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We use ―there is (are)‖ constructions talking about the existence or absence of people or things in a definite place. These constructions have the meaning «есть, имеется, находится, существует». The verb ―to be‖ in such constructions can be used in different tense forms: there is/are, there was/were, there will be, there has/have been, there had been. The verb ―to be‖ in such constructions can be used with modal verbs (can, may, must, ought to): There must be a dictionary on the shelf. We can also use some other verbs after ―there‖ – to live, to exist, to stand, to lie, etc.: There exist different opinions on the problem.

In ―there is (are)‖ constructions we observe the following word order:

there is (are)‖+subject+adverbial modifier of time/place.

The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifiers: There is a telephone in my room. – В моей комнате есть (имеется) телефон. See the difference: The telephone is in my room. – Телефон в моей комнате.

If the subjects are of different number the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first: There is a table and six chairs in the room. There were some books and a dictionary on the desk. Commentary: ―There are plenty of books on the bookshelves in her study‖ is a sentence with the introductory ― there‖ which is used to point out the existence of some things in a definite place, the subject of the sentence is expressed by a countable noun in plural.

There isn‘t any soup in the plate‖ ‖ is a sentence with the introductory ― there‖ which is used to point out the absence of something in a definite place, the subject of the sentence is expressed by an uncountable noun.


Ex. 1

Use “there is (are)” construction in the necessary tense form.

1.      … a good film on TV tomorrow.

2.      The book is good. … interesting stories in it.

3.      It was late and … many people in the street.

4.      … a flight to London tomorrow?

5.      … no meeting next week. It has been cancelled.

6.      … anybody at home when you came?

7.          anything strange about him yesterday.

8.      How many students … in your group next year?

9.      How many mistakes … in his last test?

10.   … a lot of clothes in the wardrobe. Choose anything you like.

11.   … no work for him yesterday. He had nothing to do.

12.   … any classes on Friday? No, … . It‘s a holiday.

13.   … anything in this box? Let‘s have a look. … a pair of shoes and two dresses.

14.   … many guests at the hotel when you stayed there?

15.   … enough food for all of us and we had a nice lunch.


Ex. 2

Give short answers.

1.         Are they on holiday? - … . They are working.

2.         Are there any holidays in September? - … . It‘s a busy month.

3.         Were they present at the meeting? - … . I saw them.

4.         Were there many people present at the meeting? - … . Almost everybody came.

5.         Were they on holiday last month? - … . They are having a holiday next month.

6.         Were there many people in the doctor‘s waiting room? - … . I was alone.

7.         Are your friends nice people? - … . They are the best people I‘ve ever seen.

8.         Are there any flowers in their garden? - … They are fond of flowers.

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