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Tenses in the Active and Passive Voice

Tenses in the Active Voice

Use the required verb forms in the following sentences.

1.         As he (to think) for months about leaving his wife and (not to do) it because it (to be) too cruel to deprive her of himself, her departure (to be) a very healthful shock.

2.         When she nearly (to reach) the end of the curve she (to see) a figure ahead of her.

3.         Mary (to return) to the room. Al (to sit) down beside the gas fire and (to take) off his shoes.

4.         Her eyes (to be) puffed, and she obviously (to cry) that afternoon.

5.         No sooner I (to arrive) than I (to send) her letter to say that I (to have) a present for her.

6.         I (to get) back as soon as I (to get) through with my business.

7.         His cheek (to be) cut. When she (to see) it she (to say): ―Oh, you (to fight) again.‖

8.         He (to have) a son of twenty-seven. He (to farm) in New Zealand.

9.         She (to make) me promise to say nothing about it till she (to have) a chance of breaking the news to her father gradually.

10.     How`s the baby?‖  ―Frightfully well, thank you, Aunt Em. He (to walk).‖

11.     As we (to drive), her eyes (to stare) rigidly out of the car window.

12.     Before we (to walk) four hundred yards he (to take) his jacket off.

13.     She (to become) aware that Tony (to come) back and considerately (to say) nothing.

14.     Delany (to sit) up in bed and (to eat) his dinner when Jack (to come) into the room. His complexion (to be) ruddy. Obviously he (to be) shaved. He (to have) a glass of red wine with his meal. He (to wave) his fork as he (to see) Jack.

15.     He (to remain) in his seat, as though studying his programme, till the three (to pass) out into the foyer.

16.     Darkness (to fall) when he finally (to return) to the hotel. He (to say) nothing to Pat except that he (to turn) down the job. He (cannot) give her any explanation until he completely (to understand) the meaning of what (to happen).

17.     He (to take) to drink before they (to be married) three years.

18.     A little break like this (to be) what she need all these years.

19.     She (to look) up to him from where she (to sit). Her makeup things (to lie) in front of her. She (to do her face).

20.     While his wife (to read) the letter, he (to cross) to the window.

21.     My mother said: ―You hardly (to touch) your food.‖

22.     As Hugh and I (to come) down the steps we nearly (to run) into my father.

23.     I don`t know what`s the matter with him. He (to act) funny since you (to be) away.

24.     I (to take) you out every day,‖ she promised.

25.     He says they (to finish) the house by the end of next month.

26.     The doctor (not to see) the patients today. He has been called away.

27.     I (to go) mad If this (to go) on much longer,‖ said Rex.

28.     You always (to drink) tea when I come here for a snack!


Ex. 101

Use the required verb forms.

Farmers, as we all ((1) to know), ((2) to have) a hard time of it in Britain lately, and ((3) to turn) to new ways of earning income from their land. This ((4)to involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you ((5) to hear) me correctly! A farmer in the West of England now ((6) to hold) sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100 000 people ((7) to turn up) to watch the proceedings. ―I ((8) to pass) the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,‖ one punter told me, ―and I ((9) think) I`d have a look. I ((10) not to believe) it was serious, to tell you the truth.‖ According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. ―At proper horse races everyone already ((11) to study) the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favourites. But nobody ((12) to hear) anything about these sheep! Most people ((13) to find) it difficult to tell one from another in any case.‖ I ((14) to stay) to watch the races ,and I must admit that I ((15) to find) it quite exciting. In a typical race, half a dozen sheep ((16) to race) downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food ((17) to wait)

for them at the other end of the track, I ought to add! The sheep ((18) to run) surprisingly fast, although presumably they ((19) not to eat) for a while just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around me obviously ((20) to enjoy) their day out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.


Ex. 102

Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense, in either continuous or simple form, according to the context.

a)                 This is my new car. What you (to think) of it?

b)               – Who are you?

- What do you mean? I (to live) here.

c)             I can`t find the car keys. What you (to do) with them?

d)             Sorry I haven`t fixed the plug. I (to mean) to get round to it, but I just haven`t found the time.

e)             What you (to do) on Saturdays?

f)             I don`t know what time we`ll eat. It (to depend) when Helen gets here.

g)             I supported you at the time because I (to feel) that you were right.

h)             Peter couldn`t understand what had been decided because too many people (to talk) at once.

i)             Jean, I`m so glad you`ve got here at last. I (to expect) you all day.

j)             Please don`t let me down this time! I (to depend) on you.


Ex. 103

Decide whether each underlined phrase is appropriate, and rewrite the phrase more appropriately where necessary.

a)        Will you be seeing Rob Jones tomorrow? I wonder if you could give him a message from Sally Gordon?

b)        I had a great time in the Greek Islands. We would own a small boat and go fishing every day.

c)        Julie, hi! I`ve been hoping I`d see you. I`ve got some good news!

d)        We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It was constantly chasing the cats next door.

e)        We had a lovely time in Madrid. Every day we were exploring the city, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars.

f)          The steam engine is usually thought of as a relatively modern invention, but the Greeks had built a kind of steam engine in ancient times.

g)        I felt rather worried. It was growing darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter.

h)        Don`t worry! All we have to do is waiting here until someone will find us.

i)          This meat is really tasting awful! Are you quite sure it was fresh?

j)          The radiator in my room has burst, and there is water all over the floor! You`re the manager, what will you do about it?


Ex. 104

Use the required forms in the following sentences, observing the rules of the sequence of tenses.

1.   He hastened back home in the hope that the guests (not to go) all yet.

2.   Well, I don`t think I ever (to see) you before.

3.   She ended by saying that she (to think) she (to make) a mistake.

4.   She knew what (to go) on in their minds.

5.   She felt that her father (not to want) to disturb her.

6.   She had telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (to return) from abroad.

7.   An old friend rang up to ask if they (to have) a good time in Italy, how Elisabeth (to feel), and whether she (can) go with his wife to a concert on Sunday morning.

8.   I could see that he (to be) glad that the talk (to turn) to a new subject.

9.   It`s odd that they both (to turn) up there about the same time.

10.   She had not yet figured out what she (to do) and she (to hope) to be able to wait a little.

11.   It was possible that Jack (to hang) around.

12.   She knew that John (to work) very hard and (not to agree) certainly to take a holiday at the moment.

13.   She didn`t know why she (to invent) suddenly the story.

14.   He wondered if Sinclair (to have) to go to his father to get the money and (to have) to explain why he (to need) it.


Ex. 105

Translate the following into English, observing the rules of the sequence of tenses.

1.      Я был уверен, что он уже жалеет, что написал ей.

2.      Мне показалось, что он утомлѐн, и я спросил его, чем он занимался.

3.      У меня было впечатление, что он уже давно здесь.

4.      Я кивнул и сказал «да», чувствуя, что это именно то, что ей нужно.

5.              Убедившись, что он ничего не сделает, чтобы помочь мне, я изменил свои планы.

6.      Я подозревал, что она просто забыла сказать, что я жду.

7.      Он знал, о чѐм она думает.

8.      Я понятия не имею, знает ли она, что Фил будет здесь.

9.      Кстати, Тед знает, что моя сестра приезжает завтра?

10.   Он ещѐ не знал, что будет делать в Нью-Йорке.

Ex. 106

Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of verb forms.

1. «Энн, Марта возвращается». – «Я предполагаю, что она остановится у своей сестры».

2.   Она заперлась и не спустится вниз, пока они не уйдут.

3.   Я понял, что момент, которого он ждал, наступил.

4.   Он взял котѐнка и осторожно положил его туда, где мы его нашли.

5.   Привет, Джек. Где ты был и что ты делал всѐ это время?

6.   Пока он ждал, он слышал голоса детей, играющих внизу в саду.

7.   Я знаю имена всех в деревне. Я живу здесь всю жизнь.

8.   Она совсем не была робкой: она попросила меня называть ее Сэлли, когда мы ещѐ не были знакомы и десять минут.

9.   Я был не таким уж плохим мужем все эти двадцать лет, что мы женаты.

10.   Через шесть месяцев я едва узнавал себя.

11.   Я решил не поступать в Кэмридж. В течение шести месяцев я почти не заглядывал ни в одну книгу по математике.

12.   Мы сделаем так, чтобы ты с ним не встретился здесь.

13.   Я не пробыл на борту и часа, как он пригласил меня на ланч.

14.   Вас будут кормить три раза в день.

15.   Рой много работал и плохо спал всѐ это время, и вид у него был очень усталый.

16.   Я почти закончил книгу.

17.   Ты даже не знаешь, что ты со мною сделал.

18.   Я ещѐ ни разу не поел как следует, с тех пор как приехал в Англию.

19.   Он не придѐт. Я только что разговаривала с ним по телефону.

20.   «Что ты собираешься делать в воскресенье?» - «Я ещѐ не знаю».

21.   Филипп отнѐс свой чемодан в вагон и теперь курил на перроне.

22.   Я видел твою сестру в театре.

23.   Как, ты ещѐ не готова? Что же ты делала?

24.   В течение двух лет она была лучшей ученицей в классе.

25.   Она уже два года лучшая ученица в классе.

26.   Ты ведь знаешь, что в следующем семестре профессор Леннон будет читать курс по Ренессансу.

27.   Жарко, и уже больше месяца нет дождя.

28.   Куда я положил свою зажигалку?

29.   Я получил большое удовольствие от балета. Почему ты не пошѐл с нами?

30.   Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы сейчас же не отправимся на вокзал, мы опоздаем.

31.   Мы прожили в деревне два месяца, когда мой брат приехал навестить нас.

32.   Джон проверил сочинения своих учеников и теперь читал книгу, которую он купил утром по дороге в школу.

33.   Я никогда не чувствовала себя так хорошо, как сейчас.

34.   Я никогда не чувствовала себя так хорошо, как тогда.

35.   Завтра я уезжаю за город на две недели.

36.   Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги сзади.

37.   Мы ехали около часа и потом увидели небольшое озеро.

38.   Позвони мне завтра с 10 до 11. Я буду ожидать твоего звонка.

39.   Когда он придѐт, мы уже закончим обсуждение этого вопроса.

40.   К тому времени, как он закончит университет, его родители проработают в Южной Африке два года.

41.   Я знал, что к девяти часам мама уже приготовит ужин и в девять часов вся семья будет сидеть за столом.

42.   Это фотокопировальное устройство постоянно выходит из строя!



Tenses in the Passive Voice

Ex. 107

Rewrite each sentence in a more formal style so that it contains a passive form of the word given in capitals.

a)       Sorry, but we`ve lost your letter. MISLAY

Unfortunately your letter has been mislaid.

b)       The police are grilling Harry down at the station. QUESTION


c)        They`ve found the remains of an old Roman villa nearby. DISCOVER


d)   You`ll get a rise in salary after six months. RAISE


e)       You go in the cathedral from the south door. ENTER


f)        They stopped playing the match after half an hour. ABANDON


g)       They`ve stopped traffic from using the centre. BAN


h)       They took Chris to court for dangerous driving. PROSECUTE


i)         You usually eat this kind of fish with a white sauce. SERVE


j)         I don`t know your name. INTRODUCE





Ex. 108

Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.


1.        Aunt Dinah (not to like) by my father`s family; she (to consider) vulgar.

2.        After his brother`s departure Paul sat for a long time thinking about what (to say).

3.        I`m not prepared,‖ my father said, ―to listen to your suggestions that you never (to treat) fairly at school.‖

4.        In the drawing-room the music of Mozart (to play) by an orchestra seen on the screen.

5.        Remember I (to pay) by the hour,‖ grumbled the driver.

6.        But there were signs that order (to restore) in the town.

7.        I (to receive) by one of the chiefs and (to take) for lunch to the canteen.

8.        Well, what (to do) about it, Ted?

9.        He went into the bedroom. The bed (to turn) down for the night by the maid many hours before.

10.      I said we yet (not to teach) anything.

11.      Please find out if your father (to see) to leave.

12.   She could have gone to Cambridge if she had wanted, she (to offer) a scholarship.

13.   He arrived just after the electricity (to cut), and Joseph was lighting the oil-lamps.

14.      On Friday she (to give) two weeks notice at the Works.

15.      Then the voice announced that the passengers (to beg) to pass through the Customs.

16.      I wondered to what extent she (to influence) by his name to accept the offer.

17.      Such are the matters that (to deal) with in Mr.Gimson`s book.

18.   You have hardly any right to talk to me about the children. They (to see) to all right, and it will be me that sees to them, not you.

19.      Somewhere from far away in the town came the sound of shots. ―Somebody (to kill),‖ I said.


Ex. 109

Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Role-play the dialogue.

Mary has just arrived home from work. Neil is already here. MARY: Hi! I`m back. Sorry I`m late.

NEIL: Hello. What kept you?

MARY: I had to use the ring road and I (1)…….............. (stick) in a traffic jam for forty minutes. NEIL: Why didn`t you use the usual route?

MARY: Because the road (2)……………. (close) until work on the access road to the new hospital (3) (complete).

NEIL:       When is it due to (4)   (finish)?

MARY: Well, the access road (5)………………………. (open) by the Mayor next week, according to the newspaper, and the Health Minister (6) (invite) to open the hospital on the

same day, but they don`t know yet whether she`s definitely coming.

NEIL:              A lot of money (7)     (waste) if she doesn`t come.

MARY: Why is that?

NEIL:    Haven`t you seen all those rose bushes that (8…      (plant)

round the hospital?

MARY: So? They`ll be lovely for the patients.

NEIL: But the patients won`t be able to see them, because they`re round the entrance, and the wards look  out  in  the  other  direction.   A  lot  of  people  protested  about  it,  but  all  their  complaints  (9) (ignore) until it was too late.

MARY:   If they had money to spare, it (10)….... (spend) on facilities for patients, not

on making the front look pretty for the Minister.

NEIL: Absolutely. It`s typical of this local council. They (11)...... (elect) to save

money, but they do just the opposite.

MARY: Perhaps they (12).... (throw) out at the next election.

NEIL: I hope so. Now, are you ready for supper?


Ex. 110

Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of verb forms.

1.        Ниже на этой улице строится новый жилой массив.

2.        Его ещѐ никогда не принимали за англичанина.

3.        В твоей комнате ничего не трогали с тех пор, как тебя послали в санаторий.

4.        Представляет ли для тебя интерес работа, которую тебе предложили?

5.        За каждый пенни нужно отчитаться.

6.        Вас когда-либо учили, как надо вести себя?

7.        Его прооперировали.

8.        Детей угостили мороженым.

9.        Со мной так никогда не разговаривали.

10.      В футбол играют во всѐм мире.

11.      На день рождения ей подарили коробку шоколадных конфет.

12.      О его приятеле хорошо отзываются.

13.      Студентам велели подождать за дверью.

14.      Тебе скажут, когда отправляется поезд.

15.      Она чувствовала, что от неѐ что-то скрывают.

16.      Я почувствовал, что ему уже задавали этот вопрос раньше.

17.      Он не слышал, о чѐм говорили.

18.      Что-нибудь делается, чтобы восстановить это здание?

19.      Он включил радио. Исполняли фортепианный концерт Брамса.

20.        На приѐме на профессора не обращали внимания, но носились (to make a fuss of) с его хорошенькой женой.

21.                По радио объявили, что к вечеру ожидается похолодание.

22.                На этих условиях настаивали.

23.                Известно, что сейчас на переговорах обсуждаются важные вопросы.

24.                Приходите в 5 часов. План будет обсуждаться именно в это время.

25.                В прошлом месяце, наконец, вышла книга, которую с нетерпением ожидали. Сейчас еѐ широко обсуждают в прессе.

26.                Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко найдѐшь на полках библиотеки.

27.                Мне сказали тогда, что около железнодорожного моста строятся два новых дома.


Tenses in the Active and Passive Voice

Ex. 111

Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his sister Sally in New Zealand. Put the verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive.

Dear Sally,

How are you? We`ve been having a lovely time. We`re being very well looked after by our hosts. We (1) ………………….. (take) sightseeing and we (2) ………………....

(introduce) to some of their friends, who (3).... (make) us feel very welcome. Last night

we (4)..... (show) round a castle, by the owner! Most of the land in this area (5)

………………….  (belong) to his family for about five hundred  years. Apparently, the land (6)

………………… (give) to them after one of his ancestors (7)........ (kill) while trying to

save the king`s life. Quite romantic, isn`t it?

The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it (8)

………………… (suffer) serious damage during a fire about thirty years ago. When it (9)

…………………. (restore) they (10)....... (add) central heating and things like that. So

once you`re inside it (11)......... (not feel) much different to any other large, old house.

But the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that (12) …………………….

(happen) to him when he was young. He (13)...... (send) abroad to work in a bank, but

he hated it, so he   (14) …………………. (behave) very badly in order to (15)...... (sack) .

He kept us laughing for hours. I hope he (16).... (invite) here before we leave.

I`ll have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care.

Yours affectionately, Maurice


Ex. 112

Complete this conversation with verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive. Role-play the dialogue from memory.

Cindy and Petra are members of a volleyball team. CINDY: Why wasn`t Clare at the training session?

PETRA :   Haven`t you heard? She (1).... (throw) out for stealing.

CINDY:           No! Really?

PETRA:   Yes. She (2) ……………………  (take) money from someone`s bag in the changing room. CINDY: Who by?

PETRA:   The sports club manager. She (3)......... (go) through the changing room when

she (4) (see) Clare with Karen`s bag.

CINDY: Oh dear. That`s terrible.

PETRA:   Clare said she (5)........ (tell) to fetch the money to Karen but when Karen (6)

…………………… (ask) about it, she said she (7) ………….

……….. (not know) what Clare was talking about.

CINDY: But how stupid of Karen to leave money in the changing room! PETRA: Yes. She (8) (tell) that by the manager too.

CINDY:           She (9)          (not do) it again, anyhow.

PETRA:           No, I guess not. What do you think Clare (10)          (do) now?

CINDY: I don`t know. This is the second club she (11) …………………… (ask) to live, isn`t it? PETRA: Yes. It`s hard to know what can (12) ……………………..(do) for someone like Clare.


Ex. 113

Supply the required active or passive forms of the verbs in brackets.


1.     Teachers (give) a new pay rise by the government. The news (announce) earlier today.

2.     The game (win/probably) by the other team tomorrow. They are a lot better than we are.

3.     There was a terrible accident on a busy downtown street yesterday. Dozens of people (see) it, including my friend, who (interview) by the police.

4.     In my country, certain prices (control) by the government, such as the prices of medical supplies. However, other prices (determine) by how much people are willing to pay for a product.

5.     Right now Alex is in hospital. He (treat) for a bad burn on his hand and arm.

6.     Yesterday a purse-snatcher (catch) by a dog. While the thief (chase) by the police, he (jump) over a fence into someone`s yard, where he met a dog. The dog (keep) the thief from escaping.

7.     The ‗b‘ in ‗comb‘ (not pronounce). It is silent.

8.     When your bike (steal)? – Two days ago.

9.     You (pay) your electric bill yet? – No, I haven`t, but I`d better pay it today. If I don`t, my electricity (shut off) by the power company.

10. The Eiffel Tower (be) in Paris, France. It (visit) by millions of people every year. It (design) by Alexander Eiffel (1832-1923). It (erect) in 1889 for the Paris exposition. Since that time, it (be) the most famous landmark in Paris. Today it (recognize) by people throughout the world.

11.  I`m sorry, but the computer job is no longer available. A new computer programmer (already hire).

12.    The organizers (exhibit) the paintings till the end of the month.

13. Yesterday we went to look for an apartment. I really liked it, but by the time we got there, it (already rent).

14.  Kim wants very badly to make the Olympic team next year. She (train) hard for the last two years.

15.  Mark is a genius. By the time he (graduate), he (offer) jobs by a dozen computer companies.

16. After the test papers (return) to the students in class tomorrow, the students (give) their next assignment.

17.  Has the committee made its decision yet? – Not yet. They (still consider) the proposal.

18. The Olympic Games (begin) in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Greece. At that time, only Greeks (allow) to compete in them.

19.  The old clock wasn`t ticking because it (not wind).

20. There`s going to be a story in the local newspaper about my neighbour, Mrs. Morris. Tomorrow she (interview) by one of the local reporters about her doll collection. Over the years, she (collect) more than 400 dolls all over the world.


Ex. 114

Read and translate the text paying attention to the active and passive verb forms. Ask and answer questions on the text. Retell the text.


Computers: Now and in the Future

A computer is an electronic device. It makes calculations and processes information. Complicated problems can be solved very quickly. Millions of pieces of information can be processed in seconds.

Nowadays, computers are used for many different purposes. Businesses use their computers not only to bill their customers, but also to send information to customers and to communicate with other businesses. In industry, many complicated machines are controlled by computers. Machines that produce chemicals, steel, and hundreds of other products are connected to computers. In transportation, airplanes, ships, and even spacecraft are guided by computers. In science, complicated problems and scientific data are almost always analyzed by computers. Even earthquakes and hurricanes can be predicted by computers. In education, computers are used as teaching machines. In the home, people are buying computers to help them manage their households more efficiently. People can shop, make travel arrangements, and pay their bills using computers right in their own homes.

In the future, computers will be even more widely used- in our offices, our homes, and our cars.

Developments are being made every day that allow computers to solve more and more complex problems. It has been said by many experts that someday computers will be able to ‗think‘ creatively like human beings. For example, someday computers may be able to understand human language and to respond to it. In the near future, sophisticated forms of art and music may also be created by computers. Indeed some forms of ‗computer art‘ and ‗computer music‘ have already been produced.

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