +than + Past simple

-    No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.





The action will happen before another future action or before some point of time in the future. Future Perfect Tense, bir eylemin gelecekte belirli bir zamanda tamamlanmış olacağını ifade eder.

Future Perfect Tense, complete, finish, retire gibi tamamlama, bitme ifade eden fiiller ile kullanılır.



will/shall + have +PP

“Future Perfect Tense” yapısında he, she, it zamirlerinde “has” kullanılmaz, “have” kullanılır.


Time expressions:

It is often used with “by the time, before, by the end of the year, at 3 o’clock, by 3 O’clock, before 3 O’clock, by next June, by this time next week, by tomorrow, by next Monday, by 2035.



-    By the time I get there, she will have left.

-    By 2050, scientists will have found the cure for cancer.

-    I will have finished the project by the time you arrive at the office tomorrow morning.

-    She will have prepared the dinner by the time we get home.

-    The scientists will have found the cure for cancer by 2030.

-    Efficient and reliable strategies for flood protection and prevention on the one hand, and irrigation and fair water distribution on the other hand, will have to be developed.

-    The students will not have been taught anything by the end of the term if the teacher goes on like this.

-    By the end of 2004 the rate of unemployment will have risen by %10.

-    By that time next month all the daffodils will have died.

-    On 3 May the expedition will have covered about 400 km.

Bazen the Future Perfect ve the Future Perfect Continuous, aşağıdaki örneklerde olduğu gibi aynı anlama gelir. Her iki zamanda da belirtilen aktivitenin, gemişte başlamış olabileceğini de unutmayınız.

-    When Mr. Lane retires next month, he will have worked for our company for 40 years.

-    When Mr. Lane retires next month, he will have been working for our company for 40 years.


Future Perfect tense expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future. It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future.

-    When you are my age you will have known all about this.


Expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future. It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future

-    I will be back by 6. The will have finished by then.

-    By the time the children come I will have made the beds.

-    Next week they will have been married for 10 years.



The Present Perfect Continuous Tense indicates the duration of an activity that began in the past and continuous to the present.

Time expressions: for an hour; for a week; for five years; all day; since, for, all morning, all day, all week, etc.”

-    I have been living in Ankara for 10 years.

-    It has been raining all day.

-    I have been working on this project for more than two year.

-    The children have been playing in the garden since morning.

-    How long has she been driving? She looks tired.

-    I have been living in this city since 1987.

-    He hasn’t been studying for two hours.

-    You haven’t been doing anything since morning.

-    We have been using more and more coal and oil during the last one hundred and fifty years.


The action has lasted for some time by now and is still going on.

-    He has been sleeping for two hours already.

-    She has been working as a teacher since she graduated from college.

-    How long have you been waiting here?

-    I have been working in this garage as a car mechanic for 15 years.


The action has been going on lately.

-    All of them have been working very hard lately.

-    I have been thinking about starting my own business.

-    We have just been talking about you.


Present perfect continuous is often used without time expressions.

-    It has been raining hard, and the ground is still wet.


When the present perfect continuous tense is used without any specific mention of time, it indicates a general activity in progress recently, lately.

-    My wife has been thinking about changing her car.

-    The students have been studying hard. The final exams start next week.

-    Tom’s clothes look very dirty. He has been painting the house.


Present perfect tense,on the other hand, is used to express duration of an activity happening . It mostly answers the question “how often”?

-    I have been running for two hours. I am very tired now.

-    She has been sleeping since 8:00. She worked hard yesterday.

If it is important to express the duration and the activity itself, Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used.

-    I have cleaned the room. It’s clear now. I have been cleaning the room since morning.

-    I have read 50 pages of this novel. It’s very exciting. I have been reading this novel for a week. It’s very exciting.


With certain verbs such as live, work, and teach, there is little or no difference in meaning between the two tenses when since or for is used

-    I have lived here since 1990. or I have ben living here since 1990.

-    She has worked at the same company for five years. / She has been working at the same company for five years.

Note: Be careful about the non-progressive verbs, which cannot be used in continuous tenses.

Correct: I have known Jim for ten years. Incorrect: I have known Jim for ten years.


Stative verbs "know, understand, remember, like, love, hate, want, see, hear, seem, look", etc., are generally not used in the continuous tenses.




Meaning: The action lasted for some time before another past action or before some point of time in the past.

Time expressions: by the time; before; after; by yesterday; by 2005; for two hours; for a long time.

-    By the time he returned, I had been working for six hours.

-    By 2006, he had been living there for twenty years.


Note: Past perfect is used instead of the past perfect continuous with stative verbs.

-    Example: She had known him for five years by the time they got married.


Structure: S+ had + been +V_ing

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past ( before the Second World War).

-    The passengers at the bus stop were very angry. They had been waiting for the bus for 45 minutes.

-    Experiments in the sonic imaging of moving objects had been conducted in both of United States and Europe well before the Second World War.

-    When Mr Snowden fled the US, he had been working as a technician for Booz Allen, a giant government contractor for the National Security Agency.

-    The detectives had been searching for the murderer for a long time before they arrested him.

-    He had only been studying French for two years before he got the job

-    My father had been working for that company before it finaly went bankrupt.

Past    perfect   continuous   geçmişte zaman   olarak yakın   başka   bir eylemden önce gerçekleşmekte olan bir eylemden bahsederken de kullanılabilir.

-    John was out of breath when he came in. He had been jogging.

-    When I saw Mary, her eyes were red. She had been crying.

-    Brian gained overweight because he had been overeating.


Show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.

-    The Titanic had been lying on the sea bed for 70 years when they found it.

-    Luke had been serving in the Navy for six months when he had the accident.

-    They had been planting trees all afternoon when I saw them.

-    The lonely couple had been wanting a son for a long time.


Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect.

-    We all knew he had been drinking whisky again. He stank. [Stink: pis kokmak, iğrenç kokmak]





The Future Perfect Continuous is used to show that something will continue up until a particular event (by next week) or time in the future.



Future perfect continous: [will have been + present participle]


Time expressions:

by the time; by 2030; before; for two hours, for five minutes, for two weeks, since Friday.


Future Perfect Continuous has two different forms:

"Will have been doing " and "be going to have been doing."

Notice that this is related to the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Perfect Continuous; however, with Future Perfect Continuous, the duration stops at or before a reference point in the future.

-    By the time he returns, I will have been working for nine hours.

-    By 2025, he will have been living here for fifty years.

-    How long will you you have been working there by next time?

-    Next January I’ll have been learning French for three years.

-    Are you going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives?

-    They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives.

-    She is going to have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes.

-    How long will you have been studying when you graduate?

-    We are going to have been driving for over three days straight when we get to Anchorage.

Using the Future Perfect Continuous before another action in the future is a good way to show cause and effect.

-    Jason will be tired when he gets home because he will have been jogging for over an hour.

-    Claudia's English will be perfect when she returns to Germany because she is going to have been studying English in the United States for over two years.


The Future Perfect Continuous “learn, lie, live rain, sit, wait and work” gibi, devamlılık ifade eden fiilerle kullanıldığında, şu anda devam etmekte olan eylemin, gelecekte de devam ediyor olacağını da ifade eder.

-    I will have been working for four hours by the time Pam gets to the office.

(Future tense: I will start working at 10am. Pam will get to the office at 2 pm.)

-    We will have been waiting for them for 30 minutes by the time we arrive at the airport.

-    I was born in 1975 and it is 2001 now. By 2040, I will have been living for 65 years.


If you do not include duration such as "for five minutes," "for two weeks" or "since Friday," many English speakers choose to use the Future Continuous rather than the Future Perfect Continuous. Be careful because this can change the meaning of the sentence. Future Continuous emphasizes interrupted actions, whereas Future Perfect Continuous emphasizes duration of time before something in the future. Study the examples below to understand the difference.

-    He will be tired because he will be exercising so hard.

(This sentence emphasizes that he will be tired because he will be exercising at that exact moment in the future.)

-    He will be tired because he will have been exercising so hard.

(This sentence emphasizes that he will be tired because he will have been exercising for a period of time. It is possible that he will still be exercising at that moment OR that he will just have finished.)


Like all future forms, the Future Perfect Continuous cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Instead of Future Perfect Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous is used.

-    You won't get a promotion until you will have been working here as long as Tim. Not Correct You won't get a promotion until you have been working here as long as Tim. Correct


It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Future Perfect Continuous with these verbs, you must use Future Perfect.

-    Ned will have been having his driver's license for over two years. (Not Correct)

Ned will have had his driver's license for over two years. (Correct)


The placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc.

-    Will you only have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives?

Are you only going to have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives?

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